Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume I Part 179

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume I Part 179

DISCHARITY, dis-char'i-ti, _n._ want of charity.

DISCHARM, dis-charm, _v.t._ to remove the charm, or power of a charm, from.

DISCHURCH, dis-church', _v.t._ to deprive of church rank or privileges.

DISCIDE, dis-s[=i]d', _v.t._ (_Spens._) to cut asunder, to divide. [L.

_dis_, asunder, and _coed[)e]re_, to cut.]

DISCINCT, dis-singkt', _adj._ ungirded. [L. _discing[)e]re_, _-cinctum_, to ungird.]

DISCIPLE, dis-[=i]'pl, _n._ one who professes to receive instruction from another: one who follows or believes in the doctrine of another: a follower, esp. one of the twelve disciples of Christ.--_v.t._ (_Spens._) to teach.--_n._ DISC[=I]'PLESHIP.--DISCIPLES OF CHRIST, a denomination of American Baptists, also known as _Campbellites_. [Fr.,--L. _discipulus_, from _disc[)e]re_, to learn; akin to _doc[=e]re_, to teach.]

DISCIPLINE, dis'i-plin, _n._ instruction: training, or mode of life in accordance with rules: subjection to control: order: severe training: mortification: punishment: an instrument of penance or punishment.--_v.t._ to subject to discipline: to train: to educate: to bring under control: to chastise.--_adjs._ DIS'CIPLINABLE; DIS'CIPLINAL.--_ns._ DIS'CIPLINANT, one who subjects himself to a certain discipline, esp. one of an order of Spanish flagellants; DISCIPLIN[=A]'RIAN, one who enforces strict discipline; DISCIPLIN[=A]'RIUM, a scourge for penitential flogging.--_adj._ DIS'CIPLINARY, of the nature of discipline--_n._ DIS'CIPLINER, one who disciplines.--FIRST, and SECOND, BOOK OF DISCIPLINE, two documents (1560 and 1578) embodying the constitution and order of procedure of the Church of Scotland from the period of the Reformation. [L. _disciplina_, from _discipulus_.]

DISCISSION, di-sish'un, _n._ an incision into a tumour or cataract. [See DISCIDE.]

DISCLAIM, dis-kl[=a]m', _v.t._ to renounce all claim to: to refuse to acknowledge or be responsible for: to reject.--_v.i._ to give up all claim (with _in_).--_ns._ DISCLAIM'ER, a denial, disavowal, or renunciation; DISCLAM[=A]'TION, a disavowal. [O. Fr. _disclaimer_--L. _dis_, apart, _clam[=a]re_, to cry out.]

DISCLOSE, dis-kl[=o]z', _v.t._ to unclose: to open: to lay open: to bring to light: to reveal.--_n._ DISCL[=O]'SURE, act of disclosing: a bringing to light or revealing: that which is disclosed or revealed. [O. Fr.

_desclos_--L. _disclud[=e]re_--_dis_, apart, _claud[)e]re_, to shut, close.]

DISCOBOLUS, dis-kob'o-lus, _n._ 'the disc-thrower,' the name of several famous statues of athletes. [L.,--Gr. _diskos_, a quoit, _ballein_, to throw.]

DISCOID, -AL, dis'koid, -al, _adj._ having the form of a disc. [Gr.

_diskos_, and _eidos_, form.]

DISCOLOUR, dis-kul'ur, _v.t._ to take away colour from: to change or to spoil the natural colour of: to alter the appearance of: to mark with other colours, to stain: to dirty, disfigure.--_n._ DISCOLOR[=A]'TION, act of discolouring: state of being discoloured: stain.--_p.adj._ DISCOL'OURED, stained, &c.: (_Spens._) many-coloured. [O. Fr. _descolorer_--L. _dis_, apart, and _color[=a]re_--_color_; colour.]

DISCOMFIT, dis-kum'fit, _v.t._ to disconcert, to balk: to defeat or rout;--_pr.p._ discom'fiting; _pa.p._ discom'fited.--_n._ (_Milt._) defeat.--_n._ DISCOM'FITURE. [O. Fr. _desconfit_, pa.p. of _desconfire_--L.

_dis_, neg., _confic[)e]re_, to prepare--_con_, inten., _fac[)e]re_, to make.]

DISCOMFORT, dis-kum'furt, _n._ want of comfort: uneasiness: pain.--_v.t._ to deprive of comfort: to make uneasy: to pain: to grieve.--_adj._ DISCOM'FORTABLE, causing discomfort: uncomfortable. [O. Fr.

