Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume III Part 150

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume III Part 150

ROLY-POLY, r[=o]l'i-p[=o]l'i, _n._ a pudding made of a sheet of paste, covered with sweetmeats, and rolled up: a stout podgy person: an old game in which balls are bowled into holes or thrown into hats placed on the ground.--_adj._ round, podgy.

ROM, rom, _n._ a gipsy. [Gipsy _rom_, man, husband.]

ROMAGE, rum'[=a]j, _n._ (_Shak._) tumult. [_Rummage._]

ROMAIC, ro-m[=a]'ik, _n._ modern Greek, the language of the descendants of the Eastern Romans: Hellenic.--_adj._ pertaining to the foregoing.--_n._ ROM[=A]'IKA, a modern Greek dance. [Fr. _Romaque_--modern Gr.

_Rh[=o]maikos_--_Rh[=o]m[=e]_, Rome.]

ROMAL, r[=o]-mal', _n._ a braided thong of leather, serving as a horseman's whip. [Sp. _ramal_--L. _ramale_--_ramus_, a branch.]

ROMALEA, r[=o]-m[=a]'l[=e]-a, _n._ a genus of large-bodied, short-winged locusts. [Gr. _rh[=o]m[=e]_, strength.]

ROMAN, r[=o]'man, _adj._ pertaining to _Rome_ or to the Romans: pertaining to the Roman Catholic religion, papal: (_print._) noting the letters commonly used, as opposed to Italics: written in letters (as IV.), not in figures (as 4).--_n._ a native or citizen of Rome: a Romanist in religion: a Roman letter or type.--_adj._ ROMAN'IC, pertaining to Rome or its people.--_n._ ROMANIS[=A]'TION.--_v.t._ R[=O]'MAN[=I]SE, to convert to the Roman Catholic religion: to Latinise: to represent by Roman letters or types.--_v.i._ to conform to Roman Catholic opinions or practices: to print in Roman letters.--_n._ ROMAN[=I]'SER.--_adj._ R[=O]'MANISH, pertaining to Romanism.--_ns._ R[=O]'MANISM, the tenets of the Roman Catholic Church; R[=O]'MANIST, a Roman Catholic.--_adj._ ROMAN CATHOLIC.--_adj._ R[=O]'MANO-BYZAN'TINE, pertaining to an early medieval style of architecture in which Byzantine and Western elements are combined.--_ns._ ROME'-PENN'Y, -SCOT, Peter's pence.--_adv._ ROME'WARD, toward the Roman Catholic Church.--_adj._ R[=O]'MISH, belonging to Rome, or to the Roman Catholic Church.--_n._ R[=O]'MIST.--ROMAN ARCHITECTURE, a style characterised by the size and boldness of its round arches and vaults, &c.--baths, aqueducts, basilicas, amphitheatres, &c.; ROMAN CANDLE, a firework discharging a succession of white or coloured stars; ROMAN CATHOLIC, denoting those who recognise the spiritual supremacy of the Pope or Bishop of Rome--as a noun, a member of the Roman Catholic Church; ROMAN CATHOLICISM, the doctrines and polity of the Roman Catholic Church collectively; ROMAN CEMENT, a cement which hardens under water; ROMAN COLLAR, a collar made of lawn or fine linen, bound and stitched, worn by priests over a black collar, by bishops over a purple, and cardinals over a scarlet; ROMAN EMPIRE, the ancient empire of Rome, divided in the 4th century into the Eastern and Western Empires; ROMAN LAW, the civil law.--HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE (see HOLY). [L. _Romanus_--_Roma_, Rome.]

ROMANCE, r[=o]-mans', _n._ a general name for those modern languages in southern Europe which sprang from a corruption of the Roman or Latin language--Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Provencal, French, Roumanian, Romansch, &c.: a tale written in one of these dialects: any fictitious and wonderful tale: a fictitious narrative in prose or verse which passes beyond the limits of real life: a ballad.--_adj._ belonging to the dialects called Romance.--_v.i._ to write or tell romances: to talk extravagantly: to build castles in the air.--_ns._ ROMAN'CER, ROMAN'CIST.--_adjs._ ROMAN'CICAL (_Lamb_), dealing with romance; ROMAN'IC, Romance: derived from the Roman alphabet. [O. Fr. _romans_--Low L. adv. (_loqui_) _romanice_, (to speak) in the Roman or Latin tongue--L. _Romanicus_, Roman.]

ROMANESQUE, r[=o]-man-esk', _n._ that which pertains to romance: (_archit._) the style of round-arched and vaulted architecture which succeeded Roman architecture, from about the time of Constantine (c. 350 A.D.) till it was gradually superseded by Gothic in the 12th century: the dialect of Languedoc. [Fr.,--Sp. _Romanesco_--L. _Romanicus_.]

