Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume II Part 119

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume II Part 119

_indic[=a]re_, -_[=a]tum_--_in_, in, _dic[=a]re_, to proclaim.]

INDICT, in-d[=i]t', _v.t._ to charge with a crime formally or in writing, esp. by a grand-jury.--_adj._ INDICT'ABLE.--_ns._ INDICTEE', one who is indicted; INDICT'MENT, formal accusation: the written accusation against one who is to be tried by jury: (_Scots law_) the form under which a criminal is put to trial at the instance of the Lord Advocate.--FIND AN INDICTMENT, said of the grand-jury when they are satisfied of the truth of the accusation, and endorse the bill, _A true bill_. [L. _indict[=a]re_, freq. of _indic[)e]re_, _indictum_, to declare--_in_, in, _dic[)e]re_, to say.]

INDICTION, in-dik'shun, _n._ a proclamation: a cycle of fifteen years, instituted by Constantine the Great for fiscal purposes, and adopted by the popes as part of their chronological system: a year bearing a number showing its place in a fifteen years' cycle, dating from 313 A.D.

INDIFFERENT, in-dif'[.e]r-ent, _adj._ without importance: uninteresting: of a middle quality: neutral: unconcerned.--_n._ one who is indifferent or apathetic: that which is indifferent.--_ns._ INDIFF'ERENCE, INDIFF'ERENCY, INDIFF'ERENTISM, indifference: (_theol._) the doctrine that religious differences are of no moment: (_metaph._) the doctrine of absolute identity--i.e. that to be in thought and to exist are one and the same thing; INDIFF'ERENTIST.--_adv._ INDIFF'ERENTLY, in an indifferent manner: tolerably: passably: without distinction, impartially.

INDIGENOUS, in-dij'en-us, _adj._ native born or originating in: produced naturally in a country.--_adj._ and _n._ IN'DIGENE.--_adv._ INDIG'ENOUSLY.

[L. _indigena_, a native--_indu_, or _in_, and _gen_-, root of _gign[)e]re_, to produce.]

INDIGENT, in'di-jent, _adj._ in need of anything: destitute of means of subsistence: poor.--_n._ IN'DIGENCE.--_adv._ IN'DIGENTLY. [Fr.,--L.

_indigens_, -_entis_, pr.p. of _indig[)e]re_--_indu_, or _in_, in, _eg[=e]re_, to need.]

INDIGEST, in-di-jest', _adj._ not digested, shapeless.--_n._ a crude mass, disordered state of affairs.--_adj._ INDIGEST'ED, not digested: unarranged: not methodised.--_ns._ INDIGESTIBIL'ITY, INDIGEST'ION, want of digestion: painful digestion.--_adj._ INDIGEST'IBLE, not digestible: not easily digested: not to be received or patiently endured.--_adv._ INDIGEST'IBLY.--_adj._ INDIGEST'IVE, dyspeptic. [L. _indigestus_, unarranged--_in_, not, _diger[)e]re_, to arrange, digest.]

INDIGN, in-d[=i]n', _adj._ not worthy: disgraceful. [L. _in_, not, _dignus_, worthy.]

INDIGNANT, in-dig'nant, _adj._ affected with anger and disdain.--_n._ INDIG'NANCE (_Spens._).--_adv._ INDIG'NANTLY.--_n._ INDIGN[=A]'TION, the feeling caused by what is unworthy or base: anger mixed with contempt: effect of indignant feeling.--_v.t._ INDIG'NIFY (_Spens._), to treat indignantly or disdainfully.--_n._ INDIG'NITY, unmerited contemptuous treatment: incivility with contempt or insult: (_Spens._) unworthiness, base conduct. [L. _indignans_, -_antis_, pr.p. of _indign[=a]ri_, to consider as unworthy--_in_, not, _dignus_, worthy.]

INDIGO, in'di-go, _n._ a blue dye obtained from the stalks of the indigo plant.--INDIGO BLUE, the blue colouring matter of indigo, a crystalline solid, colourless and tasteless; INDIGO PLANT, a plant of the genus _Indigofera_, from which indigo is obtained. [Sp. _indico_--L. _indicum_, from _Indicus_, Indian.]

INDIRECT, in-di-rekt', _adj._ not direct or straight: not lineal or in direct succession: not related in the natural way, oblique: not straightforward or honest.--_adv._ INDIRECT'LY.--_ns._ INDIRECT'NESS, INDIREC'TION (_Shak._), indirect course or means, dishonest practice.--INDIRECT EVIDENCE, or TESTIMONY, circumstantial or inferential evidence; INDIRECT OBJECT (_gram._), a substantive word dependent on a verb less immediately than an accusative governed by it; INDIRECT SYLLOGISM (_logic_), a syllogism which can be made more cogent and useful by the process called reduction.

INDISCERNIBLE, in-diz-[.e]rn'i-bl, _adj._ not discernible.--_adv._ INDISCERN'IBLY.

INDISCIPLINE, in-dis'i-plin, _n._ want of discipline, disorder.--_adj._ INDIS'CIPLINABLE.

