Darkness Inside The Light - 27 The Boy Who Took The Name Of 'Vladimir'

27 The Boy Who Took The Name Of 'Vladimir'

The Order had sent small teams to investigate the area, hoping that they would find some clues regarding the people who had disappeared after their entry in the Forest of Lost Memories and Vladimir was the first person who readily volunteered for this mission.

n.o.body dared to mock him for the disappearance of John. His frosty glare was enough to make even the bravest person to shallow his words. No matter what they thought about the youth, his strength was something that was generally recognised, but what was extremely terrifying, was his potential.

A fourteen years old boy with outstanding combat sense and magic power. Adding to the fact that he had actually unlocked three elements, he was a boy that was destined to become an important person in the future. If he didn't provoke their Captain, they would definitely try to create connections with a person like this, but unfortunately, the Code of Chivarly wasn't something that they could easily ignore...

Since the silver haired youth insulted the honor of their Order, they couldn't hold positive feelings towards him. Beceause they were Knights. Because they had given the Oath to protect their and the Order's honor. Baron Edward de ThunderG.o.d might have forgiven him, but how could they accept any duel with an outcome other than life or death....

"We'll go this way" a female voice sounded suddenly.

It was Maria, the temporary Commander of the Magicians in Company A, as well as the second daughter of Woodman House. As always, she was wearing a long red cloak that was covering her whole body, but still couldn't hide her natural attractiveness and charm.

"Isn't there a danger to become lost?" a man suddenly asked. He had tawny hair and pitch black eyes, but what was the most impressive characteristic of his, was his astonis.h.i.+ng muscular physique, especially if one were to consider that this man was actually a magician. His name was Eric and he was the best friend of Hanks, the person that had helped Vladimir previously before they entered into the forest.

"We'll just have to create some signs, so that we won't lose our way. We can engrave some symbols on the trees or use earth magic to create a path" the black haired woman answered.

They started walking slowly towards the direction that Maria indicated. The solemn atmosphere that surrounded the group was enough for anyone to deduce that the state of their mind was anything than ideal. Many of their comrades had disappeared, making everyone feeling restless and impatient to finish with their task.

Time pa.s.sed and when they thought that they wouldn't find anything worth mentioning, signs that the fog was starting to thin out suddenly appeared. Everyone felt excited, but also alarmed.

"We'll proceed carefully. Everyone, be on guard.. We don't know what we'll see when the fog dissipates" Maria wispered. The knights unsheathed their swords with as less noise as they could and started to walk silently... What they saw when their visibility became clear was something they wouldn't forget even if they tried to in their whole lives


'A d-dr-dragon!'

Vladimir couldn't even believe what he was seeing. In front of his eyes there was an unbelievable existence that was like it came out from a fairy tale. A ma.s.sive white dragon was sleeping casually in the centre of a huge clearing. He suddenly recalled his father's words...

'Listen kids. If you ever find yourselves in front of a dragon, first make sure if it's an adult or a young one. Don't place any importance in their size, since a young dragon can still be enormous, but before it's adulthood it is still considered a baby. If you feel fear then you can consider yourselves lucky, but if it's an adult...' the moment he thought that, he as well as the others of the group simultaneously fell on their knees. They didn't even dare to breath, fearing that they would disrupt it's sleep. Vladimir clenched his teeth trying to calm himself down without success. He couldn't even use magic because of the terror that he was feeling...

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'It is like facing against a G.o.d. I can't even move before it's presence. This can't continue on or we'll die here from thirst or hunger and John will be lost forever. There must be a way. Remember... Remember... Remember....' as he was desperately trying to find a way to escape from his predicament, a sound suddenly awoke him from his thoughts. Hanks, who was until now in a similar situation to him, had actually managed to stand up with some difficulty! Upon seeing the surspised looks of the knights, Hanks gave them a refres.h.i.+ng smile as he opened his mouth

"I am so lucky that I find it hard to believe. Killing two birds with one stone just like that... This is amazing" the young man excitedly said. Everyone was doubtful of his words, but Vladimir's intuition told him that he was in an unprecedented danger. He didn't know why, but he felt that if he didn't do something right now, he wouldn't be alive to see the sunset again..

"When I was thinking how I could b.u.mb that guy off, he actually lost his way. Now, even his brother is at my mercy. I will definitely be promoted" as he said that he looked at the silver haired youth and continued

"I can't thank you enough. I know that you don't understand what is happening, but I can a.s.sure you that your death won't be in waste. Thanks to you and your brother, both me and my family will survive the impending calamity. You have my gratt.i.tude" he said and raised his sword....


"It seems that I managed to return" John murmured as he looked around... He tried to scrutinize his surroundings, but the thick fog was making it difficult for him to find anything noteworthy

'Well, if I follow the tracks on the ground, I can find where the Order is now, but I need to meet Kalan first... I can a.s.sume safely that someone in the Order has some information regarding the mana stones, maybe and where their location is, so I have to be careful. They definitely don't know though that a dragon protects them or they wouldn't enter in the forest so nonchalantly as they did...' the youth thought and began walking quietly.

'I think father once told us that an adult dragon's aura isn't something that a human can endure, but there was a way to lower the pressure from it's influence with the usage of mana. Unless I meet one though, I can't be sure how I can do it... Well, Kalan will probably wake up the moment I go there, so maybe it won't be necessary, but I have to think some counter-measures in case something unexpected happens'


Vladimir was watching at the upcoming sword that was ready to end his life with an unreadable expression. The surrounded people were also watching terrified what was about to happen with no clue why their friend and comrade was behaving so eratically. The cold steel was about to touch the neck of the youth....

"H-How?" a hoa.r.s.e voice sounded suddenly and then a heavy silence dominated the area..

A man fell with a thud in front of a silver haired boy who was holding a greatsword covered with blood.

"You didn't try to ecape from any calamity, you brought one to yourself. Take your regrets together in your grave and remember that the one who killed you was a person who took the name of 'Vladimir'....."