_desconforter_--_des_, apart, _conforter_, to comfort.]

DISCOMMEND, dis-kom-end', _v.t._ to blame.--_adj._ DISCOMMEND'ABLE.--_ns._ DISCOMMEND'ABLENESS, DISCOMMEND[=A]'TION.

DISCOMMISSION, dis-kom-ish'un, _v.t._ (_Milt._) to deprive of a commission.

DISCOMMODE, dis-kom-[=o]d', _v.t._ to incommode.--_adj._ DISCOMM[=O]'DIOUS.--_adv._ DISCOMM[=O]'DIOUSLY.--_n._ DISCOMMOD'ITY, inconvenience.

DISCOMMON, dis-kom'un, _v.t._ to deprive of the right of common, or, at Oxford and Cambridge, of dealing with undergraduates.

DISCOMMUNITY, dis-kom-[=u]n'i-ti, _n._ want of community.

DISCOMPOSE, dis-kom-p[=o]z', _v.t._ to deprive of composure: to disarrange, to disorder: to disturb: to agitate.--_n._ DISCOMP[=O]'SURE.

DISCONCERT, dis-kon-s[.e]rt', _v.t._ to deprive of harmony or agreement: to disturb: to frustrate: to defeat: to put out of countenance.--_n._ DISCON'CERT, disunion; DISCONCER'TION, confusion; DISCONCERT'MENT. [O. Fr.

_disconcerter_--_des_ = L. _dis_, apart, and _concerter_, to concert.]

DISCONFORMABLE, dis-kon-form'a-bl, _adj._ not conformable.--_n._ DISCONFORM'ITY, want of conformity: inconsistency.

DISCONGRUITY, dis-kon-gr[=oo]'i-ti, _n._ incongruity.

DISCONNECT, dis-kon-ekt', _v.t._ to separate or disjoin (with _from_).--_p.adj._ DISCONNECT'ED, separated: loosely united, as of a discourse.--_adv._ DISCONNECT'EDLY.--_n._ DISCONNEC'TION.

DISCONSENT, dis-kon-sent', _v.i._ to differ, dissent.

DISCONSOLATE, dis-kon's[=o]-l[=a]t, _adj._ without consolation or comfort: hopeless: sad.--_adv._ DISCON'SOLATELY.--_ns._ DISCON'SOLATENESS, DISCONSOL[=A]'TION. [L. _dis_, neg., and _consol[=a]ri_, _consol[=a]tus_, to console.]

DISCONTENT, dis-kon-tent', _adj._ not content: dissatisfied: ill-humoured: peevish.--_n._ want of content: dissatisfaction: ill-humour.--_v.t._ to deprive of content: to stir up to ill-will.--_adj._ DISCONTENT'ED, dissatisfied.--_adv._ DISCONTENT'EDLY.--_n._ DISCONTENT'EDNESS.--_adj._ DISCONTENT'FUL.--_p.adj._ DISCONTENT'ING, not contenting or satisfying: (_Shak._) discontented.--_n._ DISCONTENT'MENT, the opposite of contentment: ill-humour.

DISCONTINUE, dis-kon-tin'[=u], _v.t._ to cease to continue: to put an end to: to leave off: to stop.--_v.i._ to cease: to be separated from.--_ns._ DISCONTIN'UANCE, DISCONTINU[=A]'TION, a breaking off or ceasing; DISCONTIN[=U]'ITY.--_adj._ DISCONTIN'UOUS, not continuous: broken off: separated: interrupted by intervening spaces.--_adv._ DISCONTIN'UOUSLY. [O.

Fr. _discontinuer_--L. _dis_, neg., and _continu[=a]re_, to continue.]

DISCOPHORA, dis-kof'[=o]-ra, the discoidal hydrozoans--jelly-fishes, &c.--_n._ DISCOPH'ORAN, one of the foregoing.--_adj._ DISCOPH'OROUS, having a gelatinous bell or disc. [Gr.]

DISCORD, dis'kord, _n._ opposite of _concord_: disagreement, strife: difference or contrariety of qualities: a combination of inharmonious sounds: uproarious noise.--_v.i._ DISCORD', to disagree.--_ns._ DISCORD'ANCE, DISCORD'ANCY.--_adj._ DISCORD'ANT, without concord or agreement: inconsistent: contradictory: harsh: jarring.--_adv._ DISCORD'ANTLY.--_adj._ DISCORD'FUL (_Spens._).--APPLE OF DISCORD (see APPLE). [O. Fr. _descord_--L. _discordia_--_dis_, neg., and _cor_, _cordis_, the heart.]

