Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume I Part 67

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume I Part 67

BILLYBOY, bil'i-boi, _n._ a bluff-bowed one-masted trading-vessel. [Prob.

conn. with BILANDER.]

BILLYCOCK, bil'i-kok, _n._ a man's low-crowned felt hat. [From _bully-cocked_, i.e. cocked like the bullies.]

BILOBED, b[=i]'l[=o]bd, BILOBULAR, b[=i]-lob'[=u]-lar, _adj._ having two lobes. [L. _bi-_, twice, and _lobe_, a LOBULE.]

BILOCATION, b[=i]-lok-[=a]'shun, _n._ the power of being in two places at the same time. [Coined from _bi-_, twice, and LOCATION.]

BILOCULAR, b[=i]-lok'[=u]-lar, _adj._ divided into two cells. [L. _bi-_, twice, and L. _loculus_, dim. of _locus_, place.]

BIMANA, b[=i]m'an-a, or bim'an-a, _n._ a term used by Blumenbach, Cuvier, &c., to describe the human species in contrast to other mammals--now rarely used, men and monkeys being now zoologically united in the old Linnaean order--Primates.--_adj._ B[=I]'MANOUS.

BIMENSAL, b[=i]-mens'al, _adj._ happening once in two months: bimonthly.--_adj._ BIMES'TRIAL, of two months' duration. [L. _bi-_, and _mensis_, a month.]

BIMETALLISM, b[=i]-met'al-izm, _n._ the name given to a monetary system in which gold and silver are on precisely the same footing as regards mintage and legal tender.--_adj._ BIMETAL'LIC, adapted to that standard.--_n._ and _adj._ BIMET'ALLIST. [A recent coinage, from Gr. _bi-_, double, and METAL.]

BIMONTHLY, b[=i]-munth'li, _adj._ once in two months; also twice a month.

[L. _bi-_, two, and MONTH.]

BIN, bin, _n._ a place for storing corn, wine. [A.S. _binn_, a manger.]

BIN, bin, (_Shak._) used for BE and BEEN.

BINARY, b[=i]'nar-i, _adj._ composed of two: twofold.--_adjs._ B[=I]'NATE, growing in pairs: double; BINAUR'AL, having two ears: needing the use of both ears.--BINARY SCALE (_math._), the scale of notation whose radix or base is 2 (instead of 10); BINARY THEORY (_chem._), that which assumes all salts to contain merely two substances, either both simple, or one simple and the other a compound playing the part of a simple body. [L.

_binarius_--_bini_, two by two--_bis_, twice.]

BIND, b[=i]nd, _v.t._ to tie or fasten together with a band (with _to_, _upon_): to encircle round (with _about_, _with_): to sew a border on: to tie up or bandage a limb, or the like: to fasten together (the leaves of a book) and put a cover on: to lay under obligation to answer a charge: to oblige by oath or promise _to_ or _from_ an action: to restrain, to make fast any one--also of disease, a magic spell, a passion, &c.: to hold or cement firmly: to render hard.--_v.i._ to produce constipation:--_pa.t._ and _pa.p._ bound.--_n._ a stalk of hops, so called from its twining or binding itself round a pole or tree: the indurated clay of coal-mines: (_mus._) the tie for grouping notes together.--_ns._ BIND'ER, one who binds, as books or sheaves: an attachment to a reaping-machine for tying the bundles of grain cut and thrown off, a reaping-machine provided with such; BIND'ERY (U.S.), a bookbinder's establishment.--_adj._ BIND'ING, restraining: obligatory.--_n._ the act of binding: anything that binds: the covering of a book.--_ns._ BIND'WEED, the convolvulus, a genus of plants, so called from their twining or binding; BINE, the slender stem of a climbing plant.--I DARE or WILL BE BOUND, I will be responsible for the statement. [A.S. _bindan_; cog. with Ger. _binden_, Sans. _bandh_.]

BINERVATE, b[=i]-n[.e]rv'[=a]t, _adj._ (_bot._) applied to leaves that have two ribs or nerves: (_entom._) having the wings supported by two nerves.

[L. _bi-_, _bis_, twice, and NERVE.]

BING, bing, _n._ a heap or pile, often applied like BIN. [Scand.]

BINGO, bing'[=o], _n._ a familiar name for brandy. [Prob. B, and STINGO.]