ROMANSCH, r[=o]-mansh', _n._ the language spoken from the Grisons to Friuli on the Adriatic.--Also RHae'TO-ROMAN'IC.

ROMANT, r[=o]-mant', _v.i._ to romance: to exaggerate.--_n._ a romance--generally R[=O]MAUNT'.

ROMANTIC, r[=o]-man'tik, _adj._ pertaining to or resembling romance: fictitious: extravagant, wild: fantastic: sentimental: imaginative.--_adv._ ROMAN'TICALLY.--_ns._ ROMAN'TICISM, the revolt from the severity, pedanticism, and commonplaceness of a classical or pseudo-classical to a more picturesque, original, free and imaginative style in literature and art, marking the close of the 18th century: romantic feeling; ROMAN'TICIST; ROMAN'TICNESS.

ROMANY, ROMMANY, rom'a-ni, _n._ a gipsy: the language of the gipsies.--_adj._ belonging to the gipsies.--ROMANY RYE, a gentleman who affects the society of gipsies. [Gipsy, _rom_, man.]

ROMERO, r[=o]-m[=a]'r[=o], _n._ the pilot-fish.

ROMIC, r[=o]'mik, _n._ a phonetic notation devised by Henry Sweet, based upon the original _Roman_ values of the letters, supplemented by turned and ligatured letters and diagraphs--in part a recasting of Ellis's Glossic.

ROMP, romp, _v.i._ to play noisily: to skip about in play.--_n._ a girl who romps: rude frolic.--_adv._ ROMP'INGLY, in a romping manner: boisterously: rudely.--_adj._ ROMP'ISH, fond of romping or noisy play.--_adv._ ROMP'ISHLY.--_n._ ROMP'ISHNESS. [Ramp.]

ROMPU, rom-p[=u]', _adj._ (_her._) fracted. [Fr.]

RONCADOR, rong'ka-d[=o]r, _n._ one of several sciaenoid fishes of the Pacific coast. [Sp.,--L. _rhonchus_, a snoring.]


RONDACHE, ron-dash', _n._ a buckler. [O. Fr. _rond_.]

RONDE, rond, _n._ (_print._) an angular writing-type.

RONDEAU, ron'd[=o], _n._ a form of poem characterised by closely-knit rhymes and a refrain, and, as defined in the 17th century, consisting of thirteen lines, divided into three unequal strophes--the two or three first words of the first line serving as the burden, recurring after the eighth and thirteenth lines--brought into vogue by Swinburne: (_mus._) a rondo.--_ns._ RON'DEL, a form of French verse, earlier than the rondeau, consisting of thirteen octosyllabic or decasyllabic lines on two rhymes--practised by Charles of Orleans, &c.; RON'DELET, a poem of five lines and two refrains; RON'DO, a musical composition of several strains, during which the first part or subject is repeated several times--often occurring as one of the movements of a sonata: the musical setting of a rondeau: a game of hazard played with small balls; RONDOLET'TO, a simple rondo. [Fr., from _rond_, round.]

RONDELLE, ron-del', _n._ anything round: one of the successive crusts formed on molten metal when cooling, a rosette.--_n._ ROND'LE, a round, step of a ladder (same as RONDELLE). [O. Fr., dim. of _rond_, round.]

RONDURE, ron'd[=u]r, _n._ (_Shak._) a round, a circle, the globe. [Fr.

_rondeur_--_rond_, round.]

RONE, r[=o]n, _n._ (_Scot._) a shrub, a thicket.

RONE, r[=o]n, _n._ the gutter which collects the rain from the roof--a dial. form of _rine_.

RONG, rong (_Spens._), _pa.t._ and _pa.p._ of ring.

RONGEUR, rong-zh[.e]r, _n._ a forceps for gouging bones.

RONIN, r[=o]'nin, _n._ a discharged Japanese samurai, an outcast or outlaw.

[Jap., lit. 'wave-man.']

RONION, RONYON, run'yun, _n._ a mangy, scabby animal or person. [Fr.

_rogneux_--_rogne_, mange.]

RONQUIL, rong'kil, _n._ a fish of the North Pacific.--Also RON'CHIL. [Sp.

_ronquillo_--_ronco_--L. _raucus_, hoarse.]

RONT, ront. Same as _Runt_ (q.v.).


