Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume III Part 11

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume III Part 11

[_No_ and _thing_.]

NOTICE, n[=o]t'is, _n._ act of noting or observing: attention: observation: information: warning: a writing containing information: public intimation: civility or respectful treatment: remark.--_v.t._ to mark or see: to regard or attend to: to mention: to make observations upon: to treat with civility.--_adj._ NOT'ICEABLE, that can be noticed: worthy of notice: likely to be noticed.--_adv._ NOT'ICEABLY.--_n._ NOT'ICE-BOARD, a board on which a notice is fixed.--GIVE NOTICE, to warn beforehand: to inform.

[Fr.,--L. _notitia_--_nosc[)e]re_, _notum_, to know.]

NOTIFY, n[=o]'ti-f[=i], _v.t._ to make known: to declare: to give notice or information of:--_pa.t._ and _pa.p._ n[=o]'tified.--_adj._ N[=O]'TIFIABLE, that must be made known.--_n._ NOTIFIC[=A]'TION, the act of notifying: the notice given: the paper containing the notice. [Fr.,--L. _notific[=a]re_, _-[=a]tum_--_notus_, known, _fac[)e]re_, to make.]

NOTION, n[=o]'shun, _n._ the art of forming a conception in the mind of the various marks or qualities of an object: the result of this act, a conception: opinion: belief: judgment: a caprice or whim: any small article ingeniously devised or invented, usually in _pl._--_adj._ N[=O]'TIONAL, of the nature of a notion: ideal: fanciful.--_adv._ N[=O]'TIONALLY, in notion or mental apprehension: in idea, not in reality.--_n._ N[=O]'TIONIST, one who holds ungrounded opinions. [Fr.,--L. _notion-em_--_nosc[)e]re_, _notum_, to know.]

NOTITIA, n[=o]-tish'i-a, _n._ a roll, list, register: a catalogue of public functionaries, with their districts: a list of episcopal sees. [L.; cf.


NOTOBRANCHIATE, n[=o]-t[=o]-brang'ki-[=a]t, _adj._ and _n._ having dorsal gills, belonging to NOTOBRANCHI[=A]'TA, an order of worms having such. [Gr.

_n[=o]tos_, the back, _brangchia_, gills.]

NOTOCHORD, n[=o]'t[=o]-kord, _n._ a simple cellular rod, the basis of the future spinal column, persisting throughout life in many lower vertebrates, as the amphioxus, &c.--_adj._ N[=O]'TOCHORDAL. [Gr. _n[=o]tos_, the back, _chord[=e]_, a string.]

NOTODONTIFORM, n[=o]-t[=o]-don'ti-form, _adj._ resembling a tooth-back or moth of the family _Notodontidae_. [Gr. _n[=o]tos_, back, _odous_, tooth, L.

_forma_, form.]

NOTONECTAL, n[=o]-t[=o]-nek'tal, _adj._ swimming on the back, as certain insects: related to the _Notonectidae_, a family of aquatic bugs, the boat-flies or water-boatmen. [Gr. _n[=o]tos_, the back, _n[=e]kt[=e]s_, a swimmer.]

NOTOPODAL, n[=o]-top'[=o]-dal, _adj._ pertaining to the NOTOP'ODA, a division of decapods, including the dromioid crabs, &c.--Also NOTOP'ODOUS.

[Gr. _n[=o]tos_, the back, _pous_, _podos_, the foot.]

NOTOPODIUM, n[=o]-t[=o]-p[=o]'di-um, _n._ the dorsal or upper part of the parapodium of an annelid, a dorsal oar.--_adj._ NOTOP[=O]'DIAL. [Gr.

_n[=o]tos_, the back, _pous_, _podos_, the foot.]

NOTORIOUS, no-t[=o]'ri-us, _adj._ publicly known (now used in a bad sense): infamous.--_n._ NOTOR[=I]'ETY, state of being notorious: publicity: public exposure.--_adv._ NOT[=O]'RIOUSLY.--_n._ NOT[=O]'RIOUSNESS. [Low L.

_notorius_--_not[=a]re_, _-[=a]tum_, to mark--_nosc[)e]re_.]

NOTORNIS, n[=o]-tor'nis, _n._ a genus of gigantic ralline birds, with wings so much reduced as to be incapable of flight, which have within historical times become extinct in New Zealand, &c. [Gr. _n[=o]tos_, the south, _ornis_, a bird.]

NOTOTHERIUM, n[=o]-t[=o]-th[=e]'ri-um, _n._ a genus of gigantic fossil kangaroo-like marsupials, found in Australia. [Gr. _n[=o]tos_, the south, _th[=e]rion_, a wild beast.]

NOTOTREMA, n[=o]-t[=o]-tr[=e]'ma, _n._ the pouch-toads, a genus of _Hylidae_.--_adj._ NOTOTREM'ATOUS. [Gr. _n[=o]tos_, the back, _tr[=e]ma_, a hole.]

NOTOUR, no-t[=oo]r', _adj._ (_Scot._) well known, notorious.

NOTT-HEADED, not'-hed'ed, _adj._ (_Shak._) having the hair cut bare.--NOTT'-PAT'ED. [A.S. _hnot_, shorn.]

NOTUM, n[=o]'tum, _n._ the dorsal aspect of the thorax in insects. [Gr.

_n[=o]tos_, the back.]