BINK, bingk, _n._ a Scotch form of BENCH.

BINNACLE, bin'a-kl, _n._ (_naut._) the box in which on shipboard the compass is kept. [Formerly _bittacle_--Port. _bitacola_--L. _habitaculum_, a dwelling-place--_habit-[=a]re_, to dwell.]

BINOCLE, bin'o-kl, _n._ a telescope through which an object can be viewed with both eyes at the same time.--_adj._ BINOC'ULAR, having two eyes: suitable for two eyes.--_adv._ BINOC'ULARLY. [L. _bini_, two by two, _oculus_, an eye.]

BINOMIAL, b[=i]-n[=o]m'i-al, _adj._ and _n._ (_alg._) a quantity consisting of two terms or parts, as _a_+b.--BINOMIAL THEOREM, a series of analytical formulae by which any power of a binomial can be expressed and developed.

[L. _bi-_, _bis_, twice, and _nomen_, a name, a term.]

BINTURONG, bin't[=u]-rong, _n._ the native name for an Indian prehensile-tailed carnivore, akin to the civet.

BIO-, b[=i]'[=o], a prefix from Gr. _bios_, life, used in many scientific words to express having organic life.--_adj._ BIOBIBLIOGRAPH'ICAL, dealing with the life and writings of any one.--_n._ B[=I]'OBLAST, a formative cell, a minute mass of bioplasm or protoplasm about to become a definite cell.--_adj._ BIODYNAM'ICAL.--_ns._ BIODYNAM'ICS, that part of biology which deals with vital force; BIOGENESIS (-jen'e-sis), the process of natural generation of life from life, as opposed to spontaneous generation, or abiogenesis.--_adj._ BIOGENET'IC.--_ns._ BIOG'ENIST; BIOG'ENY; BIOMAG'NETISM, animal magnetism; BIOM'ETRY, the measurement or calculation of the probable duration of life; B[=I]'OPLASM, the germinal matter of all living beings.

BIOGRAPH, b[=i]'o-graf, _n._ a name sometimes applied to a form of the zoetrope contrived so as to exhibit the successive movements of a living body, thus simulating life. [Gr. _bios_, life, _graphein_, to write, describe.]

BIOGRAPHY, b[=i]-og'raf-i, _n._ a written account or history of the life of an individual: the art of writing such accounts.--_n._ BIOG'RAPHER, one who writes biography.--_adjs._ BIOGRAPH'IC, -AL.--_adv._ BIOGRAPH'ICALLY. [Gr.

_bios_, life, _graphein_, to write.]

BIOLOGY, b[=i]-ol'oj-i, _n._ the science that treats of life or of organised beings, which seeks to classify and generalise the multitude of phenomena presented by and peculiar to the living world.--_adj._ BIOLOG'ICAL.--_adv._ BIOLOG'ICALLY.--_n._ BIOLO'GIST, one who studies biology. [Gr. _bios_, life, _logos_, a discourse.]

BIOTAXY, b[=i]'[=o]-tak-si, _n._ classification according to the sum of the morphological character. [Gr. _bios_, life, and TAXIS.]

BIOTIC, b[=i]-ot'ik, _adj._ pertaining to life. [Gr. _bios_, life.]

BIPAROUS, bip'ar-us, _adj._ bearing two at a birth. [L. _bis_, twice, _par-[)e]re_, to bring forth.]

BIPARTITE, bi'part-[=i]t, or b[=i]-part'[=i]t, _adj._ divided into two like parts.--_n._ BIPARTI'TION, the act of dividing into two corresponding parts. [L. _bi-_, _bis_, twice, _partitus_, divided--_part-[=i]re_, to divide.]

BIPED, b[=i]'ped, _n._ an animal with two feet.--_adjs._ B[=I]'PED, B[=I]'PEDAL, having two feet. [L. _bipes_--_bi-_, _bis_, twice, _ped-em_, foot.]

BIPENNATE, b[=i]-pen'[=a]t, BIPENNATED, b[=i]-pen'[=a]t-ed, _adj._ having two wings. [L. _bi-_, and PENNATE.]

BIPENNIS, b[=i]-pen'nis, _n._ an axe with two blades, one on each side of the handle, usually seen depicted in the hands of the Amazons. [L.--_bis_, twice, _penna_, wing.]

BIPETALOUS, b[=i]-pet'al-us, _adj._ having two petals or flower-leaves. [L.

