Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume IV Part 83

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume IV Part 83

SUCCADE, suk-k[=a]d' _n._ candied fruit.

SUCCEDANEOUS, suk-s[=e]-d[=a]'ne-us, _adj._ acting as a succedaneum: supplying the place of something else: being a substitute.--_n._ SUCCED[=A]'NEUM, one who, or that which, comes in the place of another; a substitute. [L. _succedaneus_--_succed[)e]re_.]

SUCCEED, suk-s[=e]d', _v.t._ to come after, to follow up or in order: to follow: to take the place of.--_v.i._ to follow in order: to take the place of: to obtain one's wish or accomplish what is attempted: to end with advantage.--_adjs._ SUCCEED'ABLE, capable of success; SUCCEED'ANT (_her._), following one another.--_ns._ SUCCEED'ER, one who succeeds: a successor; SUCCESS', act of succeeding or state of having succeeded: the prosperous termination of anything attempted: one who, or that which, succeeds, a successful person or affair.--_adj._ SUCCESS'FUL, resulting in success: having the desired effect or termination: prosperous.--_adv._ SUCCESS'FULLY.--_ns._ SUCCESS'FULNESS, state of being successful: success; SUCCES'SION, act of succeeding or following after: series of persons or things following each other in time or place: series of descendants: race: (_agri._) rotation, as of crops: right to take possession: in Roman and Scots law, the taking of property by one person in place of another.--_adj._ SUCCES'SIONAL, existing in a regular succession or in order.--_adv._ SUCCES'SIONALLY.--_n._ SUCCES'SIONIST, one who regards only that priesthood as valid which can be traced in a direct line of succession from the apostles.--_adj._ SUCCES'SIVE, following in succession or in order.--_adv._ SUCCES'SIVELY.--_n._ SUCCES'SIVENESS.--_adj._ SUCCESS'LESS, without success: unprosperous.--_ns._ SUCCES'SOR, one who succeeds or comes after: one who takes the place of another; SUCCES'SORSHIP.--_adj._ SUCCES'SORY.--SUCCESSION DUTY, a tax imposed on any succession to property, varying with the degree of relationship.--APOSTOLICAL SUCCESSION (see APOSTLE). [L. _succed[)e]re_--_sub_, up, _ced[)e]re_, to go.]

SUCCENTOR, suk-sen'tor, _n._ a subcantor: the bass soloist in a choir. [L.

_succin[)e]re_--_sub_, under, _can[)e]re_, to sing.]

SUCCIDUOUS, suk-sid'[=u]-us, _adj._ on the point of falling.

[L.,--_succid[)e]re_--_sub_, under, _cad[)e]re_, to fall.]

SUCCIFEROUS, suk-sif'e-rus, _adj._ producing sap. [L. _succus_, juice, _ferre_, to bear.]

SUCCIN, suk'sin, _n._ amber.--_n._ SUC'CINATE, a salt of succinic acid.--_adj._ SUCCIN'IC, of, relating to, or drawn from amber.--_n._ SUC'CINITE, amber.--_adj._ SUC'CINOUS, pertaining to amber.--SUCCINIC ACID, a natural constituent of amber, pine-resins, leaves of lettuce, and wormwood, &c. [L. _succinum_, amber.]

SUCCINCT, suk-singkt', _adj._ short: concise.--_adv._ SUCCINCT'LY.--_ns._ SUCCINCT'NESS; SUCCINCT[=O]'RIUM, a band embroidered with an Agnus Dei, worn hanging from the girdle by the pope on some occasions. [L.

_succinctus_--_sub_, up, _cing[)e]re_, to gird.]

SUCCIVOROUS, suk-siv'[=o]-rus, _adj._ feeding on the sap of plants.--_adj._ SUCCOSE (suk'[=o]s), full of juice.

SUCCORY, suk'or-i, _n._ a form of chicory.

SUCCOTASH, suk'o-tash, _n._ a dish consisting of a stew of green Indian corn and beans. [Amer. Ind.]

SUCCOUR, suk'ur, _v.t._ to assist: to relieve.--_n._ aid: relief.--_n._ SUCC'OURER.--_adj._ SUCC'OURLESS, destitute of succour. [L.

_succurr[)e]re_, to run up to--_sub_, up, _curr[)e]re_, to run.]

SUCCUBUS, suk'[=u]-bus, _n._ a demon in female form who consorts with men in their sleep--also SUCC'UBA.--_v.t._ SUCC'UB[=A]TE, to have carnal knowledge of a man by this means.--_adj._ SUCC'UBINE, pertaining to a succubus. [L. _succuba_, a whore, _succumb[)e]re_, to lie down.]

SUCCULENT, suk'[=u]-lent, _adj._ full of juice or moisture: not dry or barren.--_ns._ SUCC'[=U]LENCE, SUCC'[=U]LENCY.--_adv._ SUCC'[=U]LENTLY. [L.

_succulentus_--_succus_, juice--_sug[)e]re_, to suck.]

