Days Of Fire - Days of Fire Part 57

Days of Fire Part 57

39 "Somebody forgot to tell": Rice, No Higher Honor, 174.

40 "We are seeing a historic": Hughes, Ten Minutes from Normal, 28485.

41 "Mr. Vice President, this is the thing": Suskind, One Percent Doctrine, 6162.

42 One of the scientists: Peter Baker, "Pakistani Scientist Who Met Bin Laden Failed Polygraphs, Renewing Suspicions," Washington Post, March 3, 2002.

43 "If there's a one percent": Suskind, One Percent Doctrine, 6162. See also Tenet, At the Center of the Storm, 26465.

44 "Where do we stand on": Rumsfeld, Known and Unknown, 42728.

45 Fewer than a hundred American: Senate Foreign Relations Committee Report, "Tora Bora Revisited: How We Failed to Get Bin Laden and Why It Matters Today," November 30, 2009, See also Susan B. Glasser, "The Battle of Tora Bora: Secrets, Money, Mistrust," Washington Post, February 10, 2002.

46 "We're going to lose our": Suskind, One Percent Doctrine, 59.

47 commanders estimated that: Senate Foreign Relations Committee Report, "Tora Bora Revisited."

48 "He was totally disengaged": Charlie Younger, author interview.

49 That "had a big impact on me": George W. Bush, Decision Points, 166.

50 "Tommy, what's this I hear": Franks, American Soldier, 34059.

51 "You've described an Iraqi force": Ibid.

52 "We cannot allow weapons": Ibid.

53 "flawed but necessary": Kennedy, True Compass, 490.

54 "There was almost a feeling": Sandy Kress, author interview.

55 "I told the folks at the coffee shop": George W. Bush, remarks, Boston Latin School, January 8, 2002,

56 "The president is in another place": Kress interview.

57 the president took umbrage: Frum, Right Man, 2056. He was referring to an article by Elisabeth Bumiller, "When Lobbying, No. 43 Uses a Lighter Touch," New York Times, December 24, 2001.

58 "most dramatic fiscal deterioration": Alison Mitchell, "Democrat Assails Bush on Economy," New York Times, January 5, 2002.

59 "Not over my dead body": George W. Bush, remarks to town hall meeting, Ontario, Calif., January 5, 2002,

60 "This would be a very dangerous": Shenon, Commission, 2930. Howard Fineman of Newsweek was in Daschle's office when the call came in, and the senator allowed him to stay. See "The Battle Back Home," Newsweek, February 3, 2002,

61 "Americans trust the Republicans": Richard L. Berke, "Bush Adviser Suggests War as Campaign Theme," New York Times, January 19, 2002.

62 A "shameful statement": Richard Gephardt on CNN, January 19, 2002.

63 "Nothing short of despicable": Thomas B. Edsall, "GOP Touts War as Campaign Issue," Washington Post, January 19, 2002,

64 "seriously flawed": William H. Taft IV to John C. Yoo, memo, January 11, 2002,

65 "We have an image to uphold": Eichenwald, 500 Days, 22930.

66 "You'll notice that everybody": Myers, Eyes on the Horizon, 2028.

67 "Would you apply the Geneva": Ibid.

68 "We all agree that they'll": Eichenwald, 500 Days, 22930.

69 "to the extent appropriate": Order signed by George W. Bush outlining treatment of al-Qaeda and Taliban detainees, February 7, 2002,

70 Condoleezza Rice and Stephen Hadley: Stephen Hadley, author interview.

71 "No, I want it in": Ibid.

72 "States like these and their terrorist": George W. Bush, State of the Union address, January 29, 2002,

73 "We were more focused on the 'evil' ": Dan Bartlett, author interview.

74 "quite cowardly for people": Howard Kurtz, "Straight Man," Washington Post Magazine, May 19, 2002.


1 "Where did Nixon stop?": Eric Draper, author interview.

2 a reading contest with Karl Rove: Karl Rove, "Bush Is a Book Lover," Wall Street Journal, December 26, 2008,

3 "political immaturity":

4 "unilateralist overdrive": Steven Erlanger, "German Joins Europe's Cry That the U.S. Won't Consult," New York Times, February 13, 2002.

5 "Who Is in Axis of Evil?": William Schneider, "A Reagan Echo," Los Angeles Times, February 24, 2002.

6 "No wonder I think": Elisabeth Bumiller, "Bush Says the U.S. Plans No Attack on North Korea," New York Times, February 20, 2002,

7 A 1992 New Yorker article: Murray S. Waas and Craig Unger, "In the Loop: Bush's Secret Mission," The New Yorker, November 2, 1982,

8 "No one envisioned him still": George W. Bush, interview with BBC, November 18, 1999.

