Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume IV Part 219

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume IV Part 219

ZOOSCOPY, z[=o]'[=o]-sk[=o]-pi, _n._ a form of mental delusion in which one sees imaginary animals, esp. snakes.--_adj._ ZOOSCOP'IC. [Gr. _z[=o]on_, an animal, _skopein_, to view.]

ZOOSPERM, z[=o]'[=o]-sperm, _n._ the sperm-cell, or male seed-cell--also ZOOSPER'MIUM.--_adj._ ZOOSPERMAT'IC. [Gr. _z[=o]on_, an animal, _sperma_, seed.]

ZOOSPORE, z[=o]'[=o]-sp[=o]r, _n._ a spore capable of moving about.--_adjs._ ZOOSPOR'IC; ZOOSPORIF'EROUS. [Gr. _z[=o]on_, an animal, _spora_, a seed.]

ZOOTAXY, z[=o]'[=o]-tak-si, _n._ the science of the classification of animals, systematic zoology. [Gr. _z[=o]on_, an animal, _taxis_, arrangement.]

ZOOTECHNY, z[=o]'[=o]-tek-ni, _n._ the science of the breeding and domestication of animals.--Also ZOOTECH'NICS. [Gr. _z[=o]on_, an animal, _techn[=e]_, art.]

ZOOTHAPSIS, z[=o]-[=o]-thap'sis, _n._ premature burial. [Gr. _zoo-_, living, _thaptein_, to bury.]

ZOOTHECIUM, z[=o]-[=o]-th[=e]'si-um, _n._ the tubular sheath of certain infusorians.--_adj._ ZOOTH[=E]'CIAL. [Gr. _z[=o]on_, an animal, _th[=e]kion_, a casket.]

ZOOTHEISM, z[=o]'[=o]-th[=e]-izm, _n._ the attribution of divine qualities to an animal.--_adj._ ZOOTHEIS'TIC. [Gr. _z[=o]on_, an animal, _theism_.]

ZOOTHERAPY, z[=o]-[=o]-ther'a-pi, _n._ veterinary therapeutics. [Gr.

_z[=o]on_, an animal, _therapeia_, service.]

ZOOTOCOLOGY, z[=o]-[=o]-t[=o]-kol'[=o]-ji, _n._ the biology of animals.

[Gr. _z[=o]otokos_, viviparous, _legein_, to speak.]

ZOOTOMY, z[=o]-ot'[=o]-mi, _n._ the dissection of animals: comparative anatomy.--_adjs._ ZOOTOM'IC, -AL.--_adv._ ZOOTOM'ICALLY.--_n._ ZOoT'OMIST, one who dissects the bodies of animals: an anatomist. [Gr. _z[=o]on_, an animal, _temnein_, to cut.]

ZOOTROPHIC, z[=o]-[=o]-trof'ik, _adj._ pertaining to the nourishment of animals. [Gr. _z[=o]on_, an animal, _trophos_, food.]

ZOOZOO, z[=oo]'z[=oo], _n._ (_prov._) the wood-pigeon. [Imit.]

ZOPILOTE, z[=o]-pi-l[=o]'te, _n._ one of the smaller American vultures, the turkey-buzzard, an urubu.--Also _Tzopilotl_. [Mex.]

ZOPISSA, z[=o]-pis'a, _n._ an old medicinal mixture of pitch and tar scraped from the sides of ships. [Gr. _z[=o]pissa_.]

ZOPPO, tsop'p[=o], _adj._ (_mus._) alternately with and without syncopation. [It.]

ZORGITE, zor'g[=i]t, _n._ a metallic copper-lead selenide, found at _Zorge_, in the Harz Mountains.

ZORIL, ZORILLE, zor'il, _n._ an African skunk-like carnivore: an American skunk.--_n._ ZORIL'LA, a genus of African skunk-like quadrupeds, representing the _Zorillinae_, an African subfamily of _Mustelidae_. [Fr.

_zorille_--Sp. _zorilla_, dim. of _zorra_, a fox.]

ZOROASTRIANISM, zor-[=o]-as'tri-an-izm, _n._ the ancient religion founded or reformed by _Zoroaster_--the Greek pronunciation of Zarathushtra--set forth in the _Zend-Avesta_ (q.v.), and still held by the Guebres and Parsees in India.--_n._ and _adj._ ZOROAS'TRIAN.

ZORRA, zor'a, _n._ a South American skunk.--Also ZORRINO (zo-r[=e]'n[=o]).


ZORRO, zor'[=o], _n._ a South American fox-wolf. [Sp.]

ZOSTER, zos't[.e]r, _n._ an ancient Greek waist-belt for men: herpes zoster or shingles. [Gr. _z[=o]st[=e]r_, a girdle.]

ZOTHECA, z[=o]-th[=e]'ka, _n._ a small living-room, as distinguished from a sleeping-room: an alcove. [Gr. _z[=o]th[=e]k[=e]_.]

ZOUAVE, zwav, _n._ one of a body of troop wearing a quasi-Moorish dress in the French army, which derives its name from the _Zwawa_, a tribe of Kabyles in the Algerian province of Constantine. These Kabyles had long been employed as mercenaries by the _deys_ of Algiers; and after the conquest in 1830 the French took them into their service.

