Code Geass: A Soldiers Retribution - 3 Assuming Direct Control.

3 Assuming Direct Control.

As the old woman spoke she slowly began to breakdown, her voice became quieter and tears began to stream from here eyes. "The reason that the major town is interested in this village is that the soil in our fields is extremely fertile and the fertility rate never seems to drop, we can produce food for the entire region alone if needed. The sad thing however is that we can't feed over half of the population in our village as the n.o.ble family takes half of our daily yields and we need the rest to pay the weekly taxes." Theo walked over to the sobbing woman and gently hugged her, he spent nearly an hour comforting the woman before she regained control of her emotions. She looked at Theo with a small smile on her face saying "Thank you for listening to this old woman for so long, I just want my grandchildren to grow up in a safe village were they have access to food and water whenever they want"

Theo gently let go of the old woman before saying" This village is now mine, your grandchildren will get what you desire, I need you to spread a message to the farmers for me. Tell them that all of the food they collect tomorrow comes to the village, not the n.o.ble family and not to where you store your taxes. Tell all able bodied men who are not working the fields to meet me at the crack of dawn tomorrow in the centre of the village, anyone who doesn't show up will not get any food and neither will their family. We will need to make some basic defences for when the troops come to collect your taxes, they will need to get as much sleep as possible, as of now we are in open rebellion against the town. Do you know anyone who can spare some clothes that might fit me, I can't go dressed like this to meet the local n.o.bility"

The old woman smiled at Theo and walked over to a dresser before pulling out some tidy looking male clothes. The shorts and s.h.i.+rt were both blue in colour and had the name Han Young-Gi sown onto the top left of the s.h.i.+rt, the old woman said"They belonged too my son before he was taken to the town to work on their farms, please use them as you see fit, I have no idea if he is still alive." Theo smiled at her and walked back up to her before hugging her again and whispering"Its all going to be ok, they will not take anyone else while I'm still breathing. Now I believe I have an important meeting with the idiots 'looking over' my village, see you when I get back."

Theo walked towards the exit to the house and to his surprise there was a large group of people on the other side of the door. The ones nearest the door were talking about the two men who had tried to attack Theo and about what little of them is left, Theo growing bored of listening to this conversation opened the door before saying "Don't you guys have jobs to be doing? Slackers do not deserve to be fed, if you have nothing to do then go and cut down some trees and bring back the wood to the village. I'm not asking you to do this, I'm telling you too, if you feel like I'm slacking then you should know that I'm about to go and argue with the n.o.bles that are stealing your food on your behalf. It may get heated so be prepared to fight for your right to eat if it comes too that."

Before anyone in the crowd could respond to what he had said, he was already on his way towards the n.o.bles house as he left the village he was taken back by the natural beauty of the surrounding area, the fields of crops looked mesmerising against the backdrop of the beautiful, flower covered green hills. A river ran through the fields and past a large regal manor that looked out of place given its surroundings,Theo a.s.sumed that manor would be where his revolution would begin in earnest. He walked along the fields at a leisurely place and noticed that the farmers were growing a mixture of cotton and corn, corn was a good product for them to grow as it could be eaten raw or turned into other products for consumption however cotton was a cash crop and Theo a.s.sumed that they were being forced to grow this instead of more food for the the villagers.

After 10 minutes Theo had arrived at his destination as he was walking towards the gate a group of guards surrounded him and demanded to know who he was, when they got no response they edged closer to him and drew their weapons. Two guards were armed with strong steel swords while two others were equipped with standard military pistols, Theo a.s.sumed that their gear was lacking because they were expected to deal with a few rowdy peasants and not anyone will fighting skill, let alone someone with a Gea.s.s. As the guards began to close the distance, Theo laughed and said "My name is Theo Thornrow and you are standing on my village lands, you have two seconds to back away from me before you all die a grizzly death."

*Host's Status*

Name: Theo Thornrow

Health: Body Functions normal

Cla.s.s: n.o.ble (Lvl 1 0/50exp) Special Forces(lvl 2 50/100exp) Gea.s.s User (lvl2 0/100exp)

Armour: s.h.i.+rt, shorts.

Weapons: Knife

Attributes: Strength:3 Agility:5 Const.i.tution:5 Charisma:3 Willpower:10 Intelligence:21

Languages Known: Britannian, Korean, Chinese

Gea.s.s Abilities/Skills: Soul Devouring (Lvl 2 0/100exp)

Pa.s.sive Abilities/Skills: No Sleep(Lvl 1 50/150exp)

Combat Abilities/Skills: Knife Mastery (Lvl 1 30/50exp)

Empire management Abilities/Skills: