Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume III Part 111

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume III Part 111

RACONTEUR, ra-kong-t[.e]r', _n._ a story-teller. [Fr.]


RACOVIAN, ra-k[=o]'vi-an, _n._ a 17th-cent. Polish Socinian--their seminary being at _Rakow_.

RACY, r[=a]'si, _adj._ having a strong flavour imparted by the soil, as wine: exciting to the mind by strongly characteristic thought or language: spirited: pungent, as a _racy_ story: peculiar to the race.--_adv._ R[=A]'CILY.--_n._ R[=A]'CINESS. [_Race_, a family.]

RAD, rad (_Spens._), _pa.t._ of _read_ and _ride_.

RAD, rad, _adj._ (_Scot._) afraid.

RAD, rad, _n._ short for _radical_.

RADDLE, rad'l, _v.t._ to interweave: to beat.--_n._ a hedge formed by interweaving the branches of trees: a hurdle: split wood like laths: a wooden bar used in domestic weaving. [Perh. a transposed form of _hurdle_; or perh. formed from _wreathe_, or _writhe_, and confused with _hurdle_.]

RADDLE, rad'l, _n._ a layer of red pigment--also REDD'LE.--_v.t._ to colour coarsely, as with raddle: to do work in a slovenly way. [_Ruddle._]

RADE, r[=a]d, old form of _rode_.

RADIAL, r[=a]'di-al, _adj._ shooting out like a ray or radius: pertaining to the radius of the forearm: (_bot._) developing uniformly on all sides.--_ns._ R[=A]DI[=A]'LE, the radiocarpal bone:--_pl._ R[=A]DI[=A]'LIA; R[=A]DI[=A]'LIS, a radial muscle, artery, or nerve:--_pl._ R[=A]DI[=A]'LES; R[=A]DIALIS[=A]'TION, arrangement in radiating forms.--_v.t._ R[=A]'DIALISE, to make ray-like: to cause to radiate.--_n._ R[=A]DIAL'ITY, radial symmetry.--_adv._ R[=A]'DIALLY, in the manner of a radius or of rays.--_adjs._ R[=A]'DIOCAR'PAL, pertaining to the wrist or carpus; R[=A]'DIOMUS'CULAR, pertaining to the radius and to muscles; R[=A]'DIO-UL'NAR, pertaining to the radius and the ulna.--RADIAL ARTERY, the smaller of the branches of the branchial artery at the elbow.

RADIAN, r[=a]'di-an, _n._ the angle subtended at the centre of a circle by an arc equal to the radius.

RADIANT, r[=a]'di-ant, _adj._ emitting rays of light or heat: issuing in rays: beaming with light: shining: (_her._) edged with rays.--_n._ (_opt._) the luminous point from which light emanates: (_astron._) the centre point from which meteoric showers proceed: (_geom._) a straight line from a point about which it is conceived to revolve.--_ns._ R[=A]'DIANCE, R[=A]'DIANCY, quality of being radiant: brilliancy: splendour.--_adv._ R[=A]'DIANTLY.--_adj._ R[=A]'DIOUS (_obs._), radiant.--RADIANT ENERGY, energy in the form of light or radiant heat; RADIANT HEAT, heat proceeding in rays or direct lines from a centre. [L. _radians_, _-antis_, pr.p. of _radi[=a]re_, _-[=a]tum_, to radiate--_radius._]

RADIATA, r[=a]-di-[=a]'ta, the lowest of Cuvier's four great divisions of the animal kingdom--the organs of sense and motion disposed as rays round a centre.

