Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume I Part 194

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume I Part 194

DRAVIDIAN, dra-vid'i-an, _n._ of the non-Aryan stock to which the Tamil, Telugu, Canarese, and Malay[=a]lam speaking peoples of Southern India belong: of the languages of these races. [Sans. _Dr[=a]vida_, an ancient province of Southern India.]

DRAW, draw, _v.t._ to pull along: to bring forcibly towards one: to entice, attract: to coax into giving information: to make one express himself (also to DRAW OUT A MAN): to inhale: to take out: to evoke or bring out by some artifice: to extract by pulling: to cast lots: to extract the essence of: to eviscerate (hang, _draw_, and quarter): to manufacture (wire) by drawing through a small hole: to deduce: to lengthen: to extend to the full length (as in drawing a bow): to force to appear (as a badger from its hole): to receive (as revenues): to demand money by a draft: to make a picture of, by lines drawn: to describe: to require a depth of water for floating.--_v.i._ to pull: to practise drawing: to move: to approach: to have a free current (of a chimney):--_pa.t._ drew (dr[=oo]); _pa.p._ drawn.--_n._ the act of drawing: anything drawn: a drawn or undecided game.--_adj._ DRAW'ABLE.--_ns._ DRAW'BACK, a disadvantage: a receiving back some part of the duty on goods on their exportation; DRAW'-BAR (same as DRAG-BAR); DRAW'-BOY, the boy who pulls the cords of the harness in figure-weaving, a mechanical device for this purpose; DRAW'BRIDGE, a bridge that can be drawn up or let down at pleasure; DRAW[=E][=E]', the person on whom a bill of exchange is drawn; DRAW'ER, he or that which draws: one who draws beer or fetches liquor in a tavern: a thing drawn out, like the sliding box in a case: (_pl._) a close under-garment for the lower limbs; DRAW'-GEAR, the apparatus by which railway-cars are coupled; DRAW'ING, the art of representing objects by lines drawn, shading, &c.: a picture: the distribution of prizes, as at a lottery; DRAW'ING-BOARD; DRAW'ING-FRAME, a machine in which carded wool, cotton, or the like is drawn out fine; DRAW'ING-KNIFE, a knife with a handle at each end, used by coopers for shaving hoops by drawing it towards one; DRAW'ING-MAS'TER; DRAW'ING-P[=A]'PER; DRAW'ING-PEN; DRAW'ING-PEN'CIL; DRAW'ING-ROOM, in engineering, a room where plans and patterns are drawn; DRAW'ING-T[=A]'BLE, a table which can be extended in length by drawing out sliding leaves; DRAW'-NET (same as DRAG-NET); DRAW'-PLATE, a plate of steel or ruby with a hole drilled in it through which wire, tubing, or the like is drawn to make it more slender; DRAW'-WELL, a well from which water is drawn up by a bucket and apparatus.--DRAW A BEAD ON (see BEAD); DRAW A BLANK (see BLANK); DRAW A COVER, to send the hounds into a cover to frighten out a fox; DRAW BLANK, to do so, but find no fox; DRAW BACK, to retire: to withdraw from an engagement; DRAW CUTS, to cast lots; DRAW IN, to reduce, contract: to become shorter; DRAW IT FINE, to be too precise; DRAW IT MILD, to state a thing without exaggeration; DRAW NEAR, to approach; DRAW OFF, to take wine, ale, &c. out of a barrel: to retire; DRAW ON, to approach (of a fixed date); DRAW ON ONE'S IMAGINATION, to make imaginative or lying statements; DRAW ON ONE'S MEMORY, to try to remember; DRAW OUT, to leave the place (of an army), &c.; DRAW OVER, to persuade to desert to the other side; DRAW REIN, to slacken speed, to stop; DRAW THE LINE, to fix a limit; DRAW UP, to form in regular order: to arrange or to be arranged (as troops): to compose (as a protest, &c.): to stop (as in driving a carriage).--IN DRAWING, correctly drawn; OUT OF DRAWING, inaccurately drawn, or drawn in violation of the principles of drawing. [A later form of DRAG.]

DRAWCANSIR, draw'kan-s[.e]r, _n._ a blustering fellow, a braggart. [The name of a character in Buckingham's _Rehearsal_ (1671).]

