Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume IV Part 290

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume IV Part 290

AFFREUX (Fr.), frightful.

AFIN DE (Fr.), in order to.

AFIN QUE (Fr.), to the end that.

a FOND (Fr.), to the bottom: thoroughly.

a FORFAIT (Fr.), by contract, by the job.

A FORTIORI (L.), with stronger reason.

AGAcANT, fem. AGAcANTE (Fr.), provoking, alluring;--AGAcERIE, allurement.

AGALLOCHUM (L.). See under _Aloe_ in Dict.

AGAMEMNON (Gr.), the leader of the Greeks in the Trojan war, king of Mycenae: a generic name for a king.

AGANIPPE (Gr.), a fountain on Mount Helicon sacred to the Muses, supplying poetic inspiration: poetic genius generally.

AGAR-AGAR (Malay), an edible seaweed, used in the East for jelly and glue and for dressing silks.

AGATHODaeMON (Gr.), a good genius or minor divinity.

a GAUCHE (Fr.), to the left.

a GENOUX (Fr.), on the knees.

AGE QUID AGAS (L.), do what you are doing--i.e. with all your powers.

AGERASIA (Gr.), a hearty and healthy old age.

AGGER (L.), a mound, rampart.

A GIORNO (It.), like daylight.

AGNUS CASTUS (L.), the chaste-tree or Abraham's balm, a species of _vitex_.

AGONOTHETES (Gr.), one who managed public games in ancient Greece.

a GRANDS FRAIS (Fr.), at great expense.

AGReMENTS (Fr.), graceful courtesies, charms, blandishments.

a HAUTE VOIX (Fr.), aloud.

AHRIMAN, the principle of evil and darkness in the Old Persian mythology--the opposite of _Ormuzd_ (q.v. in Dict.).

a HUIS CLOS (Fr.), with closed doors.

AIDE (Fr.), an assistant, a helper, a mate.

AIDE DE CAMP (Fr.), an aide-de-camp (q.v. in Dict.).

AIDE-MeMOIRE (Fr.), an aid to the memory, a reminder, a memorandum-book.

AIDE TOI, LE CIEL T'AIDERA (Fr.), help yourself and Heaven will help you.

AID[=O]S (Gr.), shame, modesty.

AIGRE-DOUX, fem. -DOUCE (Fr.), sourish, rather bitter;--aigreur, sourness;--aigri, soured, embittered.

AILES DE PIGEON (Fr.), pigeon's wings--powdered side-curls (of hair).

AiNe, fem. AiNeE (Fr.), elder, senior--opposed to _puine_ or _cadet_=younger.

AIR NOBLE (Fr.), an air of distinction.

a JAMAIS (Fr.), for ever.

AJAX (L.,--Gr.), the Greek hero next to Achilles in the Trojan war: a privy, by a pun on a _jakes_.

a L'ABANDON (Fr.), at random, left uncared for.

a LA BELLE eTOILE (Fr.), in the open air.

a LA BONNE HEURE (Fr.), in good or favourable time--well and good, very good, that is right.

a LA BRAISE (Fr.), braised, half-baked and half-stewed.

a L'ABRI (Fr.), under shelter.

a LA CAMPAGNE (Fr.), in the country.

a LA CARTE (Fr.), according to the bill of fare.

a LA DeROBeE (Fr.), by stealth.

a LA FRANcAISE (Fr.), after the French mode;--a LA PARISIENNE (Fr.), in the Parisian style.

a LA GRECQUE (Fr.), in the Greek style.

a LA HAUTEUR (Fr.), on a level with, abreast of.

ALALAGMOS (Gr.), war-cry, cry of alala.

a LA LANTERNE (Fr.), to the lamp(-chain)--of the murders by the mob in the French Revolution, when the victims were seized and hanged on the chains from which hung the street lamps.

a LA MAIN (Fr.), in hand, ready: by hand.