Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume I Part 186

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume I Part 186

DISTINGUISH, dis-ting'gwish, _v.t._ to mark off, set apart (often with _from_): to recognise by characteristic qualities: to discern critically: to separate by a mark of honour: to make eminent or known.--_v.i._ to make or show distinctions or differences, to recognise the difference (with _from_, _between_).--_adj._ DISTING'UISHABLE, that may be capable of being distinguished.--_adv._ DISTING'UISHABLY.--_p.adj._ DISTING'UISHED, illustrious.--_n._ DISTING'UISHER.--_p.adj._ DISTING'UISHING, peculiar.--_n._ DISTING'UISHMENT (_Shak._), distinction. [Through Fr. from L. _distingu[)e]re_, _distinctum_--_dis_, asunder, _stingu[)e]re_, to prick, conn. with Gr. _stizein_, to mark. See STING.]

DISTOMA, dis't[=o]-ma, _n._ the genus of trematode worms to which the liver-fluke belongs. [Gr. _distomos_, two-mouthed--_dis_, and _stoma_, the mouth.]

DISTORT, dis-tort', _v.t._ to turn a different way: to force out of the natural or regular shape or direction: to turn aside from the true meaning: to pervert: to misrepresent.--_p.adj._ DISTORT'ED.--_n._ DISTOR'TION, a twisting out of regular shape: crookedness: perversion.--_adj._ DISTORT'IVE, causing distortion. [L. _dis_, asunder, _torqu[=e]re_, _tortum_, to twist.]

DISTRACT, dis-trakt', _v.t._ to draw in different directions--applied to the mind or attention: to confuse: to harass: to render crazy: to divert.--_adj._ DISTRACT'ED.--_adv._ DISTRACT'EDLY.--_n._ DISTRACT'EDNESS.--_adjs._ DISTRACT'IBLE; DISTRACT'ILE (_bot._), carried widely apart.--_n._ DISTRAC'TION, state of being distracted: perplexity: agitation: madness: a diversion.--_adj._ DISTRACT'IVE, causing perplexity.

DISTRAIN, dis-tr[=a]n', _v.t._ to seize, esp. goods for debt, esp. for non-payment of rent or rates.--_v.i._ to seize the goods of a debtor.--_adj._ DISTRAIN'ABLE.--_ns._ DISTRAIN'MENT; DISTRAIN'OR, DISTRAIN'ER; DISTRAINT', seizure of goods. [O. Fr. _destraindre_--L. _dis_, asunder, _string[)e]re_, to draw tight.]

DISTRAIT, dis'tr[=a], _adj._ absent-minded. [Fr.]

DISTRAUGHT, dis-trawt', _adj._ distracted: perplexed. [See DISTRACT.]

DISTRESS, dis-tres', _n._ extreme pain: that which causes suffering: calamity: misfortune: (_arch._) compulsion: act of distraining goods.--_v.t._ to afflict with pain or suffering: to harass: to grieve: to distrain.--_p.adj._ DISTRESSED'.--_adj._ DISTRESS'FUL.--_adv._ DISTRESS'FULLY.--_n._ DISTRESS'FULNESS.--_p.adj._ DISTRESS'ING.--_adv._ DISTRESS'INGLY. [O. Fr. _destresse_--L. _distring[)e]re_, _districtum_, to pull asunder.]

DISTRIBUTE, dis-trib'[=u]t, _v.t._ to divide amongst several: to deal out or allot: to classify: to give a logical term its fullest extension.--_n._ DISTRIB'UEND, that which is to be distributed.--_adjs._ DISTRIB'UTABLE, that may be divided; DISTRIB'UTARY, distributing.--_ns._ DISTRIB'UTER, -OR; DISTRIB[=U]'TION, allotment: classification: the application of a general term to all the objects denoted by it.--_adjs._ DISTRIB[=U]'TIONAL; DISTRIB'UTIVE, that distributes, separates, or divides: giving to each his own.--_n._ a word, like _each_ or _every_, that indicates the several individuals of a number.--_adv._ DISTRIB'UTIVELY.--GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION, the department of science that treats of the distribution of animals and plants over certain areas of the globe. [L.

_distribu[)e]re_--_dis_, asunder, _tribu[)e]re_, _trib[=u]tum_, to allot.]

DISTRICT, dis'trikt, _n._ a portion of territory defined for political, judicial, educational, or other purposes (as a registration district, a militia district, the District of Columbia): a region.--_v.t._ to divide into districts. [Fr.,--L. _districtus_--_distring[)e]re_, to draw tight.]

DISTRINGAS, dis-tring'gas, _n._ an old writ directing a sheriff or other officer to distrain. [Second pers. sing. pres. subj. of Late L.

_distring[)e]re_, to distrain.]

DISTROUBLE, dis-trub'l, _v.t._ (_Spens._) to trouble greatly, to perplex.

[L. _dis_, inten., and _trouble_.]

DISTRUST, dis-trust', _n._ want of trust: want of faith or confidence: doubt.--_v.t._ to have no trust in: to disbelieve: to doubt.--_adj._ DISTRUST'FUL, full of distrust: apt to distrust: suspicious.--_adv._ DISTRUST'FULLY.--_n._ DISTRUST'FULNESS.--_adj._ DISTRUST'LESS.

DISTUNE, dis-t[=u]n', _v.t._ to put out of tune.

