Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume I Part 157

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume I Part 157

DARBIES, dar'biz, (_slang_) handcuffs. [App. from the personal name _Darby_.]

DARBYITES, dar'bi-[=i]ts, a name given to the Plymouth Brethren.

[From their principal founder, J. N. _Darby_ (1800-82).]

DARE, d[=a]r, _v.i._ to be bold enough: to venture:--_pa.t._ durst.--_v.t._ to challenge: to defy.--_n._ (_Shak._) boldness, a challenge.--_n._ DARE'-DEV'IL, a rash, venturesome fellow.--_adj._ unreasonably rash and reckless.--_adjs._ DARE'FUL (_Shak._), full of daring, adventurous; DAR'ING, bold: courageous: fearless.--_n._ boldness.--_n._ DAR'ING-DO (see DERRING-DOE).--_adj._ DAR'ING-HARD'Y (_Shak._), foolhardy.--_adv._ DAR'INGLY.--I DARE SAY, I suppose. [A.S. _durran_, pres. _dearr_; Goth.

_daursan_; akin to Gr. _tharsein_.]

DARE, d[=a]r, _v.t._ to frighten, terrify. [M. E. _daren_, to be in fear; cf. Dan. _dirre_, to tremble.]

DARE, d[=a]r. Same as DACE.

DARG, darg, _n._ a day's work: (_Scot._) a task. [Contr. from _dawerk_, _day-wark_, day-work.]

DARIC, dar'ik, _n._ an old gold coin larger than an English sovereign, named after _Darius_ I. of Persia.

DARK, dark, _adj._ without light: black, or somewhat black: gloomy: difficult to understand: unenlightened: secret: sinister.--_n._ absence of light: obscurity: a state of ignorance.--_adv._ (_Shak._) in a state of dark.--_v.t._ DARK'EN, to make dark: to render ignorant: to sully.--_v.i._ to grow dark or darker.--_n._ DARK'-HOUSE (_Shak._), a mad-house.--_adj._ DARK'ISH, somewhat dark: dusky.--_v.i._ DARK'LE, to grow dark.--_adv._ and _adj._ DARK'LING, dark: in the dark.--_advs._ DARK'LINGS (_poet._), in the dark; DARK'LY.--_n._ DARK'NESS.--_adj._ DARK'SOME, dark: (_poet._) gloomy.--_ns._ DARK'Y, DARK'EY, a negro: (_slang_) a policeman's lantern.--DARK AGES, the period of intellectual darkness in Europe, from the 5th to the 15th century.--DARKEN THE DOOR, to enter in at the door.--A DARK HORSE, in racing, a horse whose capabilities are not known: a candidate about whom it is not known till the last moment that he is a candidate.--KEEP DARK, to be silent or secret; KEEP IT DARK, to conceal.--THE PRINCE OF DARKNESS, Satan. [A.S. _deorc_.]

DARLING, dar'ling, _n._ a little dear: one dearly beloved: a favourite.

[_Dear_, and dim. suff. _-ling_ = _l-ing_.]

DARN, darn, _v.t._ to mend a hole by imitating the texture of the stuff.--_n._ the place darned.--_n._ DARN'ING-NEEDLE. [W. _darn_, a piece, a patch.]

DARN, darn, _v.i._ a minced form of _damn_.

DARNEL, dar'nel, _n._ an annual of the rye-grass genus, the tares of Scripture. [Prob. conn. with O. Fr. _darne_, stupid, from its supposed narcotic properties.]


DART, dart, _n._ a pointed weapon for throwing with the hand: anything that pierces.--_v.t._ to hurl suddenly: to send or shoot forth.--_v.i._ to start or shoot forth rapidly--freq. DAR'TLE.--_adv._ DART'INGLY. [O. Fr. _dart_; from a Low Ger. root.]


DARTER, dart'[.e]r, _n._ a genus of birds nearly allied to cormorants, heron-like in gait and gesture.

DARTRE, dar'tr, _n._ herpes.--_adj._ DAR'TROUS. [Fr.]

DARWINISM, dar'win-ism, _n._ the theory of the origin of species propounded by C. _Darwin_ (1809-82).--_adjs._ DARWIN'IAN, DARWIN'ICAL.

DASH, dash, _v.t._ to throw violently: to break by throwing together: to throw water suddenly: to bespatter: to destroy or frustrate: to mix or adulterate.--_v.i._ to strike against: to break against, as water: to rush with violence.--_n._ a violent striking: a rushing or violent onset: a blow: a mark (--) at a break in a sentence: ostentation: a slight admixture.--_ns._ DASH'-BOARD, a board or leathern frame in front of a carriage, to keep off splashes of mud; DASH'ER, one who dashes: (_coll._) one who makes a great show.--_adj._ DASH'ING, rushing: reckless: hasty and rash: gallant.--_adv._ DASH'INGLY.--_ns._ DASH'-POT, a device for preventing too sudden motion in some part of an apparatus; DASH'-WHEEL, a wheel-shaped box with compartments, in which cotton cloth is washed by the revolution of the wheel in liquid.--DASH OFF, to sketch hastily; DASH OUT, to knock out by striking against something. [M. E. _daschen_, _dassen_, to rush, or strike with violence--Scand.; cf. Dan. _daske_, to slap].

