Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume I Part 150

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume I Part 150

_krypt[=e]_--_kryptein_, to conceal. Doublet of GROT.]

CRYPTOGAMIA, krip-to-g[=a]'mi-a, _n._ the class of flowerless plants, or those which have their fructification concealed.--_n._ CRYP'TOGAM.--_adjs._ CRYPTOG[=A]'MIAN, CRYPTOGAM'IC, CRYPTOG'AMOUS.--_ns._ CRYPTOG'AMIST; CRYPTOG'AMY. [Gr. _kryptos_, concealed, and _gamos_, marriage.]

CRYPTOGRAM, krip't[=o]-gram, _n._ a cryptograph.--_ns._ CRYPTAD'IA, things to be kept secret; CRYPTOL'OGY, secret language; CRYP'TONYM, a secret name.

CRYPTOGRAPHY, krip-tog'ra-fi, _n._ the art of secret writing: the character or cipher so used.--_ns._ CRYPT'OGRAPH; CRYPTOG'RAPHER.--_adjs._ CRYPTOGRAPH'IC, -AL. [Gr. _kryptos_, secret, and _graphein_, to write.]

CRYSTAL, kris'tal, _n._ a superior kind of quartz, clear like ice: (_chem._) a piece of matter which has assumed a definite geometrical form, with plane faces.--_adjs._ CRYS'TAL, CRYS'TALL[=I]NE, consisting of or like crystal in clearness, &c.; CRYS'TALFORM; CRYS'TALL[=I]SABLE, capable of being crystallised or formed into crystals.--_n._ CRYSTALL[=I]S[=A]'TION, the act of crystallising.--_v.t._ CRYS'TALL[=I]SE, to reduce to the form of a crystal.--_v.i._ to assume a crystalline form.--_ns._ CRYS'TALLITE; CRYSTALLOGEN'ESIS.--_adj._ CRYSTALLOGEN'IC.--_n._ CRYSTALLOG'RAPHER, one skilled in crystallography.--_adj._ CRYSTALLOGRAPH'IC--_n._ CRYSTALLOG'RAPHY, the science of crystallisation.--_adj._ CRYS'TALLOID, having the form of a crystal.--_n._ a name given by Graham to a class of substances which when in solution pass easily through membranes.--_n._ CRYS'TALLOMANCY, a mode of divination by means of transparent bodies. [O.

Fr. _cristol_--L. _crystallum_--Gr. _krystallos_, ice--_kryos_, frost.]

CTENOID, t[=e]'noid, _adj._ comb-shaped, applied by Agassiz to the scales and fins of certain fishes, as the perch, &c.--_adj._ and _n._ CTENOID'EAN.

[Gr. _kteis_, _ktenos_, a comb, _eidos_, form.]

CTENOPHORA, ten-of'o-ra, a sub-class of Coelenterates--beautifully delicate, free-swimming marine organisms, generally globular, moving by means of comb-like plates. [Gr. _kteis_, _ktenos_, a comb, _pherein_, to carry.]

CUB, kub, _n._ the young of certain animals, as foxes, &c.: a whelp: a young boy or girl (in contempt).--_v.i._ to bring forth young:--_pr.p._ cub'bing; _pa.p._ cubbed.--_adjs._ CUB'BISH, like a cub: awkward; CUB'-DRAWN (_Shak._), drawn or sucked by cubs.--_n._ CUB'HOOD.--_adj._ CUB'LESS, without cubs. [Prob. Celt., as Ir. _cuib_, a whelp, from _cu_, a dog.]

CUB, kub, _n._ a cattle-pen: chest.

CUBAN, k[=u]'ban, _n._ a native of the island of _Cuba_ in the West Indies.--_adj._ pertaining to Cuba.

CUBE, k[=u]b, _n._ a solid body having six equal square faces, a solid square: the third power of a number, as--2 2 2 = 8.--_v.t._ to raise to the third power.--_ns._ C[=U]'BAGE, CUB[=A]'TION, C[=U]'BATURE, the act of finding the solid or cubic content of a body: the result thus found.--_adjs._ C[=U]'BIC, -AL, pertaining to a cube: of the third power or degree: solid.--_adv._ C[=U]'BICALLY.--_n._ C[=U]'BICALNESS, state or quality of being cubical.--_adjs._ C[=U]'BIFORM; C[=U]'BOID, CUBOID'AL, resembling a cube in shape.--CUBE ROOT, the number or quantity that produces a given cube by being raised to the third power--thus 2 is the cube root of 8. [Fr.,--L. _cubus_--Gr. _kybos_, a die.]

