Consuming Earths, Devouring Skies - 374 Daughter

374 Daughter

If she wanted him to protect and raise her child, why did she ask him to be a father? Why not ask him to be its caretaker?

Also, the true question: Why?

It's not like he could protect it more than its mother. The strength it had was beyond imagination, so what could he do? Sure he had potential and strength that likely will reach a peak, but wasn't she already at that peak? Wasn't the Lord of Dragons already at that peak?




More cracks formed on the ball-like egg before it finally shattered. The pieces didn't fall, but they vanished into motes of light that entered the individual within the egg. Yan Zaizen inspected these motes but even after a while, he couldn't determine anything from them.

The motes of light gathered onto the figure, revealing the brilliant luminance outline of a humanoid. A jade leg was first revealed.

This jade leg was flawless and had the perfect of skin with the best level of suppleness within. Yan Zaizen found the thickness of this leg alluring. As a man, how could he not? This leg soon led to the revealment of hips, torso, a pair of jade mounds, a soft, glistening neck, and a head.

Her cheekbones were angular, giving it a strong feminine charm. She had jet black hair, jet black eyes, and supple lips that seemed like it could take your soul with a kiss. She seemed no younger than twenty.

Yan Zaizen's eyes widened. This woman was beautiful. However, she was also…

Completely naked.

The soft body before him was completely and utterly naked. Yan Zaizen first was shocked, then he instinctively put his hand on his chin, rubbing it softly as his eyes didn't hesitate to take in the full sights. If she was going to appear before him in this state, what did he need to restrain himself for?

What was beautiful should be admired, no?

Not to mention, didn't she want him to be a father? This was the least she could do then.

The woman's eyes flickered, but a motherly smile curled on her lips. She didn't seem too bothered by Yan Zaizen's brazen actions. In fact, she didn't use any form of power to conceal her body, being just as brazen as she bared her body to the world.

In fact, dragon's scales were like their skin anyhow. When was she not naked?

"So, since you're not going to force me, what do you want, All-Immortal Dragon?" Yan Zaizen realized this woman was unfathomable. He didn't know how she became a humanoid creature, but since it exceeded his knowledge, why dwell?

It was best to get to the point. After all, he had to travel to h.e.l.l as soon as possible. Every second counted, and he didn't want to waste a single one.

The woman opened her mouth, "gwha…"

"..." Yan Zaizen started. It sounded like she was choking her a bone.

The woman revealed an odd expression. She tried to speak a few more times, but each sound came off more disgusting and incoherent than the other. A hint of frustration appeared in her eyes.

She extended her right jade arm. She formed a blade with her palm before decisively stabbing it into her throat. A vicious gush of blood and skin burst out in gore-filled fas.h.i.+on. Yan Zaizen truly jumped at this sight.

The hand that pierced into her throat transformed into a grab as she held onto something within her throat. With eyes as serene as a monk, she yanked viciously.

A humanoid's larynx, or voice box, was pulled out in its complete state, flesh, blood, and muscles. Her current appearance became drenched in blood as her throat leaked nonstop, missing a large portion of her throat.

After calmly a.n.a.lyzing this voice box, she softly squeezed. The voice box became a ball of flesh within her hands. Then, she stuffed that ball of flesh back into her throat and patted it softly.

Yan Zaizen had seen healing and was someone who understood the law of physical rebirth, but this truly exceeded his understanding. That ball of flesh wiggled before returning to normal instantly. The only difference was a jet black mark at where an adam's apple would be. It was like a tattoo or a runic mark.

The blood was still on her body, making her naked form seem gruesome as she looked like b.l.o.o.d.y Mary from the mortal stories.

"I...he...this...good." The woman spoke, obviously taking time to adjust. However, Yan Zaizen realized she was using dragon language in her speech. Was a human's physiological larynx incapable of articulating dragon language?

As if to answer his question, "A humanoid form truly is too inadequate at times, requiring slight modifications." Her voice was filled with a hint of disdain for humans.

However, Yan Zaizen didn't find anything wrong with that. She was the byproduct of the All-Father Dragon and a Yaoguai, a physical manifestation of heaven, how could she not be disdainful?

That being said, Yan Zaizen praised at how well she adjusted.

"All-Immortal Dragon, tell me, what do you really want from me?" He asked again, not allowing that gore-filled scene or her b.l.o.o.d.y appearance to affect his state of mind.

"You keep calling me that. I think you're under the wrong a.s.sumption." The woman spoke with a hint of playfulness.

What a.s.sumption was wrong? Wasn't that her name? Or...did she want him to call her by a different name?

Shaking her head, "Calling me by my Mother's name truly is rude, no? Do I look that old?"

What?! Mother?!