SUCCUMB, suk-kum', _v.i._ to lie down under: to sink under: to yield, to submit, to die. [L. _sub_, under, _cumb[)e]re_, to lie down.]

SUCCURSAL, suk-ur'sal, _adj._ subsidiary, of the relation of a minor church to a cathedral, &c.

SUCCUS, suk'us, _n._ a fluid secretion, expressed juice.

SUCCUSSIVE, suk-kus'iv, _adj._ characterised by a shaking motion, as that of an earthquake.--_v.t._ SUCCUSS', to shake suddenly.--_ns._ SUCCUSS[=A]'TION, a shaking; SUCCUS'SION, a shaking, a shock: a shaking of the thorax to detect pleural effusion. [L. _succut[)e]re_, _succussum_, to shake below--_sub_, under, _quat[)e]re_, to shake.]

SUCH, such, _adj._ of the like kind: of that quality or character mentioned.--_pron._ denoting a particular person or thing, as in such and such.--_adv._ SUCH'WISE, in such a manner.--SUCH AND SUCH, SUCH OR SUCH, this or that, some, indefinitely; SUCH LIKE (_B._)=_Such_. [A.S. _swylc_, from _swa_, so, and _lic_, like, cog. with Goth. _swaleiks_.]

SUCK, suk, _v.t._ to draw in with the mouth: to draw milk from with the mouth: to imbibe: to drain.--_v.i._ to draw with the mouth: to draw the breast: to draw in.--_n._ act of sucking: milk drawn from the breast: (_slang_) a short drink, esp. a dram of spirits.--_n._ SUCK'ER, one who, or that which, sucks, a sucking-pig: one of various kinds of fish: the organ by which an animal adheres to other bodies: the piston of a suction-pump: a shoot rising from a subterranean stem: a leather disc to the middle of which a string is attached, used by children as a toy: a parasite, toady, sponge: a hard drinker: (_U.S._) a native of Illinois.--_v.t._ to strip off suckers from: to provide with suckers.--_n._ SUCK'ET, a sugar-plum.--_adj._ SUCK'ING, still nourished by milk: young and inexperienced.--_ns._ SUCK'ING-BOT'TLE, a bottle of milk used for infants as a substitute for the breast; SUCK'ING-FISH, a name sometimes given to the _Remora_ or _Echineis_, which has a dorsal sucker, and to other fishes which have a sucker formed by the union of the ventral fins, as the _Lumpsucker_.--SUCK IN, to draw in, imbibe, absorb (_n._ a fraud); SUCK OUT, to draw out with the mouth; SUCK THE MONKEY (see MONKEY); SUCK UP, to draw up into the mouth. [A.S. _sucan_, _sugan_; Ger. _saugen_.]

SUCKEN, suk'n, _n._ (_Scots law_) the district round a mill, the tenants farming which must grind their corn therein.--_n._ SUCK'ENER, a tenant so bound. [_Soken_.]

SUCKLE, suk'l, _v.t._ to give suck to: to nurse at the breast.--_n._ SUCK'LER, a mammal that suckles its young, a SUCK'LERS, red clover.--_n._ SUCK'LING, a young child or animal being nursed at the breast.--_adj._ sucking. [Dim. of _suck_.]

SUCROSE, s[=u]'kr[=o]s, _n._ the white crystalline compound known variously as _cane-sugar_, _beet-sugar_, _maple-sugar_.

SUCTION, suk'shun, _n._ act or power of sucking: act of drawing, as fluids, by exhausting the air.--_n._ SUC'TION-PUMP, the common house-pump--not the force-pump.--_adj._ SUCT[=O]'RIAL, adapted for sucking: living by sucking--also SUCT[=O]'RIOUS.

SUDAMINA, s[=u]-dam'i-na, also called _Military eruption_, one of the vesicular diseases of the skin almost always occurring in association with febrile disorders, particularly acute rheumatism.--_adj._ SUDAM'INAL.

[L. _sud[=a]re_, to sweat.]

SUDATORY, s[=u]'da-tor-i, _adj._ sweating.--_n._ a sweating-bath.--_ns._ S[=U]D[=A]'RIUM, a cloth for wiping off sweat, esp. that of St Veronica on which the features of Jesus on His way to the Cross were miraculously impressed--also S[=U]'DARY; S[=U]D[=A]'TION, excessive sweating; S[=U]DAT[=O]'RIUM, a sweating-bath. [L. _sudatorius_--_sud[=a]re_, _-[=a]tum_.]

SUDDEN, sud'en, _adj._ unexpected: hasty: abrupt.--_adv._ SUD'DENLY.--_n._ SUD'DENNESS, (_Scot._) SUD'DENTY.--ON A SUDDEN, Of a sudden, suddenly, sooner than was expected. [O. Fr. _sodain_--L. _subitaneus_, sudden--_subitus_, coming stealthily--_sub_, up, _[=i]re_, _[=i]tum_, to go.]

SUDDER, sud'[.e]r, _adj._ supreme, chief--in Bengal. [Ar. _sadr_, chief.]

