Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume III Part 23

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume III Part 23


ORGAN, or'gan, _n._ an instrument or means by which anything is done: a part of a body fitted for carrying on a natural or vital operation: a means of communication, or of conveying information or opinions from one to another of two parties, as an ambassador, a newspaper, &c.: a musical wind instrument consisting of a collection of pipes made to sound by means of compressed air from bellows, and played upon by means of keys: a system of pipes in such an organ, having an individual keyboard, a partial organ: a musical instrument having some mechanism resembling the pipe-organ, as the barrel-organ, &c.--_ns._ OR'GAN-BUILD'ER, one who constructs organs; OR'GAN-GRIND'ER, a fellow who plays a hand-organ by a crank; OR'GAN-HARM[=O]'NIUM, a large harmonium used instead of a pipe-organ.--_adjs._ ORGAN'IC, -AL, pertaining to an organ: organised: instrumental.--_adv._ ORGAN'ICALLY.--_n._ ORGAN'ICALNESS.--_v.t._ ORGAN'IFY, to add organic matter to.--_n._ ORGANISABIL'ITY.--_adj._ ORGANIS'ABLE, that may be organised.--_n._ ORGANIS[=A]'TION, the act of organising: the state of being organised.--_v.t._ OR'GAN[=I]SE, to supply with organs: to form several parts into an organised whole, to arrange.--_ns._ OR'GAN[=I]SER; OR'GANISM, organic structure, or a body exhibiting such: a living being, animal or vegetable.--_adj._ OR'GANISMAL.--_ns._ OR'GANIST, one who plays on an organ; OR'GAN-LOFT, the loft where an organ stands; ORGANOG'ENY, ORGANOGEN'ESIS, history of the development of living organs; ORGANOG'RAPHY, a description of the organs of plants or animals; ORGANOL'OGY, the study of structure and function; OR'GAN-PIPE, one of the sounding pipes of a pipe-organ (_flue-pipes_ and _reed-pipes_); OR'GAN-POINT, a note sustained through a series of chords, although only in harmony with the first and last; OR'GANRY, the music of the organ; OR'GAN-SCREEN, an ornamental stone or wood screen, on which a secondary organ is sometimes placed in cathedrals; ORGUINETTE', a mechanical musical instrument, with reeds and exhaust-bellows.--ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, the chemistry of substances of animal or vegetable origin, prior to 1828 supposed to be capable of formation only as products of vital processes: the chemistry of the compounds of carbon; ORGANIC DISEASE, a disease accompanied by changes in the structures involved; ORGANIC REMAINS, fossil remains of a plant or animal.--HYDRAULIC ORGAN, one whose bellows is operated by a hydraulic motor. [Fr. _organe_--L. _organum_--Gr. _organon_.]

ORGANON, or'ga-non, _n._ an instrument: a system of rules and principles for scientific investigation: a system of thought: the logic of Aristotle--also OR'GANUM:--_pl._ OR'GANA. [Gr., from _ergon_, a work.]

ORGANZINE, or'gan-zin, _n._ a silk thread of several twisted together, a fabric of the same. [Fr.]

ORGASM, or'gasm, _n._ immoderate excitement or action.--_adj._ ORGAS'TIC.

[Gr. _orgasmos_, swelling.]

ORGEAT, or'zhat, _n._ a confectioner's syrup made from almonds, sugar, &c.

[Fr. _orge_--L. _hordeum_, barley.]

ORGULOUS, or'g[=u]-lus, _adj._ (_Shak._) haughty.

ORGY, or'ji, _n._ any drunken or riotous rite or revelry, esp. by night--(_rare_) ORGE:--_pl._ OR'GIES, riotous secret rites observed in the worship of Bacchus.--_v.i._ ORGE, to indulge in riotous jollity.--_n._ OR'GIAST.--_adjs._ ORGIAS'TIC, OR'GIC. [Fr.,--L. _orgia_--Gr.]