DASTARD, das'tard, _n._ a cowardly fellow.--_adj._ shrinking from danger: cowardly.--_adj._ and _adv._ DAS'TARDLY.--_ns._ DAS'TARDNESS, DAS'TARDLINESS, DAS'TARDY. [From a Scand. stem _dast_ = Eng. _dazed_, and Fr. suffix _-ard_. See DAZE.]

DASYMETER, da-sim'e-t[.e]r, _n._ an instrument for testing the density of gases. [Gr. _dasys_, thick, _metron_, measure.]

DASYPUS, das'i-pus, _n._ a genus of armadillos.

DASYURE, das'i-y[=oo]r, _n._ a small carnivorous quadruped of Australia and Tasmania. [Formed from Gr. _dasys_, hairy, _oura_, tail.]

DATA, d[=a]'ta, facts given or admitted from which other facts may be deduced:--_sing._ D[=A]'TUM. [L. _datum_, _data_, given--_d[)a]re_, to give.]

DATARY, d[=a]'ta-ri, _n._ an officer in the papal chancery, who dates and despatches documents, grants, &c.--_n._ DAT[=A]'RIA, the office of such.

[Low L. _datarius_--L. _datum_--_d[)a]re_, to give.]

DATE, d[=a]t, _n._ the time of any event: a stipulated time: age, period of time.--_v.t._ to affix the date to.--_v.t._ to reckon: to begin.--_adj._ DATE'LESS, without date: without fixed limit: undatable.--OUT OF DATE, antiquated; UP TO DATE, adapted or corrected to the present time: modern.

[O. Fr. _date_--L. _datum_, as in _datum Romae_ = given or written at Rome.]

DATE, d[=a]t, _n._ the fruit of the date-palm.--_ns._ DATE'-PALM, DATE'-TREE, the tree on which it grows, a native of the northern half of Africa and the south-west of Asia; DATE'-PLUM; DATE'-SUG'AR. [Fr.

_datte_--L. _dactylus_--Gr. _daktylos_, a finger.]

DATIVE, d[=a]t'iv, _adj._ that is given or appointed.--_n._ the dative case, the oblique case of nouns, &c.--generally indicated in English by _to_ or _for_. [L. _dativus_.]

DATOLITE, dat'[=o]-l[=i]t, _n._ a vitreous calcium borosilicate.

DATUM, d[=a]'tum (see DATA).--_n._ D[=A]'TUM-LINE, the horizontal base-line from which heights and depths are measured.

DATURA, d[=a]-t[=u]'ra, _n._ a genus of plants, of which one, _D.

stramonium_, or thorn-apple, has strongly narcotic properties.--_n._ DAT'URINE, a poisonous alkaloid in the foregoing. [Hind. _dhat[=u]r[=a]_.]

DAUB, dawb, _v.t._ to smear: to paint coarsely.--_n._ a coarse painting.--_ns._ DAUB'ER, one who daubs: a coarse painter; DAUB'ERY, DAUB'RY (_Shak._), a daubing, or crudely artful device; DAUB'ING.--_adj._ DAUB'Y, sticky. [O. Fr. _dauber_, to plaster--L. _dealb[=a]re_, to whitewash--_de_, down, and _albus_, white.]

DAUD, daud, _v.t._ (_Scot._) to knock, thump.--_n._ a lump: large piece.--Also DAWD.

DAUGHTER, daw't[.e]r, _n._ a female child: a female descendant: woman (generally).--_ns._ DAUGH'TER-IN-LAW, a son's wife; DAUGH'TERLINESS; DAUGH'TERLING, a little daughter.--_adj._ DAUGH'TERLY, like or becoming a daughter. [A.S. _dohtor_; Scot. _dochter_, Ger. _tochter_, Gr.



DAUNT, dant, or dawnt, _v.t._ to frighten: to discourage: to subdue.--_adj._ DAUNT'LESS, not to be daunted.--_adv._ DAUNT'LESSLY.--_n._ DAUNT'LESSNESS.--_v.t._ DAUN'TON, to subdue: to dare. [O. Fr. _danter_ (Fr.

_dompter_)--L. _domit[=a]re_--_dom[=a]re_, to tame.]

DAUPHIN, daw'fin, _n._ the name given to the eldest son of the king of France, from 1349 down to 1830:--_fem._ DAU'PHINESS. [O. Fr. _daulphin_ (Fr. _dauphin_)--L. _delphinus_, a dolphin. From the dolphins in the crest of Viennois.]

DAUR, dawr, a Scotch form of _dare_.


DAUW, daw, _n._ the South African name of Burchell's zebra.

DAVENPORT, d[=a]'ven-port, _n._ a small ornamental writing-desk. [From the maker.]

DAVENPORT-TRICK, d[=a]'ven-port-trik, _n._ the artifice by which a man can free himself from ropes wound round him and tied.


DAVIT, d[=a]v'it, _n._ one of a pair of pieces of timber or iron, projecting over a ship's side or stern, having tackle to raise a boat by.

[Cf. Fr. _davier_, a forceps.]

DAVY, d[=a]'vi, DAVY-LAMP, d[=a]'vi-lamp, _n._ the safety-lamp for coal-miners of Sir Humphry _Davy_ (1778-1829).