Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume I Part 153

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume I Part 153

CURTAL-AX, kur'tal-aks, CURT-AXE, kurt'aks, _n._ (_Spens._), a short, broad sword. [A corr. of the earlier forms _coutelas_, _curtelas_. See CUTLASS.]

CURTILAGE, kur'til-[=a]j, _n._ a court attached to a dwelling-house. [O.

Fr. _courtillage_. See COURT.]

CURTSY, CURTSEY, kurt'si, _n._ an obeisance, made by bending the knees, proper to women and children.--_v.i._ to make a curtsy. [See COURTESY.]

CURULE, k[=u]'r[=oo]l, _adj._ applied to a chair in which the higher Roman magistrates had a right to sit. [L. _curulis_--_currus_, a chariot.]

CURVE, kurv, _n._ anything bent: a bent or curved line: an arch.--_v.t._ to bend: to form into a curve.--_adjs._ CUR'V[=A]TE, -D, curved or bent in a regular form.--_n._ CURV[=A]'TION.--_adj._ CUR'VATIVE.--_n._ CUR'VATURE, a curving or bending: the continual bending or the amount of bending from a straight line.--_adjs._ CURVED; CUR'VICAUDATE, having a crooked tail; CURVICOS'TATE, having curved ribs; CURVIF[=O]'LIATE, having curved leaves; CUR'VIFORM; CUR'VING; CURVIROS'TRAL, with the bill curved downward; CUR'VITAL, of or pertaining to curvature.--_n._ CUR'VITY, the state of being curved. [L. _curvus_, crooked.]

CURVET, kur'vet, kur-vet', _n._ a light leap of a horse in which he raises his forelegs together, next the hindlegs with a spring before the forelegs touch the ground: a leap, frolic.--_v.i._ (kur-vet', kur'vet) to leap in curvets: to frisk:--_pr.p._ curvet'ting, curvet'ing; _pa.p._ cur'veted.

[It. _corvetta_, dim. of _corvo_--L. _curvus_.]

CURVILINEAR, kur-vi-lin'i-ar, CURVILINEAL, kur-vi-lin'i-al, _adj._ bounded by curved lines.--_n._ CURVILINEAR'ITY. [L. _curvus_, and _linearis_--_linea_, a line.]

CUSCUS, kus'kus, _n._ the grain of the African millet. Same as COUSCOUS.

[Fr. _couscou_.]

CUSCUS, kus'kus, _n._ the fibrous root of an Indian grass, used for making fans, &c. [Pers. _khas khas_.]

CUSHAT, koosh'at, _n._ the ringdove or wood-pigeon. [A.S. _cuscute_, the former part of dub. origin, the latter derived from _sceotan_, to shoot.]

CUSHION, koosh'un, _n._ a case filled with some soft, elastic stuff, for resting on: a pillow: the 'pillow' used in making bone-lace: an engraver's pad: the rubber of an electrical machine: a pad supporting a woman's hair: the elastic lining of the inner side of a billiard-table: a body of steam remaining in the cylinder of a steam-engine, acting as a buffer to the piston.--_v.t._ to seat on or furnish with a cushion.--_p.adj._ CUSH'IONED, furnished with a cushion, padded: having cushion-tires.--_ns._ CUSH'IONET, a little cushion; CUSH'ION-TIRE, a bicycle tire made of india-rubber tubing, with india-rubber stuffing.--_adj._ CUSH'IONY, like a cushion, soft. [O. Fr. _coissin_--L. _coxinum_, _coxa_, hip.]

CUSK, kusk, _n._ the torsk: the burbot.

CUSP, kusp, _n._ a point: the point or horn of the moon, &c.: (_archit._) a small projecting ornament common in Gothic tracery.--_adjs._ CUS'PID[=A]TE, -D (_bot._), having a sharp end, as the canine teeth. [L. _cuspis_, _cuspid-is_, a point.]

CUSPIDOR, kus'pi-dor, _n._ a spittoon.--Also CUS'PIDORE. [Port.,--L.

