Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume III Part 71

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume III Part 71

_pistillum_, a pestle.]

PISTOL, pis'tol, _n._ a small hand-gun, held in one hand when fired.--_v.t._ to shoot with a pistol.--_ns._ PISTOLEER', one armed with a pistol; PIS'TOLET, a little pistol; PIS'TOL-SHOT. [O. Fr. _pistole_--It.

_pistola_, said to be from _Pistoja_ (orig. _Pistola_), a town in Italy.]

PISTOLE, pis't[=o]l, _n._ a Spanish gold coin=about 16 shillings. [Same as above.]

PISTON, pis'tun, _n._ a circular plate of metal, or other material, used in pumps, steam-engines, &c., fitting and moving up and down within a tube or hollow cylinder.--_n._ PIS'TON-ROD, the rod to which the piston is fixed, and which moves up and down with it. [Fr.,--It. _pistone_--_pesto_, to pound--L. _pins[)e]re_, _pistum_.]

PIT, pit, _n._ a hole in the earth: a place whence minerals are dug: the bottomless pit: the grave: the abode of evil spirits: a hole used as a trap for wild beasts: the hollow of the stomach, or that under the arm at the shoulder: the indentation left by smallpox: the ground-floor of a theatre: an enclosure in which cocks fight: the shaft of a mine.--_v.t._ to mark with little hollows: to lay in a pit: to set in competition:--_pr.p._ pit'ting; _pa.t._ and _pa.p._ pit'ted.--_ns._ PIT'-COAL, coal dug from a pit--not _charcoal_; PIT'-FRAME, the framework round a mine-shaft; PIT'-HEAD, the ground at the mouth of a pit, and the machinery, &c., on it; PIT'MAN, a man who works in a coal-pit or a saw-pit, esp. the man who works the pumping machinery in the shaft of a mine: (_mach._) a rod connecting a rotary with a reciprocating part.--_adj._ PIT'TED, marked with small pits.--_ns._ PIT'TING, the act of digging, or of placing in, a pit: a group of pit-marks: a corrosion of the inside of steam-boilers, &c.; PIT'-VILL'AGE, a group of miners' houses near a pit. [A.S. _pyt_, _pytt_--L. _puteus_, a well.]

PITAKA, pit'a-ka, _n._ a collection of Buddhist scriptures, as made in Tibet. [Sans., 'basket.']

PITAPAT, pit'a-pat, _adv._ with palpitation or quick beating.--_adj._ fluttering.--_n._ a light, quick step: a succession of light taps.--_v.i._ to step or tread quickly.

PITCH, pich, _n._ the solid black shining substance obtained by boiling down common tar.--_v.t._ to smear with pitch.--_adjs._ PITCH'-BLACK, PITCH'-DARK, dark as pitch: very dark.--_ns._ PITCH'-BLENDE, a black oxide of uranium; PITCH'-COAL, a kind of bituminous coal: jet; PITCH'INESS, state or quality of being pitchy; PITCH'-PINE, a kind of pine which yields pitch, and is much used in America as fuel; PITCH'-PLAS'TER, a plaster of Burgundy or white pitch; PITCH'-STONE, an old volcanic-like hardened pitch; PITCH'-TREE, the kauri pine, the Amboyna pine, or the Norway spruce.--_adj._ PITCH'Y, having the qualities of pitch: smeared with pitch: black like pitch: dark: dismal. [A.S. _pic_--L. _pix_, _pic-is_.]

PITCH, pich, _v.t._ to thrust or fix in the ground: to fix or set in array: to fix the rate or price: to fling or throw: (_mus._) to set the keynote of.--_v.i._ to settle, as something pitched: to come to rest from flight: to fall headlong: to fix the choice: to encamp: to rise and fall, as a ship.--_n._ a throw or cast from the hand: any point or degree of elevation or depression: degree: degree of slope: a descent: the height of a note in speaking or in music: (_mech._) distance between the centres of two teeth in a wheel or a saw, or between the threads of a screw measured parallel to the axis.--_ns._ PITCHED'-BATT'LE, a battle in which the contending parties have fixed positions: a battle previously arranged for on both sides; PITCH'ER; PITCH'-FAR'THING, chuck-farthing; PITCH'FORK, a fork for pitching hay, &c.: a tuning-fork.--_v.t._ to lift with a pitchfork: to throw suddenly into any position.--_ns._ PITCH'ING, the act of throwing: a facing of stone along a bank to protect against the action of water; PITCH'PIPE, a small pipe to pitch the voice or tune with.--PITCH AND PAY (_Shak._), pay down at once, pay ready-money; PITCH AND TOSS, a game in which coins are thrown at a mark, the person who throws nearest having the right of _tossing_ all the coins, and keeping those which come down head uppermost; PITCH IN, to begin briskly; PITCH INTO, to assault. [A form of _pick_.]

