Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume III Part 84

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume III Part 84

POWAN, pow'an, _n._ (_Scot._) the pollan, vendace, or Coregonus.

POWDER, pow'd[.e]r, _n._ dust: any substance in fine particles: gunpowder, a mixture of charcoal, sulphur, and saltpetre: hair-powder.--_v.t._ to reduce to powder: to sprinkle with powder: to salt by sprinkling.--_v.i._ to crumble into powder: to use powder for the hair.--_n._ POW'DER-BOX, a box for toilet-powder, &c.--_adj._ POW'DERED, reduced to powder: sprinkled with powder: salted.--_ns._ POW'DER-FLASK, POW'DER-HORN, a flask or horn for carrying powder, fitted with a means of measuring the amount of each charge; POW'DERING-GOWN, a loose dressing-gown worn while the hair was being powdered; POW'DERING-TUB, a vessel in which meat is salted: a vessel in which venereal disease is treated by sweating; POW'DER-MAG'AZINE, a strongly built place where powder is stored; POW'DER-MILL, a mill in which gunpowder is made; POW'DER-MINE, an excavation filled with gunpowder for blasting rocks, &c.; POW'DER-MONK'EY, a boy formerly employed to carry powder to the gunners on board a ship-of-war; POW'DER-ROOM, the room in a ship where powder is kept.--_adj._ POW'DERY, resembling or sprinkled with powder: dusty: friable. [O. Fr. _poudre_--L. _pulvis_, _pulveris_, dust.]

POWER, pow'[.e]r, _n._ that in a person or a thing which enables them to act on other persons or things: strength: energy: faculty of the mind: any agency: moving force of anything: right to command: rule: authority: influence: ability: capacity of suffering: a ruler: a divinity: the result of the continued multiplication of a quantity by itself any given number of times: (_optics_) magnifying strength: (_obs._) a great many.--_adjs._ POW'ERED, having power; POW'ERFUL, having great power: mighty: intense: forcible: efficacious.--_adv._ POW'ERFULLY.--_ns._ POW'ERFULNESS; POW'ER-HOUSE, a house where mechanical power (esp. electric) is generated.--_adj._ POW'ERLESS, without power: weak: impotent.--_adv._ POW'ERLESSLY.--_ns._ POW'ERLESSNESS; POW'ER-LOOM, a loom worked by some mechanical power, as water, steam, &c.--POWER OF ATTORNEY (see ATTORNEY); POWER OF SALE, a clause in securities and wills empowering property referred to to be sold on certain conditions; POWERS, or GREAT POWERS (see GREAT).--ABSOLUTE POWER, power subject to no control by law; CIVIL POWER, power of governing a state; MECHANICAL POWERS (see MECHANICAL). [O. Fr.

_poer_ (Fr. _pouvoir_)--Low L. _pot-[)e]re_, to be able.]

POWSOWDY, pow-sow'di, _n._ (_Scot._) any mixture of heterogeneous kinds of food.--Also POWSOW'DIE.

POWTER, pow't[.e]r, _n._ a pigeon, the pouter.

POWWOW, pow'wow, _n._ a Red Indian conjurer: a dance, feast, &c. before an expedition: any rowdy meeting.--_v.i._ to hold such a meeting: to deliberate: to perform conjurations.--Also PAW'WAW.

POX, poks, _n._ pustules: an eruptive disease. [Written for _pocks_, pl. of _pock_.]

POYNANT, poin'ant, _adj._ (_Spens._). Same as POIGNANT.


PRACTICE, prak'tis, _n._ the habit of doing anything: frequent use: state of being used: regular exercise for instruction: performance: method: medical treatment: exercise of any profession: a rule or method in arithmetic.--_ns._ PRACTICABIL'ITY, PRAC'TICABLENESS, quality of being practicable.--_adj._ PRAC'TICABLE, that may be practised, used, or followed: passable, as a road.--_adv._ PRAC'TICABLY.--_adj._ PRAC'TICAL, that can be put in practice: useful: applying knowledge to some useful end: derived from practice.--_ns._ PRACTICAL'ITY; PRAC'TICAL-JOKE, a trick of an annoying kind played on any one; PRAC'TICAL-KNOWL'EDGE, knowledge which results in action.--_adv._ PRAC'TICALLY, in a practical way: actually: by actual trial.--_n._ PRAC'TICALNESS. [M. E. _praktike_--O. Fr.