NOTUS, n[=o]'tus, _n._ the south or south-west wind. [L.]

NOTWITHSTANDING, not-with-stand'ing, _prep._ in spite of.--_conj._ in spite of the fact that, although.--_adv._ nevertheless, however, yet. [Orig. a participial phrase in nominative absolute=L. _non obstante_.]

NOUGAT, n[=oo]-ga', _n._ a confection made of a sweet paste filled with chopped almonds or pistachio-nuts. [Fr. (cf. Sp. _nogado_, an almond-cake)--L. _nux_, _nucis_, a nut.]

NOUGHT, nawt, _n._ not anything: nothing.--_adv._ in no degree.--SET AT NOUGHT, to despise. [Same as _Naught_.]

NOUL, n[=o]l, _n._ (_Spens._) the top of the head. [A.S. _hnoll_, top or summit.]

NOULD, n[=oo]ld (_Spens._), would not. [A contr. of _ne would_.]

NOUMENON, n[=oo]'me-non, _n._ an unknown and unknowable substance or thing as it is in itself--opp. to _Phenomenon_, or the form through which it becomes known to the senses or the understanding:--_pl._ NOU'MENA.--_adj._ NOU'MENAL. [Gr. _noumenon_, pa.p. of _noein_, to perceive--_nous_, the mind.]

NOUN, nown, _n._ (_gram._) the name of any person or thing.--_adj._ NOUN'AL. [O. Fr. _non_ (Fr. _nom_)--L. _nomen_, name.]

NOURICE, nur'is, _n._ (_Spens._) a nurse. [_Nurse._]

NOURISH, nur'ish, _v.t._ to suckle: to feed or bring up: to support: to help forward growth in any way: to encourage: to cherish: to educate.--_adjs._ NOUR'ISHABLE, able to be nourished.--_n._ NOUR'ISHER.--_adj._ NOUR'ISHING, giving nourishment.--_n._ NOUR'ISHMENT, the act of nourishing or the state of being nourished: that which nourishes: nutriment. [O. Fr. _norir_ (Fr. _nourrir_)--L. _nutr[=i]re_, to feed.]

NOURSLE, nurs'l, _v.t._ to nurse: to bring up.--Also NOUS'LE. [_Nuzzle._]

NOUS, nows, _n._ intellect: talent: common-sense. [Gr.]

NOVACULITE, n[=o]-vak'[=u]-l[=i]t, _n._ a hone-stone.

NOVALIA, n[=o]-v[=a]'li-a, (_Scots law_) waste lands newly reclaimed.

NOVATIAN, n[=o]-v[=a]'shi-an, _adj._ of or pertaining to _Novatianus_, who had himself ordained Bishop of Rome in opposition to Cornelius (251), and headed the party of severity against the lapsed in the controversy about their treatment that arose after the Decian persecution.--_ns._ NOV[=A]'TIANISM; NOV[=A]'TIANIST.

NOVATION, n[=o]-v[=a]'shun, _n._ the substitution of a new obligation for the one existing: innovation.

NOVEL, nov'el, _adj._ new: unusual: strange.--_n._ that which is new: a new or supplemental constitution or decree, issued by certain Roman emperors, as Justinian, after their authentic publications of law (also NOVELL'A): a fictitious prose narrative or tale presenting a picture of real life, esp.

of the emotional crises in the life-history of the men and women portrayed.--_n._ NOVELETTE', a small novel.--_v.t._ NOV'ELISE, to change by introducing novelties: to put into the form of novels.--_v.i._ to make innovations.--_n._ NOV'ELIST, a novel-writer: an innovator.--_adj._ NOVELIST'IC.--_n._ NOV'ELTY, newness: unusual appearance: anything new, strange, or different from anything before:--_pl._ NOV'ELTIES. [O. Fr.

_novel_ (Fr. _nouveau_)--L. _novellus_--_novus_.]

NOVEMBER, n[=o]-vem'b[.e]r, _n._ the eleventh month of our year. [The _ninth_ month of the Roman year; L., from _novem_, nine.]

NOVENA, n[=o]-v[=e]'na, _n._ a devotion lasting nine days, to obtain a particular request, through the intercession of the Virgin or some saint.

[L. _novenus_, nine each, _novem_, nine.]

NOVENARY, nov'en-a-ri, _adj._ pertaining to the number nine.--_adj._ NOVENE', going by nines. [L. _novenarius_--_novem_, nine.]

NOVENNIAL, n[=o]-ven'yal, _adj._ done every ninth year. [L.

_novennis_--_novem_, nine, _annus_, a year.]

NOVERCAL, n[=o]-v[.e]r'kal, _adj_. pertaining to or befitting a stepmother.

[L. _novercalis_--_noverca_, a stepmother.]

NOVERINT, nov'e-rint, _n._ a writ--beginning with the words _noverint universi_--let all men know. [3d pers. pl. perf. subj. of _nosc[)e]re_, to know.]

NOVICE, nov'is, _n._ one new in anything: a beginner: one newly received into the church: an inmate of a convent or nunnery who has not yet taken the vow.--_ns._ NOV'ICESHIP; NOVI'CIATE, NOVI'TIATE, the state of being a novice: the period of being a novice: a novice. [Fr.,--L.

_novitius_--_novus_, new.]

NOVUM, n[=o]'vum, _n._ (_Shak._) a certain game at dice, in which the chief throws were nine and five.