ZOUNDS, zowndz, _interj._ an exclamation of anger and astonishment. [A corr. of _God's wounds_, referring to Christ's sufferings on the cross.]

ZUCCHETTA, tsuk-ket'ta, _n._ the skull-cap of an ecclesiastic, covering the tonsure: a form of helmet worn in the 16th century. [It., dim. of _zucca_, a gourd.]

ZUFOLO, z[=oo]'f[=o]-l[=o], _n._ a small flute or flageolet used in training singing-birds.--Also ZUF'FOLO. [It.]

ZULU, zoo'loo, _n._ a branch of the great Bantu division of the human family, belonging to South Africa, conspicuous for physical and intellectual development.--_adj._ pertaining to the ZULUS, their language, &c. [South African.]

ZUMBOORUK, zum'b[=oo]-ruk, _n._ a small cannon mounted on a swivel, carried on the back of a camel.--Also ZUM'BOORUCK, ZOM'BORUK, ZAM'BOORAK. [Hind.

_zamb[=u]rak_--Turk. _zamb[=u]rak_--Ar. _zamb[=u]r_, a hornet.]

ZUnI, z[=oo]'ny[=e], _n._ one of a tribe of Pueblo Indians living in large communal houses near the _Zuni_ river in New Mexico.--_adj._ and _n._ ZU'nIAN.

ZUPA, z[=u]'pa, _n._ a confederation of village communities governed by a ZU'PAN, in the early history of Servia, &c. [Servian.]


ZURLITE, zurl'[=i]t, _n._ a white or green Vesuvian mineral.

ZUZ, z[=oo]z, _n._ a coin or money of account in New Testament times.

ZWANZIGER, tswan'tsi-g[.e]r, _n._ an old Austrian silver coin, equivalent to twenty kreutzers. [Ger.,--_zwanzig_, twenty.]

ZWIEBACK, zv[=i]'bak, _n._ biscuit rusk, or a sweet spiced bread toasted.


ZWINGLIAN, zwing'- or tswing'gli-an, _adj._ pertaining to the Swiss reformer Huldreich _Zwingli_ (1484-1531), or his doctrines, esp. his divergence from Luther in the doctrine of the Eucharist. Zwingli rejected every form of local or corporeal presence, whether by transubstantiation, impanation, or consubstantiation, assailing every form, however subtle, of the old _Capernaitic_ (John vi. 51-53, 59) conception of a carnal presence and carnal appropriation.--_n._ a follower of ZWINGLI.

ZYGADITE, zig'a-d[=i]t, _n._ a variety of albite found in thin twin crystals at Andreasberg, in the Harz Mountains. [Gr. _zygad[=e]n_, jointly--_zygon_, a yoke.]

ZYGaeNA, z[=i]-j[=e]'na, _n._ a genus of moths, typical of the family _Zygaenidae_: a genus of sharks, the hammer-heads, now _Sphyrna_.--_adjs._ ZYGae'NID, ZYGae'NINE, ZYGae'NOID. [Gr. _zygaina_, a shark.]

ZYGAL, z[=i]'gal, _n._ pertaining to a zygon, formed like a letter [H shape]. [_Zygon_.]

ZYGANTRUM, z[=i]-gan'trum, _n._ a fossa on the posterior face of the arches of each of the vertebrae of the Lacertilia, into which the zygosphene of the succeeding vertebra fits. [Gr. _zygon_, a yoke, _antron_, a cave.]

ZYGAPOPHYSIS, z[=i]-ga-pof'i-sis, _n._ one of the yoke-pieces or articulations of the vertebrae: _pl._ ZYGAPOPH'YS[=E]S. [Gr. _zygon_, a yoke, _apophysis_, process.]

ZYGITE, z[=i]'g[=i]t, _n._ a rower in the second tier of a Greek trireme.

[Gr. _zygit[=e]s_--_zygon_, yoke.]

ZYGOBRANCHIATE, z[=i]-g[=o]-brang'ki-[=a]t, _adj._ having paired gills or ctenidia, as certain molluscs: belonging to the ZYGOBRANCHI[=A]'TA, an order or suborder of _Gastropoda_.--Also ZY'GOBRANCH. [Gr. _zygon_, yoke, _brangchia_, gills.]

ZYGOCARDIAC, z[=i]-g[=o]-kar'di-ak, _adj._ yoke-like and cardiac, as an ossicle of the stomach of some Crustacea. [Gr. _zygon_, a yoke, _kardia_, the heart.]

ZYGODACTYL, z[=i]-g[=o]-dak'til, _adj._ having the toes arranged in pairs, two before and two behind, as certain birds--also ZYGODACTYL'IC, ZYGODAC'TYLOUS.--_n._ ZYGODAC'TYLISM. [Gr. _zygon_, a yoke, _daktylos_, a finger.]

ZYGODONT, z[=i]'g[=o]-dont, _adj._ pertaining to molar teeth whose cusps are paired, possessing such molars. [Gr. _zygon_, yoke, _odous_, _odontos_, a tooth.]