Debut or Die - Chapter 120

Chapter 120

Soon after, the part in question began to appear on the monitoring screen.

The scene where the members, including me, pulled out the in-ear music passed by.

I hope the slip-up isnt too noticeable.

Seon Ahyeon did such a great job that I wondered if it could be called a remedy, but how the before and after pictures were captured was another matter.

But it was a useless worry.



Seon Ahyeon doing backflips with the two people on both sides grabbing his back It looked like a completely intentional performance.

Is it a matter of skill level?

It was unbelievable that he did it without practice.

The mid-air impression was so powerful that slipping ahead seemed to be part of the action.

The fact that the in-ear caught on my foot was hard to see due to the floor being so dark also played a part.

In addition, thanks to the filming that caught the entire choreography, it was hard to see our surprised expressions.

Originally, the choreography for that part had to be stopped for a short time to get a close-up shot Lets move on.

Anyway, it did come out well.

It was the best result. Keun Sejin whistled.

Oh~ Ahyeon improvised~

So cool!

Seon Ahyeons face turned red.

Youre amazing! Did you prepare this move in advance in case something like this happened?

I-Its not like that. I-Its justI-I thought I shouldnt fall, so I-I tried!

Thats amazing!

Seon Ahyeon couldnt hide his joy as his face flushed from the continuous praises.

Hmm, let me start by complimenting him first.

It looked as though it was intended to happen. I think its cooler than our original choreography.

! I-Its not that greatT-Tthank you, Ill work harder!


The members applauded.

As some of the staff around us laughed and pretended to follow along, Seon Ahyeons face became distraught with embarrassment and pride.

Ill let him enjoy it a little longer.

I spent a little more time in the waiting room on purpose.

Then, in a lull, I talked to Seon Ahyeon again.

Seon Ahyeon.


Thank you for fixing things up earlier, but I dont think it will be okay for you to do this in the future.

Seon Ahyeons face immediately turned blue.


He reacted more sensitively than I thought.

I thought it would be fine because he had just received a lot of compliments.

Ill have to pick the right words.

Because you might get seriously hurt. I think improvising is too dangerous.

Then with a complicated expression, Ryu Chungwoo finally spoke up.

Yes, Ahyeon, thank you very much, you did well, but Lets be careful of the injury risks. If you hit your head first, you could be in big trouble.

It seemed he was concerned about this as well because he retired due to the aftereffects of his injury

I-Im sorry.

Seon Ahyeon replied in a trembling voice. It seemed his feeling of self-doubt reared its ugly head as his excitement disappeared completely. Ryu Chungwoo was flustered.

Dont apologize! Ahyeon, Im just saying this because Im worried.

Watching the situation, Keun Sejin intervened.

Hmm~ Is that possible? Ahyeon was a dance major~ He must have checked his body himself. Dont you think so?


I dont think so.

Seon Ahyeon tended to overdo it in a self-destructive way when under pressure. This time, he probably did the coolest move without considering the risk because he thought he had to fix it at once.

But it was time to appease him. After thinking hard about it, I opened my mouth.

Of course this time, you did better than I imagined. Im just saying this because I am worried. Its good to be healthy for a long time.

! Y-Yes! I-Ill be careful!


Fortunately, when Seon Ahyeon focused on the word worried, the code seemed to move him. It was fortunate that he was the type to be impressed by trivial interpersonal relationships.

But this time, Bae Sejin apologized to his teammates with a dark face.

What are you doing?

Im sorry. It happened because I dropped my in-ear.

I thought it would be like this.

Thats an accident! You must have been surprised, but you did well until the end, Sejin.

Thats right. The fastening was wrong so it was completely the realm of luck.

Hyung, the in-ear was weird. It should be the in-ear who apologized, not you!

T-Thats right! The in-ear should apologize?

Flustered, Seon Ahyeon tried to chime in but got caught up in Cha Eugenes grammatical errors.

Then, as if this flow annoyed him, Keun Sejin cut off the conversation.

Haha, why dont we just congratulate you on your good work and move on? It ended well, but why is the atmosphere like this~

He was right.

Ryu Chungwoo smiled and answered.

Right, everyone did a great job today! Lets take care of ourselves and do well in the future. Five years is a long time.

Uh-huh~ Hyung, arent we going to renew our contract together? Lets do it for 10 years. 10 years~

Haha! Alright. Lets do well for the next 10 years!



As Bae Sejin made startled noises, the team members ended the conversation with self-congratulations

And I was satisfied, too.

At any rate, the stage was good.

I wanted to end the reaction on the internet with this.

Maybe they came to the conclusion that Testar is also good at performing.

With such expectations, I prepared to go out to the ending stage. It was a group stage with senior singers.

This is my grandmothers favorite song!

Lets just say that Kim Raebin was especially excited.

And after the broadcast was over, it was close to midnight.

The Internet public opinion that I checked after getting in the car was very interesting.

* * *

Immediately after Testars KBC stage was over, the response was favorable just as expected by Park Moondae.

[Just finished watching Testars KBC Music Festival Magical Boy + Airplane Performance]


Wow, live

Are they good at this kind of concept?

