Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume III Part 102

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume III Part 102

PUTAMEN, p[=u]-t[=a]'men, _n._ the hard bony stone of some fruits--cherry, peach, &c.: the soft shell of an egg: the outer and darker portion of the lenticular nucleus of the brain. [L.,--_put[=a]re_, to prune.]

PUTATIVE, p[=u]'t[=a]-tiv, _adj._ supposed: reputed: commonly supposed to be.--_n._ PUT[=A]'TION, act of considering, estimation.--PUTATIVE MARRIAGE, a marriage prohibited by canon law, but entered into in good faith by at least one of the parties. [Fr.,--L. _putativus_--_put[=a]re_, _-[=a]tum_, to suppose.]

PUTCHOCK, p[=oo]-chok', _n._ the fragrant costus-root, exported from India to China--a chief ingredient in the Chinese pastille-rod, commonly called _jostick_.--ALSO PUTCHUK'. [Perh. Telegu _p[=a]ch'ck[=a]ku_, 'green leaf;'

or more prob. Malay.]

PUTEAL, p[=u]'t[=e]-al, _n._ a well-curb. [L.,--_puteus_, a well.]

PUTELI, put'e-li, _n._ a flat-bottomed Ganges boat.

PUTID, p[=u]'tid, _adj._ rotten: stinking: worthless.--_n._ P[=U]'TIDNESS.

[L. _putidus_, putrid.]

PUT-LOG, put'-log, _n._ a cross-piece in a scaffolding, the inner end resting in a hole left in the wall.

PUTOIS, pu-twa', _n._ a brush of polecat's hair for pottery. [Fr.]

PUTOO, put'[=oo], _n._ a dish made of palmyra-nut meal, scraped coco-nut, &c.

PUTORIUS, p[=u]-t[=o]'ri-us, _n._ a large family of _Mustelidae_, including weasels, stoats, polecats, ferrets, &c.

PUTREFY, p[=u]'tre-f[=i], _v.t._ to make putrid or rotten: to corrupt.--_v.i._ to become putrid: to rot:--_pa.t._ and _pa.p._ p[=u]'trefied.--_adjs._ P[=U]TRED'INOUS, having an offensive smell; PUTREF[=A]'CIENT (also _n._), PUTREFAC'TIVE, pertaining to or causing putrefaction.--_ns._ PUTREFAC'TION, the act or process of putrefying: rottenness: corruption; PUTREFAC'TIVENESS; PUTRES'CENCE.--_adjs._ PUTRES'CENT, becoming putrid: pertaining to putrefaction; P[=U]'TRID, in a state of decay: showing putrefaction: stinking: rotten: corrupt.--_ns._ PUTRID'ITY, P[=U]'TRIDNESS, state of being putrid: corrupt matter: rottenness: corruption.--_adj._ P[=U]'TRIFIABLE, liable to putrefy. [O. Fr.

_putrefier_--L. _putrefac[)e]re_, to make putrid--_puter_, _putris_, rotten.]

PUTT, put, _v.i._ in golf, to play with a putter.--_n._ a short stroke made with a putter in attempting to hole a ball.--_ns._ PUTT'ER, one who throws a stone: one who takes coal along underground roads: a short, stiff golf-club used in putting; PUTT'ER-ON (_Shak._), an instigator; PUTT'ER-OUT (_obs._), one who deposited money on going abroad, on condition of receiving a larger sum on his return, the money to be forfeited in case of non-return; PUTT'ING, the act of hurling a heavy stone from the hand by a sudden push from the shoulder: the act of striking a golf-ball when near a hole, so as to cause it to fall into it; PUTT'ING-GREEN, the prepared ground immediately round a hole in a golf-course; PUTT'ING-STONE, a heavy stone raised by the hand and thrust forward from the shoulder, as a trial of strength and skill. [_Put._]

PUTTIES, put'tiz, strips of cloth wound round the legs, from ankle to knee, as leggings.

PUTTOCK, p[=oo]t'ok, _n._ (_Shak._) a kite, a buzzard.

PUTTOO, put'[=oo], _n._ a cloth made in Cashmere from the longer and coarser wool of the goat.