CUBEB, k[=u]'beb, _n._ the dried berry of _Piper cubeba_, a climbing shrub, native to Sumatra--useful as a stomachic and carminative in indigestion, for piles and for sore throats.--_n._ CUBEB'IN, a crystallising substance in cubebs. [Fr. _cubebe_--Ar. _kab[=a]bah_.]

CUBICA, k[=u]'bi-ka, _n._ a fine worsted for linings.

CUBICLE, k[=u]'bi-kl, _n._ a bedroom.

CUBIT, k[=u]'bit, _n._ a measure employed by the ancients, equal to the length of the arm from the elbow to the tip of the middle-finger, from 18 to 22 inches--also C[=U]'BITUS.--_adj._ C[=U]'BITAL, of the length of a cubit. [L. _cubitum_, the elbow; cf. L. _cub[=a]re_, to lie down.]

CUCKING-STOOL, kuk'ing-st[=oo]l, _n._ a stool in which scolds and other culprits were placed, usually before their own door, to be pelted by the mob. [Mentioned in Domesday Book as in use in Chester, and called _cathedra stercoris_. From an obs. word _cuck_, to ease one's self; cf. Ice. _kuka_.]

CUCKOLD, kuk'old, _n._ a man whose wife has proved unfaithful.--_v.t._ to wrong (a husband) by unchastity.--_v.t._ CUCK'OLDISE, to make a cuckold.--_adv._ CUCK'OLDLY (_Shak._).--_ns._ CUCK'OLD-MAK'ER; CUCK'OLDOM, state of a cuckold: act of adultery; CUCK'OLDRY, adultery. [O. Fr.

_cucuault_--_cucu_, cuckoo.]

CUCKOO, kook'k[=oo], _n._ a bird which cries cuckoo, remarkable for laying its eggs in the nests of other birds.--_ns._ CUCK'OO-BUD (_Shak._), name of a plant; CUCK'OO-CLOCK, a clock in which the hours are told by a cuckoo-call; CUCK'OO-FLOW'ER, a species of Cardamine--called also _Lady's Smock_; CUCK'OO-PINT, the Wake-robin, _Arum maculatum_; CUCK'OO-SPIT, -SPIT'TLE, a frothy spittle, made by many insects parasitic on plants, surrounding the larvae and pupae.

CUCULLATE, -D, k[=u]'kul-l[=a]t, -ed, _adj._ hooded: shaped like a hood.

[L. _cucullatus_--_cucullus_, a hood.]

CUCUMBER, k[=u]'kum-b[.e]r, _n._ a creeping plant, with heart-shaped leaves, rough with bristly hairs, and large oblong fruit used as a salad and pickle--a native of southern Asia.--_adj._ CUCUM'IFORM. [L. _cucumis_, _cucumeris_.]

CUCURBIT, k[=u]'kur-bit, _n._ a chemical vessel used in distillation, originally shaped like a gourd.--_adjs._ CUCUR'BITAL, CUCURBIT[=A]'CEOUS, pertaining to the _Cucurbitaceae_, mostly herbaceous climbers, as the gourd, melon, &c.; CUCUR'BITIVE, like a gourd-seed. [Fr. _cucurbite_--L.

_cucurbita_, a gourd.]

CUD, kud, _n._ the food brought from the first stomach of a ruminating animal back into the mouth and chewed again.--_n._ CUD'WEED, the popular name for many species of plants covered with a cottony down.--CHEW THE CUD, to meditate. [A.S. _cwidu_.]

CUDBEAR, kud'b[=a]r, _n._ a purple or violet coloured powder prepared from a lichen, used in dyeing. [A corr. of _Cuthbert_--from Dr _Cuthbert_ Gordon, who first made it an article of commerce.]

CUDDLE, kud'l, _v.t._ to hug: to embrace: to fondle.--_v.i._ to lie close and snug together.--_n._ a close embrace. [Perh. a freq. of M. E. _couth_, cosy.]

CUDDY, kud'i, _n._ a small cabin or cookroom, in the fore-part of a boat or lighter: in large vessels, the officers' cabin under the poopdeck. [Origin uncertain; cf. Fr. _cahute_; Dut. _kajuit_; Ger. _kajute_.]