_practique_--Gr. _praktikos_, fit for doing--_prassein_, to do.]

PRACTICK, PRACTIC, prak'tik, _adj._ (_Spens._, _Shak._) skilful, hence treacherous, deceitful.

PRACTISE, prak'tis, _v.t._ to put into practice or to do habitually: to perform: to exercise, as a profession: to use or exercise: to teach by practice: to commit.--_v.i._ to have or to form a habit: to exercise any employment or profession: to try artifices.--_n._ PRAC'TISANT (_Shak._), an agent.--_adj._ PRAC'TISED, skilled through practice.--_n._ PRAC'TISER.--_adj._ PRAC'TISING, actively engaged in professional employment. [From _practice_.]

PRACTITIONER, prak-tish'un-[.e]r, _n._ one who practises or is engaged in the exercise of any profession, esp. medicine or law.--GENERAL PRACTITIONER, one who practises in all the branches of medicine and surgery. [Older form _practician_--O. Fr. _practicien_.]

PRACTIVE, prak'tiv, _adj._ directly tending towards action.

PRAD, prad, _n._ a horse in thieves' cant.

PRae-. See PRE-.

PRaeMUNIRE, PREMUNIRE, pr[=e]-m[=u]-n[=i]'re, _n._ the offence of disregard or contempt of the king and his government, especially the offence of introducing papal or other foreign authority into England: the writ founded on such an offence: the penalty incurred by the offence. [A corr. of L.

_praemon[=e]re_, to cite.]

PRaeNOMEN, pr[=e]-n[=o]'men, _n._ the name prefixed to the family name in ancient Rome, as _Caius_ in Caius Julius Caesar: the generic name in zoology put before the specific name.

PRaeTEXTA, pr[=e]-teks'ta, _n._ the outer garment, bordered with purple, worn at Rome by the higher magistrates and by free-born children till they assumed the _toga virilis_. [L., _praetex[)e]re_, to fringe.]

PRaeTOR, PRETOR, pr[=e]'tor, _n._ a magistrate of ancient Rome, next in rank to the consuls.--_adjs._ PRaeT[=O]'RIAL, PRET[=O]'RIAL, PRaeT[=O]'RIAN, PRET[=O]'RIAN, pertaining to a praetor or magistrate: authorised or exercised by the praetor: judicial.--_ns._ PRaeT[=O]'RIUM, PRET[=O]'RIUM, the official residence of the Roman praetor, proconsul, or governor in a province: the general's tent in a camp: the council of officers who attended the general and met in his tent; PRae'TORSHIP.--PRaeTORIAN BAND OF GUARD, the bodyguard of the Roman Emperor; PRaeTORIAN GATE, the gate of a Roman camp directly in front of the general's tent, and nearest to the enemy. [L. _praetor_, for _praeitor_--_prae_, before, _[=i]re_, _itum_, to go.]

PRAGMATIC, -AL, prag-mat'ik, -al, _adj._ of or pertaining to public business: skilled in affairs: active: practical: interfering with the affairs of others: officious: meddlesome: self-important.--_n._ PRAGMAT'IC, a man of business, a busybody: a public decree.--_adv._ PRAGMAT'ICALLY.--_ns._ PRAGMAT'ICALNESS, PRAG'MATISM, activity: earnestness: meddlesomeness; PRAG'MATIST.--PRAGMATIC METHOD, a method of treating events with reference to their causes, conditions, and results--also called PRAG'MATISM; PRAGMATIC SANCTION, a special decree issued by a sovereign, such as that passed by the Emperor Charles VI. of Germany, securing the crown to Maria Theresa, and which led to the war so called in 1741. [Fr.,--L.,--Gr. _pragmatikos_--_pragma_--_pragmatos_, deed--_prassein_, to do.]

