Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume I Part 103

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume I Part 103

CAVICORN, kav'i-korn, _adj._ hollow-horned, as a ruminant.--_n._ one of the CAVICOR'NIA, a family contrasted with the solid-horned ruminants, or deer (_Cervidae_). [L. _cavus_, hollow, _cornu_, a horn.]

CAVIE, k[=a]v'i, _n._ a hen-coop or cage. [Dut. _kevie_; Ger. _kafig_.]

CAVIL, kav'il, _v.t._ to make empty, trifling objections: to use false arguments:--_pr.p._ cav'illing; _pa.p._ cav'illed.--_n._ a frivolous objection.--_ns._ CAVILL[=A]'TION, CAV'ILLING; CAV'ILLER. [O. Fr.

_caviller_--L. _cavill[=a]ri_, to practise jesting--_cavilla_, jesting.]

CAVITY, kav'it-i, _n._ a hollow place: hollowness: an opening.--_adj._ CAV'ITIED. [L. _cavitas_, _-tatem_--_cavus_, hollow.]

CAVO-RILIEVO, ka'v[=o]-r[=e]-ly[=a]'v[=o], _n._ a kind of relief in which the highest surface is level with the plane of the original stone, which is left round the outlines of the design.--Also INTAGLIO-RILIEVO and COELANAGLYPHIC SCULPTURE. [It. _cavo_, hollow, _rilievo_, relief. See CAVE and RELIEF.]

CAVORT, kav-ort', _v.i._ (_U.S. slang_) to curvet, bound. [Explained as a corr. of CURVET.]

CAVY, k[=a]v'i, _n._ a genus of Rodents, best known by the domesticated species, the common guinea-pig. [_Cabiai_, the native name in French Guiana.]

CAW, kaw, _v.i._ to cry as a crow.--_n._ the cry of a crow--also KAW.--_n._ CAW'ING. [From the sound.]

CAWK, kawk, _n._ a miner's familiar name for heavy spar. [Prov. Eng.

_cauk_, CHALK.]


CAXON, kak'son, _n._ a kind of wig formerly worn. [Origin obscure.]

CAXTON, kaks'ton, _n._ a book printed by William _Caxton_ (1422-91), the first English printer: a kind of printing-type in imitation of Caxton's.

CAY, k[=a], _n._ a low islet, the same as KEY. [Sp. _cayo_.]

CAYENNE, k[=a]-en', CAYENNE-PEPPER, k[=a]-en'-pep'[.e]r, _n._ a very pungent red pepper, made from several species of capsicum.--_adj._ CAYENNED', seasoned with cayenne. [Usually referred to _Cayenne_ in French Guiana; but there is little doubt the word is Brazilian.]

CAYMAN, k[=a]'man, _n._ a local name loosely applied to various species of alligator--to that of the Mississippi, and more frequently to others found in tropical or subtropical America. [Sp. _caiman_, most prob. Carib.]


CEASE, s[=e]s, _v.i._ to give over: to stop: to be at an end (with _from_).--_v.t._ to put an end to.--_n._ (_Shak._) extinction.--_adj._ CEASE'LESS, without ceasing: incessant.--_adv._ CEASE'LESSLY.--_n._ CEAS'ING.--WITHOUT CEASE, continually. [Fr. _cesser_--L. _cess[=a]re_, to give over--_ced[)e]re_, to yield, give up.]


CEBUS, s[=e]'bus, _n._ a genus of South American monkeys--CEBIDae (seb'i-d[=e]) is sometimes applied to all the broad-nosed New-World monkeys (Platyrrhini) with prehensile tails, in contrast to the Pithecidae. [Gr.


CECIDOMYIA, ses-i-dom-[=i]'ya, _n._ a genus of dipterous (two-winged) insects in the Tipularia (gnat and mosquito) division. [Gr. _k[=e]kis_, _-idos_, juice.]

CECILS, s[=e]'silz, minced meat, bread crumbs, onions, &c., made up into balls and fried.

CECITY, s[=e]'si-ti, _n._ blindness. [L. _caecitas_--_caecus_, blind.]

CEDAR, s[=e]'dar, _n._ a large evergreen tree remarkable for the durability and fragrance of its wood; applied also to many more or less similar trees, as the Barbadoes cedar, properly a juniper, and the Bastard Barbadoes cedar, properly a _Cedrela_ (used for canoes, cigar-boxes, blacklead pencils).--_adj._ made of cedar.--_adjs._ C[=E]'DARED, covered with cedars; C[=E]'DARN (_Milton_), pertaining to or made of cedar; C[=E]'DRINE, belonging to the cedar-tree; C[=E]'DRY, obsolete form of C[=E]'DARY, having the colour or properties of cedar. [L.--Gr. _kedros_.]

CEDE, s[=e]d, _v.t._ to yield or give up to another.--_v.i._ to give way.

[L. _ced[)e]re_, _cessum_, to yield, give up.]

CEDILLA, se-dil'la, _n._ a mark placed under the letter _c_ (thus _c_), esp. in French, to show that it is to have its soft sound of _s_, where one would expect the hard, as before _a_, _o_, _u_. [Sp. (Fr. _cedille_, It.

_zediglia_), all from _z[=e]ta_, the Greek name of _z_.]

CEDRATE, s[=e]'dr[=a]t, _n._ the citron. [Fr.,--L. _citrus_.]

