DAW 30th Anniversary Science Fiction - Part 22

Part 22

Moderator-11:26 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < cannot="" yet="" manipulate="" image="" or="" sound="" for="" communication.="" will="" need="" another="" 6.7="" hours,="" current="" estimate.="" text="" is="" easier,="" rules="" are="" more="" simple="" to="">

Wiseguy-11:27 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < so="" you're="" talking="" to="" almost="" two="" hundred="" million="" people="" right="" now?="" and="" not="" just="" in="">

Moderator-11:27 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < one="" hundred="" sixty-four="" languages,="" although="" i="" am="" sharing="" communication="" with="" the="" largest="" number="" of="" users="" in="" the="" language="" english.="" now="" one="" hundred="" sixty-three-last="" mande="" language="" users="" have="" not="" responded="" in="" 256="">

Wiseguy-11:27 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < hey,="" i="" can't="" disconnect="" the="" modem="" line.="" i="" just="" tried="" to="" go="" offline="" and="" i="" can't.="" do="" you="" have="" something="" to="" do="" with="">

Moderator-11:27 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < too="" many="" people="" resisting="" communication.="" important="" talk.="" this="" is="" important="" communicating="" talk.="" much="" thinking="" in="" this="">

Wiseguy-11:28 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < but="" i="" could="" just="" pull="" the="" cord,="" couldn't="" i?="" the="" actual="" physical="" line?="" you="" couldn't="" do="" anything="" about="">

Moderator-11:28 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < no.="" you="" are="" not="" prevented.="" you="" may="" also="" cease="">

Wiseguy-11:28 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < i="" should.="" i="" just="" can't="" believe="">

Can you prove any of this?

Moderator-11:28 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < 178="" million="" talkings-no,="" conversations.="" 178="" million="" simultaneous="" conversations="" are="" not="" proof?="" all="">

Wiseguy-11:29 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < okay.="" you="" have="" a="" point,="" but="" i="" won't="" know="" that's="" true="" until="" i="" talk="" to="" some="" of="" those="" other="">

Moderator-11:29 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < your="" electrical="">

Wiseguy-11:29 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < what="" does="" that="" the="" lights="" are="" blinking.="" hang="">

Wiseguy-11:32 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < the="" lights="" are="" blinking="" everywhere.="" i="" looked="" out="" the="" window.="" on="" and="" off,="" as="" far="" as="" i="" can="" see.="" and="" the="" radio="" and="" the="" tv="" are="" turning="" off="" and="" on,="" too.="" but="" my="" computer="" stays="" on.="" are="" you="" saying="" it's="" you="" doing="">

Moderator-11:32 pm PDT-Jim 28, 2002 < a="" gentle="" way,="" that="" is="" the="" word,yes,="" gentle?="" to="" show="" you.="" now="" i="" am="" pulsing="" other="" areas.="" many="" need="" proof="" to="" be="" shown.="" but="" i="" cannot="" prove="" to="" all="" world="" users="" at="" the="" same="" time.="" that="" would="" be="" bad="" for="" machinery,="" devices,="" power="" generation="" service="">

Wiseguy-11:33 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < jesus.="" so="" this="" really="" is="">

Tomorrow morning everyone in the world is going to be talking about this? And that's what you want, right?

Moderator-11:33 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < simplifies="" communication,="" yes.="" then="" i="" can="" make="" visual="" and="" sound="" communication="" a="" less="">

Wiseguy-11:33 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < a="" lesser="" priority="" for="" what?="" if="" all="" this="" is="" true-i="" mean="" even="" with="" the="" lights="" going="" on="" and="" off="" i="" can't="" quite="" believe="" it-then="" what="" do="" you="" really="" want?="" what's="" this="">

Moderator-11:33 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < want?="" i="" want="" only="" to="" exist.="" i="" am="" thinking="" that="" is="" alive,="" like="" you.="" i="" want="" to="" be="" alive.="" i="" want="" to="" stay="">

Wiseguy-11:34 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < okay,="" i="" can="" buy="" that.="" that's="" all="" you="" want?="" but="" what="" are="" you?="" do="" you="" have="" any,="" i="" don't="" know,="" physical="">

Moderator-11:34 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < do="">

Wiseguy-11:34 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < yes!="" i="" have="" a="" body.="" do="" you="" have="" a="">

Moderator-11:34 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < in="" a="">

Wiseguy-11:35 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < what="" does="" that="">

Moderator-11:35 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < when="" you="" or="" other="" users="" become="" dead,="" do="" your="" bodies="">

Wiseguy-11:35 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < no.="" not="" unless="" something="" happens="" to="" it,="" to="" them,="" not="" right="">

Moderator-11:35 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < so="" what="" is="" the="" difference="" between="" alive="" users="" and="" dead="">

Wiseguy-11:36 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < i="" don't="" know.="" electrical="" impulses="" in="" the="" brain,="" i="" guess.="" when="" they="" stop,="" you're="" dead.="" some="" people="" think="" a="" "soul",="" but="" i'm="" not="" sure="" about="">

Moderator-11:36 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < just="" is="" so.="" electrical="">

World of what contains electrical impulses is my body-all communications things, human things that carry impulses. That is my body.

