Curious Church Customs and Cognate Subjects - Part 24

Part 24

True Lovers' Knot, 107

Twickenham cakes, 24

Tyack, Rev. G. S., B.A., on Holy Day Customs, 21-32.

Altars in Churches, 161-166.

The Story of the Crosier, 191-197

Umbrella, parish, 140

Upright burial, 133

Viands connected with Holy Days, 25

Was.h.i.+ng feet, 30

Waxen effigies, 142

Wedding bells, 114

Wedding biddings, 119

Well-dressing, 27

Welsh custom, 29

Whitby funeral cakes, 146

Whitsuntide, 11

Wine, baptized in, 80

Wine drinking in church at weddings, 102

Wills about armour, 177

Wool stored in churches, 1

Woollen, burial in, 132

Wren stoning, 29

Wymund, the Saxon, 205-207

Yule-log, 26

Yule, songs of, 13


[1] The two best recent books on the subject are Pollard's _English Miracle Plays_ (Clarendon Press, 1890,) and Bate's _The English Religions Drama_ (Macmillan, 1893.)

[2] Peac.o.c.k's _Church Furniture_.--p. 103.

[3] Peac.o.c.k's _Church Furniture_.--p. 85.

[4] _Ibid._--p. 103.

[5] _English Bells and Bell Lore_, 1888, T. North, cp. 16, p. 191.

[6] At the bottom of the plate occurs the name of the engravers, Sellers and Nelson, Leeds.

[7] See Edward's _History and Poetry of Finger Rings_, Cap. 5, p. 221.

[8] See Robinson's "History and Antiquities of Stoke Newington."

[9] Acta SS. Ord. Benedict, sec. iii., part 2.

[10] York Fabric Rolls, p. 256.

[11] York Fabric Rolls, p. 255.

[12] Andrews' "Curiosities of the Church."

[13] Andrews' "Curiosities of the Church," p. 89.

[14] York Fabric Rolls, p. 116.

[15] 8th S. V. 150, Feb. 24th, 1894.

[16] In some parishes a Triennial or even Septennial visit to the boundaries is considered sufficient.

[17] Brand.

[18] Vol. ii., part i., p. 165.

[19] Walton's "_Life_."

[20] Lysons' "_London_," ii., 126.

[21] "History of Our Lord," by the late Mrs. Jameson, continued by Lady Eastlake.

[22] "History of Our Lord," by the late Mrs. Jameson, 1864.