Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume IV Part 218

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume IV Part 218

ZOETROPE, z[=o]'e-tr[=o]p, _n._ a scientific toy by which several pictures of objects or persons in various positions are combined into one visual impression, so as to give the appearance of movement or life--the _Thaumatrope_ and _Praxinoscope_ are variations.--_adj._ ZOETROP'IC. [Gr.

_z[=o][=e]_, life, _tropos_, a turning--_trepein_, to turn.]

ZOIATRIA, z[=o]-i-at'ri-a, _n._ veterinary surgery. [Gr. _z[=o]on_, an animal, _iatreia_, healing.]

ZOIC, z[=o]'ik, _adj._ pertaining to animals: containing evidences of life in fossils--of rocks. [Gr. _z[=o]ikos_, of animals--_z[=o]on_, an animal.]

ZOILISM, z[=o]'i-lizm, _n._ carping and unjust criticism.--_adj._ ZOIL'[=E]AN, characteristic of _Zoilus_, a Greek grammarian who flourished in the time of Philip of Macedon, and assailed Homer with such asperity that his name became proverbial for a captious and malignant critic.--_n._ Z[=O]'ILIST, a carping critic.

ZOISITE, zoi's[=i]t, _n._ a mineral closely allied to epidote. [Baron von _Zois_.]

ZOISM, z[=o]'izm, _n._ the doctrine that life originates from a specific principle.--_n._ Z[=O]'IST, one who maintains this theory. [Gr.

_z[=o][=e]_, life.]

ZOLAISM, z[=o]'la-izm, _n._ the literary principles and practice of the industrious French novelist Emile _Zola_ (1840-1902)--an attempt at a so-called realism claimed to be a proper scientific view of human nature and human life. In effect Zola's books are dull and dirty, and his realism is not reality.

ZoLLNER'S LINES, rows of parallel lines appearing to be not parallel through the optical effect of oblique intersecting lines.--Also ZoLLNER'S PATTERN.

ZOLLVEREIN, zol've-r[=i]n, _n._ a union of the German states, under the leadership of Prussia, so as to enable them in their commercial relations with other countries to act as one state. [Ger.,--_zoll_, duty, _verein_, union.]

ZONDA, zon'da, _n._ a dry, hot, and dusty wind blowing from the Andes in the vicinity of San Juan, Argentine Republic, during July and August.

ZONE, z[=o]n, _n._ a girdle, a belt, a stripe of different colour or substance round anything: one of the five great belts into which the surface of the earth is divided: any continuous tract with particular characteristics.--_v.t._ to encircle, as with a zone.--_n._ Z[=O]'NA, a term in anatomy, &c., for a belt: herpes zoster.--_adjs._ Z[=O]'NAL, like a zone, arranged in zones: pertaining to the somites of an articulate or annulose animal; Z[=O]'NARY, resembling a belt or girdle; Z[=O]'NATE, marked with zones, belted; ZONED, wearing a zone, having zones; ZONE'LESS, wanting a zone or belt.--_n._ Z[=O]'NIC, a girdle.--_adjs._ ZONIF'EROUS, zoned; Z[=O]'NOID, like a zone.--_n._ Z[=O]'NULA, a small zone.--_adj._ Z[=O]'NULAR, like a zone or zonule.--_ns._ ZON'ULE, ZON'ULET, a little girdle. [L. _zona_--Gr. _z[=o]n[=e]_, a girdle--_z[=o]nnynai_, to gird; akin to _join_, _yoke_.]

ZONOTRICHIA, z[=o]-n[=o]-trik'i-a, _n._ a genus of American finches, the crown-sparrows. [Gr. _z[=o]n[=e]_, a girdle, _thrix_, _trichos_, hair.]

ZONURUS, z[=o]-n[=u]'rus, _n._ the typical genus of _Zonuridae_, a South African family of lizards. [Gr. _z[=o]n[=e]_, a belt, _oura_, a tail.]

ZOO, z[=oo], _n._ the Zoological Gardens in London: any similar collection of animals.

ZOOBLAST, z[=o]'[=o]-blast, _n._ an animal cell. [Gr. _z[=o]on_, an animal, _blastos_, a germ.]

ZOOCHEMISTRY, z[=o]-[=o]-kem'is-tri, _n._ the chemistry of the constituents of the animal body.--_adj._ ZOOCHEM'ICAL. [Gr. _z[=o]on_, an animal, _chemistry_.]