CUDDY, kud'i, _n._ the right of a lord to entertainment from his tenant: rent: (_Spens._) _Cuddeehih_. [Corr. of Ir. _cuid oidhche_--_cuid_, a share, _oidhche_, night.]

CUDDY, CUDDIE, kud'i, _n._ a donkey: (_Scot._) a stupid person. [Perh.

formed from _Cuthbert_.]

CUDGEL, kud'jel, _n._ a heavy staff: a club.--_v.t._ to beat with a cudgel:--_pr.p._ cud'gelling; _pa.p._ cud'gelled.--_ns._ CUD'GELLER; CUD'GELLING.--_adj._ CUD'GEL-PROOF, not to be hurt by beating.--TAKE UP THE CUDGELS, to engage in a contest. [A.S. _cycgel_.]

CUE, k[=u], _n._ the last words of an actor's speech serving as a hint to the next speaker: any hint: the part one has to play. [Acc. to some from Fr. _queue_, tail, as the ending words of the last speech; in 17th cent.

written Q, and derived from L. _quando_, 'when,' i.e. when the actor was to begin.]

CUE, k[=u], _n._ a twist of hair at the back of the head: a rod used in playing billiards.--_v.t._ of the hair, to form in a cue. [Fr. _queue_--L.

_cauda_, a tail.]

CUFF, kuf, _n._ a stroke with the open hand.--_v.t._ to strike with the open hand: to beat. [Origin obscure; cf. Sw. _kuffa_, to knock.]

CUFF, kuf, _n._ the end of the sleeve near the wrist: a covering for the wrist: a handcuff (q.v.). [Prob. cog. with COIF.]

CUFF, kuf, _n._ Scotch form of SCRUFF.--CUFF OF THE NECK. See SCRUFF.

CUFFIN, kuf'in, _n._ a man: a justice of the peace. [Thieves' slang.]

CUFIC, k[=u]f'ik, _adj._ of or pertaining to Cufa, esp. applied to the kind of writing of the scholars of _Cufa_ in Asiatic Turkey, seat of the most expert copyists of the Koran.

CUIRASS, kwi-ras', or k[=u]-, _n._ a defensive covering for the breast and back, of leather or iron fastened with straps and buckles, &c.--_v.t._ to furnish with such.--_n._ CUIRASSIER', a horse-soldier armed with such. [Fr.

_cuirasse_--_cuir_, leather--L. _corium_, skin leather.]

CUIR-BOUILLI, kw[=e]r-b[=oo]'lyi, _n._ leather softened by boiling, then dried, retaining the impressions made on it.--Also CUIR-BOUILLY.

CUISINE, kwe-z[=e]n', _n._ a kitchen or cooking department: cookery.--_n._ CUISIN'IER, a cook. [Fr. (It. _cucina_)--L. _coquina_--_coqu[)e]re_, to cook.]

CUISSE, kwis, CUISH, kwish, _n._ armour for the thighs, consisting of iron plates laid horizontally over each other and riveted together. [Fr.

_cuisse_ (It. _coscia_, the thigh)--L. _coxa_, the hip.]

CUITER, kut'[.e]r, _v.t._ (_Scot._) to fondle, pamper.

CUITTLE, kut'l, _v.t._ to curry: (_Scot._) to cajole.

CULCH, kulch, _n._ (_prov._) rubbish.

CULDEE, kul'd[=e], _n._ one of a fraternity of monks living in Scotland in the 8th century in groups of cells. [Acc. to Reeves and Skene, the old Ir.

_cele de_, 'servants of God,' or 'companions of God'--Latinised by Boece into _Culdei_, as if _cultores Dei_.]

CUL-DE-FOUR, k[=oo]-de-foor, _n._ (_archit._) a sort of low spherical vault, oven-like.--_ns._ CUL-DE-LAMPE, an ornamental design used in filling up blank spaces in a book; CUL-DE-SAC, a street, &c., closed at one end: a blind alley. [Fr. _cul_, bottom--L. _culus_; Fr. _four_, furnace, _lampe_, lamp, _sac_, sack.]

CULET, k[=u]'let, _n._ the small flat surface at the back or bottom of a brilliant: the part of armour protecting the body behind, from the waist downwards--also CULETTE. [O. Fr., _cul_--L. _culus_, the rump.]