DRAWING-ROOM, draw'ing-r[=oo]m, _n._ a room to which the company withdraws after dinner: a reception of company at court.--DRAWING-ROOM CAR, a railway-carriage fitted up as a drawing-room. [Orig. _Withdrawing-room_.]

DRAWL, drawl, _v.i._ (_obs._) to dawdle: to speak in a slow, lengthened tone.--_v.t._ to utter (words) in a slow and sleepy manner.--_n._ a slow, lengthened utterance.--_n._ DRAWL'ER.--_adv._ DRAWL'INGLY.--_n._ DRAWL'INGNESS. [Freq. of _draw_, as _draggle_ of _drag_.]

DRAWN, drawn, _part._ and _adj._ from DRAW, esp. in 'a drawn game or battle,' undecided.--DRAWN AND QUARTERED, disembowelled and cut into quarters.--AT DAGGERS DRAWN, openly hostile.

DRAY, dr[=a], _n._ a low strong cart for heavy goods; that which is dragged or drawn.--_ns._ DRAY'AGE; DRAY'-HORSE; DRAY'MAN; DRAY'-PLOUGH. [A.S.

_draege_, from _dragan_. See DRAG, _v._]

DRAZEL, dr[=a]z'el, _n._ (_prov._) a slut.

DREAD, dred, _n._ fear: awe: the objects that excite fear.--_adj._ dreaded: inspiring great fear or awe.--_v.t._ to regard with terror: to regard with reverence.--_adjs._ DREAD'ABLE; DREAD'FUL, (_orig._) full of dread: producing great fear or awe: terrible.--_adv._ DREAD'FULLY.--_n._ DREAD'FULNESS.--_adj._ DREAD'LESS, free from dread: intrepid.--_adv._ DREAD'LESSLY.--_n._ DREAD'LESSNESS.--_adj._ DREAD'LY (_Spens._) dreadful.--_ns._ DREAD'NAUGHT, DREAD'NOUGHT, one who dreads nothing--hence, a garment of thick cloth defending against the weather: the cloth of which it is made.--PENNY DREADFUL, a cheap sensational serial or tale, usually bloody in subject and vulgar in tone. [M. E. _dreden_--A.S. _on-dr['ae]dan_, to fear; Ice. _ondreda_, Old High Ger. _in-tratan_, to be afraid.]

DREAM, dr[=e]m, _n._ a train of thoughts and fancies during sleep, a vision: something only imaginary.--_v.i._ to fancy things during sleep: to think idly.--_v.t._ to see in, or as in, a dream:--_pa.t._ and _pa.p._ dreamed or dreamt (dremt).--_ns._ DREAM'ER; DREAM'ERY, a place favourable to dreams: dream-work.--_adj._ DREAM'FUL (_Tenn._), dreamy.--_n._ DREAM'HOLE, one of the holes in the walls of steeples, towers, &c., for admitting light.--_adv._ DREAM'ILY.--_n._ DREAM'INESS.--_adv._ DREAM'INGLY.--_n._ DREAM'LAND, the land of dreams, reverie, or imagination.--_adj._ DREAM'LESS, free from dreams.--_ns._ DREAM'WHILE, the duration of a dream; DREAM'WORLD, a world of illusions.--_adj._ DREAM'Y, full of dreams: appropriate to dreams: dream-like. [M. E. _dream_, _dr[=e]m_, not recorded in A.S., but pointing to an assumed A.S. _dream_, cog. with O. High Ger. _troum_, O. Norse _draum_, &c. This is distinct from the A.S. _dream_, mirth, minstrelsy, being ultimately related to _dreug-_, _draug-_, _drug-_, to deceive, the radical sense therefore 'illusion.']

DREAR, dr[=e]r, DREARY, dr[=e]r'i, _adj._ gloomy: cheerless.--_adv._ DREAR'ILY.--_ns._ DREAR'IMENT, DREAR'ING, DREAR'IHEAD, DREAR'IHOOD (_Spens._), dreariness, cheerlessness; DREAR'INESS.--_adj._ DREAR'ISOME, desolate, forlorn. [A.S. _dreorig_, mournful, bloody--_dreor_, gore.]

