Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume I Part 177

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume I Part 177

DIPLOGENIC, dip-l[=o]-jen'ik, _adj._ producing two bodies.--_n._ DIPLOGEN'ESIS, the production in duplicate of parts normally single. [Gr.

_diploos_, double, _genesis_, generation.]

DIPLOMA, di-pl[=o]'ma, _n._ a writing conferring some honour or privilege, as a university degree, &c.--_v.t._ to furnish with a diploma. [L.,--Gr.

_dipl[=o]ma_, a letter folded double--_diploos_, double.]

DIPLOMACY, di-pl[=o]'ma-si, _n._ the art of negotiation, esp. of treaties between states: political skill.--_n._ DIPLOMAT'IC, a minister at a foreign court: (_pl._) the science of deciphering ancient writings, as charters, decrees, &c.--paleography.--_adjs._ DIPLOMAT'IC, -AL, pertaining to diplomacy: skilful in negotiation.--_adv._ DIPLOMAT'ICALLY.--_v.i._ and _v.t._ DIPL[=O]'MATISE, to practise, or effect by, diplomacy.--_ns._ DIPL[=O]'MATIST, DIP'L[=O]MAT, one skilled in diplomacy; DIPLOMATOL'OGY, the study or science of diplomatics, charters, decrees, &c.--DIPLOMATIC CORPS, or _Corps diplomatique_, the whole body of foreign diplomatists resident at any court.

DIPLOPIA, dip'-l[=o]'pi-a, _n._ double vision.

DIPLOZOON, dip-l[=o]-z[=o]'on, _n._ a remarkable flat worm or Trematode, consisting of two organisms fused together. [Gr. _diploos_, double, _z[=o]on_, an animal.]

DIPNOI, dip'noi, the lung fishes.--_adj._ DIP'NOOUS, having both lungs and gills.

DIPODY, dip'o-di, _n._ (_pros._) a double foot.

DIPOLAR, d[=i]-p[=o]'lar, _adj._ having two poles.

DIPPER, dip'[.e]r, _n._ a genus of birds in the Thrush family that find their food by diving into streams or lakes: a kind of Baptist or Dunker.

DIPRISMATIC, d[=i]-priz-mat'ik, _adj._ doubly prismatic.

DIPSACUS, dip'sa-kus, _n._ the teasel. [Gr. _dipsa_, thirst, because the leaf-axils hold water.]

DIPSAS, dip'sas, _n._ a snake whose bite was believed to cause intense thirst: a genus of non-venomous snakes. [Gr. _dipsas_--_dipsa_, thirst.]

DIPSECTOR, dip'sekt-or, _n._ an instrument for observing the dip of the horizon. [_Dip_ and _sector_.]

DIPSOMANIA, dip-s[=o]-m[=a]'ni-a, _n._ a morbid craving for alcoholic stimulants.--_ns._ DIPSOM[=A]'NIAC, one who suffers from the foregoing; DIPSOP'ATHY, treatment by restricting a patient's drink; DIPS[=O]'SIS, morbid thirst. [Gr. _dipsa_, thirst, and _mania_, madness.]

DIPTERA, dip'ter-a, two-winged insects or flies.--_ns._ DIP'TERAN, a dipterous insect; DIP'TEROS, a building with double peristyle or colonnade.--_adjs._ DIP'TEROUS, DIP'TERAL. [Gr. _dipteros_, two-winged, _di-_, twice, _pteron_, a wing.]

DIPTYCH, dip'tik, _n._ a double-folding writing-tablet: a register of bishops, saints, &c. read aloud during the eucharist: a pair of pictures as folding-tablets. [Gr. _diptychos_--_di-_, and _ptyssein_, to fold.]

DIRDUM, dir'dum, _n._ (_Scot._) uproar: a scolding.

DIRE, d[=i]r, _adj._ dreadful: calamitous in a high degree--(_poet._) DIRE'FUL.--_adv._ DIRE'FULLY.--_n._ DIRE'FULNESS. [L. _dirus_; cf. Gr.

_deinos_, frightful.]

