Codename:Phoenix - 206 Replaced

206 Replaced

Satisfied with what he saw, the man in gray suit hurriedly flee the vicinity as the wailing sound of police cars was heard in a distance. 


Deciding to arrive an hour before the shoot starts, w.a.n.g Reiji made sure that her need preparations were minimal and can be achieved in less than an hour. She did not want to stay longer in the set because she might really punch the director's face or even do worse after she had learned the truth about his disgusting nature.   

On her way to the commercial's location, she was reading the doc.u.ments that Rentao sent to her e-mail. The doc.u.ments contained all cla.s.sified information on the director's tryst with different celebrities. Some were already famous, mostly were still struggling artists. As she was reading the report, she had mixed emotions. Furious because the director had the power to hara.s.s the girls and get safely away from being punished. She also felt pity for the girls who abandoned their morality just to reach their goals. How she badly wished that she could be there for them so that they did not have to go through all that nightmare. 

Unfortunately, what was done cannot be undone. But that did not mean that she can't do and won't do anything about it. She herself was once a victim and she knew how it felt to be powerless. Now that she became a force to be reckoned with, she won't turn a blind eye to every injustice she sees. 

"Everyone, please gather around me for a while! Everyone, except the actress and her stylists, please gather around me! We have an emergency!" The head of the marketing department of Oriental Europa spoke through the mega phone, making sure that his voice was loud enough to be heard by everyone. He also did that to jolt the senses of those who were still sleepy. 

"Earlier today, something unexpectedly bad happened. The director is missing and until now we cannot contact him. Because of this, the management of Oriental Europa decided to replace him so we can still continue with the shoot.  The new director is already on his way. I hope this minor setback won't affect the quality of the commercial. Rest a.s.sured that you all will be compensated plentifully as long as you guys did your tasks well. The filming of the commercial will go as planned. You may now return to your respective posts. Thank you!" 

Soon as the marketing head of Oriental Europa finished delivering his announcement, murmurs of gossip poured down the set instantly. A mixed of both negative and positive opinions can be heard all over the location of the commercial shoot.

"How odd! Why would the director go missing all of a sudden?" One of the crew asked.

"Who knows? Maybe he was too drunk to get up! Or he was still tired becaue he played all night with his missies." A guy who seemed to be fixing props for the set answered.

"Hus.h.!.+ Be careful with your words! You know better that the director doesn't want his personal issues to be disclosed at work." A cameraman said while he was cleaning the lens of his camera.

"Or could the rumors be true? Maybe the director got arrested for s.e.xual harrasment and coercion!" The boom operator cannot help but speak as well. 

"Who's stupid enough to go against the director? If that is the case, the director has a lot of connections. For sure, he will be out of jail in no time." Another camerman said. 

"Who knows? The director might probaly offended a big shot this time and his connections cannot do anything for him." The gaffer who was busy optimizing the lighting plan cannot help but state his opinion too. 

"It's possible. You know, power and inluence are not absolute. Or maybe the director is not as influential now as he was before. But still we must be cautious." The production a.s.sistant b.u.t.ted in as she handed packed breakfast to the crew. Soon as the PA had given food to everyone in the set, she then moved toward w.a.n.g Reiji's location. 

While the marketing head of Oriental Europa was busy with the announcement, w.a.n.g Reiji and the make up and hair stylists had already begun with their preparations. 

"You need to be extra careful, chérie. I heard they will be burning the entire set. Hmmm.... flame can quickly get out of control and end not just your budding career but your precious life as well." The hair stylist's voice was full of worry, nonetheless he remained composed as he fixed w.a.n.g Reiji's curls in place.  

"R-really? They will be burning the entire set down? That's too risky. It may create problems or enviromental issues." w.a.n.g Reiji was now worried how the burn scene will turn out. However, she was still confident that Rentao acted immediately and will put the director in his place.  

"Let us just wish that the representatives of Oriental Europa will not allow that dangerous scene to happen." Though carefully applying eyeliner on w.a.n.g Reiji, the stylist stopped for a while to speak what was on his mind. He was about to say another word when a voice interrupted him. 

