Codename:Phoenix - 184 The Soup

184 The Soup

"I think I need to use the comfort room." w.a.n.g Reiji said faintly as she abruptly stood from her seat to rush to the comfort room.

'B-boss..." Rentao softly murmured.

"What?!" w.a.n.g Reiji sounded a little bit annoyed since she was in a hurry to evacuate the area.

"The comfort room is that way, boss." Rentao mumbled as his finger pointed to the opposite direction to which w.a.n.g Reiji was going to.

"I know!" w.a.n.g Reiji said as she dashed her way out of the restaurant to head to the comfort room.

When she reached the comfort room, she saw that n.o.body else was inside so she thought to lock it for a while to have it all to herself. Just when she was about to close the door and lock it, a pair of two hands prevented the door from closing.

"We need to talk." Zhang Chenric quickly moved inside the comfort room and locked the door behind him.

Seeing that she was now trapped inside the comfort room together with the last person she wanted to get involved with, w.a.n.g Reiji swiftly ran towards the last cubicle and locked herself in.

"Talk about what? I do not even know who you are! You better get the f*ck out or I will scream for help!" w.a.n.g Reiji's voice was firm and cold as she treated Zhang Chenric as a stranger.

Seriously? Talk inside a public comfort room for females? This Zhang Chenric probably had all his screws loose!

"Yin, please stop making things even more complicated. I am desperate. We need to talk."

"I think you had mistaken me for a different person. My name is not Yin. So, can you kindly open the door and get out, please." w.a.n.g Reiji had no desire to admit that she was in fact, Yin.

However, the man replied with silence. After some few seconds of dead air, w.a.n.g Reiji heard a clicking and a creaking sound coming from the door. Then, the noise coming from the crowd of people outside instantly followed in.

'Thank goodness he listened to me!' w.a.n.g Reiji thought to herself as she let out a sigh of relief.

She then unlocked the door of the cubicle and slowly peeked outside to see if the man was still there. Seeing that there was n.o.body but her and the door was already wide open, w.a.n.g Reiji glanced herself at the mirror and fixed her coat.

Just when she was about to exit the comfort room, a pair of strong arms pulled her inside the first cubicle!

"Ahh!" w.a.n.g Reiji let out a shrill cry as shock instantly took over her system.

"Sorry, Yin... Or should I say CEO w.a.n.g Reiji?" Zhang Chenric softly whispered as he wrapped his arms tightly around w.a.n.g Reiji's body.

'Wrong! I am Jing Yizhi!' w.a.n.g Reiji wanted to yell out loud at his face, but gracious heavens! When she inhaled the man's scent, she felt her knees suddenly turned to jelly.

"I told you I am desperate. Did not I?" Zhang Chenric whispered gently to w.a.n.g Reiji's ear.

w.a.n.g Reiji's cheeks flushed red when she felt Zhang Chenric's hot breath on her neck as well as the mild brus.h.i.+ng of his lips against her ear.

'What is happening to me? Why am I reacting this way? This man is an enemy!' w.a.n.g Reiji scolded herself inwardly as she tried to break free from Zhang Chenric's clasp.

"I am really sorry for this. I just want to talk about us and I do not care if I get to prison after this confrontation with you. As long as you get to know the truth about that day." Zhang Chenric spoke again as he slightly loosened his arms around w.a.n.g Reiji as his tight grip turned into a warm embrace.

"If you think I abandoned you, I did not abandon you. Actually, I was really excited to see you that day and to tell you that my father is alive. Yes, he is alive but he is suffering from Alzheimer's." Zhang Chenric paused for a while to clear his throat.

"That day, the day when we were supposed to meet, someone attacked my father and removed his life support. I do not know how did they find out that he was still alive after all the fake burial we had set up... I stayed with him in the hospital until his vital signs stabilized. I had to protect him and keep him alive because he is the only person who can prove your innocence." Zhang Chenric continued his narration in a rasping voice, his hands now around w.a.n.g Reiji's waist.

"I transferred father to a different hospital after his condition became stable. I tried to call you to tell you about the situation, but your phone was out of reach. I had to ask Lee to look after father while I search for ---"


Before Zhang Chenric can finish his sentence, w.a.n.g Reiji had slipped away from his arms and had successfully landed a punch on his face.

"I told you, you got the wrong person!" After hitting Zhang Chenric's face with her fist, she used the time when the man was holding his bleeding nose to climb up the door of the cubicle and hurriedly fled the scene.

"Yin!" Zhang Chenric called out w.a.n.g Reiji's real name as he tried to run after her. Unfortunately for him, a h.o.a.rd of wealthy old females blocked his way, making it impossible for him to pursue her.

"Oh my! Your nose is bleeding!" Yelled one of the madame.

"Eekkk! Why is there a man here?" Another madame shrieked when she saw Zhang Chenric stepped out of the ladies' restroom.

"I am sorry!" Zhang Chenric lowered his head down as he pa.s.sed through the old ladies.

"Aiyo! Reminded me of my own s.e.xcapades when I was younger." The youngest among the old ladies said as she her hands cupped her face.

"It seemed like he tried to a.s.sault the woman we saw on our way here."

As the chatter among the old females grew louder inside the restroom, Zhang Chenric's footsteps became heavier as he now felt dizzy after getting a solid punch from the woman.

'Did I really mistake that woman for Yin? Was it because of the striking resemblance between the two of them? Or did she lose her memory?' Zhang Chenric contemplated as he slowly moved across the lobby.

As far as he could remember, Xing Yin cannot punch like that. Though she was a pract.i.tioner of various martial arts, her attacks were never as powerful as the one he just received. Was she really not Xing Yin? Or if she was the real Xing Yin, what happened to her these past five years? What caused her to become like that?

"Young master!" Lee Qingya yelled out loud when his eyes caught sight of Zhang Chenric.

"What happened? Who did that to you?" Lee Qingya looked horrified to see a bleeding Zhang Chenric approaching the elevator. He was about to get closer to him when Zhang Chenric gestured him to stop.

Lee Qingya stopped on his tracks as he watched his friend and employer whose white polo s.h.i.+rt was tainted with stains of blood and eyes shrouded by devastation.