Deep Is The Night 03 - Haunted Souls - Deep Is The Night 03 - Haunted Souls Part 6

Deep Is The Night 03 - Haunted Souls Part 6

Girl, you've got to rid yourself of this sourness before it eats a hole in your stomach lining.

The gavel came down on the podium, and she started out of her thoughts. Tiredness crept in around her enthusiasm and nervous energy. Part of her wanted to talk with Jim, the other with Lachlan, Erin and Jared and Micky. From what they'd said this evening their belief systems seemed similar to hers. They might know how to stop the menace that would engulf the town by Halloween. Maybe if she shared what she knew with them, she would feel better and have a chance of saving this town. It sounded like a project for tomorrow after she'd obtained some sleep.

"That's settled," the mayor said. "We're having the party."

Drained by loud voices and the constant hum of negativity around her, she stood. Others left their seats, some grumbling, others smiling. When she looked toward the foyer, she saw Ronan had left.Good. She didn't savor the idea of meeting up with him again.

A voice called out as she entered the foyer, and when she glanced over her shoulder, she saw Jim heading her way, a big smile parting his lips. Sparkling blue eyes cajoled her, pleading for instant friendship.

"Clarissa? Is that you?" Jim asked, his grin saying he did really know her.

She stopped and held out her hand. "Jim.Good to see you again."

"Man, it's been a long time." He cracked a wider smile, almost as if he were campaigned for office. "I couldn't believe when I saw you here."

His big hand held hers gently. His frame appeared thinner than when she'd known him in high school, but it was a deceptive leanness. His strong, callused hand proved that.

She tried a grin but it felt plastic. "I'm a little surprised you recognized me. I've changed a lot since I left here."

"The long, spirally curls gave you away. I don't know anyone who has red hair that curly, thick, and long."

A reluctant chuckle came from her throat. "I never could talk myself into cutting it.

Trims now and again, yes, but nothing more than an inch at a time." As she took in his appearance, she realized his face had taken on a flattering maturity, growing better with age. "You look good."

He lowered his voice. With an admiring glance starting at her face and working downwards, he said, "So do you."

She waited for pleasure to creep in from his compliment. Nope. Not a twinkle of satisfaction from his admiration.Good. One less link to the past that needs to be broken.

"Thanks, Jim. Are you sure you don't have ambitions to become a reporter? Those questions you asked were pretty hard-hitting."

He shrugged. "You remember I was on the school paper in high school?Guess it never quite left me. I'm a paranormal investigator in the psychology department at DU."

"Actually, I heard that a couple of years back."

"Who told you?"

She yanked down her stocking cap until it almost covered her ears. "I honestly don't remember. It might have been Chessie Creed. She keeps tabs on everyone."

"Say, have you had dinner yet?"

She hadn't, but she didn't quite feel like replaying old times with Jim. She pulled her leather gloves from her pocket and slipped into them. "I got into town this afternoon and had a late lunch." She put her hand to her stomach. "I'm still stuffed."

He frowned. "Why did you come to Pine Forest? It isn't safe."

"You're the second person to tell me that tonight. I'm here to write a story about this place and capture ghosts on film."

"Maybe we can explore together. I plan on going into the graveyards around here and some of the houses to see if I get electromagnetic readings or EVP."

She'd heard of EVP. "Electronic Voice Phenomena?"


"I thought you didn't believe in the supernatural? At least you didn't when we were kids." She couldn't help injecting that last bit.

He winced as if she'd kicked him. "I still don't believe in it."

In the wake of his continued skepticism, disappointment waged war with expectancy inside her. "So you're here to debunk."


Jim stood in the most haunted town on earth and yet he doubted. He reminded her of a tourist trying to see nine countries in seven days. He would skim the surface but never see deeper than the crust.

Before she could speak, he asked, "How about we set a time to meet up tomorrow at the graveyard just outside town? We could do some exploring."

He hitched his camera bag over his shoulder, and she matched the gesture with hers. For the first time she realized she didn't have her fanny pack.

She groaned and slapped her forehead. "I'm a dolt. I can't believe I'm just now noticing I don't have my fanny pack." She reached in her camera bag and pulled out her car keys.

"I must have left it at St. Bartholomew's. About the graveyard, I don't think you and I could work together on the project."

His brow wrinkled. "Why?"

"For obvious reasons, don't you think? You're a debunker and I'm not."

"You accept everything you read and see as authentic?"

A legitimate question, even if she didn't like it. "Of course not. But I prefer to work alone. I've got to go. See you later."

She left, heading out to the parking lot and her car.

He caught her elbow in a gentle grip. "Wait. I know that you always believed in the phenomena in this town and I didn't. But it doesn't mean we can't look out for each other. There's a serial killer in Pine Forest." He gave her a tentative smile. "We might not see eye to eye, but I'd worry about you if you were out there alone."

Deep in his eyes she saw the old Jim, the good-looking boy who always seemed to have her best interests at heart on the outside, but not where it counted. "I appreciate your concern, Jim-"

"Please. You've got more common sense than anyone I know. It's not like you to go out by yourself."

She gently pulled away from him. "It wasn't like me twelve years ago. I'm a different person now."

"So am I. I'm a lot more considerate, I hope."

She smiled tentatively, unwilling to feed his ego by reassuring him. "Of course."

"At least let me go with you tonight and I'll help you find the fanny pack, all right?"

He sounded more than determined, and she knew after the experience with the pirate that she should be more careful. "All right. I'll meet you at St. Bartholomew's."

"I'll be just a few minutes. Don't get out of the car and start looking until I get there, okay?"


Clarissa turned away and walked down a row of cars near the community center entrance. She passed the side of the building when a figure appeared off to her left and not ten yards away. She gasped and put hand to her mouth. Ready to run, she took a step backwards.