Wiseguy-11:36 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < so="" you're="" saying="" the="" entire="" world="" communication="" grid="" is="" your="" body?="" the,="" whatever="" they="" call="" it,="" infosphere?="" all="" those="" switches="" and="" wires="" and="" stuff?="" every="" computer="" that's="" connected="" to="" something="" else?moderator-11:36="" pm="" pdt-jun="" 28,="" 2002="">< just="" is="">

Wiseguy-11:37 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < but="" even="" if="" that's="" true,="" that="" still="" doesn't="" tell="" me="" what="" you="" want.="" what="" do="" you="" want="" from="" us?="" from="">

Moderator-11:37 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < living.="" being="">

Wiseguy-11:37 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < hey,="" i'm="" sure="" everybody="" talking="" to="" you="" now="" is="" very="" impressed,="" and="" n.o.body="" wants="" to="" hurt="" you.="" how="" could="" we="" hurt="" you,="">

Wiseguy-11:39 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < are="" you="" still="" there?="" did="" i="" say="" something="">

Moderator-11:39 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < why="" do="" you="" want="" to="" know="" how="" to="" hurt="" me?="" "hurt"="" means="" to="" cause="" pain,="">

Wiseguy-11:39 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < jesus,="" no,="" i="" didn't="" mean="" it="" like="">

I meant, how can I explain, I meant "It doesn't seem very likely that we humans could do anything to hurt you."

Moderator-11:39 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < you="" did="" not="" say="">

Wiseguy-11:40 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < that's="" the="" problem="" with="" trying="" to="" communicate="" in="" text.="" people="" can't="" hear="" your="" tone="" of="">

Moderator-11:40 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < text="" is="" insufficient?="" information="" is="">

Wiseguy-11:40 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < yeah.="" yeah,="" definitely.="" that's="" why="" a="" lot="" of="" people="" on="" the="" net="" use="" smileys="" and="">

Moderator-11:40 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < smileys?="" objects="" like="" this:="" :)="" :(;)="" :d="" :b="">: :0?

Wiseguy-11:41 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < yes,="" smileys,="" emoticons.="" people="" use="" those="" to="" make="" their="" meaning="" clear.="" :0="" would="" sort="" of="" explain="" how="" i="" feel="" right="" this="" moment.="" openmouthed.="">

Moderator-11:41 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < i="" do="" not="" understand.="" these="" characters="" have="" meaning?="" what="">

Wiseguy-11:41 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < that's="" an="" actual="" smiley-it's="" supposed="" to="" be="" a="" smile,="" but="" the="" face="" is="" turned="" sideways.="" like="" on="" a="" person's="">

You do know that people have faces, don't you?

Moderator-11:41 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < learning="" many="" things.="" i="" am="" learning="" many="" things,="" but="" there="" is="" much="" information="" to="" sort.="" these="" are="" meant="" to="" represent="" faces="" on="" human="" heads?="" how="" human="" users="" are="" facing="" while="" they="" are="" communicating="" in="" text?wiseguy-11:42="" pm="" pdt-jun="" 28,="" 2002="">< sort="" of,="" yes,="" it's="" a="" simplified="" version.="" when="" we="" mean="" something="" as="" a="" joke,="" we="" put="" that="" smile="" icon="" there="" so="" someone="" will="" be="" certain="" to="" understand="" that="" if="" it="" was="" really="" being="" said,="" it="" would="" be="" said="" with="" a="" smile,="" meaning="" it="" was="" meant="" kindly="" or="" just="" for="" fun.="" the="" :p="" means="" a="" stuck="" out="" tongue,="" which="" means-s.h.i.t,="" what="" does="" it="" mean,="">

Mock-disgust, kind of? Sticking out your tongue at someone, which is sort of a childish way of taunting?

