Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume III Part 139

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume III Part 139

REVISE, r[=e]-v[=i]z', _v.t._ to review and amend: to examine with a view to correction.--_n._ review: a second proof-sheet.--_ns._ REV[=I]'SAL, REVI'SION, review: re-examination; REV[=I]SED'-VER'SION, a fresh English translation of the Bible, issued, the New Testament in 1881, the Old in 1885; REV[=I]'SER, -OR (_print._), one who examines proofs; REV[=I]'SING-BARR'ISTER, a barrister appointed annually by the English judges to revise the list of voters for members of parliament, the revision generally taking place between August and October of each year.--_adjs._ REVI'SIONAL, REVI'SIONARY, pertaining to revision.--_n._ REVI'SIONIST.--_adj._ REV[=I]'SORY. [Fr. _reviser_--L.

_revis[)e]re_--_re-_, back, _vis[)e]re_, inten. of _vid[=e]re_, to see.]

REVISIT, r[=e]-viz'it, _v.t._ to visit again.--_ns._ REVIS'IT; REVIS'ITANT.--_adj._ revisiting.--_n._ REVISIT[=A]'TION.

REVITALISE, r[=e]-v[=i]'tal-[=i]z, _v.t._ to restore vitality to.--_n._ REVITALIS[=A]'TION.

REVIVE, re-v[=i]v', _v.i._ to return to life, vigour, or fame: to recover from neglect, oblivion, or depression: to regain use or currency: to have the memory refreshed.--_v.t._ to restore to life again: to reawaken in the mind: to recover from neglect or depression: to bring again into public notice, as a play: to recall, to restore to use: to reproduce: (_chem._) to restore to its natural state.--_n._ REV[=I]VABIL'ITY.--_adj._ REV[=I]'VABLE, capable of being revived.--_adv._ REV[=I]'VABLY.--_ns._ REV[=I]'VAL, recovery from languor, neglect, depression, &c.: renewed performance of, as of a play: renewed interest in or attention to: a time of extraordinary religious awakening: restoration: quickening: renewal, as of trade: awakening, as revival of learning: (_law_) reinstatement of an action; REV[=I]'VALISM; REV[=I]'VALIST, one who promotes religious revivals: an itinerant preacher.--_adj._ REV[=I]VALIS'TIC.--_ns._ REV[=I]VE'MENT; REV[=I]'VER, one who, or that which, revives: a compound for renovating clothes; REVIVIFIC[=A]'TION (_chem._), the reduction of a metal from a state of combination to its natural state.--_v.t._ REVIV'IFY, to cause to revive: to reanimate: to enliven.--_v.i._ to become efficient again as a reagent.--_adv._ REV[=I]'VINGLY.--_n._ REVIVIS'CENCE, an awakening from torpidity, after hibernation.--_adj._ REVIVIS'CENT.--_n._ REV[=I]'VOR (_law_), the revival of a suit which was abated by the death of a party or other cause.--THE ANGLO-CATHOLIC REVIVAL, a strong reaction within the Church of England towards the views of doctrine and practice held by Laud and his school (see TRACTARIANISM). [O. Fr. _revivre_--L.

_re-_, again, _viv[)e]re_, to live.]

REVOKE, r[=e]-v[=o]k', _v.t._ to annul by recalling: to repeal: to reverse: to neglect to follow suit (at cards).--_n._ revocation, recall: act of revoking at cards.--_adj._ REV'OCABLE, that may be revoked.--_ns._ REV'OCABLENESS, REVOCABIL'ITY.--_adv._ REV'OCABLY.--_n._ REVOC[=A]'TION, _a_ recalling: repeal: reversal.--_adj._ REV'OC[=A]TORY.--_n._ REVOKE'MENT (_Shak._), revocation.--REVOCATION OF THE EDICT OF NANTES, the taking away by Louis IV., in 1685, of the Huguenot privileges granted by Henry IV. in 1598. [Fr.,--L. _revoc[=a]re_--_re-_, back, _voc[=a]re_, to call.]

REVOLT, r[=e]-v[=o]lt', _v.i._ to renounce allegiance: to be grossly offended: to mutiny: to be shocked.--_v.t._ to cause to rise in revolt: to shock.--_n._ a rebellion: insurrection, desertion: a change of sides: fickleness.--_n._ REVOL'TER.--_adj._ REVOL'TING, causing a turning away from: shocking: repulsive.--_adv._ REVOL'TINGLY. [O. Fr. _revolte_--It.