DIRECT, di-rekt', _adj._ quite straight: straightforward: in the line of descent: outspoken: sincere: unambiguous: unsophisticated in manner.--_v.t._ to keep or lay quite straight: to point or aim straightly or correctly: to point out the proper course to: to guide: to order: to mark with the name and residence of a person.--_v.i._ to act as director.--_n._ DIREC'TION, aim at a certain point: the line of course in which anything moves: guidance: command: the body of persons who guide or manage a matter: the written name and residence of a person.--_adjs._ DIREC'TIONAL; DIRECT'IVE, having power or tendency to direct.--_adv._ DIRECT'LY, in a direct manner: without intermediary: immediately (in time and otherwise).--_ns._ DIRECT'NESS; DIRECT'OR, one who directs: a manager or governor: a counsellor: a father confessor or spiritual guide: part of a machine or instrument which guides its motion:--_fem._ DIRECT'RESS, DIRECT'RIX.--_ns._ DIRECT'OR[=A]TE, DIRECT'ORSHIP, the office, or a body of, directors.--_adjs._ DIRECT[=O]'RIAL; DIRECT'ORY, containing directions: guiding.--_n._ a body of directions: a guide: a book with the names and residences of the inhabitants of a place: a body of directors: the _Directoire_, or French Republican government of 1795-99.--_n._ DIRECT'RIX, a line serving to describe a circle. [L. _dirig[)e]re_, _directum_--_di_, apart, and _reg[)e]re_, to rule, to make straight.]

DIRGE, d[.e]rj, _n._ a funeral song or hymn. [Contracted from _dirige_, the first word of an antiphon sung in the office for the dead--the words from the Vulgate, Psalm v. 8. L. _dirig[)e]re_, to direct.]

DIRHEM, dir'hem, _n._ an oriental weight and silver coin, originally two-thirds of an Attic drachma.--Also DIR'HAM, DER'HAM. [Ar., Pers., and Turk. modifications of the Greek _drachm[=e]_, a drachma or dram.]

DIRIGIBLE, dir'i-ji-bl, _adj._ that can be directed.--_adj._ DIR'IGENT, directing. [See DIRECT.]

DIRIMENT, dir'i-ment, _adj._ nullifying. [L. _dirim[)e]re_.]

DIRK, d[.e]rk, _n._ a Highland dagger or poniard: a side-arm worn by midshipmen and cadets of the royal navy.--_v.t._ to stab with a dirk.

[Scot. _durk_; from the Celt., as in Ir. _duirc_.]

DIRK, d[.e]rk, _adj._ (_Spens._) dark.--_v.t._ (_Spens._) to darken. [See DARK.]

DIRL, dirl, _v.i._ (_Scot._) to thrill, vibrate.--_n._ a vibration, a sensation of tingling as after a blow.

DIRT, d[.e]rt, _n._ any filthy substance, such as dung, mud, &c.: loose earth.--_v.t._ to make dirty.--_n._ DIRT'-BED, a quarryman's term for several layers in the Purbeck group.--_adj._ DIRT'-CHEAP, cheap as dirt, very cheap.--_n._ DIRT'-EATING, a practice of using some kinds of clay for food, as among the Ottomacs of South America: a morbid impulse to eat dirt, amongst negroes (_Cachexia Africana_) and pregnant women.--_adv._ DIRT'ILY.--_ns._ DIRT'INESS; DIRT'-PIE, clay moulded by children's hands in the form of a pie.--_adjs._ DIRT'-ROTTEN (_Shak._), wholly decayed; DIRT'Y, foul, filthy: unclean in thought or conversation: despicable: mean.--_v.t._ to soil with dirt: to sully:--_pr.p._ dirt'ying; _pa.p._ dirt'ied.--EAT DIRT, submissively to acquiesce in a humiliation; THROW DIRT AT, to abuse scurrilously or slanderously. [M. E. _drit_--Scand., Ice. _drit_, excrement.]

DIS, dis, _n._ a name for Pluto, sometimes the infernal world. [L., cog.

with _deus_, _divus_.]