DREDGE, drej, _n._ an instrument for dragging: a drag-net for catching oysters, &c.: a machine for taking up mud or zoological specimens from the bottom of the sea: a floating machine for deepening a harbour or river by gathering up mud from the bottom by means of buckets on an endless chain--also DREDG'ER, DREDG'ING-MACHINE'.--_v.t._ DREDGE, to gather with a dredge: to deepen with a dredge. [Conn. with _drag_.]

DREDGE, drej, _v.t._ to sprinkle flour on meat while roasting.--_ns._ DREDG'ER, DREDGE'-BOX, DREDG'ING-BOX, a utensil for dredging. [O. Fr.

_dragie_, sugar-plum, mixed grain for horses--Gr. _trag[=e]mata_, spices.]

DREE, dr[=e], _v.i._ to endure, bear, esp. in DREE ONE'S WEIRD, to abide one's destiny. [Scot.; A.S. _dre[=o]gan_, suffer, perform; Prov. Eng.

_dree_, Scot. _dreich_, _dreigh_, all meaning wearisome.]

DREGS, dregz, impurities in liquor that fall to the bottom, the grounds: dross: the vilest part of anything.--_ns._ DREG'GINESS, DREG'GISHNESS.--_adj._ DREG'GY, containing dregs: muddy: foul. [Prob.

Scand.; Ice. _dreggjar_.]

DREICH, dr[=e]h, _adj._ (_Scot._) long, tiresome. [See DREE.]

DRENCH, drensh, _v.t._ to fill with drink or liquid: to wet thoroughly: to soak: to physic by force: (_obs._) to drown.--_n._ a draught: a dose of physic forced down the throat.--_n._ DRENCH'ER. [A.S. _drencan_, to give to drink, from _drincan_, to drink; Ger. _tranken_, to soak. See DRINK.]

DRENT, drent (_Spens._), obsolete _pa.t._ of DRENCH.

DRESS, dres, _v.t._ to put straight or in order, as troops: to put clothes upon: to prepare: to cook: to trim: to deck: to cleanse a sore: to manure.--_v.i._ to come into line: to put on clothes:--_pa.t._ and _pa.p._ dressed or drest.--_n._ the covering or ornament of the body: a lady's gown: style of dress.--_ns._ DRESS'-CIR'CLE, part of a theatre (usually the first gallery) set apart for people in evening dress; DRESS'-COAT, a fine black coat with narrow or cut-away skirts, worn when in full dress; DRESS'ER, one who dresses: a medical student who dresses wounds: a table on which meat is dressed or prepared for use: a kind of kitchen sideboard with rows of shelves for plates, dishes, & DRESS'-GOODS, cloths for making women's and children's gowns, frocks, &c.--_ns._ DRESS'ING, dress or clothes: manure given to land: matter used to give stiffness and gloss to cloth: the sauce, &c., used in preparing a dish for the table, stuffing, &c.: the bandage, &c., applied to a sore: an ornamental moulding: a thrashing; DRESS'ING-CASE, a case of toilet requisites used in dressing one's self: DRESS'ING-GOWN, a loose garment used in dressing, or in deshabille; DRESS'ING-JACK'ET, DRESS'ING-SACK, a jacket worn by women in dressing: DRESS'ING-ROOM; DRESS'ING-T[=A]'BLE; DRESS'MAKER, a person who makes gowns or dresses for women.--_adj._ DRESS'Y, fond of dress.--EVENING DRESS, FULL DRESS, the costume prescribed by fashion for evening receptions, dinners, balls, &c. [O. Fr. _dresser_, to prepare--L.

_dirig[)e]re_, _directum_, to direct.]

DREST, drest, _pa.t._ and _pa.p._ of DRESS.

DREVILL, an old form of DRIVEL, a slave.

DREW, dr[=oo]--did draw--_pa.t._ of DRAW.

DRIB, drib, _v.t._ to cut off in small portions: to filch or steal: to lead on by degrees. [Akin to DRUB.]

DRIBBLE, drib'l, _v.i._ to fall in small drops: to drop quickly: to slaver, as a child or an idiot.--_v.t._ to let fall in drops: to give out in small portions: at football, &c., to keep the ball moving forward little by little.--_v.t._ DRIB, to dribble, drivel.--_n._ a driblet.--_ns._ DRIB'BLER; DRIB'LET, DRIB'BLET, a small drop: a small quantity. [Dim. of DRIP.]


DRIER, dr[=i]'[.e]r, _n._ that which dries: a machine for extracting moisture from wet cloths, grain, &c.: a substance causing paint to dry more rapidly.

