Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume II Part 215

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume II Part 215

MUNGO, mung'g[=o], _n._ the waste produced in a woollen-mill from hard spun or felted cloth, or from tearing up old clothes, used in making cheap cloth.


MUNICIPAL, m[=u]-nis'i-pal, _adj._ pertaining to a corporation or city.--_n._ MUNICIPALIS[=A]'TION.--_v.t._ MUNIC'IPALISE.--_ns._ MUNIC'IPALISM; MUNICIPAL'ITY, a town or city possessed of self-government: a district governed like a city: in France, a division of the country.--_adv._ MUNIC'IPALLY. [Fr.,--L. _municipalis_--_municipium_, a free town--_munia_, official duties, _cap[)e]re_, to take.]

MUNIFICENCE, m[=u]-nif'i-sens, _n._ (_Spens._) fortification, means of defence. [L. _mun[=i]re_, to fortify.]

MUNIFICENCE, m[=u]-nif'i-sens, _n._ quality of being munificent: bountifulness.--_adj._ MUNIF'ICENT, very liberal in giving: generous: bountiful.--_adv._ MUNIF'ICENTLY. [Fr.,--L. _munificentia_--_munus_, a present, _fac[)e]re_, to make.]

MUNIMENT, m[=u]'ni-ment, _n._ that which fortifies: that which defends: a stronghold: place or means of defence: defence: (_law_) a record fortifying or making good a claim, title-deeds, or charters--preserved in _Muniment chests_, _rooms_, or _houses_: any article carefully preserved for its interest or value.--_p.adj._ MUN'ITING (_Bacon_), fortifying, strengthening.--_n._ MUNI'TION, materials used in war: military stores of all kinds: (_B._) stronghold, fortress. [Fr.,--L. _munimentum_, from _mun[=i]re_, _-itum_, to fortify--_maenia_, walls.]

MUNNION, mun'yun. Same as MULLION.

MURaeNA, m[=u]-r[=e]'na, _n._ the typical genus of _Muraenidae_, a family of eels, now limited to the European murry or moray (q.v.). [Gr. _muraina_, a lamprey.]

MURAL, m[=u]'ral, _adj._ pertaining to, or like, a wall: steep: trained against a wall, as plants.--MURAL CIRCLE, a large circle marked with degrees, &c., fixed to a wall, for measuring arcs of the meridian; MURAL CROWN, a crown of gold to imitate a battlement, given among the ancient Romans to him who first mounted the wall of a besieged city; MURAL PAINTING, a painting executed, especially in distemper colours, upon the wall of a building. [Fr.,--L. _muralis_, from _murus_, a wall.]

MURATORIAN, m[=u]-ra-t[=o]'ri-an, _adj._ pertaining to the Italian scholar Lodovico Antonio _Muratori_ (1672-1750).--MURATORIAN FRAGMENT or CANON, a list of the New Testament writings, apparently drawn up by a contemporary of Irenaeus, about 170 A.D., edited by Muratori. It counts four Gospels, Acts, thirteen Pauline epistles (excluding Hebrews), 1 John, then Jude; 2 and 3 John are reckoned among catholic epistles. The Apocalypse is included.

MURDER, mur'd[.e]r, _n._ the act of putting a person to death, intentionally and from malice.--_v.t._ to commit murder: to destroy: to put an end to.--_n._ MUR'DERER, one who murders, or is guilty of murder:--_fem._ MUR'DERESS.--_adj._ MUR'DEROUS, guilty of murder: consisting in, or fond of, murder: bloody: cruel.--_adv._ MUR'DEROUSLY.--_n._ MUR'DRESS, a battlement with interstices for firing through.--MURDER IN THE FIRST DEGREE, murder with deliberation and premeditation, or that committed in the furtherance of any arson, rape, robbery, or burglary--IN THE SECOND DEGREE, murder of all other kinds; MURDER WILL OUT, murder cannot remain hidden. [A.S. _morthor_--_morth_, death; Ger. _mord_, Goth. _maurthr_; cf. L. _mors_, _mortis_, death.]

MURE, m[=u]r, _n._ (_Shak._) a wall.--_v.t._ to enclose in walls: to immure. [Fr. _mur_--L. _murus_, a wall.]

MUREX, m[=u]'reks, _n._ a shellfish from which the Tyrian purple dye was obtained:--_pl._ M[=U]'REXES, M[=U]'RICES. [L.]

