Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume I Part 181

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume I Part 181

DISENVELOP, dis-en-vel'op, _v.t._ to free from that in which a thing is enveloped, to unfold.

DISENVIRON, dis-en-v[=i]'ron, _v.t._ to deprive of its environment.

DISESPOUSE, dis-es-powz', _v.t._ (_Milt._) to separate after espousal or betrothment.

DISESTABLISH, dis-es-tab'lish, _v.t._ to take away what has been established or settled, esp. of the standing of church as established by law.--_n._ DISESTAB'LISHMENT.

DISESTEEM, dis-es-t[=e]m', _n._ want of esteem: disregard.--_v.t._ to disapprove: to dislike.--_n._ DISESTIM[=A]'TION.

DISFAME, dis-f[=a]m', _n._ evil reputation.

DISFAVOUR, dis-f[=a]'vur, _n._ want of favour: displeasure: dislike.--_v.t._ to withhold favour from: to disapprove: to oppose.--_n._ DISF[=A]'VOURER.

DISFEATURE, dis-f[=e]'t[=u]r, _v.t._ to deprive of a feature: to deface.

DISFELLOWSHIP, dis-fel'[=o]-ship, _n._ want of, or exclusion from, fellowship.--_v.t._ to excommunicate.

DISFIGURE, dis-fig'[=u]r, _v.t._ to spoil the figure of: to change to a worse form: to spoil the beauty of: to deform.--_ns._ DISFIG'UREMENT, DISFIGUR[=A]'TION. [O. Fr. _desfigurer_--L. _dis_, neg., _figur[=a]re_, to figure.]

DISFLESH, dis-flesh', _v.t._ to deprive of flesh, to disembody.

DISFOREST, dis-for'est, _v.t._ to strip of trees: to disafforest.

DISFORM, dis-form', _v.t._ to alter the form of.

DISFRANCHISE, dis-fran'chiz, _v.t._ to deprive of a franchise, or of rights and privileges, esp. that of voting for a M.P.--_n._ DISFRAN'CHISEMENT.

DISFROCK, dis-frok', _v.t._ to unfrock, deprive of clerical garb.

DISFURNISH, dis-fur'nish, _v.t._ (_Shak._) to strip, render destitute.--_n._ DISFUR'NISHMENT.

DISGARNISH, dis-gar'nish, _v.t._ to despoil.

DISGARRISON, dis-gar'i-sn, _v.t._ to deprive of a garrison.

DISGAVEL, dis-gav'el, _v.t._ to relieve from the tenure of gavelkind.

DISGLORIFY, dis-gl[=o]'ri-f[=i], _v.t._ (_Milt._) to deprive of glory.

DISGODDED, dis-god'ed, _adj._ deprived of divinity.

DISGORGE, dis-gorj', _v.t._ to discharge from the throat: to vomit: to throw out with violence: to give up what has been seized.--_n._ DISGORGE'MENT. [O. Fr. _desgorger_, _des_, away, _gorge_, throat. See GORGE.]

DISGOSPEL, dis-gos'pel, _v.i._ to act in a manner not becoming the gospel.

DISGOWN, dis-gown', _v.t._ or _v.i._ to deprive of his gown: to divest one's self of a clerical gown, to renounce orders.

DISGRACE, dis-gr[=a]s', _n._ state of being out of grace or favour, or of being dishonoured: cause of shame: dishonour.--_v.t._ to put out of favour: to bring disgrace or shame upon.--_adj._ DISGRACE'FUL, bringing disgrace: causing shame: dishonourable.--_adv._ DISGRACE'FULLY.--_ns._ DISGRACE'FULNESS; DISGR[=A]'CER.--_adj._ DISGR[=A]'CIOUS (_Shak._), ungracious, unpleasing. [O. Fr.,--L. _dis_, neg., and _gratia_, favour, grace.]

DISGRADE, dis-gr[=a]d', _v.t._ to deprive of any rank or status.--_n._ DISGRAD[=A]'TION.

DISGREGATION, dis-gr[=e]-g[=a]'shun, _n._ separation, esp. of molecules.

DISGRUNTLE, dis-grun'tl, _v.t._ (_prov._) to disappoint, disgust.--_adj._ DISGRUN'TLED, rendered sulky. [_Dis-_ and _gruntle_, to grunt, to be sulky.]

DISGUISE, dis-g[=i]z', _v.t._ to change the guise or appearance of: to conceal by a dress intended to deceive, or by a counterfeit manner and appearance: to intoxicate (usually 'disguised in liquor')--_n._ a dress intended to conceal the wearer: a false appearance: change of behaviour in intoxication.--_adv._ DISGUIS'EDLY.--_ns._ DISGUIS'EDNESS; DISGUISE'MENT; DISGUIS'ER; DISGUIS'ING. [O. Fr. _desguiser_--_des_, neg., _guise_, manner, guise.]

