Days Of Fire - Days of Fire Part 76

Days of Fire Part 76

37 "Look, I'm already in a war": Fiona Hill, author interview.

38 "I need to give him an answer": Several administration officials, author interviews.

39 "a fair amount of chest beating": Rice, No Higher Honor, 68889.

40 "I think you need to poll": Stephen Hadley, author interview.

41 regime change as their goal: Sergei Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, told Condoleezza Rice by phone that one condition of a cease-fire was that "Misha Saakashvili has to go." Rice rejected the demand and made it public. See Rice, No Higher Honor, 688.

42 "I want to hang Saakashvili": French newspaper accounts, cited by Asmus, Little War That Shook the World, 199.

43 "Did you look at a map?": Condoleezza Rice, author interview.

44 "What's the one thing": William Luti, author interview.

45 the announcer say "Pawlenty": Heilemann and Halperin, Game Change, 382.

46 "I'm trying to remember": Latimer, Speech-Less, 273. In an interview with the author, Ed Gillespie said that "would capture the sentiment" that the president felt about Palin.

47 "reckless choice": Heilemann and Halperin, Game Change, 368. In an interview after leaving office, Cheney told Jonathan Karl of ABC News that the Palin pick was a "mistake" because "she'd only been governor for, what, two years" and "I don't think she passed that test" of being prepared to take over the presidency. See Karl, "Dick Cheney: Picking Sarah Palin for VP Was 'a Mistake,' " July 29, 2012,

48 "You really want me to": Latimer, Speech-Less, 26970. In an interview with the author, Gillespie said he did not recall that.

49 "From stem to stern, President Bush": Wayne Berman, author interview.

50 "not chasing the public opinion polls": Latimer, Speech-Less, 271.

51 "My fellow citizens, we live": George W. Bush, video address to Republican National Convention, September 2, 2008,

52 twelve times as often: Peter Baker, "The Party in Power, Running as If It Weren't," New York Times, September 5, 2008,

53 McCain thanked "the president": John McCain, acceptance speech, Republican National Convention, September 4, 2008,

54 "did the president say": Murphy and Purdum, "Farewell to All That."

55 "Do they know it's coming, Hank?": Paulson, On the Brink, 1.

56 "What the hell is going on?": George W. Bush, Decision Points, 45658.

57 "Will we be able to explain": Ibid.

58 "How did we get to this": Paulson, On the Brink, 23537.

59 "If we don't shore up": Ibid.

60 "Someday you guys are going": Ibid.

61 "stopped saying he was glad": Charlie Younger, author interview.

62 "what else can go wrong": Karen Hughes, author interview.

63 "do you have a death wish?": David Petraeus, author interview.

64 "What happens if we don't?": Ed Gillespie, author interview. For a slightly different version of the conversation, see Paulson, On the Brink, 25557.

65 "I will give you all": Joel Kaplan, author interview.

66 "Our people are going to hate us": Tony Fratto, author interview.

67 "In that political environment": Ibid.

68 "Tell Hank to calm down": Michele Davis, author interview. See also Paulson, On the Brink, 25557.

69 "If we're really looking at": George W. Bush, Decision Points, 43940.

70 despite twenty-five trips by Condoleezza Rice: Rice visited Israel and the Palestinian territories three times as much as Colin Powell did and twice as much as any other destination during her four years in office.

71 should be called MARX: Latimer, Speech-Less, 26566.

72 a "strong supporter" of it: Dick Cheney, In My Time, 5068.

73 "They were a nonfactor": Matt Latimer, author interview.

74 It was "a stunt": Latimer, Speech-Less, 25862.

75 calling McCain a "stupid prick": Ibid.

76 "I could see the headlines": George W. Bush, Decision Points, 46062.

77 "McCain asked for this": David Axelrod, author interview.

78 "We can't even defend": Latimer, Speech-Less, 25862.

79 concluded there were $3 trillion: Ed Lazear, author interview.

80 "our entire economy": George W. Bush, address to nation, September 24, 2008,

81 "I don't think Congress has": George W. Bush, telephone call with Angela Merkel, September 25, 2008. Notes of call provided to author.

82 "What's McCain going to": Heilemann and Halperin, Game Change, 38789.

83 "Hank, we are going to get": Kaplan interview. See also Paulson, On the Brink, 295300.

84 "We need to get there": Kaplan interview. See also Paulson, On the Brink, 295300.