ORICHALC, or'i-kalk, _n._ (_Spens._) a gold-coloured alloy resembling brass.--_adj._ ORICHAL'CEOUS. [Fr., from Gr. _oreichalkos_, mountain copper--_oros_, a mountain, _chalkos_, copper.]

ORIEL, [=o]'ri-el, _n._ a portico or recess in the form of a window built out from a wall, supported on brackets or corbels--distinguished from a bay window. [O. Fr. _oriol_, a porch--Low L. _oriolum_, a highly ornamented recess--L. _aureolus_, gilded--_aurum_, gold.]

ORIENT, [=o]'ri-ent, _adj._ rising, as the sun: eastern: bright or pure in colour.--_n._ the part where the sun rises: the east, or the countries of the east: purity of lustre, as in a pearl.--_v.t._ to set so as to face the east: to build, as a church, with its length from east to west.--_adj._ ORIEN'TAL, eastern: pertaining to, in, or from the east.--_n._ a native of the east.--_v.t._ ORIEN'TALISE.--_ns._ ORIEN'TALISM, an eastern word, expression, or custom; ORIEN'TALIST, one versed in the eastern languages: an oriental; ORIENTAL'ITY.--_v.t._ and _v.i._ ORIEN'T[=A]TE.--_ns._ ORIENT[=A]'TION, the act of turning or state of being turned toward the east, the process of determining the east in taking bearings: the situation of a building relative to the points of the compass: the act of making clear one's position in some matter: the homing instinct, as in pigeons; O'RIENT[=A]TOR, an instrument for orientating. [L. _oriens_, _-entis_, pr.p. of _or[=i]ri_, to rise.]

ORIFICE, or'i-fis, _n._ something made like a mouth or opening. [Fr.,--L.

_orificium_--_os_, _oris_, mouth, _fac[)e]re_, to make.]

ORIFLAMME, or'i-flam, _n._ a little banner of red silk split into many points, borne on a gilt staff--the ancient royal standard of France.

[Fr.,--Low L. _auriflamma_--L. _aurum_, gold, _flamma_, a flame.]

ORIGAN, or'i-gan, _n._ wild marjoram.--Also ORIG'ANUM. [Fr.,--L.

_origanum_.--Gr. _origanon_--_oros_, mountain, _ganos_, brightness.]

ORIGENIST, or'ij-en-ist, _n._ a follower of _Origen_ (_c._ 186-254 A.D.), his allegorical method of scriptural interpretation, or his theology, esp.

his heresies--the subordination though eternal generation of the Logos, pre-existence of all men, and universal restoration, even of the devil.--_n._ OR'IGENISM.--_adj._ ORIGENIST'IC.

ORIGIN, or'i-jin, _n._ the rising or first existence of anything: that from which anything first proceeds: (_math._) the fixed starting-point: cause: derivation.--_adjs._ ORIG'INABLE; ORIG'INAL, pertaining to the origin or beginning: first in order or existence: in the author's own words or from the artist's own pencil: not copied: not translated: having the power to originate, as thought.--_n._ origin: first copy: the precise language used by a writer: an untranslated tongue: a person of marked individuality.--_ns._ ORIGINAL'ITY, ORIG'INALNESS, quality or state of being original or of originating ideas.--_adv._ ORIG'INALLY.--_v.t._ ORIG'IN[=A]TE, to give origin to: to bring into existence.--_v.i._ to have origin: to begin.--_n._ ORIGIN[=A]'TION, act of originating or of coming into existence: mode of production.--_adj._ ORIG'IN[=A]TIVE, having power to originate or bring into existence.--_n._ ORIG'IN[=A]TOR. [Fr.

_origine_--L. _origo_, _originis_--_or[=i]ri_, to rise.]

ORILLON, o-ril'lon, _n._ a semicircular projection at the shoulder of a bastion intended to cover the guns and defenders on the flank.

[Fr.,--_oreille_, an ear--L. _auricula_, dim. of _auris_, ear.]

