Common Sense of a Duke’s Daughter - Chapter 216: Father and Child

Chapter 216: Father and Child

Father and Child

(TL: General Gazelle and Count Anderson)

What did you mean by that?

I feel that I cant finish to understand the words that my son whispered while sighing.

No, I just thought that Mary have brought it upon herself.

Because its you were talking about father you probably talked to us when young.. and inadvertently it lead to Marys story.

Do not say that you are not sorry for your daughter.

Cold and cold Count Anderson with an expression similar to his wife, serious but a soft face unlike his father General Gazelle, said to him.

Well, because shes sensitive to the smell of fighting and is a great strategist, probably somehow that feeling got deep in her skin, so trying to conceal it from her family has been in vain

I do not agree to that!

And here is another point: From the very beginning I am not blaming you father, anyway, your sense of fighting is the same as that of a wild beast and even if Mary is a girl, you taught her.

Well, is not it to be blamed?

Whenever frustration overcomes me, I remember that it seems to have been nothing so far compared to her having to hide all of her true self away.

Oh Well, thats right, rather it is a matter of how she shares the information to her family and how she decides to move afterwards.

Well, her children are adults now, they will understand her circumstances, their relationship will not change very much.

Yeah.. but with the war approaching.. its better if she opens up to her family.. as she has been many times already in previous battlefields, she knows better than others how to organize the soldiers.. we need her

Thinking that way, it would be better to share everything she knew to her family more than half-assed information, the information is life, if you grasp it wrong, you could misjudge the battlefield and the more you grasp it, the greater the survival rate. The Duke of Almerias territory will be the focal point of attack as its currently the richest place of the entire kingdom.. its better if she shares all her knowledge with them, so that it doesnt increase the hardships.

I know! I know, but I do not feel like she should be involved, even if her knowledge surpass us.

I laugh at my sons words.

My son is worried about Mary.

By the way, from a long time this pair of brother sister had a good relationship.

By the way, Father, when the war against that country officially starts, will you lead the army?

Well, it doesnt matter if its me or not, but the possibilities are high, I have to coordinate with land intelligence too and it is difficult to say by myself what will happen, but as you know, our existence will raise the morale of the troops, so I think Prince Alfred will appoint us. Best of all, considering the talents in the current army and the state of this country I think there are no others

Prince Alfred sent a message saying that he will lead the military together with us but I suppose you will be grasping the control of the troops. The less confused, the better he said.

Well, if its like that, there is no more to say will you go too?

No way, Im not good at martial arts..

Martial arts is it?

At those words, Count Anderson didnt answer anything, just a bitter smile floated on his face.

Probably if youre strong, you will be able to accumulate many accomplishments on the battlefield.

It is a military with such thoughts.

If you can fight in fact, it doesnt matter if youre Mary the general or Mary the duchess, or Count Anderson or a low soldier your ability is what counts.

Well, good, in case of emergency, I will ask for absence and come help.


Also, do not ask for Marys help.

I can not imagine that help would be needed for me

I was worried, but.. with a bitter smile on my face.

Well, do not say In case of emergency, there is nothing better than having someone to count on, which makes us certainly stronger Thats why we need as many soldiers as you can obtain. Even those escorts that have somewhat exercised, but, be sure they are people you can trust.

Indeed I certainly need to start recruiting people. Even so, father you surely are sweet to Mary.

I dont want to hear it from you, Mary is a lion when she gets angry, and she didnt say anything to her family yet, if we let her exposed I cant think of the consequences

My son laughs sonorously, without denying nor affirming my words.

Although it is certainly impossible to think that the training that father had given to her is fruitless . She has already been married for many years and became a Duchess at that she doesnt have so much strength as before having lived so many years as a noble lady.

Well, its in her blood already, Mary has more talent than us for war and she never left training no matter if married or not what different is there for you?

No Of course theres not, shes a pretty sister to me and that has not changed.

Okay then, I asked everything.