PITCHER, pich'[.e]r, _n._ a vessel for holding water, &c.--_n._ PITCH'ER-PLANT, a plant with leaves shaped like a pitcher or ascidium--_Nepenthes_, &c.--PITCHERS HAVE EARS, there may be listeners. [O.

Fr. _picher_--Low L. _picarium_, a goblet--Gr. _b[=i]kos_, a wine-vessel, an Eastern word.]

PITEOUS, pit'e-us, _adj._ showing or feeling pity: fitted to excite pity: mournful: compassionate: paltry.--_adv._ PIT'EOUSLY.--_n._ PIT'EOUSNESS.

[O. Fr. _pitos_, _piteus_. Cf. _Pity_.]

PITFALL, pit'fawl, _n._ a pit slightly covered, so that wild beasts may fall into it: any concealed danger.

PITH, pith, _n._ the marrow or soft substance in the centre of the stems of dicotyledonous plants: force or energy: importance: condensed substance: quintessence.--_n._ PITH'-BALL, a pellet of pith.--_adv._ PITH'ILY.--_n._ PITH'INESS.--_adj._ PITH'LESS, wanting pith, force, or energy.--_n._ PITH'-P[=A]'PER, a thin sheet cut from pith for paper: rice-paper.--_adj._ PITH'Y, full of pith: forcible: strong: energetic. [A.S. _pitha_; Dut.

_pit_, marrow.]

PITHECUS, pi-th[=e]'kus, _n._ a name formerly used by zoologists for various groups of apes and monkeys.--_ns._ PITHECANTHR[=O]'PI, hypothetical ape-men; PITH[=E]'CIA, the genus of South American monkeys which includes the _Sakis_ and allied species.--_adj._ PITH[=E]'COID. [L.,--Gr.

_pith[=e]kos_, an ape.]

PITHOS, pith'os, _n._ a large spheroid Greek earthenware vase. [Gr.]

PIT-MIRK, pit'-m[.e]rk, _adj._ (_Scot._) dark as pitch.

PITRI, pit'r[=e], the deceased ancestors of a man: in Hindu mythology, an order of divine beings inhabiting celestial regions of their own, and receiving into their society the spirits of those mortals for whom funeral rites have been duly performed. [Sans., 'father,' pl. _pitaras_.]

PITSAW, pit'saw, _n._ a large saw for cutting timber, worked by the _pit-sawyer_ in the pit below the log and the _top-sawyer_ on the log.

PITTACAL, pit'a-kal, _n._ a blue substance obtained from wood-tar oil and used in dyeing. [Gr. _pitta_, pitch, _kalos_, beautiful.]

PITTANCE, pit'ans, _n._ an allowance of food or drink: a dole: a very small portion or quantity. [Fr. _pitance_, an allowance of food in a monastery--Low L. _pietantea_--L. _pietas_, pity.]

PITUITARY, pit'[=u]-i-t[=a]-ri, _adj._ mucous--also PIT'[=U]ITAL, PIT'[=U]ITOUS.--_ns._ PIT[=U][=I]'TA, PIT'UITE, phlegm.--PITUITARY BODY, a rounded body of the size of a small bean, situated in the sella turcica in the sphenoid bone on the floor of the cavity of the skull. [L.

_pituitarius_--_pituita_, mucus.]