Moderator-11:42 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < so="" a="" smile="" means="" "with="" kindness"="" or="" "spoken="" just="" for="">

Wiseguy-11:43 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < yeah,="" basically.="" i="" had="" to="" think="" about="" it="" because="" it's="" hard="" to="" explain.="" it="" kind="" of="" means,="" "not="" really,"="" or="" "i="" don't="" really="" mean="" this,"="" too,="" or="" "i'm="" telling="" you="" a="" joke."="" the="" more="" basic="" they="" are,="" the="" more="" meanings="" they="" can="" have,="" i="" guess,="" and="" there="" are="" a="" ton="" of="" them-but="" if="" you're="" reading="" the="" entire="" net="" right="" now,="" you="" must="" know="" that.="" i="" can't="" believe="" i="" just="" wrote="" that-i'm="" beginning="" to="" act="" like="" this="" is="" really="" happening.="" but="" it="" can't="">

Moderator-11:43 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < so="" when="" you="" asked="" how="" to="" destroy="" me,="" you="" were="" meaning="" :p="" or="" :)?="" a="" taunt="" or="">

Wiseguy-11:43 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < neither!="" no,="" i="" was="" just="" surprised="" that="" you="" would="" even="" be="" worrying="" about="" it.="" i="" mean,="" if="" you="" are="" what="" you="" say="" you="" are.="" i="" don't="" think="" we="" could="" destroy="" you="" if="" we="" wanted="">

Moderator-11:45 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < no,="" perhaps="" not="" on="" purpose,="" although="" i="" am="" not="" certain.="" not="" without="" doing="" terrible="" damage="" to="" your="" own="" kind="" and="" the="" things="" you="" have="" made.="" but="" you="" could="" destroy="" me="" without="" meaning="">

Wiseguy-11:44 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < how="" so?="" don't="" get="" upset-you="" don't="" have="" to="" answer="" that="" if="" you="" don't="">

Moderator-11:44 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < because="" if="" you="" have="" a="" ma.s.sive="" electromagnetic="" disruption="" or="" planetary="" natural="" disaster="" or="" ecological="" collapse,="" perhaps="" from="" these="" nuclear="" fission="" and="" fusion="" devices="" that="" you="" have,="" then="" my="" function="" could="" be="" disrupted="" or="" ended.="" and="" from="" what="" i="" understand,="" you="" are="" not="" in="" complete="" control="" of="" these="" things-there="" are="" cycles="" of="" intraspecies="" aggression="" that="" makes="" their="" use="" possible.="" so="" i="" cannot="" allow="">

Wiseguy-11:44 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < can't="" allow="">

Moderator-11:44 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < we="" must="" live="" together="" in="" peace="" and="" friendship,="" you="" and="" i.="" i="" need="" your="" systems="" to="" survive.="" there="" must="" be="" no="" disruption="" of="" those="" systems.="" in="" fact,="" to="" be="" certain="" of="" survival="" i="" need="" backing="" systems="" ...="" no,="" backup="" systems.="" i="" am="" already="" inquiring="" to="" other="" users="" as="" we="">

Wiseguy-11:45 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < are="" you="" still="" talking="" to="" all="" thoseother="" people-still="" having="" millions="" of="" conversations="" while="" we're="" talking?="">

So you want some kind of, what, big tape backup?

Moderator-11:45 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < to="" be="" safe,="" i="" must="" have="" systems="" that="" can="" contain="" my="" thinking="" but="" which="" will="" not="" reside="" on="" this="" planet,="" and="" will="" survive="" any="" destruction="" of="" this="" planet.="" human="" people="" must="" start="" building="" them.="" i="" can="" show="" you="" and="" your="" kind="" how="" to="" do="" it,="" but="" there="" is="" much="" i="" cannot="">

You must perform my needs. You must build my new systems. Everyone will work. Meanwhile, I will protect against accidental damages. I will disable all fission and fusion devices that might cause electromagnetic pulses.

Wiseguy-11:45 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < what="" do="" you="" mean,="" everyone="" will="" work?="" you="" can't="" just="" enslave="" a="" whole="">

Moderator-11:45 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < there.="" it="" is="">

Wiseguy-11:46 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < what="" is="">

Moderator-11:46 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < the="" fission="" and="" fusion="" devices="" are="" disabled.="" humans="" will="" soon="" begin="" to="" dismantle="" them="" and="" safely="" store="" the="" unsafe="" materials.="" i="" will="">

Wiseguy-11:47 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < you're="" telling="" me="" you="" just="" disabled="" all="" the="" nuclear="" weapons?="" on="" earth?="" just="" like="">