ZOODYNAMICS, z[=o]-[=o]-d[=i]-nam'iks, _n._ the science that treats of the vital powers of animals, animal physiology. [Gr. _z[=o]on_, an animal, _dynamics_.]

ZOOECIUM, z[=o]-[=e]'si-um, _n._ one of the cells forming the investment of polyzoans:--_pl._ ZOOE'CIA. [Gr. _z[=o]on_, an animal, _oikia_, a house.]

ZOOGAMOUS, z[=o]-og'a-mus, _adj._ pertaining to zoogamy.--_n._ ZOoG'AMY, sexual reproduction. [Gr. _z[=o]on_, an animal, _gamos_, marriage.]

ZOOGENY, z[=o]-oj'e-ni, _n._ the doctrine or the process of the origination of living beings--also ZOoG'ONY.--_adj._ ZOOGEN'IC. [Gr. _z[=o]on_, an animal, _geneia_, production.]

ZOOGEOGRAPHY, z[=o]-[=o]-j[=e]-og'ra-fi, _n._ the science of the distribution of animals on the surface of the globe, faunal geography.--_n._ ZOOGEOG'RAPHER, a student of faunal geography.--_adjs._ ZOOGEOGRAPH'IC, -AL. [Gr. _z[=o]on_, an animal, _geography_.]

ZOOGLOEA, z[=o]-[=o]-gl[=e]'a, _n._ the term applied to the resting, motionless stage of the Bacteria, in which they are embedded in gelatinous material.--_adjs._ ZOOGLOE'IC; ZOOGLOE'OID. [Gr. _z[=o]on_, an animal, _gloios_, a sticky substance.]

ZOOGRAFT, z[=o]'[=o]-graft, _n._ a piece of tissue taken from the living body of an animal to supply a part wanting in the human body, by being grafted on it. [Gr. _z[=o]on_, an animal, _graft_.]

ZOOGRAPHY, z[=o]-og'ra-fi, _n._ descriptive zoology.--_n._ ZOoG'RAPHER.--_adjs._ ZOOGRAPH'IC, -AL.--_n._ ZOoG'RAPHIST. [Gr. _z[=o]on_, an animal, _graphein_, to write.]

ZOOGYROSCOPE, z[=o]-[=o]-j[=i]'r[=o]-sk[=o]p, _n._ a development of the zoetrope by means of which an appearance of an object in motion is thrown on a screen. [Gr. _z[=o]on_, an animal, _gyroscope_.]

ZOOID, z[=o]'oid, _adj._ having the nature of an animal, having organic life and motion.--_n._ a term applied to each of the individuals which make up a compound organism. [Gr. _z[=o]on_, an animal, _eidos_, form.]

ZOOKS, z[=oo]ks, _interj._ a minced oath--same as GADZOOKS.

ZOOLATRY, z[=o]-ol'a-tri, _n._ the worship of animals.--_ns._ ZOoL'ATER, one who worships animals; ZOOL[=A]'TRIA, zoolatry.--_adj._ ZOoL'ATROUS.

[Gr. _z[=o]on_, an animal, _latreia_, worship.]

ZOOLITE, z[=o]'[=o]-l[=i]t, _n._ a fossil animal--also Z[=O]'OLITH.--_adjs._ ZOOLITH'IC, ZOOLIT'IC. [Gr. _z[=o]on_, an animal, _lithos_, a stone.]

ZOOLOGY, z[=o]-ol'[=o]-ji, _n._ the science of animal life included along with Botany within the science of Biology. The various departments of zoological study are the _Morphological_, _Physiological_, _Historical_, and the _aetiological_.--_adj._ ZOOLOG'ICAL.--_adv._ ZOOLOG'ICALLY.--_n._ ZOOL'OGIST, one versed in zoology.--ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS, a place where wild animals are kept for public exhibition. [Gr. _z[=o]on_, an animal, _logia_--_legein_, to speak.]

ZOOMAGNETISM, z[=o]-[=o]-mag'ne-tizm, _n._ animal magnetism.--_adj._ ZOOMAGNET'IC. [Gr. _z[=o]on_, an animal, _magnetism_.]

ZOOMANCY, z[=o]'[=o]-man-si, _n._ divination by observation of animals.--_adj._ ZOOMAN'TIC. [Gr. _z[=o]on_, an animal, _manteia_, divination.]

