Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume I Part 199

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume I Part 199

DYNAMITE, din'a-m[=i]t, _n._ a powerful explosive agent, consisting of absorbent matter, as porous silica, saturated with nitro-glycerine.--_v.t._ to blow up with dynamite.--_ns._ DYN'AMITARD, DYN'AMITER, a ruffian who would use dynamite to destroy bridges, gaols, &c. [Gr. _dynamis_.]

DYNAMO, d[=i]'na-mo, _n._ a contraction of DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINE, a machine for generating electric currents by means of the relative movement of conductors and magnets.--_adjs._ DY'NAMO-ELECTRIC, -AL.--_ns._ DYNAMOG'ENY, production of increased nervous activity; DYNAM'OGRAPH, a recording dynamometer: an instrument for marking the degree of compression of an elliptic spring.

DYNAMOMETER, din-am-om'e-t[.e]r, _n._ originally an instrument for measuring force, such as the pull exerted by a horse in drawing a cart: the name now usually given to instruments for measuring power.--_adjs._ DYNAMOMET'RIC, -AL. [Gr. _dynamis_, power, and _metron_, a measure.]

DYNASTY, din'as-ti, or d[i]'nas-ti, _n._ a succession of kings of the same family.--_n._ DY'NAST, a ruler.--_adj._ DYNAS'TIC, belonging to a dynasty.

[Gr. _dynasteia_--_dynast[=e]s_, a lord, _dynasthai_, to be able.]

DYNE, d[=i]n, _n._ the unit of force in the centimetre-gramme-second (C.G.S.) system.

DYOPHYSITE, d[=i]-of'i-z[=i]t, _n._ a holder of the doctrine of the coexistence of two natures, the divine and the human, in Christ--also DIPH'YSITE.--_adjs._ DYOPHYSIT'IC, -AL.--_n._ DYOPH'YSITISM.

DYOTHELETE, d[=i]-oth'e-l[=e]t, _adj._ holding the doctrine that Christ had two wills, a divine and a human--also DYOTH'ELITE.--_n._ one who holds the foregoing.--_ns._ DYOTH'ELITISM, DYOTH'ELISM.

DYSaeSTHESIA, dis-es-th[=e]'si-a, _n._ impaired sensation, partial insensibility.--_adj._ DYSaeSTHETIC. [Gr., _dys_, hard, _aisth[=e]tos_--_aisthanesthai_, to feel.]

DYSCHROA, dis'kr[=o]-a, _n._ discoloration of the skin from disease.--Also DYS'CHROIA.

DYSCRASIA, dis-kr[=a]'si-a, _n._ (_path._) an altered condition of the blood and fluids of the system, leading to constitutional diseases, as dropsy, cancer, delirium tremens, lead-poisoning, &c. [From Gr. _dys_, bad, _krasis_, a mixture.]

DYSENTERY, dis'en-ter-i, _n._ a form of disease accompanied by discharges from the bowels, and differing from diarrhoea chiefly in being attended by marked fever and pain, as also by the presence of blood and inflammatory products in the discharges. It is a disease of the mucous membrane of the colon or great intestine.--_adj._ DYSENTER'IC. [Gr. _dysenteria_, _dys_, ill, _entera_, entrails.]

DYSLOGISTIC, dis-l[=o]-jis'tik, _adj._ conveying censure, opprobrious.--_adv._ DYSLOGIS'TICALLY.--_n._ DYS'LOGY, dispraise.

DYSMENORRHOEA, dis-men-[=o]-r[=e]'a, _n._ difficult or painful menstruation.--_adjs._ DYSMENORRHOE'AL, -IC.

DYSNOMY, dis'n[=o]-mi, _n._ bad legislation.

DYSODYLE, -ILE, dis'[=o]-d[=i]l, _n._ a yellow or grayish laminated bituminous mineral, often found with lignite, burning vividly, with an odour of asafoetida. [Gr. _dys[=o]d[=e]s_--_dys_, ill, _ozein_, to smell.]

DYSOPSIA, dis-op'si-a, _n._ dimness or difficulty of vision.--Also DYS[=O]'PIA, DYSOP'SY.

DYSOREXIA, dis-[=o]-rek'si-a, _n._ an impaired or depraved appetite.--Also DYS'OREXY.

DYSPATHY, dis'pa-thi, _n._ antipathy, dislike--opposite of _Sympathy_.--_adj._ DYSPATHET'IC.

DYSPEPSIA, dis-pep'si-a, _n._ a scientific term for indigestion--also DYSPEP'SY.--_n._ DYSPEP'TIC, a person afflicted with dyspepsia.--_adjs._ DYSPEP'TIC, -AL, afflicted with, pertaining to, or arising from indigestion.--_adv._ DYSPEP'TICALLY. [Gr. _dyspepsia_--_dys_, hard, _pessein_, _pepsein_, to digest.]

DYSPHAGIA, dis-f[=a]'ji-a, _n._ difficulty in swallowing--also DYS'PHAGY.--_adj._ DISPHAG'IC.

DYSPHONIA, dis-f[=o]'ni-a, _n._ difficulty in producing sounds. [Gr. _dys_, ill, _ph[=o]n[=e]_, sound.]

DYSPHORIA, dis-f[=o]'ri-a, _n._ impatience under affliction, morbid restlessness.

DYSPHUISTIC, dis-f[=u]-is'tik, _adj._ ill-sounding, inelegant.

DYSPNOEA, disp-n[=e]'a, _n._ difficulty of breathing.--_adjs._ DYSPNOE'AL, DYSPNOE'IC. [Gr. _dys_, ill, _pno[=e]_, breathing.]

DYSTELEOLOGY, dis-tel-[=e]-ol'o-ji, _n._ the doctrine of purposelessness, or denial of 'final causes:' the study of apparently functionless rudimentary organs in animals and plants.--_adj._ DYSTELEOLOG'ICAL.--_n._ DYSTELEOL'OGIST.

DYSTHESIA, dis-th[=e]'si-a, _n._ a morbid habit of body, resulting in general discomfort and impatience.--_adj._ DYSTHET'IC.

DYSTHYMIC, dis-thim'ik, _adj._ depressed in spirits.

DYSTOMIC, dis-tom'ik, _adj._ having an imperfect fracture or cleavage.--Also DYS'TOMOUS.

DYSURIA, dis-[=u]'ri-a, _n._ a difficulty of passing urine--also DYS'URY.--_adj._ DYS[=U]'RIC. [Gr. _dys_, ill, _ouron_, urine.]

DYTISCUS, d[=i]-tis'kus, _n._ a genus of water-beetles, including a common large British species, _D. marginalis_--also DYT'ICUS.--_adj._ DYTIS'CID.

[Formed from Gr. _dyt[=e]s_, a diver.]

DYVOUR, d[=i]'v[=oo]r, _n._ (_Scot._) a bankrupt.--_n._ DYV'OURY, bankruptcy. [Generally conn. with Fr. _devoir_, to owe. The old phrase 'drowned in debt' suggests a connection with _diver_.]

DZEREN, dz[=e]'ren, _n._ the Mongolian antelope.--Also DZ[=E]'RON--called also _Goitered antelope_, _Yellow goat_.

DZIGGETAI, dzig'ge-t[=i], _n._ a species of wild ass, more horse-like than the others, inhabiting the elevated steppes of Tartary--prob. the _hemionus_ (half-ass) of Herodotus and Pliny. [Mongol.]