SUDORIFIC, s[=u]-dor-if'ik, _adj._ causing sweat.--_n._ a medicine producing sweat: a diaphoretic.--_n._ S[=U]'DOR, sweat.--_adjs._ S[=U]'DORAL; S[=U]DORIF'EROUS. [L. _sudor_, sweat, _fac[)e]re_, to make.]

SUDRA, s[=u]'dra, _n._ a member of the fourth and lowest of the Hindu castes. [Hind.,--Sans. _c[=u]dra_.]

SUDS, sudz, boiling water mixed with soap. [A.S. _soden_, pa.p. of _seothan_, to seethe; cog. with Ger. _sod_--_sieden_.]

SUE, s[=u], _v.t._ to prosecute at law: to seek after, to try to win.--_v.i._ to make legal claim: to make application: to entreat: to demand (with _for_).--SUED, (_naut._) to be left high and dry.--_n._ S[=U]'ING, the act of bringing a legal suit: wooing.--SUE OUT, to petition for and take out. [M. E. _suen_--O. Fr. _sevre_, _suir_ (Fr. _suivre_)--L.

_sequi_, _secutus_, to follow.]

SUeDE, sw[=a]d, _n._ undressed kid--often _adj._, as 'suede gloves.' [Fr.

_Suede_, Swede.]

SUET, s[=u]'et, _n._ a solid fatty tissue, accumulating about the kidneys and omentum of the ox, sheep, &c.--_adj._ S[=U]'ETY. [O. Fr. _seu_ (Fr.

_suif_)--L. _sebum_, fat.]

SUFFER, suf'[.e]r, _v.t._ to undergo: to endure: to be affected by: to permit.--_v.i._ to feel pain or punishment: to sustain loss: to be injured.--_adj._ SUFF'ERABLE, that may be suffered: allowable.--_n._ SUFF'ERABLENESS.--_adv._ SUFF'ERABLY.--_ns._ SUFF'ERANCE, state of suffering: endurance: permission: toleration; SUFF'ERER; SUFF'ERING, distress, loss, or injury. [L. _sufferre_--_sub_, under, _ferre_, to bear.]

SUFFETE, suf'[=e]t, _n._ one of the suffetes or chief administrative officials of ancient Carthage. [L. _sufes_, _-[)e]tis_--Punic; cf. Heb.

_shophet_, a judge.]

SUFFICE, suf'f[=i]s, _v.i._ to be enough: to be equal to the end in view.--_v.t._ to satisfy.--_n._ SUFFI'CIENCY, state of being sufficient: competence: ability: capacity: conceit.--_adj._ SUFFI'CIENT, sufficing: enough: equal to any end or purpose: competent.--_adv._ SUFFI'CIENTLY.--_n._ SUF'FISANCE (_Spens._), sufficiency. [Fr.,--L.

_suffic[)e]re_, to take the place of--_sub_, under, _fac[)e]re_, to make.]

SUFFIONI, suf-[=e]-[=o]'ni, a name given to the exhalations of hot sulphurous vapours, which are common in volcanic regions. [It.]

SUFFIX, suf'iks, _n._ a particle added to the root of a word.--_v.t._ SUFFIX', to add a letter or syllable to a word to mark different notions and relations.--_adj._ SUFF'IXAL.--_n._ SUFFIX'ION. [L. _suffixus_, _sub_, under, _fig[)e]re_, to fix.]

SUFFLAMINATE, suf-flam'i-n[=a]t, _v.t._ (_obs._) to impede. [L.

_sufflamin[=a]re_, _-[=a]tum_--_suffl[=a]men_, a clog.]

SUFFLATE, suf-fl[=a]t', _v.t._ to blow up, inflate.--_n._ SUFFL[=A]'TION.

[L. _suffl[=a]re_, _-[=a]tum_.]

SUFFOCATE, suf'[=o]-k[=a]t, _v.t._ to choke by stopping the breath: to stifle:--_pa.p._ suff'oc[=a]ted.--_p.adj._ (_Shak._) suffocated.--_p.adj._ SUFF'OC[=A]TING, choking.--_adv._ SUFF'OC[=A]TINGLY.--_n._ SUFFOC[=A]'TION, act of suffocating: state of being suffocated.--_adj._ SUFF'OC[=A]TIVE, tending to suffocate. [L. _suffoc[=a]re_, _-[=a]tum_--_sub_, under, _fauces_, the throat.]

SUFFRAGAN, suf'ra-gan, _adj._ assisting.--_n._ a coadjutor-bishop: any bishop in relation to his metropolitan.--_n._ SUFF'RAGANSHIP.

SUFFRAGE, suf'r[=a]j, _n._ a vote: a vote in approbation of any proposal, hence approval, assent: testimony, witness: any short intercessory prayer.--_n._ SUFF'RAGIST, one who votes: one holding particular opinions about the right of voting. [L. _suffragium_, _saffrag[=a]ri_, to vote for.]