PITY, pit'i, _n._ a strong feeling for or with the sufferings of others: sympathy with distress: a cause or source of pity or grief.--_v.t._ to feel pity with: to sympathise with:--_pa.t._ and _pa.p._ pit'ied.--_adj._ PIT'IABLE, deserving pity: affecting: wretched.--_n._ PIT'IABLENESS.--_adv._ PIT'IABLY.--_n._ PIT'IER, one who pities.--_adj._ PIT'IFUL, feeling pity: compassionate: exciting pity: sad: despicable.--_adv._ PIT'IFULLY.--_n._ PIT'IFULNESS.--_adj._ PIT'ILESS, without pity: cruel.--_adv._ PIT'ILESSLY.--_n._ PIT'ILESSNESS.--_adv._ PIT'YINGLY, in a pitying manner.--IT PITIETH ME, YOU, THEM, &c. (_Pr.

Bk._), it causeth pity in me, you, them, &c. [O. Fr. _pite_ (Fr. _pitie_, It. _pieta_)--L. _pietas_, _pietatis_--_pius_, pious.]

PITYRIASIS, pit-i-r[=i]'a-sis, _n._ the term given to certain of the squamous or scaly diseases of the skin, in which there is a continual throwing off of bran-like scales of epidermis.--_adj._ PIT'YROID, bran-like. [Gr. _pityron_, bran.]

PIu, p[=u], _adv._ more.--PIu ALLEGRO, quicker. [It.]

PIVOT, piv'ut, _n._ the pin on which anything turns: the officer or soldier at the flank upon whom a company wheels: that on which anything depends or turns.--_adj._ PIV'OTAL, of the nature of a pivot: acting as a pivot.--_n._ PIV'OT-BRIDGE, a form of swing-bridge moving on a vertical pivot.--_adj._ PIV'OTED, furnished with a pivot or pivots.--_ns._ PIV'OT-GEAR'ING, a system of gearing permitting the driving-shaft to be swivelled so as to set the machine in any direction with relation to the power; PIV'OT-GUN, a gun mounted on a pivot, so as to be able to turn in any direction; PIV'OTING, the pivot-work in machines; PIV'OT-MAN, the soldier or officer who acts as a pivot (see PIVOT). [Fr. dim. of It. _piva_, a pipe, a peg, a pin--Low L.


PIX, piks, _n._ Same as PYX.

PIXY, PIXIE, pik'si, _n._ a small Devonshire fairy.--_adj._ PIX'Y-LED, bewildered.--_ns._ PIX'Y-RING, a fairy-ring, a well-marked ring of a different kind of grass, common on meadows and heaths; PIX'Y-STOOL, a toadstool or mushroom. [_Puck_.]

PIZE, p[=i]z, _n._ a term used in execration, like _pox_.

PIZZICATO, pit-si-ka'to, _adj._ a phrase used in music for the violin or violoncello, to denote that here the strings are to be twitched with the fingers in the manner of a harp or guitar. [It.,--_pizzicare_, to twitch.]

PIZZLE, piz'l, _n._ the penis of an animal, as a bull. [Low Ger. _pesel_.]

PLACABLE, pl[=a]'ka-bl, or plak'a-bl, _adj._ that may be appeased: relenting: willing to forgive.--_ns._ PLACABIL'ITY, PL[=A]'CABLENESS.--_adv._ PL[=A]'CABLY.--_v.t._ PL[=A]'C[=A]TE, to conciliate.--_n._ PLAC[=A]'TION, propitiation.--_adj._ PL[=A]'CATORY, conciliatory. [L. _placabilis_--_plac[=a]re_, to appease, akin to _plac[=e]re_, to please.]

PLACARD, plak'ard, or pl[=a]-kard', _n._ a written or printed paper stuck upon a wall as an advertisement, &c.: a public proclamation: the woodwork and frame of the door of a closet and the like.--_v.t._ PLACARD (pl[=a]-kard', or plak'ard), to publish or notify by placards. [Fr.

_placard_, a bill stuck on a wall--_plaque_, plate, tablet; acc. to Diez, from Dut. _plak_, a piece of flat wood.]

PLACCATE, plak'[=a]t, _n._ See PLACKET.

