Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume I Part 130

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume I Part 130

CONCAVE, kon'k[=a]v, _adj._ curved, vaulted, or arched, applied to the inner side of any curved line or rounded body, and opposed to _convex_, which is applied to the outside.--_n._ a hollow: an arch or vault.--_adv._ CON'CAVELY.--_n._ CONCAV'ITY, the quality of being concave: the inner surface of a concave or hollow body.--_adjs._ CONC[=A]'VO-CON'CAVE, or DOUB'LE-CON'CAVE, concave on both sides of a lens; CONC[=A]'VO-CON'VEX, concave on one side, and convex on the other. [L. _concavus_, from _con_, inten., and _cavus_, hollow. See CAVE.]

CONCEAL, kon-s[=e]l', _v.t._ to hide completely or carefully: to keep secret; to disguise: to keep from telling.--_adjs._ CONCEAL'ABLE, that may be concealed; CONCEALED', hidden.--_n._ CONCEAL'MENT, act of concealing: secrecy: disguise: hiding-place: (_Shak._) a mystery. [O. Fr.

_conceler_--L. _concel[=a]re_, from _con_, inten., and _cel[=a]re_, to hide.]

CONCEDE, kon-s[=e]d', _v.t._ to cede or give up: to quit: to surrender: to admit: to grant.--_v.i._ to admit or grant.--_n._ CONCED'ER. [L.

_conced[)e]re_, _-cessum_--_con_, wholly and _ced[)e]re_, to yield.]

CONCEIT, kon-s[=e]t', _n._ over-estimate of one's self: too favourable opinion of one's own good qualities: a pleasant, fantastical, or affected notion: wit: (_Spens._) idea: (_Shak._) understanding: estimate.--_v.t._ to conceive: to think.--_adj._ CONCEIT'ED, clever, witty, fantastical (_obs.

uses_): having a high opinion of one's self: egotistical.--_adv._ CONCEIT'EDLY.--_n._ CONCEIT'EDNESS.--_adj._ CONCEIT'LESS (_Shak._), without conceit, stupid.--OUT OF CONCEIT WITH, no longer fond of. [Through a Fr.

form _conceit_, from L. _conceptus_, pa.p. of _concip[)e]re_.]

CONCEIVE, kon-s[=e]v', _v.t._ to receive into and form in the womb: to form in the mind: to imagine or think: to understand: to express.--_v.i._ to become pregnant: to think.--_ns._ CONCEIVABIL'ITY, CONCEIV'ABLENESS.--_adj._ CONCEIV'ABLE, that may be conceived, understood, or believed.--_adv._ CONCEIV'ABLY.--_adj._ CONCEIVED', imagined, thought.

[O. Fr. _concever_--L. _concip[)e]re_, _conceptum_, from _con_, and _cap[)e]re_, to take.]

CONCENT, kon-sent', _n._ a harmony or concord of sounds: concert of voices.--_v.i._ (_Spens._) to harmonise. [L. _concentus_, pa.p. of _concin[)e]re_--_con_, together, _can[)e]re_, to sing.]

CONCENTRATE, kon'sen-tr[=a]t, or kon-sen'-, _v.t._ to bring towards a common centre: to bring into a closer union: to condense, to render more intense the properties of.--_adj._ CONCEN'TRATED (also CON'-).--_n._ CONCENTR[=A]'TION, act of concentrating: condensation: the keeping of the mind fixed on something.--_adj._ CONCEN'TRATIVE, tending to concentrate.--_n._ CONCEN'TRATIVENESS. [A lengthened form of CONCENTRE.]

CONCENTRE, kon-sent'[.e]r, _v.i._ to tend to or meet in a common centre: to be concentric.--_v.t._ to bring or direct to a common centre or point:--_pr.p._ concent'ring; _pa.p._ concent'red or concent'ered.--_adjs._ CONCEN'TRIC, -AL, having a common centre.--_adv._ CONCEN'TRICALLY.--_n._ CONCENTRIC'ITY. [Fr. _concentrer_--L. _con_, with, _centrum_, the centre.]

