Chat Group For Magicians - 109 Is That The Night Stalker?

109 Is That The Night Stalker?

On the other hand, Miya's AOE skill was somehow a bit similar to what Catmod has, but it's a water ball that looked similar to a crystal ball showing a cascading storm in the ocean. I stared at the size and frowned, it's around the size of a bowling ball. But these b.a.l.l.s are so small, how did they call it AOE?

Catmod's paws that are holding the ball of air is suddenly covered with several layers of White Magic Circles that made the air on the ball to get heavier and heavier. I also saw Miya's skill got covered with Magic Circles too. Wait a second, are those different variations of elements from the same magic attack?

As soon as the two b.a.l.l.s of elements get enveloped by several layers of the magic circles, they throw the two b.a.l.l.s together, clas.h.i.+ng their forces on each other. I thought it would fail but what I saw is totally different.

The two b.a.l.l.s of elements expanded and before I knew it, the ball of wind became a tornado and the water became blades. The strong air current coming from the tornado made all of the trees got uprooted from the ground and the water blades that merged together with the tornado cut up all the trees to pieces. Of course, the undead were not tolerated too as they were also sucked up in the ma.s.sive tornado and all skeletons that get into the cascading air, the bones were all reduced to dust, leaving nothing for the skeletons to sp.a.w.n on. I'm struggling to hold on to Miya and Catmod due to the air current. Since Miya and Catmod are both casters of the spell, they won't be harmed by it, however, I am not one of the people who cast the spells, so I am basically a walking target of the spell too because it doesn't have the avoid Friendly Fire method. If I don't hold on to Miya and Catmod, I would also be blown or sucked inside the tornado.

The tornado rotated around us, sweeping all the undead on its path messy path. The whirring wind sounded more similar to the wind whopping on a stormy day. That particular pressure of the wind is very strong that a single mistake might send me to nirvana in just a single mishap on my part.

Good thing that this spell didn't last forever. After a few minutes of rampaging the surrounding area, the undead were all reduced to dust and they are either gone for good or they are just too broken to be reanimated again.

After the tornado disappeared, I was fully drenched in water due to the skill that Miya made and after it was done, the water poured down in the sky like it was raining. Again, since Miya and Catmod are both the casters, they did not get wet as the water literally avoided them. Meanwhile, the me who has not contributed to the attack is now a wet chick in the middle of the rain. I also noticed that this rain is a bit... sticky? Or is this just my imagination?

All of the skeleton around no longer able to rise back up which means, there is no more threat for us. The darkness also cleared out, from the looks of it, it was attached to the trees and since the tornado chopped them down, the trees giving off a strange vibe in the surroundings are nowhere to be found. As for the wood and leaves, they are already fine sets of dust on the ground.

"d.a.m.n, how vicious are the spells you all have? You left me with a wet set of clothes!" I looked at them in a disappointed gaze.

"Hahaha, sorry about that Kazuma. Let me dry you real quick," Catmod said and flicks his paws.


All of a sudden, the chill and wetness in my body is replaced with a warm feeling. Also, I am no longer wet from the water!

"Wow! How convenient! No more needs for bath towels! Teach me that spell!" I said to Catmod.

"That can wait, let's clean up this place first."


Miya did the cleansing job using her spell, Purify. After Catmod and Miya used their AOE skills, they have managed to remove a large chunk of the darkness, therefore, only a bit of the darkness is left behind, making it easier for cleansing.

In the middle of cleansing, I spotted a figure on the trees that are remaining after the tornado. It has an odd silhouette and it is currently moving. With me being on alert, that figure did not escape my sight. Its odd shape makes me think of a certain character.

"Is that the Shadow Stalker?"

Catmod looked at me and then to where I was looking. His fur suddenly goes high up like he is having gooseb.u.mps.

"That is a demon! An abyssal demon!" Catmod hissed.

Abyssal Demon? Another mythical creature once again appears? Isn't that a bit too awkward for so many mythical creatures appearing back to back? But since Catmod is getting agitated on its presence, then this means that an Abyssal Demon is something else.

"What is an abyssal demon?" I asked Catmod.

"Abyssal Demons are something that only appears in the abyss, a separate plane that humans are not allowed to enter. If either the humans or anything enters the abyss without any darkness protection, they will be devoured by the darkness and will be converted into demons. There is no known method to convert back an abyssal demon back to his or her previous state. Only by killing them would be the method to relieve them from the power of darkness."

I stare on the silhouette again. Does that mean, this Abyssal Demon is someone who got corrupted by darkness? Does that mean, a rift is open nearby? A dangerous crack that might cause more trouble for us? Man, I want to go home already!