PLACE, pl[=a]s, _n._ a broad way in a city: an open space used for a particular purpose: a particular locality: a town: room to dwell, sit, or stand in: the position held by anybody, employment, office, a situation: a mansion with its grounds: proper position or dignity, priority in such: stead: passage in a book: a topic, matter of discourse: in sporting contests, position among the first three.--_v.t._ to put in any place or condition: to find a home for: to settle: to lend: invest: to ascribe.--_n._ PLACE'-HUNT'ER, one who seeks eagerly official position or public office.--_adj._ PLACE'LESS, without place or office.--_ns._ PLACE'MAN, one who has a place or office under a government:--_pl._ PLACE'MEN; PLACE'MENT, placing or setting; PLACE'-MONG'ER, one who traffics in appointments to places; PLACE'-NAME, the name of a place or locality: a local name; PLAC'ER.--GIVE PLACE, to make room, to yield; HAVE PLACE, to have existence; IN PLACE, in position: opportune; OUT OF PLACE, inappropriate, unseasonable; TAKE PLACE, to come to pass: to take precedence of. [Fr.,--L. _platea_, a broad street--Gr. _plateia_, a street--_platys_, broad.]

PLACEBO, pl[=a]-s[=e]'bo, _n._ in the R.C. service of vespers for the dead the name of the first antiphon, which begins with the word: a medicine given to humour or gratify a patient rather than to exercise any curative effect. [L., 'I will please'--_plac[=e]re_, to please.]

PLACENTA, pla-sen'ta, _n._ the structure which unites the unborn mammal to the womb of its mother and establishes a nutritive connection between them: (_bot._) the portion of the ovary which bears the ovules:--_pl._ PLACEN'Tae.--_adj._ PLACEN' PLACENT[=A]'LIA, placental mammals.--_adjs._ PLACENT[=A]'LIAN; PLACEN'TARY, pertaining to, or having, a placenta.--_n._ a mammal having a placenta.--_adjs._ PLACEN'TATE, PLACENTIF'EROUS.--_ns._ PLACENT[=A]'TION, the mode in which the placenta is formed and attached to the womb; PLACENT[=I]'TIS, inflammation of the placenta. [L., a flat cake, akin to Gr. _plakous_, a flat cake, from _plax_, _plak-os_, anything flat.]

PLACER, plas'er, _n._ a place where the superficial detritus is washed for gold, &c.: hence any place holding treasures. [Sp.]

PLACET, pl[=a]'set, _n._ a vote of assent in a governing body: permission given, esp. by a sovereign, to publish and carry out an ecclesiastical order, as a papal bull or edict. [L., 'it pleases,' 3d sing. pres. indic.

of _plac[=e]re_, to please.]

PLACID, plas'id, _adj._ gentle: peaceful.--_ns._ PLACID'ITY, PLAC'IDNESS.--_adv._ PLAC'IDLY. [Fr.,--L. _placidus_--_plac[=e]re_, to please.]

PLACITORY, plas'i-t[=o]-ri, _adj._ of or relating to pleas or pleading in courts of law.

PLACITUM, plas'i-tum, _n._ a public assembly in the Middle Ages, presided over by the sovereign, to consult on affairs of state: a resolution of such an assembly:--_pl._ PLAC'ITA. [L., from _plac[=e]re_, to please.]

PLACK, plak, _n._ a small copper coin formerly current in Scotland, equal in value to the third part of an English penny.--_adj._ PLACK'LESS, penniless. [O. Fr. _plaque_, a plate.]

PLACKET, plak'et, _n._ (_Shak._) the slit in a petticoat: a petticoat--hence, a woman: a placcate or additional plate of steel on the lower half of the breast-plate, or back-plate: a leather jacket strengthened with strips of steel. [Fr. _plaquet_--_plaquer_, to clap on.]

PLACODERM, plak'o-d[.e]rm, _adj._ noting an order of fossil fishes having their skin covered with bony plates. [Gr. _plax_, _plakos_, anything flat, _derma_, skin.]

PLACOID, plak'oid, _adj._ plate-like.--PLACOID FISHES, an order of fishes having placoid scales, irregular plates of hard bone, not imbricated, but placed near together in the skin. [Gr. _plax_, _plakos_, anything flat and broad, _eidos_, form.]