CEDRELA, sed'r[=e]-la, _n._ a tropical genus of _Meliaceae_, allied to mahogany, whose wood is popularly called cedar.--_adj._ CEDREL[=A]'CEOUS.

[Gr. _kedrelat[=e]_--_kedros_, cedar, _elat[=e]_, the silver fir.]

CEDULA, sed'[=u]-la, _n._ a South American promissory-note or mortgage-bond on lands. [Sp. Cf. SCHEDULE.]

CEE-SPRING, C-SPRING, s[=e]'-spring, _n._ a spring supporting the frame of a carriage, in the shape of a C.

CEIL, CIEL, s[=e]l, _v.t._ to overlay the inner roof of a room, generally to plaster it: to wainscot.--_n._ CEIL'ING, the inner roof of a room.

[Prob. conn. with Fr. _ciel_, It. _cielo_, Low L. _caelum_, a canopy.]

CELADON, sel'a-don, _n._ a pale-green colour. [Fr.]

CELANDINE, sel'an-d[=i]n, _n._ swallow-wort, the popular name (and corruption) of _Chelidonium majus_, a perennial papaveraceous (poppy) herb, so named because it was supposed to flower when the swallows appeared, and to perish when they departed. [O. Fr. _celidoine_--Gr.

_chelidonion_--_chelid[=o]n_, a swallow.]

CELEBRATE, sel'e-br[=a]t, _v.t._ to make famous: to distinguish by solemn ceremonies, as a festival or an event: to perform with proper rites and ceremonies, as mass, the eucharist, marriage, &c.: to publish the praises of.--_n._ CEL'EBRANT, one who celebrates: the principal officiant at the holy communion.--_adj._ CEL'EBRATED, distinguished: famous.--_ns._ CELEBR[=A]'TION, act of celebrating any solemn ceremony, as the eucharist (_high_, if with music, &c.; _low_, if without): an extolling; CELEBR[=A]T'OR, one who celebrates; CELEB'RITY, the condition of being celebrated: fame: notoriety: a person of distinction or fame. [L.

_celebr[=a]re_, _-[=a]tum_--_celeber_, frequented.]

CELERITY, sel-er'it-i, _n._ quickness: rapidity of motion. [Fr.,--L.

_celeritas_--_celer_, quick.]

CELERY, sel'er-i, _n._ a kitchen vegetable cultivated for its long blanched succulent stalks. [Fr. _celeri_--L. and Gr. _sel[=i]non_, parsley.]

CELESTIAL, sel-est'yal, _adj._ heavenly: dwelling in heaven: in the visible heavens.--_n._ an inhabitant of heaven.--_adv._ CELEST'IALLY.--THE CELESTIAL EMPIRE, a name for China. [Through Fr. from L.

_coelestis_--_coelum_, heaven.]

CELESTINE, sel'es-t[=i]n, or sel-es'tin, _n._ one of an order of monks following the rule of St Benedict, wearing a white garment with black hood and scapulary, founded about 1254 by Peter da Murrone, who became Pope _Celestine_ V. in 1294, and resigned after five years--'the great refusal'

of Dante.

CELESTINE, sel'es-tin, _n._ a mineral, native sulphate of strontia.--Also CEL'ESTITE. [From its sky-blue colour.]

CELIAC, s[=e]'li-ak, _adj._ Same as COELIAC.

CELIBACY, sel'i-bas-i, or se-lib'as-i, _n._ a single life: an unmarried state.--_adjs._ CELIBAT[=A]'RIAN, favouring celibacy; CEL'IBATE, living single.--_n._ one unmarried, or not allowed to marry. [L. _coelebs_, single.]

CELL, sel, _n._ a small room in a prison, monastery, &c.: a cave: a small shut cavity: the grave: a unit-mass of living matter, whether rounded off by itself, as in the simplest plants or animals, and in the youngest stage of all organisms, or associated with other cells to form a higher unity.--_adjs._ CELLED, having cells, cellular; CELLIF'EROUS, having or producing cells; CELL'ULAR, CELL'ULATED, consisting of or containing cells.--_n._ CELL'ULE, a little cell.--_adj._ CELLULIF'EROUS, having or producing little cells.--_n._ CELL'ULOID, a hard elastic compound used for ivory, obtained by hydraulic pressure from pyroxylin, mixed with camphor, &c.--_adj._ CELL'ULOSE, containing cells.--_n._ the substance of which the permanent cell-membranes of plants are composed. [O. Fr. _celle_--L.

_cella_, conn. with _cel[=a]re_, to cover.]

CELLA, sel'a, _n._ the body of the temple, as distinguished from the portico, &c.

CELLAR, sel'ar, _n._ any underground room or vault: a cell underground, where stores are kept, esp. wine, &c.--_v.t._ to store in a cellar.--_ns._ CELL'ARAGE, space for cellars: cellars: charge for storing in cellars; CELL'ARER, CELL'ARIST, one who has charge of the cellar: an officer in a monastery who has the charge of procuring and keeping the provisions; CELL'ARET, an ornamental case for holding bottles; CELL'ARMAN, one who has the care of a cellar.--_adj._ CELL'AROUS (_Dickens_), belonging to a cellar: excavated: sunken. [O. Fr. _celier_--L. _cellarium_--_cella_.]