Days Of Fire - Days of Fire Part 61

Days of Fire Part 61

36 "overwhelmed with relief and pride": George W. Bush, Decision Points, 256.

37 "A second and a half later": Draper interview.

38 on average every 7.5 minutes: Peter Maass, ProPublica, December 29, 2010,

39 "conviction and determination": George H. W. Bush, All the Best, 661.

40 "Thank you for our liberation": Dick Cheney, In My Time, 400401.

41 "You did this": Rice, No Higher Honor, 208.

42 "Stuff happens": Donald Rumsfeld, press briefing with General Richard Myers, April 11, 2003,

43 Iraq would be "a cakewalk": Kenneth Adelman, "Cakewalk in Iraq," Washington Post, February 13, 2002.

44 "We were euphoric": Kenneth Adelman, author interview. See also Woodward, Plan of Attack, 40912.

45 "seemed too optimistic": Rumsfeld, Known and Unknown, 49799.

46 "Bringing democracy to Iraq": Ibid.

47 "Ninety-nine point nine percent": Sammon, Misunderestimated, 26066.

48 "You want the jet?": Ibid.

49 "My fellow Americans": George W. Bush, address to nation, USS Abraham Lincoln, May 1, 2003,

50 "Now that the war in Iraq is over": Bush interview with Brokaw.

51 "Our stagecraft had gone awry": George W. Bush, Decision Points, 25657.


1 "We'll stay until": Jerry Bremer, author interview. See also Bremer, My Year in Iraq, 1112.

2 "higher authority": Ricks, Fiasco, 1034.

3 "we want people who are": Colin Powell, author interview.

4 "you are going to need a lot": Ibid.

5 Scooter Libby contacted Bremer: Bremer, My Year in Iraq, 67.

6 "a can-do type person": George W. Bush, announcement of appointment of L. Paul Bremer III as presidential envoy to Iraq, May 6, 2003,

7 "I don't know whether": Bremer, My Year in Iraq, 12.

8 "POTUS had lunch with him": Rumsfeld, Known and Unknown, 506.

9 "Zal, what the hell happened?": Zalmay Khalilzad, author interview.

10 he issued Order Number 1: Coalition Provisional Authority Order Number 1, "De-Ba'athification of Iraqi Society," May 16, 2003,

11 Garner and the CIA station chief: Woodward, State of Denial, 19394.

12 Bremer issued Order Number 2: Coalition Provisional Authority Order Number 2, "Dissolution of Entities," May 23, 2003,

13 "We would have had a civil war": Bremer interview.

14 "they were the right decisions": Ibid.

15 "full sovereignty under an Iraqi": L. Paul Bremer III, "Facts for Feith," National Review Online, March 19, 2008,

16 "the vice president's office asked": Nicholas D. Kristof, "Missing In Action: Truth," New York Times, May 6, 2003,

17 congressional investigators: Report of the Select Committee on Intelligence on the U.S. Intelligence Community's Prewar Intelligence Assessments on Iraq, July 9, 2004. Wilson said he may have "misspoken" when he told journalists that he debunked the fraudulent documents and must have gotten confused since the documents had since been exposed by others as fraudulent. The Senate report also concluded that to many, though not all, analysts "information in the report lent more credibility" to the allegation, despite Wilson's skepticism. Wilson reported that he talked with Niger's former prime minister Ibrahim Mayaki, who said he knew of no contracts for uranium during his tenure, but he was invited in June 1999 to meet with an Iraqi delegation to discuss "expanding commercial relations" between Niger and Iraq, which he interpreted as meaning uranium, the country's main resource. Nothing ever came of the meeting because of UN sanctions, according to Mayaki.

18 "I think we've got a problem": Dennis Hastert, author interview.

19 push it through the Senate: U.S. Senate roll call record, Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003, 51 to 50, May 23, 2003,

20 the House approved it: U.S. House Clerk's Office, 231 to 200, May 23, 2003,

21 "It just got to the point": Christine Todd Whitman, author interview.

22 "A lot of people I've talked to": Ibid.

23 "Hello, George," she said: Elisabeth Bumiller, "On Gay Marriage, Bush May Have Said All He's Going To," New York Times, March 1, 2004,

24 "What if we don't find them?": Condoleezza Rice, author interview.

25 "They went-" Bush said: Tenet, At the Center of the Storm, 401.

26 "What the hell is going on, George?": Dick Cheney, In My Time, 4026.

27 "It sounded like amateur hour": Ibid.

28 "sort of an offhand manner": Scooter Libby, grand jury testimony, March 5, 2004,

29 jotted that down with his blue pen: Scooter Libby's notes of conversation with Dick Cheney, June 12, 2003, released as part of the investigation and prosecution against Libby,

30 Pincus's story on June 12: Walter Pincus, "CIA Did Not Share Doubt on Iraq Data," Washington Post, June 12, 2003.

31 "Not going home?": Gordon and Trainor, Endgame, 12.

32 just 37 percent: Rumsfeld, Known and Unknown, 5012.

33 Rumsfeld had interviewed: Rumsfeld spent thirty-five minutes interviewing Sanchez for his promotion to lieutenant general and assignment as commander of V Corps. Sanchez, Wiser in Battle, 16768.

34 later said he had nothing to do: Rumsfeld, Known and Unknown, 5012. "I can only speculate that part of the logic behind an otherwise inexplicable selection was that CENTCOM" thought it could begin drawing down, Rumsfeld wrote.

35 "I just find that really hard": Richard Myers, author interview. Myers added, "I can't give you chapter and verse on it, but it would be unlike him on every other thing we did."