RADIATE, r[=a]'di-[=a]t, _v.i._ to emit rays of light: to shine: to proceed in direct lines from any point or surface.--_v.t._ to send out in rays: to furnish with rays.--_adjs._ R[=A]'DI[=A]TE, -D, formed of rays diverging from a centre: (_bot._) consisting of a disc in which the florets are tubular: (_min._) having crystals diverging from a centre: belonging to the _Radiata_: in coins, represented with rays proceeding from a centre, as a head or bust.--_adv._ R[=A]'DIATELY, in a radiate manner: with radiation from a centre.--_adj._ R[=A]DI[=A]'TIFORM, having the appearance of being radiate.--_adv._ R[=A]'DIATINGLY.--_n._ R[=A]DI[=A]'TION, act of radiating: the emission and diffusion of rays of light or heat.--_adj._ R[=A]'DIATIVE.--_n._ R[=A]'DIATOR, a body which radiates or emits rays of light or heat: a part of a heating apparatus for a room.--_adj._ R[=A]'DIATORY.--_ns._ R[=A]DIOFLAGELL'ATA, marine animalcules; R[=A]'DIOGRAPH, an instrument by which solar radiation is measured.--_adj._ R[=A]DIOL[=A]'RIAN, pertaining to the ooze at the bottom of the sea, composed of the shells of RADIOL[=A]'RIANS, a class of marine rhizopod _Protozoa_, so called from their having thread-like processes of living matter radiating outwards on all sides.--_ns._ R[=A]D[=I]'OLUS, one of the barbules of the main shaft of a feather; R[=A]DIOM'ETER, an instrument consisting of four horizontal arms of very fine glass, carefully poised so as to revolve easily on a point, the whole contained in a glass vessel almost exhausted of air--the arms move round under light or heat, more or less swiftly according to the strength of the rays.--_adj._ R[=A]DIOMET'RIC.--_ns._ R[=A]DIOMICROM'ETER, an instrument for measuring very small amounts of heat; R[=A]'DIOPHONE, an instrument for producing or transmitting sound by heat-rays.--_adj._ R[=A]DIOPHON'IC.--_ns._ R[=A]DIOPHON'ICS, R[=A]'DIOPHONY, the production of sound by radiant heat; R[=A]'DIUM, a rare element whose radiations act upon photographic plates and have properties like the X-rays.

RADICAL, rad'i-kal, _adj._ pertaining to the root or origin: original: fundamental: intrinsic: primitive: implanted by nature: not derived: serving to originate: (_bot._) proceeding immediately from the root: (_politics_) ultra-liberal, democratic.--_n._ a root: a primitive word or letter: one who advocates radical reform, an uncompromising democratic politician: (_chem._) the base of a compound.--_v.t._ RAD'ICALISE, to make radical.--_v.i._ to become radical, adopt radical political principles.--_n._ RAD'ICALISM, the principles or spirit of a radical or democrat.--_adv._ RAD'ICALLY.--_n._ RAD'ICALNESS. [_Radix._]

RADICATE, rad'i-k[=a]t, _adj._ deeply rooted: firmly established: (_zool._) fixed at the bottom as if rooted: (_conch._) adhering like a limpet.--_v.t._ to root: to plant or fix deeply and firmly:--_pr.p._ rad'ic[=a]ting; _pa.p._ rad'ic[=a]ted.--_adjs._ RAD'ICANT (_bot._), sending out roots from the stem above the ground; RADIC[=A]'RIAN, relating to roots; RAD'ICATED, rooted.--_ns._ RADIC[=A]'TION, the act or process of radicating or taking root deeply: (_bot._) the disposition of the root with respect to the ascending or descending stem; RAD'ICEL, a rootlet.--_adjs._ RADICIC'OLOUS, RADIC'OLOUS, living on roots, pertaining to the root-form of the phylloxera; RADICIFL[=O]'ROUS, flowering from the root; RADIC'IFORM, like a root.--_n._ RAD'ICLE, a little root: the part of a seed which in growing becomes the root.--_adjs._ RAD'IC[=O]SE, having a large root; RADIC'[=U]LAR, pertaining to a radicle.--_n._ RAD'IC[=U]LE (_bot._), that end of the embryo which is opposite to the cotyledons.--_adj._ RADIC'[=U]L[=O]SE (_bot._), covered with rootlets: radicose, having a large root. [L. _radic[=a]ri_, _-[=a]tus_, to take root--_radix_, a root.]

RADISH, rad'ish, _n._ an annual whose succulent pungent root is eaten raw as a salad.--_ns._ RAD'ISH-FLY, an American insect; SEA'SIDE-RAD'ISH, the wild radish. [Fr. _radis_--Prov. _raditz_--L. _radix_, _radicis_, a root.]

RADIUS, r[=a]'di-us, _n._ (_geom._) a straight line from the centre to the circumference of a circle: anything like a radius, as the spoke of a wheel: a ray: (_anat._) the exterior bone of the arm: (_bot._) the ray of a flower: the movable arm of a sextant: one of the radiating lines of a geometrical spider's web:--_pl._ R[=A]'DII ([=i]).--_ns._ R[=A]'DIUS-BAR, -ROD, in a steam-engine, a rod pivoted at one end and connected at the other with a concentrically moving part at a fixed distance.--RADIUS VECTOR (_pl._ _Radii vectores_), the distance from a fixed origin to any point of a curve. [L., a rod.]