ROOD, r[=oo]d, _n._ the fourth part of an acre, or forty perches--from the rod used in measuring: a figure of Christ's cross, and often of the crucifix, esp. that placed at the entrance to the choir in medieval churches.--_ns._ ROOD'-BEAM (_archit._), a beam across the chancel of a church for supporting the rood; ROOD'-LOFT, a gallery over the rood-screen; ROODMAS-DAY, Holy-rood-day; ROOD'-SCREEN, an ornamental partition separating the choir from the nave; ROOD'-STEEP'LE, a spire built over the entrance to the chancel; ROOD'-TREE, the cross; H[=O]'LY-ROOD, a crucifix.

[Same as _rod_. A.S. _rod_.]

ROODEBOK, r[=oo]d'e-bok, _n._ the bush-buck. [Dut. _rood_, red, _bok_, buck.]

ROOF, r[=oo]f, _n._ the top covering of a house or building: a vault or arch, or the inner side of it: a house or dwelling: the upper part of the palate: the loftiest part, the roof and crown of things: the top of a subterraneous excavation: (_geol._) the overlying stratum.--_v.t._ to cover with a roof: to shelter.--_ns._ ROOF'ER, one who roofs; ROOF'ING, covering with a roof: materials for a roof: the roof itself: shelter.--_adj._ ROOF'LESS, without a roof: having no house or home: unsheltered.--_ns._ ROOF'LET, a small roof or covering; ROOF'-PLATE, a wall-plate which receives the lower ends of the rafters of a roof.--_adj._ ROOF'-SHAPED, shaped like a gable roof.--_ns._ ROOF'-ST[=A]'GING, a scaffold used in working on an inclined roof; ROOF'-TREE, the beam at the peak of a roof: the roof.--_adj._ ROOF'Y, having a roof or roofs.--FRENCH ROOF, a form of roof with almost vertical sides; GOTHIC ROOF, a very high-pitched roof; MANSARD ROOF (see MANSARD); SQUARE ROOF, one in which the chief rafters meet at a right angle. [A.S. _hrof_; Dut. _roef_.]

ROOK, rook, _n._ a species of crow--from its croak: the ruddy duck: a cheat: a simpleton.--_v.i._ to cheat.--_ns._ ROOK'ER, a swindler; ROOK'ERY, a group of trees on which rooks build: a cluster of mean tenements: a resort of thieves: a disturbance.--_adj._ ROOK'Y (_Shak._), inhabited by rooks. [A.S. _hroc_; Goth. _hrukjan_, to croak.]

ROOK, rook, _n._ a castle or piece used in playing chess. [O. Fr.

_roc_--Pers. _rokh_.]

ROOKLE, r[=oo]k'l, _v.i._ to poke about like a pig. [_Rootle._]

ROOL, r[=oo]l, _v.t._ to raggle, to ruffle.

ROOM, r[=oo]m, _n._ space: a chamber: extent of place: space unoccupied: freedom to act: fit occasion: place of another: stead: (_B._) a seat: a particular place: a box in a theatre: office: the inner room of a cottage: a garret.--_v.i._ to occupy a room, to lodge.--_adv._ (_naut._) off from the wind.--_n._ ROOM'AGE, capacity.--_adj._ ROOMED, containing rooms.--_ns._ ROOM'ER, a lodger; ROOM'FUL, as much or as many as a room will hold.--_adv._ ROOM'ILY.--_n._ ROOM'INESS.--_adsj._ ROOM'-RID'DEN, confined to one's room; ROOM'SOME, roomy.--_adv._ ROOM'Y, having ample room: wide: spacious.--GIVE ROOM, to withdraw so as to leave space for others; MAKE ROOM, to open a way. [A.S. _rum_; Ger. _raum_, Dut. _ruim_.]

ROOM, r[=oo]m, _n._ a deep-blue dye.--Also ROUM.

ROON, r[=oo]n, _n._ (_Scot._) a rim or border.

ROOP, r[=oo]p, _v.i._ (_obs._) to roar.--_n._ hoarseness.--_adsj._ ROOP'IT, ROOP'Y (_Scot._), hoarse. [A.S. _hropan_, pa.t. _hreop_; cf. Ger. _rufen_, to cry out.]

ROOSE, r[=oo]z, _v.t._ (_Scot._) to praise highly. [M. E. _rosen_--Scand., Ice. _hrosa_, to praise.]

ROOST, r[=oo]st, _n._ a pole or support on which a bird rests at night: a number of fowls resting together: (_Scot._) the inner roof of a cottage.--_v.i._ to sit or sleep on a roost.--_n._ ROOST'ER, the male of the domestic fowl, cock: any bird that roosts.--AT ROOST, roosting, asleep.

[A.S. _hrost_; Dut. _roest_.]