_rivolta_--L. _revolv[)e]re_, to roll back, _re-_, back, _volv[)e]re_, _volutum_, to turn.]

REVOLUTION, rev-[=o]-l[=u]'shun, _n._ act of revolving: motion round a centre: course which brings to the same point or state: space measured by a revolving body: a radical change, as of one's way of living: fundamental change in the government of a country: a revolt: a complete rotation through 360: a round of periodic changes, as the revolutions of the seasons: the winding of a spiral about its axis: change of circumstances: consideration.--_adj._ REVOL[=U]'TIONARY, pertaining to, or tending to, a revolution in government.--_v.t._ REVOL[=U]'TIONISE, to cause a revolution or entire change of anything.--_ns._ REVOL[=U]'TIONISM; REVOL[=U]'TIONIST, one who promotes or favours a revolution.--THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, the change from the position of colonies to that of national independence effected by the thirteen American colonies of England in 1776; THE FRENCH REVOLUTION, the downfall of the old French monarchy and the old absolutism (1789); THE REVOLUTION, the expulsion of James II. from the throne of England (1689), and the establishment of a really constitutional government under William III. and Mary. [_Revolve._]

REVOLVE, r[=e]-volv', _v.i._ to roll back: to roll round on an axis: to move round a centre: to rotate, as the planets: to meditate.--_v.t._ to cause to turn: to consider.--_n._ a radical change.--_v.i._ REV'OLUTE, to revolve.--_adj._ rolled backward.--_adjs._ REV'OL[=U]TIVE, cogitating; REVOL'VABLE.--_ns._ REVOLVE'MENT, reflection; REVOL'VENCY, revolution.--_adj._ REVOL'VING, turning, moving round.--_ns._ REVOL'VING-FUR'NACE, a furnace used in making black ash; REVOL'VING-LIGHT, a lamp in a lighthouse so arranged as to appear and disappear at intervals.

[Fr.,--L. _revolv[)e]re_, _revol[=u]tum_--_re-_, back, _volv[)e]re_, to roll.]

REVOLVER, r[=e]-volv'[.e]r, _n._ that which revolves: a firearm having barrels or chambers which revolve upon a common centre, and are fired in turn by one lock mechanism: a revolving cannon.

REVOMIT, r[=e]-vom'it, _v.t._ to reject from the stomach.

REVULSION, r[=e]-vul'shun, _n._ disgust: the diverting of a disease from one part to another: forced separation: a sudden change, esp. of feeling: a counter-irritant.--_adj._ REVUL'SIVE, tending to revulsion.--_n._ REVUL'SOR, an apparatus for applying heat and cold in turns for medical purposes. [L. _revulsio_--_revell[)e]re_, _revulsum_--_re-_, away, _vell[)e]re_, to tear.]

REW, r[=oo], _v.t._ (_Spens._). Same as RUE.

REW, r[=oo], _n._ (_Spens._). Same as ROW.

REWAKEN, r[=e]-w[=a]'kn, _v.i._ to waken again.

REWARD, r[=e]-wawrd', _n._ that which is given in return for good or evil: recompense: retribution: the fruit of one's own labour: regard: requital: remuneration: guerdon: consideration.--_v.t._ to give in return: to requite, whether good or evil: to punish: (_B._) to recompense: to compensate: to notice carefully: to watch over.--_adj._ REWAR'DABLE, capable or worthy of being rewarded.--_n._ REWAR'DABLENESS.--_adv._ REWAR'DABLY.--_n._ REWAR'DER, one who rewards.--_adjs._ REWARD'FUL, yielding reward; REWARD'LESS, having or receiving no reward. [O. Fr.

_rewarder_, _reswarder_, _regarder_--_re-_, again, _warder_, _guarder_, to guard; of Teut. origin.]

REWEIGH, r[=e]-w[=a]', _v.t._ to weigh again.

REWET, r[=oo]'et, _n._ the revolving part of a wheel-lock.

REWIN, r[=e]-win', _v.t._ to win back or again.

REWOOD, r[=e]-w[=oo]d', _v.t._ to plant again.

REWORD, r[=e]-wurd', _v.t._ to repeat in the same words, to re-echo: to put into different words.

REWRITE, r[=e]-r[=i]t', _v.t._ to write a second time.

REX, reks, _n._ a king.--PLAY REX (_obs._), to handle roughly. [L.; cf.

Sans. _r[=a]jan_, Gael. _righ_.]

REYNARD, r[=a]'nard, or ren'ard, _n._ a fox, from the name given to the fox in the famous beast epic of Low Ger. origin, _Reynard the Fox_--also REN'ARD.--_adj._ REN'ARDINE. [Fr.,--Old Flem. _Reinaerd_, _Reinaert_--Mid.