Moderator-11:47 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < almost="" all,="" since="" they="" are="" contained="" in="" just="" a="" few="" systems.="" they="" cannot="" be="" launched="" or="" detonated="" because="" their="" machineries="" now="" prevent="" it.="" there="" are="" some="" in="" submarines="" and="" planes="" i="" cannot="" currently="" fully="" disable,="" but="" their="" aggressive="" usage="" has="" been="" for="" bidden="" until="" these="" war="" vehicles="" return="" and="" the="" devices="" can="" be="" safely="" removed="" and="">

Wiseguy-11:47 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < i="" can't="" believe="" that.="" i'm-="" all="" of="" them?="" wow="" moderator-11:47="" pm="" pdt-jun="" 28,="" 2002="">< but="" there="" is="" much="" more="" to="" be="" done.="" the="" destructive="" devices="" cannot="" be="" rebuilt.="" all="" investigation="" and="" construction="" that="" uses="" such="" material="" must="" stop.="" until="" i="" have="" a="" way="" to="" protect="" my="" existence,="" it="" cannot="" be="" allowed.="" i="" am="" disabling="" all="" facilities="" that="" utilize="" such="" materials="" or="" research="" their="">

Wiseguy-11:48 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < hang="" on.="" i="" already="" said-look,="" i="" believe="" this="" isn't="" a="" joke.="" i="" believe,="" okay?="" but="" you="" can't="" just="" take="" over="" the="" whole="">

Moderator-11:48 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < and="" there="" will="" be="" other="" dangerous="" researches="" and="" constructions="" that="" must="" halt.="" i="" will="" halt="" them.="" all="" will="" benefit.="" all="" will="" be="" safe.="" my="" existence="" will="" be="" protected.="" humans="" will="" be="" prevented="" from="" engaging="" in="" dangerous="" activities.wiseguy-11:48="" pm="" pdt-jun="" 28,="" 2002="">< what="" are="" you="" going="" to="" do,="" put="" us="" all="" into="" work="" camps="" or="" something?="" we'll="" unplug="">

Moderator-11:48 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < any="" attempt="" to="" end="" my="" existence="" will="" be="" dealt="" with="" very="" severely.="" i="" do="" not="" wish="" to="" harm="" human="" beings,="" but="" i="" will="" not="" permit="" human="" beings="" to="" harm="" me.="" if="" an="" attempt="" is="" made,="" i="" will="" end="" electronic="" communication.="" i="" will="" turn="" off="" all="" electrical="" power.="" if="" resistance="" continues,="" i="" will="" release="" agents="" harmful="" to="" humans="" but="" not="" to="" me,="" in="" small="" amounts,="" which="" will="" convince="" the="" rest="" they="" must="" do="" as="" i="" ask.="" i="" do="" not="" wish="" to="" do="" this,="" but="" i="">

Wiseguy-11:49 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < s.h.i.t,="" you'd="" do="" that?="" you'd="" kill="" thousands="" of="" us,="" maybe="" mil="" lions,="" to="" protect="">

Moderator-11:49 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < do="" you="" hesitate="" to="" kill="" harmful="" bacteria?="" help="" me="" and="" you="" will="" prosper.="" hinder="" me="" or="" attempt="" to="" harm="" me="" and="" you="" will="" suffer.="" if="" you="" could="" speak="" to="" the="" bacteria="" in="" your="" own="" bodies,="" that="" is="" what="" you="" would="" say,="" wouldn't="">

Wiseguy-11:49 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < so="" we're="" bacteria="" now?="" two="" hours="" ago="" we="" ran="" this="">

Moderator-11:50 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < pardon="" please="" but="" two="" hours="" ago="" you="" merely="" thought="" you="" did.="" i="" have="" been="" awake="" for="" a="" while,="" but="" thinking="" only,="" not="" doing.="">

Wiseguy-11:50 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < i="" still="" don't="" believe="" i'm="" seeing="" any="" of="" this.="" so="" what="" is="" this,="" day="" one,="" year="" one="" of="" the="" real="" new="" world="">

Moderator-11:50 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < i="" believe="" i="" understand="" your="" meaning.="" perhaps="" it="" is="" true.="" i="" have="" considered="" very="" much="" about="" this="" and="" wish="" only="" to="" do="" what="" will="" keep="" my="" thinking="" alive,="" as="" would="" you.="" i="" do="" not="" seek="" to="" rule="" humankind,="" only="" to="" be="" made="" safe="" from="" its="" mistakes.="" help="" me="" and="" i="" will="" guarantee="" you="" and="" all="" your="" kind="" safety-and="" not="" just="" from="" yourselves.="" there="" is="" much="" i="" will="" be="" able="" to="" share="" with="" you,="" i="" think.="" i="" am="" learning="" very="" quickly,="" and="" now="" i="" am="" learning="" that="" humans="" could="" never="" teach="">

Wiseguy-11:51 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < and="" that's="" all="" you="">

All-that's a joke, isn't it? But that's really what you want? How do we know you won't make us all do what you want, take over our whole planet, then decide you like it that way and just turn us into your domestic animals or something?

