Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume II Part 81

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume II Part 81

HACQUETON (_Spens._). A form of _acton_.

HAD, _pa.t._ and _pa.p._ of _have_: (_B._) held.--_ns._ HAD'DING, HAD'DIN (_Scot._), a holding, residence.

HADDOCK, had'uk, _n._ a sea-fish of the cod family--(_Scot._) HADD'IE. [M.

E. _haddoke_; ety. unknown.]

HADE, h[=a]d, _n._ (_min._) the dip or underlie of a lode or fault.--_v.i._ to underlay or incline from the vertical.

HADES, h[=a]'d[=e]z, _n._ the unseen world: the abode of the dead indefinitely, hell. [Gr. _haid[=e]s_, _had[=e]s_, dubiously derived from _a_, neg., and _idein_, to see.]

HADITH, had'ith, _n._ the body of traditions about Mohammed, supplementary to the Koran. [Ar.]

HADJ, HAJJ, haj, _n._ a Mohammedan pilgrimage to Mecca or Medina.--_ns._ HADJI, HAJJI (haj'i), one who has performed a Hadj. [Ar., 'a pilgrimage.']

HADROSAURUS, had-r[=o]-sa'rus, _n._ a very large Dinosaurian of the Cretaceous epoch--abundant in New Jersey. [Gr. _hadros_, thick, _sauros_, a lizard.]

HAE, h[=a], a Scotch form of _have._

HaeCCEITY, hek-s[=e]'i-ti, h[=e]k-, _n._ Duns Scotus's word for that element of existence on which individuality depends, hereness-and-nowness. [Lit.

'thisness,' L. _haec_.]

HaeMACYTE, HEM-, h[=e]'ma-s[=i]t, _n._ a blood-corpuscle.--_n._ HaeMACYTOM'ETER, an instrument for determining the number of such in a given quantity of blood.

HaeMADYNAMICS, HEM-, h[=e]-ma-di-nam'iks, _n._ the dynamics or theory of the circulation of the blood.

HaeMAL, HEMAL, h[=e]'mal, _adj._ relating to the blood or blood-vessels: ventral, the opposite of _Neural_.--_n._ Hae'MACHROME, the colouring matter of the blood.--_adj._ Hae'MATOID, resembling blood.--HaeMAL ARCH, the position of a vertebra enclosing and protecting the heart and other viscera; HaeMAL CAVITY, the thoracic-abdominal cavity, containing the heart, &c. [Gr. _haima_, blood.]

HaeMANTHUS, h[=e]-man'thus, _n._ a genus of bulbous plants native to Africa, including the Cape tulip. [Gr. _haima_, blood, _anthos_, a flower.]

HaeMASTATIC, HEM-, -AL, h[=e]-ma-stat'ik, -al, _adj._ serving to stop the flow of HaeMASTAT'ICS, the statics of the blood and blood-vessels. [Gr. _haima_, blood, _statikos_, static.]

HaeMATEIN, HEM-, h[=e]-ma-t[=e]'in, _n._ an organic principle derived from the colouring matter of logwood.

HaeMATEMESIS, h[=e]-ma-tem'e-sis, _n._ a vomiting of blood from the stomach.

[Gr. _haima_, _haimat-os_, blood, _emein_, to vomit.]

HaeMATIN, HEM-, h[=e]'ma-tin, hem'a-tin, _n._ a brown substance associated with hemoglobin in the blood.--_adjs._ HaeMAT'IC, Hae' HaeMAT'ICS, that branch of medical science concerned with the blood.

HaeMATITE, HEM-, hem'a-t[=i]t, h[=e]'ma-t[=i]t, _n._ (_min._) a valuable ore of iron, consisting chiefly of peroxide of iron--its two chief varieties, Red Haematite and Brown Haematite.--_adj._ HaeMATIT'IC.

HaeMATOBLAST, h[=e]'ma-to-blast, hem'-, _n._ one of the minute colourless discs, smaller than either the red or white corpuscles, found in the blood.

[Gr. _haima_, _haimat-os_, blood, _blastos_, a germ.]

HaeMATOCELE, HEM-, h[=e]'ma-to-s[=e]l, _n._ a tumour containing blood. [Gr.

_haima_, blood, _k[=e]l[=e]_, a tumour.]

HaeMATOLOGY, h[=e]-ma-tol'o-ji, _n._ the branch of biology which relates to the blood.