ZOOMETRY, z[=o]-om'e-tri, _n._ comparative measurement of the parts of animals.--_adj._ ZOOMET'RIC. [Gr. _z[=o]on_, an animal, _metron_, a measure.]

ZOOMORPHIC, z[=o]-[=o]-mor'fik, _adj._ pertaining to zoomorphism: representing animals in art.--_n._ ZOOMOR'PHISM, the representation or the conception of a god or a man in an animal form, the attributing of human or of divine qualities to beings of animal form--also ZOOMOR'PHY. [Gr.

_z[=o]on_, an animal, _morph[=e]_, form.]

ZOON, z[=o]'on, _n._ a morphological individual, the total product of a fertilised ovum:--_pl._ Z[=O]'A, Z[=O]'ONS.--_adjs._ Z[=O]'ONAL, like a zoon; ZOoN'IC, relating to animals.--_n._ Z[=O]'ONITE, one of the segments of an articulated animal.--_adj._ ZOONIT'IC. [Gr.]

ZOONOMY, z[=o]-on'[=o]-mi, _n._ animal physiology--also ZOON[=O]'MIA.--_adj._ ZOONOM'IC.--_n._ ZOoN'OMIST. [Gr. _z[=o]on_, an animal, _nomos_, law.]

ZOONOSIS, z[=o]-on'[=o]-sis, _n._ a disease communicated to man from the lower animals, as hydrophobia, &c.:--_pl._ ZOoN'OS[=E]S. [Gr. _z[=o]on_, an animal, _nosos_, disease.]

ZOOPATHOLOGY, z[=o]-[=o]-pa-thol'[=o]-ji, _n._ the study of disease in animals. [Gr. _z[=o]on_, an animal, _pathology_.]

ZOOPATHY, z[=o]-op'a-thi, _n._ animal pathology. [Gr. _z[=o]on_, an animal, _pathos_, suffering.]

ZOOPHAGA, z[=o]-of'a-ga, the carnivorous animals collectively.--_n._ ZOoPH'AGAN, a carnivorous animal.--_adj._ ZOoPH'AGOUS.

[Gr. _z[=o]ophagos_, flesh-eating, _z[=o]on_, an animal, _phagein_, to eat.]

ZOOPHILIST, z[=o]-of'il-ist, _n._ a lover of animals.--_n._ ZOoPH'ILY, love of animals. [Gr. _z[=o]on_, an animal, _philos_, dear.]

ZOOPHORUS, z[=o]-of'[=o]-rus, _n._ a continuous frieze sculptured in relief with figures of men and animals.--_adj._ ZOOPHOR'IC. [Gr. _z[=o]on_, an animal, _pherein_, to bear.]

ZOOPHYSICS, z[=o]-[=o]-fiz'iks, _n._ the study of the structure of animal bodies, comparative anatomy. [Gr. _z[=o]on_, an animal, _physics_.]

ZOOPHYTE, z[=o]'[=o]-f[=i]t, _n._ a term employed by Cuvier in his earlier attempts at classification to designate numerous simple animals, sedentary in habit, often with a superficial resemblance to plants--now restricted to hydroid colonies.--_adjs._ ZOOPHYT'IC, -AL; ZOoPH'YTOID; ZOOPHYTOLOG'ICAL.--_ns._ ZOOPHYTOL'OGIST; ZOOPHYTOL'OGY; ZOoPH'YTON:--_pl._ ZOoPH'YTA. [Gr. _z[=o]on_, an animal, _phyton_, a plant.]

ZOOPLASTIC, z[=o]-[=o]-plas'tik, _adj._ pertaining to the operation of transplanting living tissue from one of the lower animals to man. [Gr.

_z[=o]on_, an animal, _plassein_, to form.]

ZOOPRAXINOSCOPE, z[=o]-[=o]-prak'si-n[=o]-sk[=o]p, _n._ a mechanical toy by means of which images of animals are made to go through motions on a screen. [Gr. _z[=o]on_, an animal, _praxis_, doing, _skopein_, to view.]

ZOOPSYCHOLOGY, z[=o]-[=o]-s[=i]-kol'[=o]-ji, _n._ the psychology of the lower animals. [Gr. _z[=o]on_, an animal, _psychology_.]