MURGEON, mur'jon, _n._ (_Scot._) a grimace. [Cf. Fr. _morgue_, a wry face.]

MURIATIC, m[=u]-ri-at'ik, _adj._ pertaining to, or obtained from, sea-salt.--_n._ M[=U]'RIATE, a salt composed of muriatic acid and a base.--_adj._ MURIATIF'EROUS. [L. _muriaticus_--_muria_, brine.]

MURICATE, -D, m[=u]'ri-k[=a]t, -ed, _adj._ (_bot._) armed with sharp points or prickles. [L. _muricatus_, from _murex_, _muricis_, a pointed stone.]

MURIFORM, m[=u]'riform, _adj._ (_bot._) resembling the bricks in a wall.

[L. _murus_, a wall, _forma_, shape.]

MURKY, murk'i, _adj._ dark: obscure: gloomy.--_adv._ MURK'ILY.--_n._ MURK'INESS--(_Shak._) MURK.--_adjs._ MURK'SOME, MIRK'SOME (_Spens._), darksome. [A.S. _murc_; Ice. _myrkr_, Dan. and Sw. _mork_.]

MURMUR, mur'mur, _n._ a low, indistinct sound, like that of running water: a complaint in a low, muttering voice.--_v.i._ to utter a murmur: to grumble:--_pr.p._ mur'muring; _pa.t._ and _pa.p._ mur'mured.--_n._ MUR'MURER.--_adj._ MUR'MURING, making a low continuous noise.--_adv._ MUR'MURINGLY, with a low murmuring sound: in a murmuring manner.--_adj._ MUR'MUROUS, attended with murmurs: exciting murmur.--_adv._ MUR'MUROUSLY.

[Fr.,--L.; imit.]

MURPHY, mur'fi, _n._ (_coll._) a potato:--_pl._ MUR'PHIES (-fiz). [From the common Irish name _Murphy_.]

MURRA, mur'a, _n._ an ornamental stone for vases, &c., described by Pliny, most probably fluor-spar; it was first brought to Rome by Pompey, 61 B.C.--_adjs._ MURR'HINE, MURR'INE, MYRR'HINE.

MURRAIN, mur'r[=a]n, or -'rin, _n._ an infectious and fatal disease among cattle, esp. foot-and-mouth disease.--_n._ MUR'REN (_Milt._). [O. Fr.

_morine_, a carcass--L. _mori_, to die. See MORTAL.]

MURREY, mur'i, _adj._ dark red or reddish brown, of mulberry colour.

MURRY, same as MORAY (q.v.).


MUSACEOUS, m[=u]-z[=a]'shus, _adj._ relating to an order of plants, of which the genus M[=U]'SA is the type, the banana or plantain family.

MUSANG, m[=u]-sang', _n._ a paradoxure, or a related civet, esp. the East Indian coffee-rat. [Malay.]

MUSCA, mus'ka, _n._ a genus of insects, including the house-fly, &c.--_n._ MUSCAT[=O]'RIUM, a flabellum.--MUSCae VOLITANTES, ocular spectra like floating black spots before the eyes. [L. _musca_.]

MUSCADEL, mus'ka-del, _n._ a rich, spicy wine: also the grape producing it: a fragrant and delicious pear--also MUS'CADINE, MUS'CAT, MUS' MUS'CATELS, sun-dried raisins. [O. Fr.,--It.

_moscadello_, dim. of _muscato_--L. _muscus_, musk.]

MUSCADIN, mus-ka-dang', _n._ a fop or dandy. [Fr.]

MUSCARDINE, mus'kar-din, _n._ a fungus destructive to silkworms, also the disease caused by it. [Fr.]

MUSCARDINE, mus'kar-din, _n._ a dormouse. [Fr.]

MUSCHELKALK, mush'el-kalk, _n._ the middle member of the Triassic system as developed in Germany, consisting chiefly of limestone--wanting in Britain.

[Ger. _muschel_, shell, _kalk_, lime.]

MUSCHETOR, mus'che-tor, _n._ (_her._) a black spot like an ermine spot, but without its three specks.--Also MUS'CHETOUR. [O. Fr.,--L. _musca_, a fly.]