INDISCOVERABLE, in-dis-kuv'[.e]r-a-bl, _adj._ not discoverable.

INDISCREET, in-dis-kr[=e]t', _adj._ not discreet: imprudent: injudicious.--_adv._ INDISCREET'LY.--_ns._ INDISCREET'NESS, INDISCRETION (-kresh'-), want of discretion: rashness: an indiscreet act.

INDISCRIMINATE, in-dis-krim'i-n[=a]t, _adj._ not distinguishing: promiscuous.--_adv._ INDISCRIM'INATELY.--_adjs._ INDISCRIM'INATING, INDISCRIM'INATIVE, not discriminative.--_n._ INDISCRIMIN[=A]'TION.

INDISPENSABLE, in-dis-pens'a-bl, _adj._ that cannot be dispensed with: absolutely necessary.--_ns._ INDISPENSABIL'ITY, INDISPENS'ABLENESS.--_adv._ INDISPENS'ABLY.

INDISPOSE, in-dis-p[=o]z', _v.t._ to render indisposed, averse, or unfit.--_pa.p._ and _adj._ INDISPOSED', averse: slightly disordered in health.--_ns._ INDISPOS'EDNESS, INDISPOSI'TION, state of being indisposed: disinclination: slight illness.

INDISPUTABLE, in-dis'p[=u]-ta-bl, _adj._ certainly true: certain.--_n._ INDIS'PUTABLENESS.--_adv._ INDIS'PUTABLY.

INDISSOCIABLE, in-dis-[=o]'shi-a-bl, _adj._ incapable of being separated.

INDISSOLUBLE, in-dis'ol-[=u]-bl, _adj._ that cannot be broken or violated: inseparable: binding for ever.--_ns._ INDISS'OLUBLENESS, INDISSOLUBIL'ITY.--_adv._ INDISS'OLUBLY.

INDISSOLVABLE, in-dis-ol'va-bl, _adj._ that cannot be dissolved.

INDISTINCT, in-dis-tingkt', _adj._ not plainly marked: confused: not clear to the mind: dim, imperfect, as of the senses.--_adj._ INDISTINCT'IVE, not capable of making distinctions.--_n._ INDISTINCT'IVENESS.--_adv._ INDISTINCT'LY.--_ns._ INDISTINCT'NESS, INDISTINC'TION, confusion: absence of distinction, sameness.

INDISTINGUISHABLE, in-dis-ting'gwish-a-bl, _adj._ that cannot be distinguished.--_n._ INDISTIN'GUISHABLENESS.--_adv._ INDISTIN'GUISHABLY.

INDITE, in-d[=i]t', _v.t._ to compose or write: (_B._) to arrange for utterance or writing: (_Shak._) to invite.--_v.i._ to compose.--_ns._ INDITE'MENT; INDIT'ER. [O. Fr. _enditer_, a doublet of indict.]

INDIUM, in'di-um, _n._ a soft malleable silver-white metallic element.

INDIVERTIBLE, in-di-vert'i-bl, _adj._ not capable of being turned aside out of a course.

INDIVIDABLE, in-di-v[=i]d'a-bl, _adj._ (_Shak._) that cannot be divided.

INDIVIDUAL, in-di-vid'[=u]-al, _adj._ not divisible without loss of identity: subsisting as one: pertaining to one only, of a group where each constituent is different from the others: (_Milt._) inseparable.--_n._ a single person, animal, plant, or thing.--_n._ INDIVIDUALIS[=A]'TION.--_v.t._ INDIVID'UAL[=I]SE, to stamp with individual character: to particularise.--_ns._ INDIVID'UALISM, individual character: independent action as opposed to co-operation: that theory which opposes interference of the State in the affairs of individuals, opposed to _Socialism_ or _Collectivism_: (_logic_) the doctrine that individual things alone are real: the doctrine that nothing exists but the individual self; INDIVID'UALIST.--_adj._ INDIVIDUALIST'IC.--_n._ INDIVIDUAL'ITY, separate and distinct existence: oneness: distinctive character.--_adv._ INDIVID'UALLY.--_v.t._ INDIVID'U[=A]TE, to individualise: to make single.--_n._ INDIVIDU[=A]'TION, the question as to what it is that distinguishes one organised or living being, or one thinking being, from all others. [L. _individuus_--_in_, not, _dividuus_, divisible--_divid[)e]re_, to divide.]

INDIVISIBLE, in-di-viz'i-bl, _adj._ not divisible.--_n._ (_math._) an indefinitely small quantity.--_ns._ INDIVISIBIL'ITY, INDIVIS'IBLENESS.--_adv._ INDIVIS'IBLY.

INDO-CHINESE, in'd[=o]-ch[=i]-n[=e]z', _adj._ of or pertaining to Indo-China, the south-eastern peninsula of Asia.

INDOCILE, in-d[=o]'s[=i]l, or in-dos'il, _adj._ not docile: not disposed to be instructed--also IND[=O]'CIBLE.--_n._ INDOCIL'ITY.