I gasped when I saw the mid-air flip

Its really amazing, its amazing that it is a live performance

Whats this, lip-sync?

Thats impossible, its an orchestra live.

What are you saying, you can play AR even with live accompaniment

Ah, is that so? Then it could be lip-singing~

Cha Eugene deliberately entered one beat late in the middle of the rap. What nonsense are you saying? Leave the comment if you dont even watch the video

At this point, it seems that there is a Testar with the same name team in the haters delusion

Theyre good.

Seon Ahyeon is doing a backflip, what is going on

Of all the year-end arrangements, I think this is the best. I hope they release the song

I knew that our Ahyeon is an angel, but I didnt know he would confirm it on public TV. Flying in the sky Its official now.

Look at this silly comment

Bae Sejin is always such a waste. Dont give him the ending scene

Eh, didnt he do a good job this time?

I was surprised that his live performance was better than I thought;

Its because Sejin has very few parts, but theres never been a time when he couldnt sing his own part

Attempts to aggravate in the middle were neatly blocked. It was completely solid.

However, what Park Moondae didnt expect was that the response to pulling out the in-ear was good.

Very much so.

Im really excited about the pulling out in-ear. They dont seem like a rookie, it feels professional

If you go into Sns now, youll probably come up with 5,500,000,000 other correction memes

I think each member will watch it

Im not even a fan, but its already entering my accounts timeline Park Moondae is handsome. I want to kidnap him

Each of them has a slightly different vibe, so I keep watching it

Thats right!

My pick is the tall member who smiles as if hes frowning. His eye smile is charming Can anyone tell me his name?

Keun Sejin

??? Name Keun-ssi exists?

Argh Its Lee Sejin! My kid is big and cute, so his nickname is Keun Sejin. Thank you for liking him! (Keun Sejin photo)

Most of the scenes where Testar members pulled out the in-ears were clearly captured by the camera, making it good content.

It was the chorus part of Airplane, so the members were equally filmed.

And the fans had a fun and comfortable time after a long time.

KBS, please release a fancam of each member. Show the in-ear clip from different angles

You want to see a genius idol live that beats the pronunciation? Welcome to the show (video)

-I really like the KBC stage concept. Its like a large-scale fairy tale, so theres no separate narrative created if you attach it to SBCs cool stage (comparison clip)

There is a choreography where Moondae and Baese face each other and shake their heads when moving from Magical Boy to Airplane. Could this be a spoiler for the next album? (clip)

-Moondae KBC dressed from head-to-to-toe with confirmed birthday support Oh, my gosh. (arranged photo)

Fans were delighted by the atmosphere where there were no quarrels or sarcastic remarks popping out.

It was around this time that the people watching the stage video found something strange.

It first started with a fans chat account that edited video materials, etc.

I found it while making a close-up gif, but it looked like Ahyeon was slipping before doing the backflip Hold on.



Whats this

I watched it again I think its true. Ahyeon almost tripped because there was something under his feet, but Chungwoo and Moondae caught him (screenshot)

Ahyeon almost slipped there, so he did a backflip to make up for it. If you look at this, both Chungwoo and Moondaes expressions are stiff. (screenshot)


It was to fix an accident?

In an instant, fans began to watch and analyze even the smallest parts of the video.

And soon they found the cause of the problem.

Baeses in-ear fell off Looks like the person in charge of hastening it made a mistake (screenshot of the floor)

Oh, my God

Im going crazy.

Ah, Im addicted but Im angry at the same time. What if the kids get hurt

Looking closely, Sejins hands were shaking at the ending ah

Crazy, then Ahyeons backflip is adlib?;; Can a person do that?

The news of the upset fans soon spread to the general entertainment community.

[Testars KBS stage accident]

: (summary link)

One-line summary: Everything from the In-ear to the ending is the result of Testar handling the stage accidents


What is this? Is this for real?

It seems fitting

If they handled it so calmly that the fans just noticed it now, theyre really amazing.

How come theres a boy idol doing backflips to fix stage mistakes? Its probably just the choreography

Its not a mistake, its an accident, and if you look at Testars history since Idol Inc, they seem like theyre good enough to do that

A mistake is If they fell to the ground while pulling out their in-ear monitors. Please wake up from the fans delusions

I am another fan passing by, but its normal that the in-ears dont fall to the floor even if you take them off. Its a prop

Are you sure its in-ear monitors on the floor? Its just an optical illusion.

Its really an in-ear here (screenshot picture with adjusted brightness)

Heol its real

Crazy, he tripped because of that

Looking at the kids faces, I think its true??

Seon Ahyeons backflip is like a part of the choreography, so its true that he performed it calmly

I vote for this too

But the members were worried that he might fall, so they started by holding him down. Its hard to say that it was a coincidence.

SNS and related communities become a mess with opinions of yes or no.

Aahh Im going crazy, someone, hurry up and go ask Testars account

I cant come to a conclusion

And interestingly, right after that, there was a real-time window to communicate with Testar.

[Heol! Testars live is here]

: (link)

It was Testars W Live.

The real-time communication for the first time in a long time since the Rookie Award controversy started with a grandiose title.

[Making Testars year-end dinner! Todays menu: Chicken soup for the soul (cat emoticon)]