Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume II Part 15

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume II Part 15

ENTER, en't[.e]r, _v.i._ to go or come in: to penetrate: to engage in: to form a part of.--_v.t._ to come or go into: to join or engage in: to begin: to put into: to enrol or record: to cause to be inscribed, as a boy's name at school, a horse for a race, &c.--_n._ (_Shak._) ingoing.--_adj._ EN'TERABLE.--_ns._ EN'TERCLOSE, a passage between two rooms; EN'TERER; EN'TERING.--ENTER A PROTEST, to write it in the books: thence simply, to protest; ENTER INTO, to become a party to: to be interested in: to be part of; ENTER ON, to begin: to engage in. [Fr. _entrer_--L. _intrare_, to go into, related to _inter_, between.]

ENTERDEAL, obsolete form of _interdeal_.

ENTERIC, en-ter'ik, _adj._ of or pertaining to the intestines.--_ns._ ENTERADENOG'RAPHY, description of the intestinal glands; ENTERADENOL'OGY, the branch of anatomy relating to the intestinal glands; ENTERAL'GIA, intestinal neuralgia; ENTER[=I]'TIS, inflammation of the intestines; EN'TEROCELE, a hernial tumour containing part of the intestines; ENTEROGASTR[=I]'TIS, inflammation of the stomach and bowels; EN'TEROLITE, EN'TEROLITH, an intestinal concretion or calculus; ENTEROL'OGY, a treatise on the internal parts of the body; EN'TERON, the entire intestine or alimentary canal:--_pl._ EN'TERA; ENTEROP'ATHY, disease of the intestines; ENTEROPNEUST'A, a class of worm-like animals, having the paired respiratory pouches opening from the front part of the alimentary canal; ENTEROT'OMY, dissection or incision of the intestines. [Gr. _enterikos_--_enteron_, intestine.]

ENTERPRISE, en't[.e]r-pr[=i]z, _n._ that which is attempted: a bold or dangerous undertaking: an adventure: daring.--_v.t._ to undertake.--_n._ EN'TERPRISER, an adventurer.--_p.adj._ EN'TERPRISING, forward in undertaking: adventurous.--_adv._ EN'TERPRISINGLY. [O. Fr. _entreprise_, pa.p. of _entreprendre_--_entre_, in, _prendre_--L. _prehend[)e]re_, to seize.]

ENTERTAIN, en-t[.e]r-t[=a]n', _v.t._ to receive and treat hospitably: to hold the attention of and amuse by conversation: to amuse: to receive and take into consideration: to keep or hold in the mind: to harbour.--_n._ ENTERTAIN'ER.--_p.adj._ ENTERTAIN'ING, affording entertainment: amusing.--_adv._ ENTERTAIN'INGLY.--_n._ ENTERTAIN'MENT, act of entertaining: hospitality at table: that which entertains: the provisions of the table: a banquet: amusement: a performance which delights. [Fr.

_entretenir_--L. _inter_, among, _ten[=e]re_, to hold.]

ENTERTAKE, en-t[.e]r-t[=a]k', _v.t._ (_Spens._) to entertain.


ENTHEASM, en'th[=e]-azm, _n._ divine inspiration, ecstasy.--_adj._ ENTHEAS'TIC.--_adv._ ENTHEAS'TICALLY.

ENTHELMINTHA, en-thel-min'tha, a general name of intestinal worms.

ENTHRAL, en-thrawl', INTHRAL, in-, _v.t._ to bring into thraldom or bondage: to enslave: to shackle.--_ns._ ENTHRAL'DOM, condition of being enthralled; ENTHRAL'MENT, act of enthralling: slavery.

ENTHRONE, en-thr[=o]n', _v.t._ to place on a throne: to exalt to the seat of royalty: to install as a bishop: to exalt.--_ns._ ENTHRONE'MENT, ENTHRONIS[=A]'TION, the act of enthroning or of being enthroned.--_v.t._ ENTHR[=O]'NISE, to enthrone, as a bishop: to exalt.

ENTHUSIASM, en-th[=u]'zi-azm, _n._ intense interest: intensity of feeling: passionate zeal.--_n._ ENTH[=U]'SIAST, one inspired by enthusiasm: one who admires or loves intensely.--_adjs._ ENTHUSIAS'TIC, -AL, filled with enthusiasm; zealous: ardent.--_adv._ ENTHUSIAS'TICALLY. [Through L., from Gr. _enthusiasmos_, a god-inspired zeal--_enthousiazein_, to be inspired by a god--_en_, in, _theos_, a god.]