_conspu[)e]re_, to spit upon.]

CUSS, kus, _n._ (_slang_) a fellow: an expletive.--_adj._ CUSS'ED, cursed.--_n._ CUSS'EDNESS, contrariness. [Obviously CURSE; prob. in the personal sense with a supposed reference to CUSTOMER.]

CUSTARD, kus'tard, _n._ a composition of milk, eggs, &c., sweetened and flavoured.--_ns._ CUS'TARD-APP'LE, the fruit of a West Indian tree, having an eatable pulp, like a custard; CUS'TARD-COFF'IN (_Shak._), the paste or crust which covers a custard. [Earlier _custade_, a corr. of _crustade_, a pie with crust. See CRUST.]

CUSTODY, kus'to-di, _n._ a watching or guarding: care: security: imprisonment.--_adj._ CUST[=O]'DIAL.--_ns._ CUST[=O]'DIAN, CUS'TODE, CUST[=O]'DIER, CUS'TOS, one who has care, esp. of some public building. [L.

_custodia_, from _custos_, _custodis_, a keeper.]

CUSTOM, kus'tum, _n._ what one is wont to do: usage: frequent repetition of the same act: regular trade or business: a tax on goods: (_pl._) duties imposed on imports and exports.--_adj._ CUS'TOMABLE, customary: common.--_adv._ CUS'TOMARILY.--_n._ CUS'TOMARINESS.--_adjs._ CUS'TOMARY, according to use and wont: holding or held by custom; CUS'TOMED, accustomed: usual.--_ns._ CUS'TOMER, one accustomed to frequent a certain place of business: a buyer: (_slang_) a person; CUS'TOM-HOUSE, the place where customs or duties on exports and imports are collected.--_adj._ CUS'TOM-SHRUNK (_Shak._), having fewer customers than formerly. [O. Fr.

_custume_, _costume_--L. _consuetud-inem_, _consuesc[)e]re_, to accustom.]

CUSTREL, kus'tr[.e]l, _n._ attendant on a knight: a villain. [O. Fr.

_coustillier_, _coustille_, a dagger.]

CUT, kut, _v.t._ to make an incision in: to cleave or pass through: to divide: to carve, hew, or fashion by cutting: to wound or hurt: to affect deeply: to shorten: to break off acquaintance with, to pass intentionally without saluting: to renounce, give up: to castrate: to perform or execute, as 'to cut a caper.'--_v.i._ to make an incision: to pass, go quickly: (_slang_) to run away, to be off: to twiddle the feet rapidly in dancing:--_pr.p._ cut'ting; _pa.t._ and _pa.p._ cut.--_n._ a cleaving or dividing: a stroke or blow: an act of unkindness: the card obtained by cutting or dividing the pack: an incision or wound: a piece cut off: an engraved block, or the picture from it: manner of cutting, or, fashion: (_pl._) a lot.--_n._ CUT'AWAY', a coat with the skirt cut away in a curve in front--also _adj._--_ns._ CUT'-OFF, that which cuts off or shortens, a straighter road, a shorter channel cut by a river across a bend: a contrivance for saving steam by regulating its admission to the cylinder; CUT'PURSE (_Shak._), one who stole by [Illustration] cutting off and carrying away purses (the purses being worn at the girdle): a pickpocket; CUT'TER, the person or thing that cuts: in a tailor's shop, the one who measures and cuts out the cloth: a small vessel with one mast, a mainsail, a forestaysail, and a jib set to bowsprit-end, any sloop of narrow beam and deep draught; CUT'-THROAT, an assassin: ruffian; CUT'TING, a dividing or lopping off: an incision: a piece cut off: a paragraph from a newspaper: a piece of road or railway excavated: a twig; CUT'-WA'TER, the fore-part of a ship's prow.--CUT A DASH, or FIGURE, to make a conspicuous appearance; CUT-AND-COME-AGAIN, abundant supply, from the notion of cutting a slice, and returning at will for another; CUT-AND-COVER, a method of forming a tunnel by cutting out, arching it over, and then covering in; CUT-AND-DRY, or CUT-AND-DRIED, ready made, without the merit of freshness--from the state of herbs in the shop instead of the field; CUT AND RUN, to be off quickly; CUT DOWN, to take down the body of one hanged by cutting the rope: to reduce, curtail; CUT IN, to strike into, as to a conversation, a game at whist; CUT IT TOO FAT, to overdo a thing; CUT OFF, to destroy, put to an untimely death: intercept: stop; CUT OFF WITH A SHILLING, to disinherit, bequeathing only a shilling; CUT ONE'S STICK, to take one's departure; CUT OUT, to shape: contrive: debar: supplant: to take a ship out of a harbour, &c., by getting between her and the shore; CUT SHORT, to abridge: check; CUT THE COAT ACCORDING TO THE CLOTH, to adapt one's self to circumstances; CUT THE TEETH, to have the teeth grow through the gums--of an infant; CUT THE THROAT OF (_fig._), to destroy utterly; CUT UP, to carve: eradicate: criticise severely: turn out (well or ill) when divided into parts; CUT UP ROUGH, to become quarrelsome.--A CUT ABOVE (_coll._), a degree or stage above; SHORT CUT, or NEAR CUT, a short way. [Prob. W. _cwtau_, shorten.]


