Conan's Corpse Picker - Chapter 1281

Chapter 1281

Chapter 1280 1280 [Blessing Halo] Ask for a monthly ticket ()~

There were witnesses to the case under the bridge, and the suspect was caught on the spot. In addition, there are many scenic spots nearby, and the crowd is dense. The police did not stay for too long. They quickly dealt with the scene and brought people back to the police station.

Before leaving, the Otaki Police Department looked at a few high school students, hesitated for a moment, and did not let them take notes.

Strictly speaking, the detectives just passed by and provided no information.

In addition, the Otaki Police Department has a good relationship with Hattori Heiji, so he is more considerate of him: I finally invited a few Tokyo friends, but what happened to the police station with the guests every day to make a transcript.

"..." Let them play, hope there will be no more cases in the future.

Thinking like this, the Otaki Police Department waved to the high school students and looked at a few out-of-towners kindly: "I wish you a good time today."

Yuan Shan and Ye looked at the wow wow wah police car behind him. They didn't feel any blessing and were worried.

Jiang Xia didn't think there was a problem, and nodded to the Otaki Police Department: "Thank you."

Next to , Suzuki Sonoko and Maurilan breathed a sigh of relief: they thought they were going to starve again, but now they can eat normally.

The episode ended temporarily, and the high school students continued to walk to the food court.

When arrived at the place, a few girls looked around, and finally stopped in front of a conveyor belt sushi restaurant hesitantly, and muttered, "Would you like to eat this?"

The sushi is not hot, and the conveyor belt sushi doesn't have to wait to be served.

In other words, you can eat after you sit down, no matter what happens next, you won't be hungry. Although they don't pay much attention to appetite, but they have been shopping all morning, and they are expected to continue shopping in the afternoon, and they really don't want to go hungry.

"..." Of course, this is not the fact that something will happen after the curse, but as a high school student with a vision, you should learn to take precautions.

Thinking like this, the three girls looked at each other and quickly decided where to go.

They turned to look at the detectives behind them who were looking at other shops, and beckoned people to come over: "Just eat this one."

"Conveyor sushi?" Hattori Heiji was a little disdainful when he saw the name of the shop, "We have so many specialties in Osaka, you actually invite guests to eat this... Don't, don't push! I'll go in by myself!"

Maolilan and Yuanshan and Ye pushed those who expressed objections into the store, smiled and retracted their hands, and turned to look at Jiang Xia and Conan.

Conan silently stopped walking towards an okonomiyaki shop, raised his hand and dragged Jiang Xia, who was watching the udon hot pot next to him, and made a child's innocent voice: "Haha, it's actually a sushi that can turn, it's so fun. Jiang Xia Brother, let's eat this too."

The six of them happily agreed and entered the store.

Rotary sushi is really convenient to eat - a long conveyor belt passes each table, and there are various small plates on the conveyor belt with sushi or other meals on it. Dish checkout.

The dishes that no one eats are rotated on the conveyor belt for more than a certain period of time and will be automatically recycled by the machine. Some sushi that requires higher freshness, or sushi that you want to eat but don't have, can also be ordered directly. The chef will give priority to making it, put it on the conveyor belt, and transfer it to the customer.

"Sure enough, everything tastes good when I'm hungry." Suzuki Sonoko quickly finished two plates of sushi and was picking a third plate. She said happily, "It feels even better than the usual sushi in those restaurants!"

There was a laughter nearby. A middle-aged man seemed to be bored while eating, and looked at Suzuki Sonoko: "It sounds like this lady usually eats high-end sushi."

"Huh?" Suzuki Sonoko was startled, followed the sound and glanced at him.

found that he was not a handsome guy, she looked back with little interest.

The middle-aged man who spoke up, my wife Liu Zao, didn't notice her perfunctory gaze.

He was just taking advantage of the topic just now. At this time, his real attention was still on the man next to him.

My wife Liuzao looked at the seat next to her, and followed the words just now: "It's completely different from some people who can only eat cheap goods - right, dude flounder."

Jiang Xia just grabbed a few plates of sushi and ate two bites. Suddenly, he noticed something and turned to look inside the store.

Before I came in, I didn't feel murderous here.

But after the middle-aged man opened his mouth, someone seemed to recognize him, and a few groups of murderous intent suddenly rose into the air, and the sushi became much more delicious.

"..." Jiang Xia reached out and took another plate of tuna sushi, looked over while eating, and observed it secretly.

My wife Liuzao's neighbor is a man in a blue baseball cap.

When the man heard the title "Halibut Brother", he obviously remembered something, and his face became very ugly.

My wife Liuzao was amused by his expression and laughed to herself.

He stretched out a plate of sushi that passed by in front of him, approached "Dude Flounder", and joked: "Look, this is the flounder that my wife likes. Oops, that's not right! Look closely, it turns out to be sea bass. , hahahahaha."

Suzuki Sonoko's eyes jumped, and he turned around and whispered to a few classmates, "Is his mental condition okay?"

Hattori Heiji sighed: "There are so many people in Osaka, it is inevitable that there are a few weird people mixed in. It's really a shame for Osaka to go to a public place to find fault."

He didn't deliberately lower his voice, he used a normal volume.

My wife Liuzao's seat was not far away. Hearing this sentence, his eyes narrowed, his smile restrained, and his eyes glared at him.

Jiang Xia was startled when he saw this scene.

After a while, he seemed to have understood something, imitating the arrogant and confident expressions of the detectives, and nodded in agreement: "Indeed."

As soon as he finished speaking, he received a murderous stare.

Jiang Xia couldn't help but glanced at Hattori Heiji with admirationthe detective's talent for picking trouble is really innate, and he still needs to learn.

Hattori Heiji finished condemning my wife Liuzao, when he turned around, he suddenly met Jiangxia's eager gaze, and he shuddered: "...?"

what's the matter, what did he do?

Why did Jiang Xia show the look of wanting to invite him to transfer to Tokyo again?

He, he wouldn't give up the livable Osaka because of the trivial matter of "there are strange people in Osaka", and take the initiative to go to Tokyo with Jiangxia!

Next to , my wife Ryuzo seems to want to say something else.

But at this time, the manager came out of the back kitchen and stopped: "This guest, please don't do this. You are disturbing other guests."

My wife Liuzao recently had to work overtime again, and she was suddenly ridiculed by high school students, and she was on fire.

He turned his head and shouted, "Shut up! Such a small and shabby store deserves to be a store manager?"

(end of this chapter)