ENTHYMEME, en'thi-m[=e]m, _n._ (_rhet._) an argument consisting of only two propositions, an antecedent and a consequent: a syllogism in which the major proposition is suppressed.--_adj._ ENTHYMEMAT'ICAL. [From L. from Gr.

_enthym[=e]ma_, a consideration--_enthymeesthai_, to consider--_en_, in, _thymos_, the mind.]

ENTICE, en-t[=i]s', _v.t._ to induce by exciting hope or desire: to tempt: to lead astray.--_adj._ ENTICE'ABLE.--_ns._ ENTICE'MENT, act of enticing: that which entices or tempts: allurement; ENTIC'ER.--_p.adj._ ENTIC'ING.--_adv._ ENTIC'INGLY. [O. Fr. _enticier_, provoke; prob. related to L. _titio_, a firebrand.]

ENTIRE, en-t[=i]r', _adj._ whole: complete: unmingled: not castrated, specially of a horse.--_n._ the whole: completeness: a stallion: porter or stout as delivered from the brewery.--_adv._ ENTIRE'LY.--_ns._ ENTIRE'NESS, ENTIRE'TY, completeness: the whole.--IN ITS ENTIRETY, in its completeness.

[O. Fr. _entier_--L. _integer_, whole, from _in_, not, _tang[)e]re_, to touch.]

ENTITLE, en-t[=i]'tl, _v.t._ to give a title to: to style: to give a claim to. [O. Fr. _entiteler_--Low L. _intitul[=a]re_--_in_, in, _titulus_, title.]

ENTITY, en'ti-ti, _n._ being: existence: a real substance. [Low L.

_entitat-em_--_ens_ (q.v.).]

ENTOBLAST, en't[=o]-blast, _n._ the nucleolus of a cell.

ENTOCELE, en't[=o]-s[=e]l, _n._ morbid displacement of parts.

ENTOIL, en-toil', _v.t._ to entangle or ensnare.

ENTOMB, en-t[=oo]m', _v.t._ to place in a tomb: to bury.--_n._ ENTOMB'MENT, burial. [O. Fr. _entoumber_--_en_, in, _tombe_, a tomb.]

ENTOMOLOGY, en-to-mol'o-ji, _n._ the science which treats of insects.--_adjs._ ENTOM'IC, -AL, relating to insects.--_n._ ENTOMOG'RAPHY, descriptive entomology.--_adj._ EN'TOMOID, insect-like.--_n._ ENTOM'OLITE, a fossil insect.--_adj._ ENTOMOLOG'ICAL.--_adv._ ENTOMOLOG'ICALLY.--_v.t._ ENTOMOL'OGISE.--_ns._ ENTOMOL'OGIST, one learned in ENTOMOPH'AGA, a sub-section of _Hymenoptera terebrantia_, or boring hymenopterous insects.--_adjs._ ENTOMOPH'AGAN, ENTOMOPH'AGOUS, insectivorous; ENTOMOPH'ILOUS, insect-loving--of such flowers as are specially adapted for fertilisation by the agency of insects.--_ns._ EN'TOMOTAXY, preparation of insects for preservation; ENTOMOT'OMIST; ENTOMOT'OMY, dissection of insects. [Gr. _entoma_, insects, _logia_, a discourse, _phagein_, to eat, _philein_, to love, _taxis_, arrangement, _temnein_, to cut.]

ENTOMOSTOMATA, en-to-mo-stom'a-ta, a family of mollusca. [Gr.

_entomos_, cut into--_en_, in, _temnein_, to cut, _stoma_, a mouth.]

ENTOMOSTRACA, en-to-mos'tra-ka, a general name for the lower orders of crustacea--_Phyllopods_, _Ostracods_, _Copepods_, and _Cirripedes_:--_sing._ ENTOMOS'TRACAN.--_adj._ ENTOMOS'TRACOUS. [Gr.

_entomos_, cut in--_en_, in, _temnein_, to cut, _ostrakon_, a shell.]

ENTONIC, en-ton'ik, _adj._ showing high tension.

ENTOPERIPHERAL, en-t[=o]-pe-rif'e-ral, _adj._ situated or originated within the periphery or external surface of the body.

