Charles Lamb - Part 6

Part 6

1811. Prince Dorus; or Flattery put out of Countenance. A Poetical Version of an Ancient Tale.

[1811. Beauty and the Beast; or a Rough Outside with Gentle Heart. A Poetical Version of an Ancient Tale; credited to Lamb by some authorities but on inconclusive evidence.]

1818. The Works of Charles Lamb. In 2 vols.

1823. Elia. Essays which have appeared under that t.i.tle in the "London Magazine" (now known as "Essays of Elia"):

The South-Sea House.

Oxford in the Vacation.

Christ's Hospital Five-and-Thirty Years ago.

The Two Races of Men.

New Year's Eve.

Mrs. Battle's Opinions on Whist.

A Chapter on Ears.

All Fools' Day.

A Quakers' Meeting.

The Old and the New Schoolmaster.

Valentine's Day.

Imperfect Sympathies.

Witches and other Night Fears.

My Relations.

Mackery End in Hertfordshire.

Modern Gallantry.

The Old Benchers of the Inner Temple.

Grace before Meat.

My First Play.

Dream-Children: a Reverie.

Distant Correspondents.

The Praise of Chimney-Sweepers.

A Complaint of the Decay of Beggars in the Metropolis.

A Dissertation upon Roast Pig.

A Bachelor's Complaint of the Behaviour of Married People.

On some of the Old Actors.

On the Artificial Comedy of the Last Century.

On the Acting of Munden.

1830. Alb.u.m Verses, with a few others.

1831. Satan in Search of a Wife.

1833. The Last Essays of Elia.


Blakesmoor in H----shire.

Poor Relations.

Stage Illusion.

To the Shade of Elliston.


Detached Thoughts on Books and Reading.

The Old Margate Hoy.

The Convalescent.

Sanity of True Genius.

Captain Jackson.

The Superannuated Man.

The Genteel Style in Writing.

Barbara S----.

The Tombs in the Abbey.

Amicus Redivivus.

Some Sonnets of Sir Philip Sydney.

Newspapers Thirty-five Years Ago.

Barrenness of the Imaginative Faculty in the Productions of Modern Art.

Rejoicings upon the New Year's Coming of Age.

The Wedding.

The Child Angel.

Old China.

Confessions of a Drunkard.

Popular Fallacies.


1837. Poetical Works of Charles Lamb.

1837. Letters of Charles Lamb, with a Sketch of his Life, by Thomas Noon Talfourd. 2 vols.

1848. The Final Memorials of Charles Lamb. By T. N. Talfourd.

1865. Eliana. Collected by J. E. Babson.

1875. Works. Centenary edition, with Memoir by Charles Kent.

1876. Life, Letters and Writings of Lamb. Edited by Percy Fitzgerald.

1883-8. Lamb's Works and Correspondence. Edited by Alfred Ainger. 12 vols.

1886. Letters of Charles Lamb (being Talfourd's two works in one with additions). Edited by W. Carew Hazlitt. Bohn's Standard Library.

1893. Bon Mots of Charles Lamb, etc. Edited by Walter Jerrold.

1903-4. The Works of Charles Lamb. Edited by William Macdonald. 12 vols.

1903-5. The Works of Charles Lamb. Edited by E. V. Lucas. 7 vols.

1904. Letters of Charles Lamb. Edited by Alfred Ainger. New edition. 2 vols. Eversley Series.