CUTCH, kuch, _n._ the commercial name for catechu, from the Indian name _kut_.

CUTCHERRY, kuch'[.e]r-i, _n._ an office for public business, a court-house.--Also CUTCH'ERY. [Hind.]

CUTE, k[=u]t, _adj._ an aphetic form of ACUTE.

CUTHBERT, kuth'bert, _n._ the apostle of Northumbria (635-687), whose name lives in (ST) CUTHBERT'S BEADS, a popular name for the perforated joints of encrinites found on Holy Island; (ST) CUTHBERT'S DUCK, the eider-duck.

CUTIKINS, k[=oo]'ti-kinz, (_Scot._) spatterdashes--also CUITIKINS.

CUTIS, k[=u]'tis, _n._ the skin: the true skin, as distinguished from the cuticle.--_adj._ CUT[=A]N'EOUS, belonging to the skin.--_n._ C[=U]'TICLE, the outermost or thin skin.--_adj._ CUTIC'ULAR, belonging to the cuticle.


CUTLASS, kut'las, _n._ a short, broad sword, with one cutting edge, used in the navy. [Fr. _coutelas_, augmentative of _couteau_, knife, from L.

_cultellus_, dim. of _culter_, a ploughshare, a knife.]

CUTLER, kut'l[.e]r, _n._ one who makes or sells knives.--_n._ CUT'LERY, the business of a cutler: edged or cutting instruments in general. [Fr.

_coutelier_, _coutel_, knife.]

CUTLET, kut'let, _n._ a slice of meat cut off for cooking, esp. of mutton or veal--generally the rib and the meat belonging to it. [Fr. _cotelette_, dim. of _cote_, from L. _costa_, a rib.]

CUTTLE, kut'l, _n._ a kind of mollusc, remarkable for its power of ejecting a black inky liquid--also CUTT'LE-FISH.--_n._ CUTT'LE-BONE, the internal shell or bone of the cuttle-fish, used for making tooth-powder and for polishing the softer metals. [A.S. _cudele_.]

CUTTO, CUTTOE, kut'o, _n._ a large knife.

CUTTY, kut'i, _adj._ (_Scot._) short, curtailed.--_n._ a short clay pipe: a short, dumpy girl: applied to a woman, a term of reprobation, serious or playful.--_n._ CUTT'Y-STOOL, the stool of repentance in old Scotch church discipline. [CUT.]

CUVETTE, kuv-et', _n._ a trench sunk along the middle of a dry ditch or moat.--Also CUNETTE'. [Fr.]