CONCEPT, kon'sept, _n._ a thing conceived, a general notion.--_ns._ CONCEP'TACLE, that in which anything is contained, a receptacle: (_bot._) a pericarp of one valve, a follicle: a cavity enclosing the reproductive cells in certain plants and animals; CONCEP'TION, the act of conceiving: the thing conceived; the formation in the mind of an image or idea: a notion: (_Shak._) a mere fancy: a plan: a concept; CONCEP'TIONIST.--_adjs._ CONCEP'TIOUS (_Shak._), fruitful; CONCEPT'IVE, capable of conceiving mentally; CONCEP'TUAL, pertaining to conception.--_ns._ CONSEP'TUALISM, the doctrine in philosophy that universals have an existence in the mind apart from any concrete embodiment; CONCEP'TUALIST, one who holds this doctrine.--_adj._ CONCEPTUALIS'TIC. [L. _concip[)e]re_, _-ceptum_, to conceive.]

CONCERN, kon-sern', _v.t._ to relate or belong to: to affect or interest: to make uneasy: to trouble: to have to do with: to be affected.--_n._ that which concerns or belongs to one: interest: regard: anxiety: a business, or those connected with it.--_adj._ CONCERNED', having connection with: interested: anxious.--_adv._ CONCERN'EDLY.--_n._ CONCERN'EDNESS.--_prep._ CONCERN'ING, regarding: pertaining to.--_n._ CONCERN'MENT, a thing in which one is concerned: an affair: importance: interest: interference. [Fr.,--L.

_concern[)e]re_, _con_, together, _cern[)e]re_, to see.]

CONCERT, kon's[.e]rt, _n._ union or agreement in any undertaking: harmony: musical harmony: a musical entertainment.--_v.t._ CONCERT', to frame or devise together: to arrange, adjust.--_p.adj._ CONCERT'ED, mutually planned: arranged.--_ns._ CONCERTINA (kon-ser-t[=e]'na), a musical instrument consisting of a pair of bellows, usually polygonal, the sounds produced by free vibrating reeds of metal, as in the accordion; CONCER'TO, a musical composition for a solo instrument, with orchestral accompaniments.--CONCERT PITCH (_mus._), the pitch at which instruments for concert use are tuned. [Fr. _concerter_--It. _concert[=a]re_, to sing in concert.]

CONCESSION, kon-sesh'un, _n._ the act of conceding: the thing conceded: a grant.--_adj._ CONCES'SIBLE.--_n._ CONCESSIONAIRE', one who has obtained a concession.--_adj._ CONCES'SIONARY.--_n._ CONCES'SIONIST.--_adj._ CONCES'SIVE, implying concession. [CONCEDE.]

CONCETTO, kon-chet'to, _n._ an ingenious turn of expression: a conceit:--_pl._ CONCET'TI.--_n._ CONCET'TISM, the use of concetti.

[It.,--L. _conceptum_, conceit.]

CONCH, kongk, _n._ a marine shell: a spiral shell used by the Tritons as a trumpet, and still used by some African peoples in war: a name for the native whites of the Bahamas, owing to their use of conchs as food: (_archit._) the semidome of an apse; the apse itself.--_n._ CONCHIF'ERA, a term applied by Lamarck to bivalve molluscs and to very different Brachiopods.--_adjs._ CONCHIF'EROUS, having a shell; CONCH'IFORM, conch-shaped.--_n._ CONCH'OID, a plane curve invented to solve the problem of trisecting a plane angle, doubling the cube, &c.--_adjs._ CONCHOID'AL, pertaining to a conchoid: shell-like, applied to the fracture of a mineral; CONCHOLOG'ICAL, pertaining to conchology.--_ns._ CONCHOL'OGIST; CONCHOL'OGY, that branch of natural history which deals with the shells of molluscs. [L. _concha_--Gr. _kongch[=e]_; Sans. _cankha_, a shell; conn.

with COCKLE.]

CONCHA, kong'ka, _n._ the central cavity of the outer ear: the outer ear: (_archit._) conch. [L. _concha_.]

CONCIERGE, kong-si-erj', _n._ a warden: a janitor. [Fr.; der. unknown.]

CONCILIAR, kon-sil'i-ar, _adj._ pertaining to a council.--Also CONCIL'IARY.

CONCILIATE, kon-sil'i-[=a]t, _v.t._ to gain, or win over: to gain the love or good-will of such as have been indifferent or hostile: to pacify.--_v.i._ to make friends.--_adj._ CONCIL'IABLE (_obs._).--_n._ CONCILI[=A]'TION, act of conciliating.--_adj._ CONCIL'I[=A]TIVE.--_n._ CONCIL'I[=A]TOR.--_adj._ CONCIL'IATORY. [L. _concili[=a]re_, _-[=a]tum_--_concilium_, council.]