36 "There are some who feel": George W. Bush, comments to reporters, July 2, 2003,

37 "can you imagine how that would": Draper, Dead Certain, 209.

38 one of his biggest gaffes: George W. Bush, Decision Points, 261. The phrase "left a wrong impression," he wrote, and "I learned from the experience."

39 Wilson unmasked himself: Joseph C. Wilson 4th, "What I Didn't Find in Africa," New York Times, July 6, 2003,; Richard Leiby and Walter Pincus, "Retired Envoy: Nuclear Report Ignored," Washington Post, July 6, 2003; Meet the Press, July 6, 2003,

40 "Have they done this sort": A copy of Wilson's column with Dick Cheney's notations was released during the subsequent investigation and prosecution of Scooter Libby.

41 "So it was wrong?": Ari Fleischer, news briefing, July 7, 2003,

42 "very keen to get the truth out": Libby testimony.

43 "just take the issue off": Rice, No Higher Honor, 223.

44 "expanding commercial relations": Report of the Select Committee on Intelligence the U.S. Intelligence Community's Prewar Intelligence Assessments on Iraq, July 9, 2004.

45 "If the CIA, the director": Condoleezza Rice, press briefing, Air Force One en route to Entebbe, Uganda, July 11, 2003,

46 "was cleared by the intelligence": George W. Bush, remarks to reporters, Entebbe, Uganda, July 11, 2003,

47 "CIA approved the President's": George Tenet, statement, July 11, 2003,

48 "You put a bull's-eye": Administration official, author interview.

49 Libby later that day: He spoke with Glenn Kessler of the Washington Post, Matthew Cooper of Time, Evan Thomas of Newsweek, and Judith Miller of the New York Times. Libby testified that he talked about Valerie Wilson with Cooper, Miller, and possibly Kessler, but Kessler later said she did not come up in their conversation. See Libby's testimony,

50 mentioned it during an interview: Novak, Prince of Darkness, 5.

51 also mentioned it to Bob Woodward: Woodward interviewed Richard Armitage on June 13, 2003, as part of research for a book. A transcript and recording of the portion where they talked about the uranium story were later made public during the Scooter Libby investigation and trial. See the transcript at and listen to the audio clip at

52 also spoken with Rove: Cooper's story carried two other bylines, Massimo Calabresi and John F. Dickerson.,8599,465270,00.html. Cooper recorded his conversation with Rove in an e-mail to his bureau chief. He spoke with Rove briefly about another topic before asking Rove about the Wilson case. Rove warned him not to "get too far out on Wilson" and said it was not Cheney who sent him to Niger. "It was, KR said, [W]ilson's wife, who apparently works at the agency on wmd issues who authorized the trip," Cooper wrote. He said Rove argued that "not only the genesis of the trip is flawed an[d] suspect but so is the report." The e-mail was first reported by Michael Isikoff, "Matt Cooper's Source," Newsweek, July 17, 2005, Cooper later described his experience in "What I Told the Grand Jury," Time, July 17, 2005,,8816,1083899,00.html.

53 talked with Libby: Libby testimony.

54 Intelligence Identities Protection Act: The law protects covert officers but not everyone who works for the CIA, and a debate raged for years about whether Valerie Wilson qualified as a covert officer.

55 page 3 of a three-and-a-half: Stephen Hadley, press briefing, July 22, 2003,

56 "I think I need to resign": Administration official, author interview.

57 "I haven't been told the truth": Tenet, At the Center of the Storm, 47374.

58 "My conversation with the president": Hadley press briefing.


1 "I want you to know that you": George W. Bush, Decision Points, 8687.

2 54 percent of the public: Gallup found Dick Cheney at 54 percent in two polls in mid-2003, the first taken June 2729 and the second taken September 1921. The question about keeping Cheney on the ticket was asked in a poll taken October 2426. Forty-two percent said Bush should get someone new.

3 "The reason I did it": Dick Cheney, author interview.

4 "The first couple of times": Ibid.

5 "I knew nothing about it": Alan Simpson, author interview.

6 "helped with important parts": George W. Bush, Decision Points, 8687.

7 "Many of us came": Matthew Dowd, author interview.

8 "This is being considered": Ibid. In an interview with the author, Dan Bartlett said he did not remember that specifically but it would not surprise him.

9 "People would say, 'What does' ": Dan Bartlett, author interview.

10 since Franklin D. Roosevelt: Roosevelt had three vice presidents. In 1944, he dumped his second, Henry Wallace, for a senator he barely knew, Harry Truman.

11 "a few days later": Dick Cheney, In My Time, 41718.

12 "a few weeks later": George W. Bush, Decision Points, 8687.

13 "I hadn't picked him to be": Ibid.

14 "It was a clever move by Cheney": Friend of both men, author interview.

15 op-ed article by Jerry Bremer: L. Paul Bremer III, "Iraq's Path to Sovereignty," Washington Post, September 8, 2003.

16 George and Laura kept from: Laura Bush, Spoken from the Heart, 285.

17 A twenty-four-year-old who: Chandrasekaran, Imperial Life in the Emerald City, 9597, 23536. See also Chandrasekaran, interview on NPR, March 23, 2010,

18 sent her a memo urging: Robert Blackwill, e-mail exchange with author. See also Woodward, State of Denial, 256.

19 "You should have flooded": Colin Powell, author interview.

20 telling Washington for months: Jerry Bremer, author interview. By Bremer's count, he had outlined his intentions to Washington thirty-nine times before the article appeared.

21 surprised to read it in the newspaper: Rumsfeld, Known and Unknown, 52223.