DISABLE, dis-[=a]'bl, _v.t._ to deprive of power: to weaken: to disqualify.--_ns._ DIS[=A]'BLEMENT, DISABIL'ITY, want of power; want of legal qualification: disqualification.

DISABUSE, dis-ab-[=u]z', _v.t._ to undeceive: to set right.

DISACCOMMODATE, dis-a-kom'[=o]-d[=a]t, _v.t._ to put to inconvenience.--_n._ DISACCOMMOD[=A]'TION.

DISACCORD, dis-ak-kord', _v.i._ (_Spens._) to refuse to accord, to dissent.--_adj._ DISACCORD'ANT.

DISACCUSTOM, dis-a-kus'tom, _v.t._ to make a habit to be lost through disuse.

DISACKNOWLEDGE, dis-ak-nol'ej, _v.t._ to refuse to acknowledge, disown.

DISADORN, dis-a-dorn', _v.t._ to deprive of ornaments.

DISADVANCE, dis-ad-vans', _v.t._ to cause to retreat: (_Spens._) to draw back.

DISADVANTAGE, dis-ad-vant'[=a]j, _n._ want of advantage: what is unfavourable to one's interest: loss: injury.--_adjs._ DISADVAN'TAGEABLE (_obs._); DISADVANT[=A]'GEOUS, attended with disadvantage: unfavourable.--_adv._ DISADVANT[=A]'GEOUSLY.--_n._ DISADVANT[=A]'GEOUSNESS.

DISADVENTUROUS, dis-ad-ven't[=u]r-us, _adj._ unfortunate.--_ns._ DISADVEN'TURE, DISAVEN'TURE (_Spens._), a mishap.--_adj._ DISAVEN'TROUS (_Spens._), unfortunate.

DISAFFECT, dis-af-fekt', _v.t._ to take away the affection of: to make discontented or unfriendly.--_pa.p._ and _adj._ DISAFFECT'ED, ill-disposed, disloyal.--_adv._ DISAFFECT'EDLY.--_ns._ DISAFFECT'EDNESS, DISAFFEC'TION, state of being disaffected: want of affection or friendliness: disloyalty: hostility: ill-will.--_adj._ DISAFFEC'TIONATE.

DISAFFIRM, dis-af-f[.e]rm', _v.t._ to deny (what has been affirmed): to contradict.--_ns._ DISAFFIRM'ANCE, DISAFFIRMA'TION.

DISAFFOREST, dis-af-for'est, _v.t._ to deprive of the privilege of forest laws: to bring into the condition of common land.--_ns._ DISAFFOREST[=A]'TION, DISAFFOR'ESTMENT (see DISFOREST). [L. _dis_, neg., and Low L. _afforest[=a]re_, to make into a forest. See FOREST.]

DISAGGREGATE, dis-ag'greg-[=a]t, _v.t._ to separate into component parts.--_n._ DISAGGREG[=A]'TION.

DISAGREE, dis-a-gr[=e]', _v.i._ to differ or be at variance: to dissent: to quarrel: to prove unsuitable or a source of annoyance, as of food disagreeing with the stomach.--_adj._ DISAGREE'ABLE, not agreeable: unpleasant: offensive.--_ns._ DISAGREE'ABLENESS, DISAGREEABIL' DISAGREE'ABLES, annoyances.--_adv._ DISAGREE'ABLY.--_n._ DISAGREE'MENT, want of agreement: difference: unsuitableness: dispute.

DISALLOW, dis-al-low', _v.t._ not to allow: to refuse permission to: to deny the authority of: to reject.--_adj._ DISALLOW'ABLE.--_n._ DISALLOW'ANCE.

DISALLY, dis-al-l[=i]', _v.t._ to break the alliance of: (_Milt._) to separate, sunder.

DISANCHOR, dis-angk'ur, _v.t._ to free from the anchor.--_v.i._ to weigh anchor.

DISANIMATE, dis-an'i-m[=a]t, _v.t._ to deprive of spirit or animation: (_Shak._) to deject.

DISANNEX, dis-a-neks', _v.t._ to disjoin.