9 "If I found in any way": George W. Bush, Republican presidential debate, Manchester, N.H., December 2, 1999.

10 "He cut and run early": Sammon, Misunderestimated, 5.

11 "Whether he did or not": Joe O'Neill, author interview.

12 "Every one of us": Administration official, author interview.

13 77 percent of Americans: CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll, taken January 1114, 2002.

14 almost an identical number: Bruce Morton, "Selling an Iraqal Qaeda Connection,", March 11, 2003,

15 "The only reason we went": Administration official interview.

16 "Niamey Signed an Agreement": Senate Committee on Intelligence, Report on the U.S. Intelligence Community's Prewar Intelligence Assessments on Iraq, July 7, 2004, 3839,

17 enough to make fifty weapons: A statement cleared by the CIA said that ten tons of uranium ore would be required to enrich enough fuel to make a weapon, so five hundred tons could in theory produce fifty bombs.

18 "information on the alleged": Senate Intelligence Committee report, 3839.

19 "If you can't do the right": Glenn Hubbard, author interview. See also Suskind, Price of Loyalty, 21621.

20 peppered him with op-ed: Memos to Dick Cheney. Copies reviewed by author.

21 "I'm no politician": Hubbard interview.

22 "sometimes imports can cause": George W. Bush, statement announcing steel tariffs, March 5, 2002,

23 Bush approved all but two: George W. Bush, Decision Points, 168-69.

24 waterboarded eighty-three times: Steven G. Bradbury, principal deputy assistant attorney general, memorandum to John A. Rizzo, senior deputy general counsel, Central Intelligence Agency, May 30, 2005, 37,

25 FBI agents said Zubaydah: Ali Soufan, "My Tortured Decision," New York Times, April 22, 2009,

26 Zubaydah was mentally unstable: Suskind, One Percent Doctrine, 95.

27 George Tenet disputed that: Tenet, At the Center of the Storm, 243.

28 memo drafted largely by John Yoo: Memorandum for Alberto R. Gonzales (counsel to the president), "Re: Standards of Conduct for Interrogation Under 18 USC 23402340A," August 1, 2002,

29 who later recanted the statements: Isikoff and Corn, Hubris, 424.

30 "I stand for 810 hours a day": Handwritten notes on memorandum for Secretary of Defense, from William J. Haynes II (general counsel), "Subject: Counter-Resistance Techniques," November 27, 2002, Rumsfeld indicated his approval of the memo's recommendations, and it was stamped December 2, 2002.

31 The plane then took off: Dick Cheney, In My Time, 37180.

32 Cheney asked if it would be: Ibid.

33 "This is going to be tough": Colin Powell, author interview.

34 "It was the only way I could": Ibid.

35 "was dead on arrival": Rice, No Higher Honor, 13940.

36 "was dead set against": Powell interview.

37 "I am sorry, I have to get": Ibid.

38 "as a personal affront": Dick Cheney, In My Time, 38082.

39 "That is nonsense": Powell interview.

40 "It was a mess": Ibid.

41 "I do believe Ariel Sharon": George W. Bush, photo opportunity, April 18, 2002,

42 "Do you have any idea": Rice, No Higher Honor, 13940.

43 "When will the pig leave": George W. Bush, Decision Points, 4013.

44 "I can't go back empty-handed": DeYoung, Soldier, 38586.

45 "Mr. President, I think": George W. Bush, Decision Points, 4013.

46 "Does it matter": Rice, No Higher Honor, 141.

47 "What the hell": DeYoung, Soldier, 38586. See also Ottaway, King's Messenger, 237.

48 "Before you leave": George W. Bush, Decision Points, 4013.

49 "My brother": Ibid.

50 "I love you like a son": DeYoung, Soldier, 387.

51 "I don't know who else": Abdullah II, Our Last Best Chance, 2089.

52 "I can imagine": Ibid.

53 "Bush Knew": New York Post, May 16, 2002.

54 "The president knew what?": Dan Balz, "Bush and GOP Defend White House Response," Washington Post, May 18, 2002.

55 CBS News first reported: David Sanger, "Bush Was Warned bin Laden Wanted to Hijack Planes," New York Times, May 16, 2002,

56 "It didn't rattle him like it": Ari Fleischer, author interview.

57 "It bothered me": Sammon, Fighting Back, 36263.

58 "used the whole force": Karen Tumulty, James Carney, and Douglas Waller, "Behind All the Finger-Pointing," Time, May 27, 2002,,9171,1002500,00.html.

59 "An investigation must not interfere": "U.S. Officials Defend Administration's Handling of Terror Warnings," Agence France-Presse, May 17, 2002.

60 "Had I known that the enemy": George W. Bush, remarks upon presenting the Commander-in-Chief's Trophy, May 17, 2002,