RADIX, r[=a]'diks, _n._ a root: primitive source: a primitive word from which other words are formed: the base of a system of logarithms:--_pl._ RADICES (r[=a]-d[=i]'s[=e]z). [L. _radix_, _radic-is_.]

RADOUB, ra-d[=oo]b', _n._ the refitting of a ship. [Fr., _radouber_, to mend. Cf. _Redub_.]

RADULA, rad'[=u]-la, _n._ the tongue or lingual ribbon of a mollusc.--_adjs._ RAD'[=U]LAR; RAD'[=U]L[=A]TE; RAD[=U]LIF'EROUS, bearing a radula; RAD'[=U]LIFORM, rasp-like: like a file. [L.,--_rad[)e]re_, to scrape.]

RAFF, raf, _n._ the sweepings of society, the rabble: the riff-raff: rubbish: a low worthless fellow, a rowdy.--_v.t._ (_obs._) to snatch, to sweep off.--_adj._ RAFF'ISH, worthless. [O. Fr. _raffer_, to catch; cog.

with Ger. _raffen_, to snatch; cf. _Riff-raff_.]

RAFF, RAFFE, raf, _n._ (_naut._) a three-cornered sail set on a schooner when before the wind.--Also RAFF'IE.


RAFFLE, raf'l, _n._ a kind of sale by chance or lottery in which the price is subscribed equally by all who hope to win.--_v.i._ to try a raffle.--_n._ RAFF'LER. [Fr. _rafle_, a certain game of dice--_rafler_, to sweep away--Ger. _raffeln_, freq. of _raffen_ (A.S. _reafian_), to seize.]

RAFFLE, raf'l, _n._ lumber, rubbish. [Cf. _Raff_ (1).]

RAFFLED, raf'ld, _adj._ having the edge finely notched.

RAFFLESIA, raf-l[=e]'zi-a, _n._ a remarkable genus of apetalous parasitic plants, named after Sir T. Stamford _Raffles_ (1781-1826), British governor in Sumatra (1818).

RAFT, raft, _n._ (_U.S._) a miscellaneous or promiscuous lot. [A variant of _Raff_ (1).]

RAFT, raft, _n._ a collection of pieces of timber fastened together for a support on the water: planks conveyed by water.--_v.t._ to transport on a raft: to form into a raft.--_v.i._ to manage a raft, travel by raft.--_ns._ RAFT'-BRIDGE, a bridge supported on rafts; RAFT'-DOG, an iron bar fitted for securing logs in a raft; RAFT'-DUCK, the black-head duck of the United States; RAFT'-PORT, a square hole in some ships for convenience in loading and unloading timber; RAFT'-ROPE, a rope used in whaling-vessels for stringing blubber; RAFTS'MAN, one who guides a raft. [Ice. _raptr_ (pron.

_raftr_), a rafter--_raf_, _raefr_, a roof; cf. Old High Ger. _r[=a]fo_, a spar.]

RAFTER, raft'[.e]r, _n._ an inclined beam supporting the roof of a house.--_v.t._ to furnish with rafters.--_n._ RAFT'ER-BIRD, the spotted fly-catcher.--PRINCIPAL RAFTER, a main timber in supporting the weight of a roof. [A.S. _raefter_, a beam; Ice. _raptr_ (_raftr_), a beam; Dan. _raft_, a pole.]