MUSCLE, mus'l, _n._ an animal tissue consisting of bundles of fibres through whose contractility bodily movement is effected, the fibres of the _voluntary_ muscles being striped, those of the _involuntary_ (of intestinal canal, blood-vessels, and of skin) unstriped.--_adj._ MUS'CLED, supplied with muscles.--_ns._ MUS'CLE-READ'ING, the interpretation of slight involuntary muscular movements; MUS'CLING, the delineation of muscles, as in a picture; MUSCUL[=A]'TION, the arrangement of muscles of a body; MUSCULOS'ITY.--_adj._ MUS'CULOUS, pertaining to muscle: full of muscles, strong. [Fr.,--L. _musculus_, dim. of _mus_, a mouse, a muscle.]

MUSCOID, mus'koid, _adj._ (_bot._) moss-like.--_n._ a moss-like, flowerless plant.--_ns._ MUSCOL'OGIST, one skilled in muscology; MUSCOL'OGY, the part of botany which treats of mosses; MUSCOS'ITY, mossiness. [L. _muscus_, moss, Gr. _eidos_, form.]

MUSCOVADO, mus-k[=o]-v[=a]'do, _n._ the moist, dark-coloured impure sugar left after evaporating the juice from the sugar-cane and draining off the molasses, unrefined sugar. [Sp. _moscabado_.]

MUSCOVITE, mus'co-v[=i]t, _n._ a native or an inhabitant of _Moscow_, or of Russia: the desman or Muscovitic rat: (_min._) potash mica, a silicate of alumina and potash, yellowish, brownish, or greenish, with pearly or almost metallic lustre, its thin transparent plates still used as glass--also MUSCOVY GLASS.--_adj._ of or pertaining to Moscow or to Russia--also MUSCOVIT'IC.--_n._ MUS'COVY-DUCK (see MUSK).

MUSCULAR, mus'k[=u]-lar, _adj._ pertaining to a muscle: consisting of muscles: having strong muscles: brawny: strong: vigorous.--_n._ MUSCULAR'ITY, state of being muscular.--_adv._ MUS'CULARLY.--_adjs._ MUSCULOCUT[=A]'NEOUS, muscular and cutaneous--of certain nerves; MUS'CULOUS, sinewy.--MUSCULAR CHRISTIANITY, a phrase humorously applied to that vigorous combination of Christian living with devotion to athletic enjoyments associated with Charles Kingsley and his admirers (the name was, however, repudiated by him); MUSCULAR EXCITABILITY, the contracting property of a muscle; MUSCULAR PILE, a voltaic battery employed in biological experiments; MUSCULAR SYSTEM, the whole of the muscular tissue of a body.

MUSE, m[=u]z, _v.i._ to study in silence: to be absent-minded: to meditate.--_n._ deep thought: contemplation: absence of mind: the inspiring power, as of a poet.--_adj._ MUSED, bemused, muzzy, fuddled.--_n._ MUS'ER.--_adv._ MUS'INGLY. [Fr. _muser_, to loiter (It. _musare_); acc. to Diez and Skeat, from O. Fr. _muse_ (Fr. _museau_), the snout of an animal.

Others explain Fr. _muser_ as from Low L. _muss[=a]re_--L. _muss[=a]re_, to murmur.]

MUSE, m[=u]z, _n._ one of the nine goddesses of poetry, music, and the other liberal arts--daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne: an inspiring poetic inspiration: (_Milt._) an inspired poet.--Names of the Muses:--CALLIOPE, of epic poetry; CLIO, of history; ERATO, of amatory poetry; EUTERPE, of lyric poetry; MELPOMENE, of tragedy; POLYHYMNIA, of lyric poetry and eloquence; TERPSICHORE, of dancing; THALIA, of comedy; URANIA, of astronomy. [Fr.,--L.

_musa_--Gr. _mousa_.]

MUSET, m[=u]z'et, _n._ (_Shak._) a gap in a fence or thicket through which an animal passes.

MUSETTE, m[=u]-zet', _n._ a small oboe: an old French bagpipe: a simple pastoral melody.

MUSEUM, m[=u]-z[=e]'um, _n._ a collection of natural, scientific, or other curiosities, or of works of art.--_ns._ MUSEOL'OGY, the science of arranging--MUSEOG'RAPHY, of describing, museums. [L.,--Gr. _mouseion_; cf.


MUSH, mush, _n._ meal boiled in water, esp. Indian meal: anything pulpy.--_adj._ MUSH'Y, soft, pulpy. [Prob. _mash_.]

MUSH, mush, _v.t._ to notch, a dress-fabric ornamentally at the side with a stamp. [Prob. a form of _mesh_.]