CONCINNITY, kon-sin'i-ti, _n._ harmony: congruity: elegance.--_adj._ CONCINN'OUS, elegant: harmonious. [L. _concinnus_, well adjusted.]

CONCIPIENT, kon-sip'i-ent, _adj._ that which conceives.--_n._ CONCIP'IENCY.

CONCISE, kon-s[=i]s', _adj._ cut short: brief.--_v.t._ (_Milt._) to mutilate.--_adv._ CONCISE'LY.--_ns._ CONCISE'NESS, the quality of being concise: terseness [Fr.,--L. _concid[)e]re_, _concisum_, from _con_, and _caed[)e]re_, to cut.]

CONCISION, kon-sizh'on, _n._ mutilation: (_B._) circumcision: conciseness.

CONCLAMATION, kon-kla-m[=a]'shun, _n._ a shout of many together.

CONCLAVE, kon'kl[=a]v, _n._ the room in which cardinals meet to elect a pope: the body of cardinals: any close assembly.--_n._ CON'CLAVIST, an attendant on a cardinal in conclave. [L. _conclave_, from _con_, together, _clavis_, a key.]

CONCLUDE, kon-kl[=oo]d', _v.t._ to close: to end: to oblige.--_v.i._ to end: to infer: to form a final judgment.--_p.adj._ CONCLUD'ED, finished: settled.--_adj._ CONCLUD'ING, final, closing.--_n._ CONCLU'SION, act of concluding: the end, close, or last part: inference: judgment: an experiment: (_Shak._) a riddle.--_adjs._ CONCLUS'IVE, CONCLU'SORY, final: convincing.--_adv._ CONCLUS'IVELY.--_n._ CONCLUS'IVENESS.--IN CONCLUSION, finally.--TO TRY CONCLUSIONS, to experiment: to engage in a contest. [L.

_conclud[)e]re_, _conclusum_--_con_, together, _claud[)e]re_, to shut.]

CONCOCT, kon-kokt', _v.t._ to digest: to prepare or mature: to make up a mixture: to plan, devise: to fabricate.--_ns._ CONCOCT'ER, CONCOCT'OR; CONCOC'TION, act of concocting: ripening: preparation of a medical prescription, &c.: a made-up story.--_adj._ CONCOCT'IVE, pertaining to concoction. [L. _concoqu[)e]re_, _concoctum_--_con_, together, and _coqu[)e]re_, to cook, to boil.]

CONCOMITANT, kon-kom'i-tant, _adj._ accompanying or going along with: conjoined with.--_n._ he who or that which accompanies.--_ns._ CONCOM'ITANCE, CONCOM'ITANCY, state of being concomitant.--_adv._ CONCOM'ITANTLY. [L. _con_, with, and _comitans_, pr.p. of _comit[=a]ri_, to accompany--_comes_, a companion.]

CONCORD, kon'kord, or kong'-, _n._ state of being of the same heart or mind: union: harmony: agreement: a combination of notes which is pleasant to the ear.--_v.i._ to agree: to harmonise.--_n._ CONCORD'ANCE, agreement: an index or dictionary of the leading words or passages of a book, esp. of the Bible.--_adj._ CONCORD'ANT, harmonious, united.--_adv._ CONCORD'ANTLY.--_n._ CONCORD'AT, a term, though sometimes used of secular treaties, generally employed to denote an agreement made between the pope and a secular government.--_adj._ CONCOR'DIAL, harmonious. [Fr.

_concorde_--L. _concordia_--_concors_, of the same heart, from _con_, together, _cor_, _cordis_, the heart.]

CONCORPORATE, kon-kor'por-[=a]t, _v.t._ to unite in one body.--_adj._ united in one body. [L. _con_, together, and CORPORATE.]

CONCOURSE, kon'k[=o]rs, or kong'-, _n._ an assembly of persons or things running or drawn together: (_Scots law_) concurrence of an officer, who has legal right to grant it. [Fr.,--L. _concursus_--_con_, together, _curr[)e]re_, to run.]

CONCREATE, kon'kr[=e]-[=a]t, _v.t._ to create with or at the same time.

CONCREMATION, kon-kr[=e]-m[=a]'shun, _n._ a burning up or together, cremation.