ORIOLE, [=o]r'i-[=o]l, _n._ the golden thrush. [O. Fr. _oriol_--L.

_aureolus_, dim. of _aureus_, golden--_aurum_, gold.]

ORION, [=o]-r[=i]'on, _n._ (_astron._) one of the constellations containing seven very bright stars, three of which, in a straight line, form Orion's belt. [_Orion_, a hunter placed among the stars at his death.]

ORISMOLOGY, or-is-mol'[=o]-ji, _n._ the science of defining technical terms.--_adjs._ ORISMOLOG'IC, -AL. [Gr. _horismos_--_horizein_, to bound.]

ORISON, or'i-zun, _n._ a prayer. [O. Fr. _orison_ (Fr. _oraison_)--L.

_oratio_, _-[=o]nis_--_or[=a]re_, to pray.]

ORLE, orl, _n._ (_archit._) a fillet under the ovolo of a capital--also OR'LET: (_her._) a border within a shield at a short distance from the edge. [O. Fr., border, from Low L. _orlum_, dim. of L. _ora_, border.]

ORLEANIST, or'l[=e]-an-ist, _n._ one of the family of the Duke of _Orleans_, brother of Louis XIV. of France: a supporter of the claims of this family to the throne of France.--_adj._ favourable to the claims of the Orleans family.--_ns._ OR'LEANISM; OR'LEANS, a wool and cotton cloth for women's dresses.

ORLOP, or'lop, _n._ the deck below the berth-deck in a ship where the cables, &c., are stowed. [Dut. _overloop_, the upper deck--_overlopen_, to run over.]

ORMER, or'm[.e]r, _n._ an ear-shell or sea-ear.

ORMOLU, or'mo-l[=oo], _n._ an alloy of copper, zinc, and tin: gilt or bronzed metallic ware: gold-leaf prepared for gilding bronze, &c. [Fr.

_or_--L. _aurum_, gold, _moulu_, pa.p. of _moudre_, to grind--L.

_mol[=a]re_, to grind.]

ORMUZD, or'muzd, _n._ the name of the chief god of the ancient Persians: the creator and lord of the whole universe: (later) the good principle, as opposed to _Ahriman_, the bad. [A corr. of Pers. _Ahura-Mazdah_=the Living God or Lord (_ahu_='the living,' 'life,' or 'spirit,' root _ah_='to be'), the Great Creator (_maz_+_da_=Sans. _maha_+_dha_), or the Wise One.]

ORNAMENT, or'na-ment, _n._ anything that adds grace or beauty: additional beauty: a mark of honour: (_pl._, _Pr. Bk._) all the articles used in the services of the church.--_v.t._ to adorn: to furnish with ornaments.--_adj._ ORNAMENT'AL, serving to adorn or beautify.--_adv._ ORNAMENT'ALLY.--_ns._ ORNAMENT[=A]'TION, act or art of ornamenting: (_archit._) ornamental work; OR'NAMENTER; OR'NAMENTIST.--_adj._ ORNATE', ornamented: decorated: highly finished, esp. applied to a style of writing.--_adv._ ORNATE'LY.--_n._ ORNATE'NESS. [Fr. _ornement_--L.

_ornamentum_--_orn[=a]re_, to adorn.]