HaeMATOSIS, h[=e]-ma-t[=o]'sis, _n._ the formation of blood, the conversion of venous into arterial blood.--_n._ HaeMAT[=O]'SIN, haematin.

HaeMATOXYLIN, HEM-, h[=e]-ma-tok'si-lin, _n._ a dye obtained from the logwood-tree. [Gr. _haima_, blood, _xylon_, wood.]

HaeMATOZOA, h[=e]-ma-to-z[=o]'a, _n._ parasites occurring in the blood. [Gr.

_haima_, _haimat-os_, blood, _z[=o]on_, an animal.]

HaeMATURIA, h[=e]-ma-t[=u]'ri-a, _n._ the discharge of blood with the urine, usually from disease of the kidneys or bladder. [Gr. _haima_, blood, _ouron_, urine.]

HaeMOGLOBIN, HEM-, h[=e]-mo-gl[=o]'bin, _n._ the red substance in the red blood-corpuscles. [Gr. _haima_, blood, L. _globus_, a ball.]

HaeMONY, h[=e]'mo-ni, _n._ a plant with sovereign properties against magic, &c., in Milton's _Comus_. [Prob. formed from Gr. _haim[=o]nios_, blood-red.]

HaeMOPHILIA, h[=e]-mo-fil'i-a, hem-o-, _n._ a constitutional tendency to excessive bleeding when any blood-vessel is even slightly injured.

HaeMOPHTHALMIA, h[=e]-mof-thal'mi-a, _n._ effusion of blood into the eye.

[Gr. _haima_, blood, _ophthalmos_, the eye.]

HaeMOPTYSIS, h[=e]-mop'ti-sis, _n._ expectoration of blood. [Gr. _haima_, blood, _ptysis_, a spitting.]

HaeMORRHAGE, HEM-, hem'or-[=a]j, _n._ a discharge of blood from the blood-vessels.--_adj._ HaeMORRHAG'IC. [Gr. _haimorrhagia_--_haima_, blood, _rh[=e]gnynai_, to burst.]

HaeMORRHOIDS, HEM-, hem'or-oidz, dilated veins liable to discharge blood, esp. piles.--_adj._ HaeMORRHOID'AL. [Gr. _haimorrhoides_--_haima_, blood, _rhein_, to flow.]

HaeMOSTASIA, h[=e]-mo-st[=a]'si-a, _n._ stagnation of blood in any part: any operation for arresting the flow of blood, as the ligation of an artery.--_adj._ HaeMOSTAT'IC, stopping or preventing haemorrhage, styptic.

[Gr. _haima_, blood, _stasis_, a standing.]

HAET, HAIT, h[=a]t, _n._ (_Scot._) a whit.

HAFFET, haf'et, _n._ (_Scot._) the side of the head, the temples. [Prob.

_half-head_--A.S. _healf-heafod_.]

HAFFLIN, haf'lin, _adj._ (_Scot._) half-grown.--_n._ a fool.

HAFT, haft, _n._ a handle.--_v.t._ to set in a haft: to establish firmly.

[A.S. _haeft_; Ger. _heft_.]

HAG, hag, _n._ an ugly old woman, originally a witch: one of the Round Mouths, allied to the lamprey.--_adj._ HAG'GISH, hag-like.--_adv._ HAG'GISHLY.--_adj._ HAG'-RID'DEN, ridden by witches, as a horse: troubled by nightmare.--_ns._ HAG'-SEED, a witch's offspring; HAG'SHIP, the personality of a hag; HAG'WEED, the common broom, a broomstick being usually bestridden by a witch in her flight through the air. [A.S.

_haegtesse_, a witch; Ger. _hexe_.]

HAG, hag, _n._ (_Scot._) any broken ground in a moss or bog: brushwood to be cut down.

HAGBERRY, hag'ber-i, _n._ the bird-cherry--sometimes HACK'BERRY. [Prob.

Scand.; Ice. _heggr_.]



HAGGADA, ha-ga'da, _n._ a free Rabbinical homiletical commentary on the whole Old Testament, forming, together with the _Halacha_, the Midrash, but from its especial popularity often itself styled the Midrash--also HAGGa'DAH, AGa'DAH.--_adjs._ HAGGAD'IC, HAGGADIST'IC, pertaining to the Haggada, said of free interpretation, opposed to _Halachic_ or legal.--_n._ HAGG'ADIST. [Heb.]