Common Sense of a Duke’s Daughter - Chapter 243: Mother

Chapter 243: Mother


(Iriss mother at the rescue)

Oh, I see. Did Lyle and Dida created this plan . Thanks for the report.

Mary smiles grinning at the report.

We have a long-standing relationship, we know each other very well, at this point she was chilly and corrected her attitude.

Perhaps theres going to be an offensive even tomorrow. Thats why were out.

At her words, there was a sound of swallowing from the soldiers who were there.

Specifically, how do we attack when we reach the place?

First, we aim for their camps head

She said so, smiling.

The listener who understands the meaning of her words, however, settles for a moment in a very light tone, saying nothing is difficult for her.

I understood their feelings, and I asked them.


One of them tried to confirm involuntarily.

Her smile deepens at that question.

Everybody who seemed to know the fear that will come for them hidden behind her smile, felt cold.

The bewitching smile that floats on her beautiful face.

But there is no one who sees the beauty of it.

Rather, its as if weve opened the Pandoras box that shouldnt be open its even an illusion as if youre looking into the abyss.

Oh, hes talking about taking the enemys general commander. The opponents come from far away If the head disappears, they will be confused immediately. If we create confusion, do you think it would be easy for them to attack Lyle and Dida?

I see

Finally, a person opened his mouth, someone whe knew her more than anyone in this place.

But how specifically?

There is a road on the side of the eastern territory that leads to the port, so first of all, lets divide this party into four groups and quickly get out with the platoon units. And, before both parties move up to attack each other, make an assault. Run through at full speed with each force and return here when you end your mission, and after returning, quickly gather with me.


While shaking, the warriors responded in a sharp voice.

You and your party here, and you!, your party here

One after another, without hesitation she gives instructions while pointing at the map.

They crawled over to speak lightly and concisely of their actions.

why arent you asking questions?

When Mary gives a command, each soldier moves as she said.


There is a message from the duke

Mary leaned towards me to hear my words.

Mary Youre the head of this platoon of soldiers. Youve an important position. Therefore, be careful.

What I offered her was a mask that could hide her face leaving only her eyes visible.

The black one is shaped to fit well on the face, and seems difficult to remove by others.

That person still thinks so different from me. he should be worried about the outcome not this.

She received it and put it on to check it.

it seems that the field of vision is the same as before with the mask on.

But why didnt he pass it to me directly?

When you arrived at the Anderson family, he guessed you would be leaving immediately. You were almost immediately leaving while the mask was reaching the state, so the duke had given it to me to send it to you

I see

She smiles bitterly while saying so.

Certainly If she thinks about it now, before leaving the Andersons house, it might not have been on time.

As soon as possible, to the eastern territory.

In order to do so, they must take quicker the pace of the team they lead.

I understand the Dukes concern for Mary.

Even Mary is human no matter how strong she is, the danger is there.

Probably, even if this was spoken between them, she would have jumped out without listening to it.

Thank you. I received it firmly.

Excuse me then .

I walked out in front of her.

But on the way, I turned around looking back.

She stays there unchanged.

Before long, she was holding a sword and fitting it into her clothes while looking at the battle site.

Its like a strange thing to do before she goes into battle.

She used to do that when we went out to war together.

Thats why.

I saw that shes still the girl she used to be.

The next time she opened her eyes, it could be seen the determination in those. And that preparedness.

She turned her eyes towards the sea staring at it as if she hated it for a while.

It was exactly how she used to be.

Tomorrow, I wonder how much more attracted to her Ill become I thought so, and returned to the camp.

We spent the night with tension and the next day.

Before the rising of the morning sun, she and the soldiers were prepared and already riding the horses.

Of course, her face has the mask I gave her yesterday.

Time has come. Come on, lets go up to win!

As soon as she yells, she rushes forward.

After that, we followed.


Well, what is that?

Along the way, the soldiers with Lyle and Dida look at us strangely, surprised without knowing the reason for our sudden apparition here, but even so, they open the way for us.

Soon after leaving the armies with Lyle and Dida behind, she broke away.

She kills the enemy soldiers that were nearby, throw away one after the other without hesitation and runs wildly.

The enemy soldiers can not respond to the sudden events.

With that opportunity, as she attacked mercilessly, she broke through their defensive line, and advanced further and further.

In the midst of the confusion, gradually the enemy begins to grasp the situation.

Go catch her!

Dont allow anyone to trespass!

But those who tried to kill her, were killed soon by her soldiers.

While I am killing enemy soldiers, I was fascinated again by her.

The place she was in was just like another world.

Even though it is the same space, it is a place where different times run.

In fact, while she is strikingly killing the enemy troops coming one after another her speed didnt reduce even a bit.

Its as if the presence of the enemy isnt an obstacle.

Even with the overwhelming difference in strength, the scene shown in our eyes has been overturned with the individual power of her alone.

I felt like I was actually looking at a hero.

Blood splashes everywhere.

The red scene invades all consciousness, however, even that terrifying sight, made look her beautiful.

Its spectacular and its beautiful.

It was awe inspiring.

Our blood is boiling. I can not help myself.

The brushed fangs are sharpened and the instinct screams from us.

I think shell blow up the enemy right away. Well be seeing it at the near future

The situation was exactly as I told them before.

Old and young, they all were equally at ease with her now, burning bright with passion and proud of being behind her.

As we run through the enemy lines, the number of injured increases.

But there is no one to stop.

As if intoxicated in this situation, they forgot the pain and just followed her.

Go ahead! Dont be late! Protect each other!

On the way, I scream.

Ooh! And wild roars came from here and there.

Even the enemy soldiers are engulfed in fear at her and our enthusiasm while following her.

Even though I was about to move my legs again, it seemed that I could not move them anymore as if they were sewed on the spot.

The enemies are terrified at our sight They lost their spirit to fight..

Our presence is so intense, yet frightening.

And there was a space that popped open where we ran.

There was a rich carpet that was mismatched with the environment at this situation, and on it there was a chair made of gold.

At a glance you can see that it is a place for high-ranking people.

I saw her appearing all bloody in from of them and they screamed their lungs out.

She does not move to that reaction, though.

Going straight to the middle, she cut down the stern man guarding the important figure and stood in front of the man who sat in the center of the formation.

The fat man shows no movement.

He seems to have fainted at her sight.

The next moment, a sword pops out between Mary and him.

However, she did not appear to be particularly surprised.