DRIFT, drift, _n._ a driving: a heap of matter driven together, as snow: the direction in which a thing is driven: a slow current in the sea caused by the wind: leeway: the object aimed at: the meaning of words used: (_geol._) detritus, such as broken rock, sand, gravel: (_mining_) a horizontal excavation or passage.--_v.t._ to drive into heaps, as snow.--_v.i._ to be floated along: to be driven into heaps.--_ns._ DRIFT'AGE, that which is drifted: the amount of deviation from a ship's course due to leeway; DRIFT'-AN'CHOR, an anchor for keeping the ship's head to the wind; DRIFT'-BOLT, a steel bolt used to drive out other bolts; DRIFT'-ICE, floating masses of ice drifting before the wind; DRIFT'LAND, an old tribute paid for the privilege of driving cattle through a manor.--_adj._ DRIFT'LESS, without drift or aim.--_ns._ DRIFT'-MIN'ING, gold-mining by means of drifts in the gravel and detritus of old river-beds; DRIFT'-NET, a net kept upright in the water by floats above and weights below; DRIFT'-SAIL, a sail immersed in the water, used for lessening the drift of a vessel during a storm; DRIFT'-WAY, a road over which cattle were driven: (_min._) drift; DRIFT'-WEED, gulf-weed: tangle; DRIFT'-WOOD, wood drifted by water.--_adj._ DRIFT'Y, full of or forming drifts. [See DRIVE.]

DRILL, dril, _v.t._ to bore, pierce: to make with a drill: to exercise soldiers, pupils, &c.--to sow seeds, &c., in rows.--_n._ an instrument for boring stone, metal, teeth, or hard substances (not wood), actuated by a kind of bow, by a brace, or otherwise: a large boring instrument used in mining: a ridge with seed or growing plants on it (turnips, potatoes, &c.): the plants in such a row: the machine for sowing the seed in drill-husbandry.--_ns._ DRILL'-BAR'ROW, a grain-drill driven by hand; DRILL'-HAR'ROW, a harrow for working between drills; DRILL'-HUS'BANDRY, the method of sowing seed in drills or rows; DRILL'ING-MACHINE', DRILL'ING-LATHE, DRILL'-PRESS, machines for boring with a drill or drills; DRILL'-MAS'TER, one who teaches drill, one who trains in anything, esp. in a mechanical manner; DRILL'-PLOUGH, a plough for sowing grain in drills; DRILL'-SER'GEANT, a sergeant who drills soldiers. [Prob. borrowed from Dut.

_drillen_, to bore; _dril_, _drille_, a borer.]

DRILL, dril, _n._ a species of baboon found in Western Africa, resembling the mandrill, but smaller. [A contr. of _mandrill_.]

DRILLING, dril'ing, _n._ stout twilled linen or cotton cloth.--Also DRILL.

[Ger. _drillich_, ticking--L. _trilix_, three-threaded; _tres_, three, _licium_, thread.]

DRILY, same as DRYLY. See under DRY, _adj._

DRINK, dringk, _v.t._ to swallow, as a liquid: to empty, as a glass, bowl, &c.: to take in through the senses.--_v.i._ to swallow a liquid: to take intoxicating liquors to excess:--_pr.p._ drink'ing; _pa.t._ drank; _pa.p._ drunk.--_n._ something to be drunk: intoxicating liquor.--_adj._ DRINK'ABLE.--_ns._ DRINK'ABLENESS; DRINK'ER, a tippler; DRINK'-HAIL, the customary old English reply to a pledge in drinking (_waes hail_, 'health or good luck to you,' was answered with _drinc hail_, 'drink good health or good luck'); DRINK'ING-BOUT; DRINK'ING-FOUNT'AIN; DRINK'ING-HORN; DRINK'-MON'EY, a gratuity, ostensibly given to buy liquor for drinking to the health of the giver; DRINK'-OFF'ERING, an offering of wine, oil, blood, &c. to God or the gods.--DRINK HIMSELF DRUNK, to drink until he is drunk; DRINK IN, to absorb rain, &c., as dry land does; DRINK OFF, to quaff wholly and at a gulp; DRINK THE OTHERS UNDER THE TABLE, to continue drinking and remain (comparatively) sober after the others have completely collapsed; DRINK TO, DRINK TO THE HEALTH OF, to drink wine, &c., with good wishes for one's health; DRINK UP, to exhaust by drinking.--IN DRINK, intoxicated.--STRONG DRINK, alcoholic liquor. [A.S. _drincan_; Ger.