CONCRESCENCE, kon-kres'ens, _n._ increment: a growing together of cells or other organisms. [L. _concrescentia_--_con_, together, _cresc[)e]re_, to grow.]

CONCRETE, kon'kr[=e]t, _adj._ formed into one mass: the opposite of _abstract_, and denoting a particular thing: made of concrete.--_n._ a mass formed by parts growing or sticking together: a mixture of lime, sand, pebbles, &c., used in building.--_v.t._ CONCR[=E]TE', to form into a solid mass.--_v.i._ to harden.--_adv._ CONCR[=E]TE'LY.--_ns._ CONCR[=E]TE'NESS; CONCR[=E]'TION, a mass concreted: a growth forming in certain parts of the body, as calculi, &c.--_adjs._ CONCR[=E]'TIONARY; CONCR[=E]T'IVE, having power to concrete. [L. _concretus_--_con_, together, _cresc[)e]re_, _cretum_, to grow.]

CONCREW, kon-kr[=oo]', _v.i._ (_Spens._) to concrete.

CONCUBINE, kong'k[=u]-b[=i]n, _n._ a woman who cohabits or lives with a man without being married.--_n._ CONC[=U]'BINAGE, state of living together as man and wife without being married.--_adj._ CONC[=U]'BINARY. [Fr.,--L.

_concubina_--_con_, together, _cub[=a]re_, to lie down.]

CONCUPISCENCE, kon-k[=u]'pis-ens, _n._ violent desire: sexual appetite: lust.--_adjs._ CONC[=U]'PISCENT, CONC[=U]'PISCIBLE. [Fr.,--L.

_concupiscentia_--_concupisc[)e]re_--_con_, inten., _cup[)e]re_, to desire.]

CONCUPY, kong'k[=u]-pi, _n._ (_Shak._) concubine, or concupiscence, according to Schmidt.

CONCUR, kon-kur', _v.i._ to run together: to meet in one point: to coincide: to act together: to agree: to assent to:--_pr.p._ concur'ring; _pa.p._ concurred'.--_ns._ CONCUR'RENCE, the meeting of lines: union: joint action: assent; CONCUR'RENCY.--_adj._ CONCUR'RENT, of lines meeting in the same point: coming, acting, or existing together: united: accompanying.--_n._ one that concurs: a competitor: one who accompanies a sheriff's officer as witness.--_adv._ CONCUR'RENTLY.--_adj._ CONCUR'RING, agreeing. [L. _concurr[)e]re_, from _con_, together, _curr[)e]re_, _cursum_, to run.]

CONCUSS, kon-kus', _v.t._ to disturb: to overawe: to coerce.--_n._ CONCUS'SION, state of being shaken: a violent shock caused by the sudden contact of two bodies: any undue pressure or force exerted upon any one.--_adj._ CONCUSS'IVE, having the power or quality of concussion. [L.

_concussus_--_con_, together, _quat[)e]re_, to shake.]

CONCYCLIC, kon-s[=i]'klik, _adj._ (_geom._) lying on the circumference of one circle.

CONDEMN, kon-dem', _v.t._ to pronounce guilty: to censure or blame: to sentence to punishment: to give up to some fate: to pronounce unfit for use.--_adj._ CONDEM'NABLE, blamable.--_n._ CONDEMN[=A]'TION, state of being condemned: blame: cause of being condemned.--_adj._ CONDEM'NATORY, expressing or implying condemnation.--_p.adj._ CONDEMNED', pronounced to be wrong, guilty, or useless: belonging or relating to one who is sentenced to punishment, e.g. 'condemned cell:' declared dangerous and to be removed, as a house, bridge, &c. [L. _condemn[=a]re_, from _con_, inten., and _damn[=a]re_, to damage.]

CONDENSE, kon-dens', _v.t._ to compress or reduce by pressure into smaller compass: to reduce to a denser form, as vapour to liquid.--_n._ CONDENSABIL'ITY, the quality of being condensable.--_adj._ CONDENS'ABLE, capable of being compressed.--_v.t._ CONDENS'[=A]TE, to condense: to compress into a closer form.--_v.i._ to become dense: to harden:--_pr.p._ condens'[=a]ting; _pa.p._ condens'[=a]ted.--_ns._ CONDENS[=A]'TION, act of condensing; CONDENS'ER, an apparatus for reducing vapours to a liquid form: an appliance for collecting or condensing electricity. [L.

_condens[=a]re_--_con_, inten., and _densus_, dense.]