DISTURB, dis-turb', _v.t._ to throw into confusion: to agitate: to disquiet: to interrupt.--_n._ DISTURB'ANCE, agitation: tumult: interruption: perplexity.--_adj._ and _n._ DISTURB'ANT, disturbing.--_adjs._ DISTURB'ATIVE; DISTURBED'.--_n._ DISTURB'ER. [O. Fr.

_distourber_--L. _disturb[=a]re_, _dis_, asunder, _turb[=a]re_, to agitate--_turba_, a crowd.]

DISTYLE, dis'til, _n._ a portico with two columns. [Gr. _distylos_--_di-_, two, and _stylos_, column.]

DISULPHATE, d[=i]-sul'f[=a]t, _n._ a sulphate containing one atom of hydrogen replaceable by a base.--_n._ DISUL'PHIDE, a sulphide containing two atoms of sulphur to the molecule--also DISUL'PHURET.--_adj._ DISULPH[=U]'RIC, containing two sulphuric-acid radicals.

DISUNIFORM, dis-[=u]'ni-form, _adj._ not uniform.--_n._ DISUNIFORM'ITY.

DISUNION, dis-[=u]n'yun, _n._ want of union: breaking up of union or concord: separation.--_n._ DISUN'IONIST, promoter of disunion.

DISUNITE, dis-[=u]-n[=i]t', _v.t._ to separate what is united: to sever or sunder.--_v.i._ to fall asunder: to part.--_n._ DIS[=U]'NITY, state of disunion.

DISUSE, dis-[=u]s', or dis'[=u]s, _n._ cessation or giving up of use or custom.--_v.t._ (dis-[=u]z') to cease to use or practise.--_n._ DISUSAGE (dis-[=u]z'-), gradual cessation of use or custom.

DISVALUE, dis-val'[=u], _v.t._ (_Shak._) to diminish in value, disparage.

DISVOUCH, dis-vowch', _v.t._ (_Shak._) to discredit, contradict.

DISWARREN, dis-wor'en, _v.t._ to deprive of the character of a warren.

DISWEAPON, dis-wep'un, _v.t._ to disarm.


DISYOKE, dis-y[=o]k', _v.t._ (_Tenn._) to free from the yoke.

DIT, dit, _n._ (_Spens._) a ditty. [See DITTY.]

DITAL, dit'al, _n._ a digital key for raising the pitch of a guitar a semitone. [It.,--L. _digitus_, a finger.]

DITCH, dich, _n._ a trench dug in the ground: any long narrow receptacle for water.--_v.i._ to make a ditch or ditches.--_v.t._ to dig a ditch in or around: to drain by ditches.--_ns._ DITCH'-DOG (_Shak._), a dead dog rotting in a ditch; DITCH'ER, a ditch-maker. [A corr. of _dike_.]

DITE, d[=i]t, _v.t._ (_Spens._). Same as DIGHT.

DITETRAGONAL, d[=i]-tet-rag'o-nal, _adj._ twice tetragonal.

DITETRAHEDRAL, d[=i]-tet-ra-h[=e]'dral, _adj._ twice tetrahedral.

DITHEISM, d[=i]'th[=e]-izm, _n._ the doctrine of the existence of two supreme gods.--_n._ D[=I]'THEIST.--_adjs._ DITHEIST'IC, -AL. [Gr. _di-_, two, and _theos_, a god.]

DITHYRAMB, dith'i-ram, _n._ an ancient Greek hymn sung in honour of Bacchus: a short poem of a like character.--_adj._ DITHYRAM'BIC, of or like a dithyramb: enthusiastic: wild and boisterous. [L.,--Gr. _dithyrambos_, a hymn in honour of Bacchus.]

DITOKOUS, dit'[=o]-kus, _adj._ producing two at a birth. [Gr. _di-_, two, _tiktein_, to bring forth.]

DITONE, d[=i]'t[=o]n, _n._ an interval containing two tones, a major third.

DITRICHOTOMOUS, d[=i]-tri-kot'[=o]-mus, _adj._ divided into twos and threes.

DITRIGLYPH, d[=i]-tr[=i]'glif, _n._ a space for two triglyphs in the entablature between columns.--_adj._ DITRIGLYPH'IC.

DITROCHEE, d[=i]-tr[=o]'k[=e], _n._ a trochaic dipody.--_adj._ DITR[=O]'CHEAN.

DITTANDER, di-tan'd[.e]r, _n._ pepperwort: dittany.

DITTANY, dit'a-ni, _n._ a genus of aromatic perennial plants, formerly much used medicinally as a tonic. [O. Fr. _dictame_--L. _dictamnus_--Gr.

_diktamnos_; prob. from Mt. _Dikt[=e]_ in Crete.]

DITTAY, dit'[=a], _n._ (_Scots law_) an indictment, charge. [O. Fr.

_ditte_--L. _dict[=a]tum_. Cf. DITTY, DICTATE.]

DITTIED, dit'id, _adj._ (_Milt._) sung, as a ditty.

DITTO, dit'[=o], contracted DO., _n._ that which has been said: the same thing.--_adv._ as before, or aforesaid: in like DITT'OS, a suit of clothes of the same colour throughout. [It. _ditto_--L. _dictum_, said, pa.p. of _dic[)e]re_, to say.]

DITTOGRAPHY, di-tog'ra-fi, _n._ mechanical repetition of letters or words in copying a manuscript. [Gr. _dittos_, double, _graphein_, to write.]

DITTOLOGY, di-tol'o-ji, _n._ a double reading. [Gr. _dittologia_--_dittos_, double, _graphein_, to write.]