"Good morning! I am here to bring you all breakfast. Oriental Europa sponsored all our meals! Aren't the executives generous?" As soon as the PA stepped inside the tent, it became filled with energy. 

"Yes, but it will be much better if they will not agree with the director's plan of burning the entire set down.  What if somebody gets hurt? Even though there are medics on stand by, the nearest hospital is three hours away from here." 

"Maybe we can raise that concern to the new director later." The PA said in almost a whisper as she put the packed breakfast down on the table near the entrance.

Soon as the words of the PA were heard, the two stylists immediately stopped what they were doing and with a shocked look on their face they asked her, 

"What did you just say?"

"Did you just say new director?" 

"Yes, you heard it right. The marketing manager of Oriental Europa told us that they cannot get hold of the director. So they decided to replace him to continue with the commercial shoot." The PA swiftly answered.

"Well, well, well... Maybe the director was finally arrested!" The hairstylist said as he applied some hairspray on w.a.n.g Reiji's hair. 

"If that's true then that will be the hottest topic in social media platforms this morning!" The other stylist exclaimed. 

"Actually there are circulating rumors that the director was arrested for s.e.xual harra.s.sment! Everyone who knows that I work with him for this project has been asking me this. I don't want to answer them." Worry was written all over the PA's face. 

"Why don't you just tell them that he did not show up for the commercial shoot this morning?" w.a.n.g Reiji asked as she glanced at the PA's reflection in the mirror. 

"Owuuu... It is not that easy, Madam! The director has a habit of getting revenge on those who try to put him down. If I confirm to others that he is in not here today, heavens knows what he will do to me once he finds out that I took part in spreading the rumors!" Forlorn and afraid, the PA looked back at w.a.n.g Reiji. 

"I see... The director seems to be a dangerous man. Is he a member of a powerful family?" w.a.n.g Reiji gestured the stylists to stop what they were doing. She then stood up and walked towards the PA. When she actually seen how scared the PA was, she held both her hands and said,

"I am sorry if I asked such a silly question. You don't have to answer me if you do not want to." w.a.n.g Reiji tenderly squeezed the PA's hands before she let them go. She then walked towards the table where the PA put their packed breakfast.

"Thank you for bringing us our breakfast. You may go now." w.a.n.g Reiji smiled faintly at the PA before she went back to her seat bringing the food along with her. 

The PA did not dare speak another word and hurriedly stepped out the tent. 

"Poor girl. You can really see that she is afraid of the director." The hair stylist said as he carefully put the brush down the table to pick up a hand sanitizer. 

"You can't blame her. That director is notorious and one cannot openly say that he or she is against him. Last year there was a field reporter who got beaten badly because he tried to expose the director's shenanigans. But of course the director got safely away, thanks to his friends."

"It is a relief that Oriental Europa decided to hire a new director. Honestly, I am not comfortable working with him." w.a.n.g Reiji said as she opened the food container and the mouth watering aroma of the congee with soy egg wafted into the air.

"Did he try to make a move on you?" The hair stylist asked as he reached for his packed breakfast.

"He tried. But I immediately turned him down. He did not insist, telling me that I was lucky the CEO of Oriental Europa hand-picked me." w.a.n.g Reiji replied as she dipped her spoon into the food container. 

"The director probably chose to be cautious with you maybe because he does not want to offend the CEO of Oriental Europa." 

"If you don't mind me asking, do you personally know Oriental Europa's CEO?"

"I don't. I am just lucky that among those who auditioned for the role, I am the most inexperienced." w.a.n.g Reiji was fast enough to think of a lie. 

"Inexperienced?" The two stylists asked in unison.

"Mmm... Yes. What I heard was the CEO did not want a famous actress because she might become the focus of interest not the advertis.e.m.e.nt itself. That instead of the hotel being endorsed, it will be the celebrity." w.a.n.g Reiji answered. 

"Makes sense. Anyway, let us now eat our breakfast. The congee tastes better when eaten warm."

"That is correct! Also we must hurry. The new director might arrive anytime soon."

The three of them did not waste time anymore and begun eating the breakfast the PA brought to them.