Daddy Fantasy World Restaurant - Chapter 1749 - Women’s Beauty Salon

Chapter 1749 - Women’s Beauty Salon

Chapter 1749: Womens Beauty Salon

In a room lit only by an oil lamp on a square table.

A muscular dwarf and scrawny old goblin sat on two sides of the table. There was a bottle of alcohol, two cups, and some peanuts on the table.

Issen Castle has already closed all exits and expelled all other races. Even if the racial war starts again, I am very sure that Issen Castle can hold out, the dwarf said loudly as he took a big gulp of alcohol.

To us, goblins, war is just a different way of earning money. The prices for food and weapons will soar during wartime. Five years ago, we have already saved up enough food, and we can sell your weapons to any place that needs them. The old goblin smiled, revealing his blackened and yellowed teeth.

But this time, the giant dragons seem to have put a little too much attention on the peace talks. They would hardly be implicated in the racial war. Why are they so concerned? They had always been nonchalant about other races. The dwarf poured some alcohol for himself as he frowned in bewilderment.

I cant really guess what those giant fools are thinking, either, the goblin said with a smile. If we can enjoy another 100 years of peace, that will be an equally good thing for our races. The railroad between Chaos City and my race has already completed its first trial operation. Although I have yet to try it, I heard them say that it was a large cart that could run with coal, and it would never get tired. It will probably change how we transport