Codename:Phoenix - 204 The Wall Climbing Beauty

204 The Wall Climbing Beauty

"Actually, I can tell you what to do as long as you are inside the Hideout's territory. And besides, you are protecting the person who committed an act of violence against me the current master. Now, let me ask you this question Council Yun, where does your loyalty lie?" w.a.n.g Yuvin calmly spoke as he placed his hands inside his pants pocket and circled around the man.

"You planned for this! Didn't you? I asked the head manager about your ident.i.ty but he did not reply! If I found out right away that you are the new master, do you think I will have the audacity to threaten you?" Dr. Yang explained his side after he recalled that he did ask about w.a.n.g Yuvin's ident.i.ty. However, he cannot disclose that the reason he asked for the guy's ident.i.ty because he had the intention of destroying the guy's family after his boys had beaten the c.r.a.p out of him.

"Why did you ask the manager when I was already standing in front of you? Does that mean that you were really ignoring me the onset of our meeting?" w.a.n.g Yuvin seemed to be tired of standing that he invited himself to take a sit on one of the couches, specifically on Council Yun's seat. He then crossed his legs and waited for the doctor's answer. However, it seemed like the man was caught off guard that he was at loss for words. Doctor Yang did not know what to say!

"Dr. Yang, if there is one thing we have in common, it would be impatience. But, unlike you, I don't resort to violence to make people submit to me and answer my question. That's why I am being lenient to you and your son. Instead of thras.h.i.+ng the two of you together with your minions, I'd rather have your VIP status revoked. On top of that, I would like to permanently ban both of you from the Hideout." w.a.n.g Yuvin added as he scanned Dr. Yang from head to foot, doing exactly what the old man did to him earlier.

Both Dr. Yang and Consul Yun gritted their teeth in anger. This young man way too arrogant for his age! From the way he spoke, his words made it seem that they should rather be thankful for his leniency towards them. Seriously? Who's backing this man up? They must know now so they can destroy them before this man decided to destroy them first!

"You messed with the wrong person, boy! I am Dr. Yang and I control all the hospitals and medical facilities of this city! I just hope that none of your family members get sick or encounter a health problem. Likewise, you and your family are banned from all of my hospitals!" Dr. Yang growled at w.a.n.g Yuvin and was about to walk out of the room but changed his mind the moment w.a.n.g Yuvin started to speak again.

"I appreciate the concern, Dr. Yang. But you don't have to worry about my family though. We have our own physician. Hmm... Hold on a sec. Isn't denying medical treatment to a patient illegal?"

Dr. Yang's color immediately left him the moment he heard w.a.n.g Yuvin's question. It seemed like he was the one who messed with the wrong person!

"Anyway, I already said what I wanted to. I shall now take my leave since it is not a good idea to make a beautiful woman wait." w.a.n.g Yuvin directed his words to Yang Kim who was now tightly clenching his fists while silently cursing w.a.n.g Yuvin inside his head.

'Motherf*cker! I will make you pay for this humiliation someday. I will make you suffer ten folds!' Yang Kim thought to himself as he threw daggers at w.a.n.g Yuvin who had just walked out of the room and now headed to where Kiang Leilei was.


"I think I will settle for this black qipao with gold and red embroidery! According to the director, we will shoot the second scene first. And it has a bit of action in it. This black qipao will suit well with the scene, I am sure of that." w.a.n.g Reiji then took the dress from the hand of Miss Teri's a.s.sistant and went straight inside the fitting room.

"Nice, so you are sort of an action star? Well, if the scene needs to show your agility and mobility, you need something that would not restrict your movements!" Miss Teri seemed excited to see how well the gown fits w.a.n.g Reiji.

"Actually, this is my first acting job. I am not sure if I can fare well as an action star. But, you know, beggars can't be choosers. I just hope I can do the job properly." w.a.n.g Reiji replied as she removed her clothing, piece by piece, only leaving her undergarments on.

"You know what, I have a hunch that you'll pa.s.s this acting job with flying colors! But if ever my hunch is incorrect, you can always come back to my boutique and I will hire you as a model!" Miss Teri replied as she gestured her a.s.sistants to bring her some of their famed accessories.

"I am almost done, I'll be out in a while." w.a.n.g Reiji quickly slipped inside the qipao.

However, instead of hearing Miss Teri's reply, w.a.n.g Reiji heard a commotion.

"Excuse me, madame. But you are not supposed to get inside. We have a designated waiting area for our clients. Besides, Miss Teri is still a.s.sisting a client." The a.s.sistant who was tasked to bring the accessories in had returned with a client instead.

"What's the matter again?" Miss Teri furrowed her brows as she faced her a.s.sistant and another stubborn client.

"Looks like I need to hurry up. Unlike Madame Tong, Miss Teri's very in demand!" w.a.n.g Reiji mumbled to herself as she took another glance of herself in the mirror.

"I saw you in the news and I instantly fell in love with your designs. That's why I decided that the gown I will be wearing for the masquerade ball should be designed by you." The new client said as she roamed her eyes around the room and lingered her sight on the gowns Miss Teri personally hand-picked for w.a.n.g Reiiji.

w.a.n.g Reiji who was about to step out of the fitting room suddenly scratched the idea of going out when she heard the client's voice.

"Huh! This nauseating voice! I am sure as h.e.l.l that the person outside is none other than Liu Lingli!" w.a.n.g Reiji told herself as she balled her hands into fists while she contemplated whether to punch the b*tch on the face or strangle her neck. Either way, she will make sure to personally send Liu Lingli to the place where she rightfully belonged, h.e.l.l.