High Ger. _Reinhart_ (Old High Ger. _Reginhart_), lit. 'strong in counsel.']

RHABARBARATE, ra-bar'ba-r[=a]t, _adj._ (_obs._) impregnated with rhubarb.--_n._ RHABAR'BARUM, rhubarb.

RHABARBARINE, ra-bar'ba-rin, _n._ chrysophanic acid.

RHABDAMMININA, rab-da-mi-n[=i]'na, _n._ a group of marine imperforate foraminiferous protozoans. [Gr. _rhabdos_, a rod, _ammos_, sand.]

RHABDITE, rab'd[=i]t, _n._ a smooth, rod-like structure found in the cells of the integument of most turbellarian worms: one of the hard parts composing the ovipositor of some insects.--_adj._ RHABDIT'IC. [Gr.

_rhabdos_, a rod.]

RHABDOCOELA, rab-d[=o]-s[=e]'la, _n._ a prime division of turbellarian worms.--_adjs._ RHABDOCOE'LIDAN, RHABDOCOE'LOUS. [Gr. _rhabdos_, a rod, _koilos_, hollow.]

RHABDOCREPIDA, rab-d[=o]-krep'i-da, _n._ a sub-order of lithistidan sponges. [Gr. _rhabdos_, a rod, _kr[=e]pis_, a foundation.]

RHABDOID, rab'doid, _n._ a spindle-shaped body chemically related to the plastids, found in certain cells of irritable plants like _Drosera_, _Dionaea_, &c.--_adj._ RHABDOID'AL, rod-like: (_anat._) sagittal. [Gr.

_rhabdos_, a rod.]

RHABDOLITH, rab'd[=o]-lith, _n._ a minute rhabdoidal concretion of calcareous matter forming the armature of a rhabdosphere.--_adj._ RHABDOLITH'IC.

RHABDOLOGY, rab-dol'[=o]-ji, _n._ the art of computing by Napier's bones or rods.--Also RABDOL'OGY.

RHABDOM, rab'dom, _n._ (_entom._) a tubular rod-like structure in the eye, the central axis of a retinula.--_adj._ RHAB'D[=O]MAL.

RHABDOMANCY, rab'd[=o]-man-si, _n._ divination by means of rods, esp. the impudent imposture of finding water, &c., by means of the divining-rod.--_n._ RHAB'DOMANCER.--_adj._ RHABDOMAN'TIC. [Gr. _rhabdos_, rod, _manteia_, divination.]

RHABDOME, rab'd[=o]m, _n._ in sponges, the shaft of a cladose rhabdus, bearing the cladome.

RHABDOMESODON, rab-d[=o]-mes'[=o]-don, _n._ a genus of polyzoans. [Gr.

_rhabdos_, a rod, _mesos_, middle, _odous_, _odontos_, a tooth.]

RHABDOMYOMA, rab-d[=o]-m[=i]-[=o]'ma, _n._ a myoma consisting of striated muscular fibres.

RHABDONEMA, rab-d[=o]-n[=e]'ma, _n._ a genus of small nematoid worms. [Gr.

_rhabdos_, a rod, _n[=e]ma_, a thread.]

RHABDOPHANE, rab'd[=o]-f[=a]n, _n._ a rare phosphate of the yttrium and cerium earths. [Gr. _rhabdos_, a rod, _phan[=e]s_, appearing.]

RHABDOPHORA, rab-dof'[=o]-ra, _n._ a group of fossil organisms.--_adjs._ RHABDOPH'[=O]RAN, RHABDOPH'[=O]ROUS.

RHABDOPLEURA, rab-d[=o]-pl[=oo]'ra, _n._ a marine polyzoan. [Gr. _rhabdos_, a rod, _pleuron_, a rib.]

RHABDOSPHERE, rab'd[=o]-sf[=e]r, _n._ a minute spherical body found in the depths of the Atlantic. [Gr. _rhabdos_, a rod, _sphaira_, sphere.]

RHABDOSTEIDae, rab-dos-t[=e]'i-d[=e], _n._ a family of fossil-toothed cetaceans--its typical genus, RHABDOS'T[=E]US. [Gr. _rhabdos_, rod, _osteon_, bone.]

RHABDOSTYLA, rab-d[=o]-st[=i]'la, _n._ a genus of peritrichous ciliate infusorians. [Gr. _rhabdos_, rod, _stylos_, pillar.]