CYANOGEN, s[=i]-an'o-jen, _n._ a compound of carbon, obtained by decomposing the cyanide of mercury by heat, so called from being an essential ingredient in the formation of Prussian blue.--_n._ CY'ANATE, a salt of cyanic acid.--_adj._ CYAN'IC, of or belonging to cyanogen.--_ns._ CY'ANIDE, a direct compound of cyanogen with a metal; CY'ANINE, the blue colouring matter of violets, &c.; CY'ANITE, a mineral composed of alumina and silica, generally sky-blue; CYANOM'ETER, an instrument for measuring the degrees of blueness of the sky or ocean; CYAN[=O]'SIS, morbid lividness of the skin, blue jaundice.--_adj._ CYANOT'IC.--_ns._ CYAN'OTYPE, a photograph on paper sensitised by a cyanide; CYAN'URET, a cyanide.--CYANIC ACID, an acid composed of cyanogen and oxygen. [Gr. _kyanos_, blue.]

CYAR, s[=i]'ar, _n._ the internal auditory meatus.

CYATHIFORM, s[=i]'a-thi-form, _adj._ like a cup a little widened at top.

CYCAD, s[=i]'kad, _n._ an order allied to _Coniferae_, but in appearance rather resembling ferns and palms.--_adj._ CYCAD[=A]'CEOUS. [Formed from Gr. _kykas_, an erroneous form of _koikas_, _koiks_, the doom-palm.]

CYCLAMEN, sik'la-men, _n._ a genus of _Primulaceae_, native to southern Europe. [Formed from Gr. _kyklamis_, _-inos_.]

CYCLE, s[=i]'kl, _n._ a period of time in which events happen in a certain order, and which constantly repeats itself: an imaginary circle or orbit in the heavens: a series of poems, prose romances, &c., centring round a figure or event--also CY'CLUS: an abbreviation for bicycle and tricycle.--_v.i._ to move in cycles: to ride or take exercise on a bicycle or tricycle.--_adjs._ CY'CLIC, -AL, pertaining to or containing a cycle.--_ns._ CY'CLIST, for bicyclist or tricyclist; CY'CLOGRAPH, an instrument for describing the arcs of circles that have too large a curvature for compasses; CY'CLOID, a figure like a circle: a curve made by a point in a circle, when the circle is rolled along a straight line.--_adj._ CYCLOID'AL.--_ns._ CYCLOID'IAN, one of the fourth order of fishes, according to the classification of Agassiz, having cycloid scales with smooth edges, as the salmon; CYCLOM'ETER, an instrument for measuring circular arcs: an apparatus attached to the wheel of a cycle for registering the distance traversed; CY'CLORN, a cycle-horn. [Gr. _kyklos_, a circle.]

CYCLONE, s[=i]'kl[=o]n, _n._ a circular or rotatory storm.--_adj._ CYCLON'IC. [Coined from Gr. _kykl[=o]n_, pr.p. of _kykloein_, to whirl round--_kyklos_.]

CYCLOPaeDIA, CYCLOPEDIA, s[=i]-kl[=o]-p[=e]'di-a, _n._ the circle or compass of human knowledge: a work containing information on every department, or on a particular department, of knowledge, usually arranged alphabetically.--_adjs._ CYCLOPae'DIC, CYCLOPE'DIC. [Gr. _kyklos_, a circle, and _paideia_, learning.]

CYCLOPS, s[=i]'klops, _n._ one of a fabled race of giants who lived chiefly in Sicily, with one eye in the middle of the forehead: a genus of minute freshwater copepods with an eye in front:--_pl._ CYCL[=O]'PES.--_adjs._ CYCLOP[=E]'AN, CYCLOP'IC, relating to or like the Cyclops: giant-like: vast: pertaining to a prehistoric style of masonry with immense stones of irregular form. [Gr. _kykl[=o]ps_--_kyklos_, a circle, and _[=o]ps_, an eye.]

CYCLORAMA, s[=i]-klo-ra'ma, _n._ a circular panorama painted on the inside of a cylindrical surface appearing in natural perspective. [Formed from Gr.

_kyklos_, circle, _horama_, view.]