Codename:Phoenix - 210 The Masquerade Ball

210 The Masquerade Ball

"Sure, master! I will teach you everything you need to know!" The manager who turned white as a paper a while ago had now recovered.

As w.a.n.g Yuvin continued to walk towards the Hideout's main entrance and exit, he saw Kiang Leilei sitting on one of the couches and was waiting patiently for him.

'Thank heavens I was able to save you that day.' w.a.n.g Yuvin thought to himself as he silently admired the innocent look of Kiang Leilei.

Living a life of never-ending danger and evading death in the previous five years of his life, w.a.n.g Yuvin did not make many friends and had no time to crush on girls. He devoted solely his life into honing his skills and making sure that when the time came for him to punish those responsible for his parents' death, he was more than ready to collect their overdue debts with interest included.

And now that he had polished his skills and had stood on top of his game, he probably can give attention to the other aspects of his life, specifically, his love life. But can he juggle both?

Noticing a piercing gaze that was focused on her, Kiang Leilei immediately searched for the source. Just when she was about to turn her face to w.a.n.g Yuvin's direction, the man was swift enough to not get caught.

'Why am I acting silly?' w.a.n.g Yuvin asked himself as he continued to walk towards Kiang Leilei as if nothing had happened.

"Looks like the manager and you talked about a very serious matter." Kiang Leilei said as she stood up from her seat to approach w.a.n.g Yuvin and return his phone.

"Thank you. I just sent grandfather a message. But it seems that he is busy at the moment." Kiang Leilei added as she stretched her arm out to hand back w.a.n.g Yuvin's phone to him.

However, w.a.n.g Yuvin did not take his phone and spoke, "Keep my phone for a while. Your grandfather might give you a call." w.a.n.g Yuvin then let out a faint smile.

"Okay." Kiang Leilei retracted her arm and slipped w.a.n.g Yuvin's phone into her bag.

"Let's go, Miss Kiang." w.a.n.g Yuvin was about to offer his hand to Kiang Leilei when he remembered the incident earlier. Maybe Kiang Leilei was not comfortable to hold hands with a guy.

"Please, just call me Lei." Actually, Kiang Leilei did not mind w.a.n.g Yuvin addressing her as Miss Kiang. What really bothered her was the realization that w.a.n.g Yuvin did not stretch his arm out anymore to offer her a.s.sistance. Maybe it was because of what had happened some time ago? Kiang Leilei felt worried that w.a.n.g Yuvin thought she acted weird thus the sudden change in treatment.

"Okay, Lei." w.a.n.g Yuvin replied as he then walked fast towards the exit and held the door open for Kiang Leilei. This gesture of his somehow lifted her mood up.

Soon as they stepped outside the Hideout's doors a black luxury SUV stopped in front of them. Thinking that someone was trying to do them harm, w.a.n.g Yuvin moved in front of Kiang Leilei to protect her from whatever might come their way.

"Stay close." w.a.n.g Yuvin mumbled to Kiang Leilei as they both waited in antic.i.p.ation for the people inside the black SUV to get down and approach them.

However, the rising tension immediately died down the moment the door of the SUV swung open.

"Get inside, love birds!" Chairman Xu yelled out loud as he looked at the surprised faces of w.a.n.g Yuvin and Kiang Leilei.

"Chairman Xu?" w.a.n.g Yuvin and Kiang Leilei said in unison as they stared back at the old man sitting inside the black vehicle.