INDOCTRINATE, in-dok'trin-[=a]t, _v.t._ to instruct in any doctrine: to imbue with any opinion.--_ns._ INDOCTRIN[=A]'TION; INDOC'TRINATOR.

INDO-EUROPEAN, in'd[=o]-[=u]-r[=o]-p[=e]'an, _adj._ a term applied to the family of languages variously called Aryan, Japhetic, Sanscritic, Indo-Germanic, generally classified into seven great branches--viz. Indic, Iranian or Persic, Celtic, Greek, Italic, Slavo-Lettic, Teutonic.

INDOLENT, in'd[=o]-lent, _adj._ indisposed to activity.--_ns._ IN'DOLENCE, IN'DOLENCY.--_adv._ IN'DOLENTLY. [L. _in_, not, _dolens_, _-entis_, pr.p.

of _dol[=e]re_, to suffer pain.]

INDOMITABLE, in-dom'it-a-bl, _adj._ that cannot be tamed: not to be subdued.--_adv._ INDOM'ITABLY.

INDOOR, in'd[=o]r, _adj._ performed indoors.--_adv._ IN'DOORS, within doors.--INDOOR RELIEF, support given to paupers in public buildings, as opposed to _Outdoor relief_, or help given them at their own homes.


INDRA, in'dra, _n._ the god of the firmament and of rain. [Sans.]

INDRAUGHT, in'draft, _n._ a drawing of something, as air, into a place.

INDRAWN, in'drawn, _adj._ drawn in: manifesting mental abstraction.

INDRENCH, in-drensh', _v.t._ (_Shak._) to overwhelm with water.

INDUBIOUS, in-d[=u]'bi-us, _adj._ not dubious: certain.

INDUBITABLE, in-d[=u]'bit-a-bl, _adj._ that cannot be doubted: certain.--_n._ IND[=U]'BITABLENESS.--_adv._ IND[=U]'BITABLY.

INDUCE, in-d[=u]s', _v.t._ to prevail on: to cause or produce in any way: (_obs._) to place upon: (_physics_) to cause, as an electric state, by mere proximity of surfaces.--_ns._ INDUCE'MENT, that which induces or causes: incentive, motive: (_law_) a statement of facts introducing other important facts; INDUC'ER.--_adj._ IND[=U]'CIBLE.--INDUCED CURRENT (_elect._), a current set in action by the influence of the surrounding magnetic field, or by the variation of an adjacent current. [L. _induc[)e]re_, _inductum_--_in_, into, _duc[)e]re_, to lead.]

INDUCT, in-dukt', _v.t._ to introduce: to put in possession, as of a benefice.--_adj._ INDUC'TILE, that cannot be drawn out into wire or threads.--_ns._ INDUCTIL'ITY; INDUC'TION, introduction to an office, especially of a clergyman: an introduction, a prelude independent of the main work, but giving some notion of its aim and meaning: the act or process of reasoning from particular cases to general conclusions: (_physics_) the production by one body of an opposite electric state in another by proximity.--_adjs._ INDUC'TIONAL, INDUC'TIVE.--_n._ INDUC'TION-COIL, an electrical machine consisting of two coils of wire, in which every variation of the primary or inner current induces a current in the outer or secondary circuit.--_adv._ INDUC'TIVELY.--_n._ INDUC'TOR.--INDUCTION BY SIMPLE ENUMERATION, logical induction by enumeration of all the cases singly; INDUCTIVE PHILOSOPHY, Bacon's name for science founded on induction or observation; INDUCTIVE REASONING, opp. to _Deductive reasoning_ (see DEDUCTIVE); INDUCTIVE SCIENCE, any special branch of science founded on positive and observable fact. [See INDUCE.]


INDULGE, in-dulj', _v.t._ to yield to the wishes of: not to restrain, as the will, &c.--_v.i._ (with _in_) to gratify one's appetites freely.--_ns._ INDUL'GENCE, gratification: forbearance of present payment: in the R.C.

Church, a remission, to a repentant sinner, of the temporal punishment which remains due after the sin and its eternal punishment have been remitted (_Plenary_ indulgences, such as remit all; _Partial_, a portion of the temporal punishment due to sin; _Temporal_, those granted only for a time; _Perpetual_ or _Indefinite_, those which last till revoked; _Personal_, those granted to a particular person or confraternity; _Local_, those gained only in a particular place): exemption of an individual from an ecclesiastical law.--_adjs._ INDUL'GENT, yielding to the wishes of others: compliant: not severe; INDULGEN'TIAL.--_adv._ INDUL'GENTLY.--_ns._ INDUL'GER; INDULT', a license granted by the Pope, authorising something to be done which the common law of the Church does not sanction.--DECLARATION OF INDULGENCE, a proclamation of James II. in 1687, by which he promised to suspend all laws tending to force the conscience of his subjects. [L.

_indulg[=e]re_, to be kind to--_in_, in, and prob. L. _dulcis_, sweet.]