DISCORPORATE, dis-kor'p[=o]-r[=a]t, _adj._ disembodied.

DISCOUNSEL, dis-kown'sel, _v.t._ (_Spens._) to dissuade. [O. Fr.

_desconseillier_--_des_, apart, and _conseillier_, to counsel.]

DISCOUNT, dis'kownt, _n._ a sum taken from the reckoning: a sum returned to the payer of an account: a deduction made for interest in advancing money on a bill.--_v.t._ DISCOUNT', to allow discount: to advance money on, deducting discount: to put a reduced value on, as in an extravagant statement or fabulous story.--_v.i._ to practise discounting.--_adj._ DISCOUNT'ABLE.--_ns._ DIS'COUNT-BROK'ER, one who cashes notes or bills of exchange at a discount; DISCOUNT'ER.--AT A DISCOUNT, below par: not sought after: superfluous: depreciated in value. [O. Fr. _descompter_, _des_--L.

_dis_, away, _compter_, to count.]

DISCOUNTENANCE, dis-kown'ten-ans, _v.t._ (_obs._) to put out of countenance: to abash: to refuse countenance or support to: to discourage.--_n._ cold treatment: disapprobation. [O. Fr. _descontenancer_, _des-_, neg., _contenance_, countenance.]

DISCOURAGE, dis-kur'[=a]j, _v.t._ to take away the courage of: to dishearten: to seek to check by showing disfavour to.--_n._ DISCOUR'AGEMENT, act of discouraging: that which discourages: dejection.--_p.adj._ DISCOUR'AGING, disheartening, depressing.--_adv._ DISCOUR'AGINGLY. [O. Fr. _descourager_. See COURAGE.]

DISCOURSE, dis-k[=o]rs', _n._ speech or language generally: conversation: the reasoning faculty: a treatise: a sermon.--_v.i._ to talk or converse: to reason: to treat formally.--_v.t._ to utter or give forth.--_n._ DISCOURS'ER (_Shak._).--_adj._ DISCOURS'IVE. [Fr. _discours_--L.

_discursus_--_dis_, away, _curr[)e]re_, to run.]

DISCOURTEOUS, dis-kurt'yus, _adj._ wanting in good manners; uncivil: rude.--_adv._ DISCOURT'EOUSLY.--_ns._ DISCOURT'EOUSNESS, DISCOURT'ESY. [O.

Fr. _descourtois_, _des_--L. _dis_, neg., _cortois_, courteous.]

DISCOUS, disk'us, _adj._ disc-like: broad: flat.

DISCOVER, dis-kuv'[.e]r, _v.t._ to uncover: to lay open or expose: to exhibit: to make known: to find out: to espy.--_adj._ DISCOVERABLE.--_ns._ DISCOV'ERER; DISCOV'ERY, the act of finding out: the thing discovered. [O.

Fr. _descouvrir_, _des_--L. _dis_, away, _couvrir_, to cover.]

DISCOVERT, dis-kuv'ert, _adj._ (_law_) not under the bonds of matrimony, either of a spinster or widow.--_n._ DISCOV'ERTURE. [Lit. uncovered, unprotected; O. Fr. _descovert_. See DISCOVER.]

DISCREDIT, dis-kred'it, _n._ want of credit: bad credit: ill-repute: disgrace.--_v.t._ to refuse credit to, or belief in: to deprive of credibility: to deprive of credit: to disgrace.--_adj._ DISCRED'ITABLE, not creditable: disgraceful.--_adv._ DISCRED'ITABLY.

DISCREET, dis-kr[=e]t', _adj._ having discernment: wary: circumspect: prudent.--_adv._ DISCREETLY.--_n._ DISCREET'NESS. [O. Fr. _discret_--L.

_discr[=e]tus_--_discern[)e]re_, to separate, to perceive.]

DISCREPANCY, dis-krep'an-si, or dis'krep-an-si, _n._ disagreement, variance of facts or sentiments--(_obs._) DISCREP'ANCE.--_adj._ DISCREP'ANT, contrary, disagreeing. [Through Fr. from L. _discrepan(t)s_, different--_dis_, asunder, and _crepans_, pr.p. of _crep[=a]re_, to sound.]