PUTTY, put'i, _n._ an oxide of tin, or of lead and tin, used in polishing glass, &c.--_jewellers' putty_: a cement of whiting and linseed-oil, used in glazing windows: a fine cement of lime only--_plasterers'

putty._--_v.t._ to fix or fill with putty:--_pa.t._ and _pa.p._ putt'ied.--_n._ PUTT'IER, a glazier.--_adj._ PUTT'Y-FACED, having a face resembling putty in pastiness or colour.--_ns._ PUTT'Y-KNIFE, a knife with a blunt, flexible blade for laying on putty; PUTT'Y-POW'DER, an artificially prepared oxide of tin used for polishing glass; PUTT'Y-ROOT, an American orchid the corm of whose root-stock contains a highly glutinous matter; PUTT'Y-WORK, decoration in a soft substance which grows very hard.

[O. Fr. _potee_, properly that which is contained in a pot, Fr. _pot._]

PUT-UP, poot'-up, _adj._ speciously conceived, planned, or carried out.


PUTURE, p[=u]'t[=u]r, _n._ the claim to food for man, horse, and dog within the bounds of a forest, &c.--Also PUL'T[=U]RE. [O. Fr. _peulture_.]

PUXI, puk'si, _n._ the edible larvae of various flies of the genus _Ephydra_, found in the alkali lakes of western North America. [Mex. Ind.]

PUY, pw[=e], _n._ one of the small volcanic cones in Auvergne, &c. [Fr.]

PUZZEL, puz'l, _n._ (_obs._) a drab. [Fr. _pucelle_.]

PUZZLE, puz'l, _n._ a difficulty to be solved: perplexity: something to try the ingenuity, as a toy or riddle.--_v.t._ to set a difficult question to: to pose: to perplex.--_v.i._ to be bewildered: to think long and carefully (with _out_, _over_).--_ns._ PUZZ'LEDOM (_coll._), bewilderment; PUZZ'LE-HEAD, one who is puzzle-headed.--_adj._ PUZZ'LE-HEAD'ED, having the head full of confused notions.--_ns._ PUZZ'LE-HEAD'EDNESS; PUZZ'LEMENT, the state of being puzzled; PUZZ'LE-MONK'EY (same as MONKEY-PUZZLE, q.v.); PUZZ'LE-PEG, a piece of wood so secured under a dog's jaw as to keep his nose from the ground; PUZZ'LER; PUZZ'LE-RING, a ring made of several small rings intricately linked together, capable of being taken apart and put together again.--_adj._ PUZZ'LING, posing: perplexing.--_adv._ PUZZ'LINGLY.

[From M. E. _opposaile_ (Eng. _opposal_), an objection--_opposen_, _posen_.

Cf. _Pose_ and _Oppose_.]

PUZZOLANA, puz-[=o]-la'na, _n._ a loosely coherent volcanic sand found at _Pozzuoli_, near Naples, forming a hydraulic cement with ordinary lime.--Also PUZZOLa'NO, POZZUOLa'NA.

PYaeMIA, PYEMIA, p[=i]-[=e]'mi-a, _n._ a disease caused by the introduction into the blood of decomposing matter, from pus, &c.--_adjs._ PYae'MIC, PY[=E]'MIC. [Gr. _pyon_, pus, _haima_, blood.]

PYCNID, pik'nid, _n._ a special receptacle in ascomycetous fungi, resembling a perithecium, in which stylospores or pycnospores are produced--also PYCNID'IUM.--_n._ PYC'NOSPORE, a stylospore. [Gr. _pyknos_, thick.]

PYCNITE, pik'n[=i]t, _n._ a columnar variety of topaz.

PYCNOGONIDA, pik-n[=o]-gon'i-da, a division of marine arthropods, the sea-spiders.--_adj._ PYCNOG'ONOID. [Gr. _pyknos_, thick, _gony_, the knee.]

PYCNOMETER, pik-nom'e-t[.e]r, _n._ an instrument for determining the specific gravity of solid bodies. [Gr. _pyknos_, thick, _metron_, measure.]

PYCNON, pik'non, _n._ (_mus._) a small interval in Greek music, a quarter-tone: in medieval music, a semi-tone. [Gr. _pyknos_, thick.]

PYCNOSTYLE, pik'n[=o]-st[=i]l, _adj._ (_archit._) noting a lower degree of intercolumniation, usually 1 diameters. [Gr. _pyknos_, thick, _stylos_, a column.]