ENTOPHYTE, en'to-f[=i]t, _n._ a parasitic plant which grows in a living animal.--_adj._ ENTOPHYT'IC.--_adv._ ENTOPHYT'ICALLY.--_adj._ EN'TOPHYTOUS.

[Gr. _enton_, within, and _phyton_, a plant.]

ENTOTIC, en-tot'ik, _adj._ of the interior of the ear.

ENTOURAGE, ang-t[=oo]-razh', _n._ surroundings: followers.

[Fr.,--_entourer_, to surround--_en_, in, _tour_, a circuit.]

ENTOZOA, en-to-z[=o]'a, animals that live inside of other animals: internal parasites such as Tapeworms (q.v.):--_sing._ ENTOZ[=O]'ON.--_adjs._ ENTOZ[=O]'AL, ENTOZ[=O]'IC.--_ns._ ENTOZOOL'OGIST; ENTOZOOL'OGY.--_adj._ ENTOZOOT'IC. [Gr. _entos_, within, _z[=o]on_, an animal.]

ENTR'ACTE, ang-trakt', _n._ the time between two acts in a play: (_mus._) an instrumental piece performed between acts. [Fr., _entre_, between, _acte_, an act.]

ENTRAIL, en-tr[=a]l', _v.t._ (_Spens._) to interlace, entwine.--_n._ (_Spens._) twisting, entanglement. [O. Fr. _entreillier_--_en_, and _treille_, trellis-work.]

ENTRAILS, en'tr[=a]lz, the internal parts of an animal's body, the bowels: the inside of anything: (_obs._) the seat of the emotions. [O. Fr.

_entraille_--Low L. _intralia_--_inter_, within.]

ENTRAIN, en-tr[=a]n', _v.t._ to put into a railway train, esp. used of troops.

ENTRAIN, en-tr[=a]n', _v.t._ to draw after. [Fr. _entrainer_.]

ENTRAMMEL, en-tram'el, _v.t._ to trammel, fetter.

ENTRANCE, en'trans, _n._ act of entering: power or right to enter: the place for entering, the door: the beginning.--_n._ EN'TRANT, one who, or that which, enters. [Fr. _entrer_--L. _intr[=a]re_, to enter.]

ENTRANCE, en-trans', _v.t._ to put into a trance: to fill with rapturous delight.--_n._ ENTRANCE'MENT, state of trance or of excessive joy.--_p.adj._ ENTRANC'ING, charming, transporting.

ENTRAP, en-trap', _v.t._ to catch, as in a trap: to ensnare: to entangle.--_ns._ ENTRAP'MENT, act of entrapping: the state of being entrapped: ENTRAP'PER. [O. Fr. _entraper_--_en_, in, _trappe_, a trap.]

ENTREASURE, en-trezh'[=u]r, _v.t._ to lay up, as in a treasury.

ENTREAT, en-tr[=e]t', _v.t._ to ask earnestly: to beseech: to pray for: (_orig._) to treat, to deal with--so in _B._--_v.i._ to pray.--_adjs._ ENTREAT'ABLE; ENTREAT'FUL (_Spens._); ENTREAT'ING, that entreats.--_adv._ ENTREAT'INGLY, in an entreating manner: with solicitation.--_adj._ ENTREAT'IVE, pleading.--_ns._ ENTREAT'MENT, act of entreating: (_Shak._) discourse; ENTREAT'Y, act of entreating; earnest prayer. [O. Fr.

_entraiter_--_en_, and _traiter_, to treat.]

ENTReE, ang-tr[=a]', _n._ entry, freedom of access, admittance: a made dish served at dinner between the chief courses: (_mus._) an introduction or prelude: the act of entering, a formal entrance. [Fr.]

ENTREMETS, ang-tr'm[=a]', _n._ any dainty served at table between the chief courses--formerly ENTREMES, ENTREMESSE. [O. Fr. _entremes_--_entre_, between, _mes_ (mod. _mets_), a dish.]

ENTRENCH, en-trensh', INTRENCH, in-, _v.t._ to dig a trench around: to fortify with a ditch and parapet.--_v.i._ to encroach.--_n._ ENTRENCH'MENT, an earthen parapet thrown up to give cover against an enemy's fire and the ditch or trench from which the earth is obtained: any protection: an encroachment.--ENTRENCH UPON, to encroach upon.

ENTREPAS, ang'tr'pa, _n._ a gait between a walk and a trot, an amble. [Fr.]