85 "If money isn't loosened up": Several participants, author interviews. See also George W. Bush, Decision Points, 46062; Dick Cheney, In My Time, 509; Paulson, On the Brink, 295300; Sorkin, Too Big to Fail, 49293; Heilemann and Halperin, Game Change, 38789; and Balz and Johnson, Battle for America, 348.

86 "I told you you'd miss me": Jonathan Alter, The Promise: President Obama, Year One (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2011), 12. Alter added this to the paperback edition.

87 "It was almost like children": Eric Draper, author interview.

88 "Well, I've clearly lost control": Several participants, author interviews.

89 "That was the most ridiculous": White House official interview.

90 "Gee, Hank, I didn't know": Paulson, On the Brink, 295300.

91 "They're not going to get": Fratto interview.

92 "Six hundred points!": Julie Hirschfeld Davis, "Bailout Bill Slapped Aside; Record Stock Plunge," Associated Press, September 29, 2008.

93 went down 228 to 205: U.S. House Clerk's Office.

94 had plummeted 777 points: Davis, "Bailout Bill Slapped Aside."

95 "Let's get Hank back over": Fratto interview.

96 "this could be worse than 9/11": Draper interview.

97 "Give us the ball for twenty-four hours": Kaplan interview.

98 "If you don't pass this": Specter, Life Among the Cannibals, 141.

99 74 to 25 later that day: U.S. Senate roll call record.

100 263 to 171 two days later: U.S. House Clerk's Office.

101 smoked cigars to mark: Fratto interview.

102 "I realized this is not": Petraeus interview.

103 "How important is this": Stephen Hadley, author interview.

104 "You know, Condi, you": Ibid.

105 "I just don't think it is": Ibid.

106 "quite pleased": Cheney aide, author interview.


1 contingency plans for Obama: Peter Baker, "Bush Prepares Crisis Briefings to Aid Obama," New York Times, December 16, 2008,

2 until the end of 2015: Gordon and Trainor, Endgame, 53941.

3 an "eviction notice": Ed Gillespie, author interview.

4 Just 14 American troops: Iraq Coalition Casualty Count, known as, Note that this link goes to the page showing all coalition casualties; to get the American casualties requires using the filter at the bottom.

5 set to the tune of a song: Rice, No Higher Honor, 703.

6 "Colonel Qaddafi?" Bush said: George W. Bush, telephone conversation with Muammar el-Qaddafi, November 17, 2008. Notes of call provided to author.

7 "About the only thing that": George W. Bush, remarks, Kennedy Center honors ceremony, White House, December 7, 2008,

8 "We've still got a few weeks": Rice, No Higher Honor, 722.

9 asked Washington for: Bill Vlasic and David M. Herszenhorn, "Pursuing U.S. Aid, G.M. Accepts Need for Drastic Cuts," New York Times, December 2, 2008,

10 "If he told me he made a decision": Dick Cheney, author interview.

11 "There is no way in heck": Rattner, Overhaul, 3436.

12 passed the House that night 237 to 170: U.S. House Clerk's Office.

13 "consider other options if": Dana Perino, statement, December 12, 2008,

14 "I remember what it was like": Administration official, author interview.

15 "This is the farewell kiss": Steven Lee Myers and Alissa J. Rubin, "Iraqi Journalist Hurls Shoes at Bush and Denounces Him on TV as a 'Dog,' " New York Times, December 15, 2008,

16 "I'm okay," Bush told: Video of incident.

17 "was white as a sheet": Draper interview.

18 "Don't worry about it": Video of incident.

19 "Maliki's guards start beating": Douglas Lute, author interview.

20 "Hey, please, don't worry": Administration official interview.

21 "That man, he represents": Ibid.

22 "Good reflexes": Ibid.

23 could not let the firms go: Joel Kaplan and Ed Lazear, author interviews.

24 "Look, Hank, you have to": Kaplan interview.

25 "This is a difficult time": George W. Bush, speech and question session, American Enterprise Institute, December 18, 2008,

26 "In the midst of a financial": George W. Bush, remarks announcing auto bailout, December 19, 2008,

27 "And this year, Mr. President": Joshua Bolten, author interview. See also Rattner, Overhaul, 4142.

28 "You know, it's kind of like": George W. Bush, news conference, January 12, 2009,

29 "remind and explain": Walter McDougall, e-mail exchange with author.