RAG, rag, _n._ a fragment of cloth: a rock having a rough irregular surface: a remnant, scrap: a beggarly person: anything rent or worn out.--_adj._ made of rags.--_v.t._ to make ragged.--_v.i._ to become ragged, to fray: (_U.S. slang_) to dress (_out_).--_ns._ RAG'ABASH, a low fellow; RAG'AMUFFIN, a low, disreputable person.--_adj._ RAG'AMUFFINLY.--_ns._ RAG'-BUSH, in some heathen countries, a bush dedicated to some deity and decorated with rags torn from the clothes of pilgrims; RAG'-DUST, the refuse of rags used by dyers; RAG'-FAIR, a fair or market for rags, old clothes, &c.; RAG'GERY, rags collectively; RAG'GING, the first rough separation of the ore from dross; RAG'-MAN, a man who collects or deals in rags; RAG'-MON'EY (_slang_), paper money; RAG'-PICK'ER, one who collects rags, &c., from ash-heaps, dung-hills, &c.: a machine for tearing old rags, &c., to pieces; RAG'-SHOP, a shop where rag-pickers dispose of their finds; RAG'-SORT'ER, one who sorts out rags for paper-making; RAG'-STONE, RAGG, an impure limestone, consisting chiefly of lime and silica; RAG'-TAG, the rabble; RAG'WEED, any plant of the composite genus _Ambrosia_; RAG'WHEEL, a wheel with teeth or cogs on the rim, which fit into the links of a chain or into rackwork: a cutlass polishing-wheel; RAG'-WOOL, shoddy; RAG'WORK, mason-work built of small stones about the size of bricks: a manufacture from strips of rag.--RAG-TAG AND BOBTAIL, a rabble. [Ice. _rogg_, shagginess.]

RAG, rag, _v.t._ to banter, torment.--Also _n._ [Perh. from the previous word; others refer to Ice. _raegja_, to calumniate; cog. with A.S. _wregan_, to accuse.]

RAGBOLT, rag'b[=o]lt, _n._ an iron pin with barbed shank.

RAGE, r[=a]j, _n._ violent excitement: enthusiasm: rapture: furious anger: intensity: any object much sought after, the fashion.--_v.i._ to be furious with anger: to exercise fury: to prevail fatally, as a disease: to be violently agitated, as the waves.--_v.t._ to enrage.--_adjs._ RAGE'FUL, full of rage, furious; R[=A]'GING, acting with rage, violence, or fury.--_adv._ R[=A]'GINGLY.--All the rage (_coll._), quite the fashion.

[Fr.,--L. _rabies_--_rab[)e]re_, to rave.]

RAGG, rag, _n._ (_geol._)=_Ragstone_. See under RAG (1).

RAGGED, rag'ed, _adj._ torn or worn into rags: having a rough edge: ruggedly uneven, jagged: wearing ragged clothes: shabby.--_adv._ RAGG'EDLY.--_ns._ RAGG'EDNESS; RAGG'ED-ROB'IN, the cuckoo flower; RAGG'ED-SAIL'OR, the prince's feather-plant; RAGG'ED-SCHOOL, a school for the destitute; RAGG'ED-STAFF (_her._), a knotted stick with short stumps of branches on each side. [Cf. _Rag_.]

RAGGEE, rag'[=e], _n._ a species of millet, grown in Southern India.


RAGGLE, rag'l, _v.t._ to notch irregularly.--_n._ a ragged piece. [Freq. of _rag_.]

RAGLAN, rag'lan, _n._ a loose, wide-sleeved overcoat. [From Lord _Raglan_ (1788-1855), commander of the English forces in the Crimea.]

RAGMAN-ROLL, rag'man-r[=o]l, _n._ a parchment roll with pendent seals, any important document, esp. the collection of instruments by which the Scotch nobles subscribed allegiance to Edward I. of England, 1291-2-6, and at the parliament of Berwick: a vague story (cf. _Rigmarole_). [Prob. Ice.

_ragmenni_, a craven--_ragr_, cowardly (A.S. _earg_), _madhr_, man.]

RAGNARoK, rag'na-r[=oo]k', _n._ the end of the world when the gods (Odin, Thor, &c.) shall be overcome by their enemies and the world burnt up. [Ice.

_ragna rokr_, twilight of the gods--_rogn_, _regin_, the gods, _rokr_, darkness; but orig. _ragna rok_, the history of the gods--_rok_, reason, judgment.]

RAGOUT, ra-g[=oo]', _n._ a stew of meat with kitchen herbs, the French equivalent of Irish stew: any spicy mixture or combination, even of persons. [Fr.,--_ragouter_, to restore the appetite--L. _re_, again, Fr.

_a_ (=_ad_), to, _gout_--L. _gustus_, taste.]

RAGULY, rag'[=u]-li, _adj._ (_her._) ragged or notched at the edges.--Also RAG'ULED.

RAGWORT, rag'wurt, _n._ any one of several herbs of genus _Senecio_: a large coarse weed with a yellow flower.--GOLDEN RAGWORT, a North American plant; WOOLLY RAGWORT, a plant from one to three feet high, found in the United States, and covered with hoary wool. [_Rag_, and A.S. _wyrt_, a plant.]