DRIP, drip, _v.i._ to fall in drops: to let fall drops.--_v.t._ to let fall in drops:--_pr.p._ drip'ping; _pa.p._ dripped.--_n._ a falling in drops: that which falls in drops: the edge of a root.--_ns._ DRIP'PING, that which falls in drops, as fat from meat in roasting; DRIP'PING-PAN, a pan for receiving the dripping from roasting meat; DRIP'-STONE, a projecting moulding over doorways, &c., to throw off the rain.--RIGHT OF DRIP, right in law to let the drip from one's roof fall on another's land. [A.S.


DRIVE, dr[=i]v, _v.t._ to force along: to hurry one on: to guide, as horses drawing a carriage: to convey or carry in a carriage: to force in, as nails with a hammer: to push briskly: to urge, as a point of argument, a bargain, &c.: to compel: to send away with force, as a ball in cricket, golf, tennis: to chase game towards sportsmen.--_v.i._ to press forward with violence: to be forced along, as a ship before the wind: to go in a carriage: to tend towards a point: to strike at with a sword, the fist, &c.:--_pr.p._ dr[=i]v'ing; _pa.t._ dr[=o]ve; _pa.p._ driv'en.--_n._ an excursion in a carriage: a road for driving on: the propelling of a ball in cricket, &c.: the chasing of game towards the shooters, or the sport so obtained, or the ground over which the game is driven: urgent pressure: pushing the sale of a special article by reduction of prices.--_ns._ DRIV'ER, one who or that which drives, in all senses: a club used in golf to propel the ball from the teeing-ground; DRIV'ING-BAND, the band or strap which communicates motion from one machine, or part of a machine, to another; DRIV'ING-SHAFT, a shaft from a driving-wheel communicating motion, to machinery; DRIV'ING-WHEEL, a main wheel that communicates motion to other wheels: one of the main wheels in a locomotive.--DRIVE FEATHERS, DOWN, to separate the lighter from the heavier by exposing them to a current of air.--DRIVE TO ONE'S WITS' END, to perplex utterly.--LET DRIVE, to aim a blow. [A.S _drifan_, to drive; Ger. _treiben_, to push.]

DRIVEL, driv'l, _v.i._ to slaver like a child: to be foolish: to speak like an idiot:--_pr.p._ driv'elling; _pa.p._ driv'elled.--_n._ slaver: nonsense.--_n._ DRIV'ELLER, a fool. [M. E. _drevelen_, _dravelen_; related to DRIBBLE.]

DRIVEL, driv'l, _n._ (_Spens._) a drudge. [Cf. Old Dut. _drevel_, a scullion.]

DRIZZLE, driz'l, _v.i._ to rain in small drops.--_v.t._ (_Shak._) to shed in small drops.--_n._ a small, light rain.--_adj._ DRIZZ'LY. [Freq. of M.

E. _dresen_--A.S. _dreosan_, to fall; Norw. _drjosa_, Goth. _driusan_.]

DROGER, DROGHER, dr[=o]'ger, _n._ a West Indian coasting vessel, with long masts and lateen sails.

DROGUE, dr[=o]g, _n._ the drag of boards, attached to the end of a harpoon-line, checking the progress of a running whale.

DROGUET, dr[=o]-g[=a]', _n._ a ribbed woollen dress fabric, a variety of rep. [Fr.]

DROICH, dr[=o]h, _n._ a dwarf.--_adj._ DROICH'Y, dwarfish. [Gael.]

DROIL, droil, _v.i._ to drudge. [Dut. _druilen_, to loiter.]

DROIT, drwa, _n._ right; duty. [Fr.]

DROLL, dr[=o]l, _adj._ odd: amusing: laughable.--_n._ one who excites mirth: a jester.--_v.i._ to practise drollery: to jest.--_ns._ DROLL'ERY; DROLL'ING.--_adjs._ DROLL'ISH, rather droll; DROLL'Y. [Fr., prob. from Dut.

_drollig_, odd--_trold_, a hobgoblin; cf. Ger. _droll_, a short thick person.]