ORNIS, or'nis, _n._ the birds collectively of a region, its avifauna.--_adj._ ORNITH'IC.--_ns._ ORNITHICH'NITE (_geol._), the footmark of a bird found impressed on sandstone, &c.; ORNITHODEL'PHIA, the lowest of the three sub-classes of mammals, same as _Monotremata_--from the ornithic character of the urogenital organs.--_adjs._ ORNITHODEL'PHIAN (also _n._), ORNITHODEL'PHIC, ORNITHODEL'PHOUS; OR'NITHOID, somewhat ornithic.--_ns._ ORNITH'OLITE (_geol._), the fossil remains of a bird: a stone occurring of various colours and forms bearing the figures of birds.--_adj._ ORNITHOLOG'ICAL, pertaining to ornithology.--_adv._ ORNITHOLOG'ICALLY.--_ns._ ORNITHOL'OGIST, one versed in ornithology, or who makes a special study of birds; ORNITHOL'OGY, the science and study of birds; OR'NITHOMANCY, divination by means of birds, by observing their flight, &c.--_adjs._ ORNITHOMAN'TIC; ORNITHOPH'ILOUS, bird-fertilised; OR'NITHOPOD, ORNITHOP'ODOUS, having feet like a bird.--_ns._ ORNITHORHYN'CHUS, an animal in Australia, with a body like an otter and a snout like the bill of a duck, also called _Duck-bill_; ORNITHOS'COPY, observation of birds or of their habits; ORNITHOT'OMY, the act of dissecting birds. [Gr. _ornis_, _ornithos_, a bird.]

OROGRAPHY, or-og'ra-fi, _n._ the description of mountains--also OROL'OGY.--_n._ OROG'ENY, the origin and formation of mountains.--_adjs._ OROGRAPH'IC, -AL; OROLOG'ICAL, of or pertaining to orology.--_ns._ OROL'OGIST, one versed in orology; OROM'ETER, a mountain-barometer. [Gr.

_oros_, a mountain.]

OROIDE, [=o]'r[=o]-[=i]d, _n._ an alloy of copper, tin, and other metals used for watch-cases, cheap jewellery, &c.--Also O'R[=E]IDE. [Fr. _or_--L.

_aurum_, gold, Gr. _eidos_, form.]

OROTUND, [=o]'r[=o]-tund, _adj._ full, clear, and musical, as speech.--_n._ full, clear, and musical speech, as when directly from the larynx. [L.

_os_, _oris_, the mouth, _rotundus_, round.]

ORPHAN, or'fan, _n._ a child bereft of father or mother, or of both.--_adj._ bereft of parents.--_v.t._ to bereave of parents.--_ns._ OR'PHANAGE, the state of being an orphan: a house for orphans; OR'PHAN-ASY'LUM; OR'PHANHOOD, OR'PHANISM; ORPHANOT'ROPHY, the supporting of orphans. [Gr. _orphanos_, akin to L. _orbus_, bereaved.]

ORPHARION, or-f[=a]'ri-on, _n._ a large lute with six to nine metal strings.--Also ORPHE[=O]'REON.

ORPHEAN, or'f[=e]-an, _adj._ pertaining to _Orpheus_, a poet who could move inanimate objects by the music of his lyre.--_adj._ OR'PHIC, pertaining to Orpheus, or the mysteries connected with the cult of Bacchus.--_v.i._ OR'PHISE.--_n._ OR'PHISM.

ORPHREY, or'fri, _n._ gold or other rich embroidery attached to vestments, esp. chasuble and cope. [Fr. _orfroi_--_or_--L. _aurum_, gold, Fr.

_fraise_, fringe.]

ORPIMENT, or'pi-ment, _n._ arsenic trisulphide, giving king's yellow and realgar (red).--_ns._ OR'PINE, OR'PIN, a deep-yellow colour: the _Sedum Telephium_, a popular vulnerary. [Fr.,--L. _auripigmentum_--_aurum_, gold, _pigmentum_, paint.]

ORRA, or'a, _adj._ (_Scot._) odd: not matched: left over: doing odd pieces of work: worthless.

ORRERY, or'[.e]r-i, _n._ an apparatus for illustrating, by balls mounted on rods and moved by clockwork around a centre, the size, positions, motions, &c. of the heavenly bodies. [From Charles Boyle, fourth Earl of _Orrery_ (1676-1731).]

ORRIS, or'is, _n._ a species of iris in the south of Europe, the dried root of which has the smell of violets, used in perfumery.--Also ORR'ICE.

ORRIS, or'is, _n._ a peculiar kind of gold or silver lace: upholsterers'

galloon and gimp. [_Orphrey._]