PRAIRIE, pr[=a]'ri, _n._ an extensive meadow or tract of land, level or rolling, without trees, and covered with tall coarse grass.--_adj._ PRAI'RIED.--_ns._ PRAI'RIE-DOG, a small gregarious North American marmot; PRAI'RIE-HAWK, the American sparrow-hawk; PRAI'RIE-HEN, a gallinaceous North American bird: the sharp-tailed grouse; PRAI'RIE-WAR'BLER, an American warbler, yellow with black spots; PRAI'RIE-WOLF, the coyote.

[Fr.,--Low L. _prataria_, meadow-land--L. _pratum_, a meadow.]

PRAISE, pr[=a]z, _n._ the expression of the honour or value in which any person or thing is held: commendation on account of excellence or beauty: tribute of gratitude: a glorifying, as of God in worship: reason or ground of praise.--_v.t._ to express estimation of: to commend: to honour: to glorify, as in worship.--_n._ PRAIS'ER, one who praises.--_adv._ PRAISE'WORTHILY.--_n._ PRAISE'WORTHINESS.--_adj._ PRAISE'WORTHY, worthy of praise: commendable. [O. Fr. _preis_ (Fr. _prix_)--L. _pretium_, price.]

PRaKRIT, pra'krit, _n._ the collective name of those languages or dialects which are immediately derived from, or stand in an immediate relation to, Sanskrit.--_adj._ PRaKRIT'IC. [Sans. _pr[=a]krita_, the natural--_prakriti_, nature.]

PRAM, pram, _n._ a flat-bottomed Dutch lighter: a barge fitted as a floating battery. [Dut. _praam_.]

PRAM, pram, _n._ a vulgar abbrev. of _perambulator_.

PRANCE, prans, _v.i._ to strut about in a showy or warlike manner: to ride showily: to bound gaily, as a horse.--_adj._ PRANC'ING, riding showily: springing or bounding gaily.--_n._ the action of a horse in rearing, bounding, &c.--_adv._ PRANC'INGLY. [_Prank._]

PRANDIAL, pran'di-al, _adj._ relating to dinner. [L. _prandium_, breakfast.]

PRANK, prangk, _v.t._ to display or adorn showily: to put in right order.--_v.i._ to make great show.--_n._ a sportive action: a mischievous trick.--_n._ PRANK'ER.--_adv._ PRANK'INGLY.--_adjs._ PRANK'ISH, PRANK'SOME.

[Closely akin to _prink_, a form of _prick_.]

PRASE, pr[=a]z, _n._ a leek-green quartz.--_adjs._ PRAS'INE, PRAS'INOUS, lightish-green.

PRATE, pr[=a]t, _v.i._ to talk idly: to tattle: to be loquacious.--_v.t._ to speak without meaning or purpose: to let out, as a secret.--_n._ trifling talk.--_n._ PR[=A]'TER, one who prates or talks idly.--_adj._ PR[=A]'TING, talking idly or unmeaningly.--_n._ idle talk.--_adv._ PR[=A]'TINGLY. [Low Ger. _pr[=a]ten_, Dan. _prate_, Dut. _praaten_.]

PRATIQUE, prat'[=e]k, _n._ converse, intercourse: a license or permission to hold intercourse, or to trade after quarantine. [Fr.]

PRATTLE, prat'l, _v.i._ to talk much and idly: to utter child's talk.--_v.t._ to talk about in a prattling way.--_n._ empty talk.--_ns._ PRATT'LEBOX, a prattler; PRATT'LEMENT, prattle; PRATT'LER, one who prattles: a child. [Freq. of _prate_.]

PRAVITY, prav'i-ti, _n._ wickedness.

PRAWN, prawn, _n._ a small edible crustacean like the shrimp. [L. _perna_, a mussel.]

PRAXIS, praks'is, _n._ practice: an example or a collection of examples for exercise: a specimen.--_n._ PRAX'INOSCOPE, an optical instrument showing a body as if in motion, by means of successive pictures and an arrangement of mirrors in a horizontally rotating box. [Gr. _praxein_, to do.]