_bi-_, twice, and PETAL.]

BIPINNATE, b[=i]-pin'n[=a]t, _adj._ doubly pinnate. [L. _bi-_, twice, and PINNATE.]

BIQUADRATIC, b[=i]-kwod-rat'ik, _n._ a quantity twice squared, or raised to the fourth power.--BIQUADRATIC EQUATION, an equation with one unknown quantity raised to the fourth power; BIQUADRATIC ROOT, the square root of the square root of a number. [L. _bi-_ twice, and _quadratus_, squared.]

BIQUINTILE, b[=i]-kwin'til, _n._ (_astron._) the aspect of planets when they are twice the fifth part (144 degrees) of a great circle from each other. [L. _bi-_, twice, _quintus_, the fifth.]

BIRCH, b[.e]rch, _n._ a hardy forest-tree, with smooth, white bark and very durable wood: a rod for punishment, consisting of a birch twig or twigs.--_adjs._ BIRCH, BIRCH'EN, made of birch. [A.S. _berc_, _bierce_; Ice. _bjork_, Sans. _bh[=u]rja_.]

BIRD, b[.e]rd, _n._ a general name for feathered animals.--_v.i._ to catch or snare birds.--_ns._ BIRD'-BOLT (_Shak._), a short thick bolt or arrow with a blunted point, used for killing birds without piercing them; BIRD'-CAGE, a cage or box made of wire and wood for holding birds; BIRD'-CALL, an instrument used by fowlers to call or allure birds to them, by imitating their notes; BIRD'-CATCH'ER, one who catches birds: a fowler; BIRD'-CATCH'ING, the art or practice of catching birds; BIRD'-CHER'RY, a bush bearing an astringent wild-fruit in drupes.--_adj._ BIRD'-EYED, having eyes quick of sight, like those of a bird: quick-sighted.--_ns._ BIRD'-FAN'CIER, one who has a fancy for rearing birds: one who keeps birds for sale; BIRD'ING (_Shak._), catching birds by means of hawks trained for the purpose; BIRD'ING-PIECE, a fowling-piece; BIRD'-LIME, a sticky substance used for catching birds; BIRD'-OF-PAR'ADISE, a kind of Eastern bird with splendid plumage; BIRD'S'-EYE, a kind of tobacco; BIRD'S'-NEST, the nest in which a bird lays her eggs and hatches her young; BIRD'-SP[=I]'DER, a species of large spiders which prey on small birds, found in Brazil.--_adj._ BIRD'-WIT'TED, flighty: incapable of sustained attention.--BIRD'S-EYE VIEW, a general view from above, as if by a bird on the wing, a representation of such, a general view or resume of a subject; BIRD'S-FOOT TREFOIL, the popular name of several leguminous plants, having clusters of cylindrical pods resembling a bird's foot.--A LITTLE BIRD TOLD ME, I heard in a way I will not reveal. [A.S. _brid_, the young of a bird, a bird: either from root of BREED (_bredan_, to breed) or of BIRTH (_beran_, to bear).]

BIREME, b[=i]'r[=e]m, _n._ an ancient vessel with two rows of oars.

[Fr.--L. _biremis_--_bi-_, twice, and _remus_, an oar.]


BIRETTA, bir-et'a, _n._ a square cap worn by clergy--by priests, black; bishops, purple; cardinals, red. [It. _berretta_--Low L. _birretum_, a cap.]

BIRK, b[.e]rk, _n._ Scotch and prov. Eng. for BIRCH.--_adj._ BIRK'EN (_Scot._), birchen.

BIRKIE, birk'i, _n._ a strutting or swaggering fellow: a fellow generally.--_adj._ active. [_Scot._ A dubious connection with Scand.

_berkja_, to bark, boast, has been suggested.]

BIRL, birl, _v.t._ to spin anything round: to throw down a coin as one's share in a joint contribution.--_v.i._ to whirl round. [_Scot._, an onomatopoeic word.]

BIRLE, birl, _v.t._ and _v.i._ (_Scot._) to ply with drink: to carouse.--_ns._ BIRL'ER (_Cumberland_); BIRL'ING, the act of drawing liquor. [A.S. _byrelian_, _byrele_, a cup-bearer, _beran_, to bear.]

BIRLINN, bir'lin, _n._ a chief's barge in the Western Isles. [Gael.]