PYELITIS, p[=i]-e-l[=i]'tis, _n._ inflammation of the pelvis of the kidney--also _Endonephritis_.--_adjs._ PYELIT'IC; PYELONEPHRIT'IC.--_n._ PYELONEPHR[=I]'TIS, inflammation of the kidney and renal pelvis. [Gr.

_pyelos_, the pelvis, _nephros_, the kidney.]

PYENGADU, p[=i]-eng'ga-d[=oo], _n._ a large acacia-like tree of Burma, India, &c., with reddish-brown wood of great heaviness and hardness.--Also PYN'KADO.

PYGAL, p[=i]'gal, _adj._ belonging to the rump or posteriors of an animal.--_n._ the posterior median or supracaudal plate of a chelonian carapace.--_n._ PY'GARG, a kind of antelope: the osprey or sea-eagle. [Gr.

_pyg[=e]_, the rump, _argos_, white.]

PYGMY, PIGMY, pig'mi, _n._ one of a fabulous dwarfish race of antiquity: a dwarf: any diminutive thing: one of several pygmy races in equatorial Africa and elsewhere: one of the ancient diminutive dwellers in underground houses, &c., in whom David MacRitchie sees the historical originals of the fairies and elves of folklore.--_adj._ resembling a pygmy: very small.--_adj._ PYGM[=E]'AN, dwarfish: diminutive. [O. Fr. _pigme_, _pygme_--L. _Pygmaei_--Gr. _Pygmaioi_, the Pygmies, a (Gr.) _pygm[=e]_--13 in. long--_pygm[=e]_, fist.]

PYGOPUS, p[=i]'g[=o]-pus, _n._ a genus of Australian lizards.

PYGOSTYLE, p[=i]'g[=o]-st[=i]l, _n._ the vomer or ploughshare bone of a bird's tail.--_adj._ PY'GOSTYLED. [Gr. _pyg[=e]_, the rump, _stylos_, a column.]

PYJAMAS, pe-ja'maz, loose drawers or trousers tied round the waist, in India, used also by Europeans.--Also PAIJa'MAS, PAJa'MAS. [Hind.

_p[=a]ej[=a]ma_, lit. 'leg-clothing.']

PYLON, p[=i]'lon, _n._ a gateway to an Egyptian temple: the mass of building through which the gateway was pierced. [Gr. _pyl[=o]n_--_pyl[=e]_, a gate.]

PYLORUS, pi-l[=o]'rus, _n._ the lower opening of the stomach leading to the intestines.--_adj._ PYLOR'IC. [L.,--Gr. _pyl[=o]ros_--_pyl[=e]_, an entrance, _ouros_, a guardian.]

PYOGENESIS, p[=i]-[=o]-jen'e-sis, _n._ the formation of pus.--_adjs._ PYOGENET'IC, PYOGEN'IC, PY'OID.--_ns._ PYOPOI[=E]'SIS, suppuration; PYOP'TYSIS, expectoration of pus; PYORRH[=E]'A, purulent discharge; PY[=O]'SIS, the formation of pus.

PYRAMID, pir'a-mid, _n._ a solid figure on a triangular, square, or polygonal base, with triangular sides meeting in a point: (_pl._) 'the Pyramids,' or great monuments of Egypt: a game played on a billiard-table in which the balls are arranged in pyramid shape.--_adjs._ PYRAM'IDAL, PYRAMID'IC, -AL, having the form of a pyramid.--_advs._ PYRAM'IDALLY, PYRAMID'ICALLY.--_ns._ PYRAMID'ICALNESS; PYRAMID'ION, the small pyramidal apex of an obelisk; PYRAM'IDIST, one versed in the history of the Pyramids; PYR'AMIS (_Shak._), a pyramid:--_pl._ PYRAM'IDES.--_adjs._ PYR'AMOID, PYRAM'IDOID. [L.,--Gr. _pyramis_, _pyramidos_; prob. Egypt. _pir-em-us_.

Some connection with Gr. _pyr_, fire.]

PYRAMIDON, pi-ram'i-don, _n._ in organ-building a stop having wooden pipes in the form of an inverted pyramid, giving very deep notes somewhat like those of a stopped diapason.

PYRARGYRITE, p[=i]-rar'ji-r[=i]t, _n._ an ore of silver consisting of the sulphide of silver and antimony. [Gr. _pyr_, fire, _argyros_, silver.]