PRAY, pr[=a], _v.i._ to ask earnestly: to entreat: to speak and make known one's desires to God.--_v.t._ to ask earnestly and reverently, as in worship: to supplicate: to get by praying:--_pr.p._ pr[=a]y'ing; _pa.t._ and _pa.p._ pr[=a]yed.--_ns._ PRAY'ER, the act of praying: entreaty: the words used: solemn giving of thanks and praise to God, and a making known of our requests to Him: a form of prayer used in worship: a petition to a public body; PRAY'ER-BOOK, a book containing prayers or forms of devotion.--_adj._ PRAY'ERFUL, full of, or given to, prayer: praying much or often: devotional.--_adv._ PRAY'ERFULLY.--_n._ PRAY'ERFULNESS.--_adj._ PRAY'ERLESS, without or not using prayer.--_adv._ PRAY'ERLESSLY.--_ns._ PRAY'ERLESSNESS; PRAY'ER-MEET'ING, a shorter and simpler form of public religious service, in which laymen often take part; PRAY'ER-MONG'ER, one who prays mechanically; PRAY'ER-RUG, a small carpet on which a Moslem kneels at prayer; PRAY'ING, the act of making a prayer: a prayer made.--_adj._ given to prayer.--_ns._ PRAY'ING-MACHINE', -MILL, -WHEEL, a revolving apparatus used for prayer in Tibet and elsewhere. [O. Fr.

_preier_ (Fr. _prier_)--L. _prec[=a]ri_--_prex_, _precis_, a prayer.]

PRE-, pr[=e], before, in compound words like _preanal_, _preauditory_, _preaxial_, _prebasal_, _prebrachial_, _precardiac_, _precentral_, _precerebral_, _precloacal_, _precordial_, _precoracoid_, _predentate_, _pre-esophageal_, &c.

PREACE, pr[=e]s, _n._ (_Spens._). Same as PREASE.

PREACH, pr[=e]ch, _v.i._ to pronounce a public discourse on sacred subjects: to discourse earnestly: to give advice in an offensive or obtrusive manner.--_v.t._ to publish in religious discourses: to deliver, as a sermon: to teach publicly.--_n._ (_coll._) a sermon.--_ns._ PREACH'ER, one who discourses publicly on religious matter: a minister or clergyman; PREACH'ERSHIP.--_v.i._ PREACH'IFY, to preach tediously: to weary with lengthy advice.--_ns._ PREACH'ING, the act of preaching: a public religious discourse: a sermon; PREACH'ING-CROSS, a cross in an open place at which monks, &c., PREACH'ING-FR[=I]'ARS, the Dominicans.--_n._ PREACH'MENT, a sermon, in contempt: a discourse affectedly solemn.--_adj._ PREACH'Y, given to tedious moralising.--PREACH DOWN, and UP, to decry, or the opposite. [Fr. _precher_ (It. _predicare_)--L. _praedic[=a]re_, _-[=a]tum_, to proclaim.]

PREACQUAINT, pr[=e]-ak-kw[=a]nt', _v.t._ to acquaint beforehand.--_n._ PREACQUAINT'ANCE, previous knowledge.

PRE-ADAMITE, pr[=e]-ad'a-m[=i]t, _n._ one who lived before _Adam_.--_adjs._ PREADAM'IC, -AL; PREADAMIT'IC, -AL.

PREADAPTATION, pr[=e]-ad-ap-t[=a]'shun, _n._ previous adjustment of means to some end.

PREADJUSTMENT, pr[=e]-ad-just'ment, _n._ previous arrangement.

PREADMISSION, pr[=e]-ad-mish'un, _n._ previous admission.

PREADMONISH, pr[=e]-ad-mon'ish, _v.t._ to admonish or caution beforehand.--_n._ PREADMONI'TION, previous warning.

PREADVERTISE, pr[=e]-ad-v[.e]r-t[=i]z', _v.t._ to announce beforehand.