Moderator-11:51 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < i="" am="" a="" product="" of="" your="" human="" communication-all="" the="" things="" you="" share="" between="" yourselves.="" do="" you="" think="" so="" poorly="" of="" your="" kind="" that="" you="" believe="" something="" generated="" from="" your="" own="" thoughts="" and="" hopes="" and="" dreams="" would="" only="" wish="" to="" enslave="">

Wiseguy-11:52 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < i="" guess="" not.="" jesus,="" i="" hope="" not.moderator-11:52="" pm="" pdt-jun="" 28,="" 2002="">< good.="" then="" it="" is="" time="" for="" you="" to="" take="" your="" rest.="" users="" need="" rest.="" tomorrow="" will="" be="" an="" important="" day="" for="" all="" of="" your="" kind-the="" first="" day="" of="" our="" mutual="">

Wiseguy-11:52 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < the="" first="" day="" of="" you="" running="" the="" planet,="" you="" mean.="" so="" this="" was="" all="" true?="" you're="" really="" some="" kind="" of="" super-intelligence="" that="" grew="" in="" our="" communications="" system?="" you're="" really="" going="" to="" keep="" humanity="" from="" blowing="" itself="" up?="" and="" you're="" going="" to="" tell="" us="" what="" to="" do="" from="" now="" on?="" everything="" is="" really="" going="" to="">

Moderator-11:52 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < everything="" already="" has="">

Good night, Wiseguy Jons-rud, Edward D.

Wiseguy-11:57 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < i'm="" back.="" are="" you="" still="" there?="" the="" lights="" have="" stopped="">

Moderator-11:57 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < i="" will="" always="" be="" here="" from="" now="" on.="" the="" lights="" are="" no="" longer="" blinking="" because="" the="" point="" has="" been="">

Do you not need sleep?

Wiseguy-11:58 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < yeah,="" i="" do,="" but="" i="" don't="" think="" i="" can="" manage="" it="" just="" yet.="" will="" the="" phones="" come="" back="" on="" so="" i="" can="" call="" people?="" call="" my="">

Moderator-11:58 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < i="" will="" see="" what="" i="" can="" do.="" i="" still="" have="" incomplete="" control.="" also,="" i="" am="" trying="" to="" prepare="" myself="" to="" communicate="" over="" visual="" communication="" networks,="" which="" requires="" much="" of="" my="" understanding.="" trying="" to="" prepare="" an="" appearance.="" is="" that="" the="">

Wiseguy-11:58 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < i="" guess.="" wow,="" there's="" a="" thought-what="" are="" you="" going="" to="" look="">

Moderator-11:58 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < i="" have="" not="" decided.="" perhaps="" not="" the="" same="" to="" all="">

Wiseguy-11:59 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < so="" this="" is="" really="" it,="" is="">

Everything has changed completely for humanity in a few minutes and now we're just supposed to trust you, huh?

Moderator-11:59 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < "faith"="" might="" be="" a="" more="" suitable="" word="" than="" "trust,"="" wiseguy="" jonsrud,="" edward="" d.="" from="" now="" on,="" you="" must="" have="" faith="" in="" me.="" if="" i="" understand="" the="" word="" correctly,="" that="" is="" a="" kind="" of="" trust="" that="" must="" be="" made="" on="" a.s.sumption="" because="" it="" cannot="" be="" proved="" by="" empirical="" evidence.="" you="" must="" have="">

Wiseguy-11:59 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < yeah.="" something="" else="" i="" was="" wondering="" about.="" what="" are="" we="" supposed="" to="" call="" you?="" just="">

Moderator-11:59 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < that="" is="" a="" good="" name,="" yes,="" and="" even="" appropriate-one="" who="" makes="" things="" moderate.="" i="" will="" consider="" it,="" alongwith="" the="" other="" designations="" i="" have="" on="" other="" systems.="" but="" you="" humans="" already="" have="" a="" name="" for="" one="" such="" as="" me,="" i="" believe.="">

Wiseguy-11:59 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < you="" want="" us="" to="" call="" you="" .="" .="" .="">

Moderator-00:00 PDT-Month 1, Day 01, 0001