DISGUST, dis-gust', _n._ loathing: strong dislike.--_v.t._ to excite disgust in: to offend the taste of: to displease.--_adv._ DISGUST'EDLY.--_adjs._ DISGUST'ING, DISGUST'FUL.--_adv._ DISGUST'INGLY.--_ns._ DISGUST'INGNESS, DISGUST'FULNESS. [O. Fr.

_desgouster_--_des_ (= L. _dis_), and _gouster_--L. _gust[=a]re_, to taste.]

DISH, dish, _n._ a plate: a vessel in which food is served: the food in a dish: a particular kind of food: the condition of having a dish shape, concavity of form.--_v.t._ to put in a dish, for table: (_coll._) to outwit, to defeat.--_ns._ DISH'-CLOUT, DISH'-CLOTH; DISH'-COV'ER, a cover for a dish to keep it hot.--_adj._ DISH'-FACED; having a round, flat face.--_ns._ DISH'FUL; DISH'ING, putting in a dish.--_adj._ hollow like a dish.--_n._ DISH'-WA'TER, water in which dishes have been washed.--DISH UP, to serve up, esp. figuratively of old materials cooked up anew. [A.S.

_disc_, a plate, a dish, a table--L. _discus_. Doublets, _disc_ and _desk_; cf. Ger. _tisch_, a table.]

DISHABILITATE, dis-ha-bil'i-t[=a]t, _v.t._ to disqualify: to attaint.--_n._ DISHABILIT[=A]'TION.

DISHABILLE, dis-a-bil'. Same as DESHABILLE.

DISHABIT, dis-hab'it, _v.t._ (_Shak._) to drive from a habitation. [O. Fr.

_deshabiter_--L. _dis_, neg., _habit[=a]re_, to inhabit.]

DISHALLOW, dis-hal'[=o], _v.t._ to desecrate.

DISHARMONY, dis-har'mo-ni, _n._ lack of harmony: discord: incongruity.--_adj._ DISHARM[=O]'NIOUS.--_adv._ DISHARM[=O]'NIOUSLY.--_v.t._ and _v.i._ DISHAR'MONISE, to put out of, or be out of, harmony.

DISHEARTEN, dis-hart'n, _v.t._ to deprive of heart, courage, or spirits: to discourage: to depress.--_adjs._ DISHEART'ENED; DISHEART'ENING.

DISHELM, dis-helm', _v.t._ to divest of a helmet.

DISHERIT, dis-her'it, _v.t._ (_Spens._) to disinherit.--_ns._ DISHER'ISON; DISHER'ITOR. [O. Fr. _desheriter_--L. _dis_, neg., Late L. _heredit[=a]re_, to inherit.]

DISHEVEL, di-shev'el, _v.t._ to disorder the hair: to cause the hair to hang loose.--_v.i._ to spread in disorder:--_pr.p._ dishev'elling; _pa.p._ dishev'elled.--_n._ DISHEV'ELMENT. [O. Fr. _discheveler_--Low L.

_discapill[=a]re_, to tear out or disorder the hair--L. _dis_, in different directions, _capillus_, the hair.]

DISHOME, dis-h[=o]m', _v.t._ to deprive of a home.

DISHONEST, diz-on'est, _adj._ not honest: wanting integrity: disposed to cheat: insincere: (_Shak._) unchaste.--_adv._ DISHON'ESTLY.--_n._ DISHON'ESTY. [O. Fr. _deshonneste_, _des_--L. _dis_, neg., _honneste_--L.

_honestus_, honest.]

DISHONOUR, diz-on'ur, _n._ want of honour: disgrace: shame: reproach.--_v.t._ to deprive of honour: to disgrace: to cause shame to: to seduce: to degrade: to refuse the payment of, as a cheque.--_adjs._ DISHON'ORARY, causing dishonour; DISHON'OURABLE, having no sense of honour: disgraceful.--_n._ DISHON'OURABLENESS.--_adv._ DISHON'OURABLY.--_n._ DISHON'OURER. [O. Fr. _deshonneur_, _des_--L. _dis_, neg., _honneur_--L.

_honor_, honour.]

DISHORN, dis-horn', _v.t._ to deprive of horns.

DISHORSE, dis-hors', _v.t._ to unhorse.

DISHUMOUR, dis-h[=u]'mur, _n._ ill-humour.

DISILLUDE, dis-il-l[=u]d', _v.t._ to free from illusion.--_n._ DISILL[=U]'SION, a freeing from illusion: state of being disillusionised.--_v.t._ to free from illusion, disenchant.--_adj._ DISILL[=U]'SIONARY.--_v.t._ DISILL[=U]'SIONISE.--_n._ DISILL[=U]'SIONMENT.--_adj._ DISILL[=U]'SIVE.