Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume III Part 66

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume III Part 66

PHYSITHEISM, fiz'i-th[=e]-izm, _n._ the ascribing of physical form and attributes to deity.--_adj._ PHYSITHEIS'TIC. [Gr. _physis_, nature, _theos_, God.]

PHYSIURGIC, fiz-i-ur'jik, _adj._ produced by natural causes, without man's intervention.

PHYSNOMY, fiz'no-mi, _n._ (_Spens._). Same as PHYSIOGNOMY.

PHYSOCLISTOUS, f[=i]-s[=o]-klis'tus, _adj._ having no air-bladder, or having it closed, as a fish. [Gr. _physa_, bellows, _kleistos_--_kleiein_, to close.]

PHYSOGRADE, f[=i]'s[=o]-gr[=a]d, _adj._ moving by a vesicular float. [Gr.

_physa_, bellows, L. _gradi_, to walk.]

PHYSOPOD, f[=i]'s[=o]-pod, _adj._ with suckers on the feet. [Gr. _physa_, bellows, _pous_, _podos_, the foot.]

PHYSOSTIGMINE, f[=i]-s[=o]-stig'min, _n._ a poisonous alkaloid, the active principle of the Calabar bean. [Gr. _physa_, bellows, _stigma_, stigma.]

PHYSOSTOMOUS, f[=i]-sos't[=o]-mus, _adj._ having mouth and air-bladder connected by an air-duct, as a fish. [Gr. _physa_, bellows, _stoma_, a mouth.]

PHYTOBRANCHIATE, f[=i]-t[=o]-brang'ki-[=a]t, _adj._ having leafy gills.

[Gr. _phyton_, a plant, _brangchia_, gills.]

PHYTOCHEMISTRY, f[=i]-t[=o]-kem'is-tri, _n._ the chemistry of plants--also PHY'TOCHIMY.--_adj._ PHYTOCHEM'ICAL.

PHYTOGENESIS, f[=i]-t[=o]-jen'e-sis, _n._ the theory of the generation of plants--also PHYTOG'ENY.--_adjs._ PHYTOGENET'IC, -AL. [Gr. _phyton_, a plant, _genesis_, birth.]

PHYTOGEOGRAPHY, f[=i]-t[=o]-je-og'ra-fi, _n._ the geographical distribution of plants.--_adjs._ PHYTOGEOGRAPH'IC, -AL.

PHYTOGLYPHY, f[=i]-tog'li-fi, _n._ the art of printing from nature, by taking impressions from plants, &c., on soft metal, from which an electrotype plate is taken.--_adj._ PHYTOGLYPH'IC. [Gr. _phyton_, a plant, _glyphein_, to engrave.]

PHYTOGRAPHY, f[=i]-tog'raf-i, _n._ the department of botany relating to the particular description of species of plants.--_n._ PHYTOG'RAPHER.--_adj._ PHYTOGRAPH'ICAL. [Gr. _phyton_, a plant, _graphein_, to write.]

PHYTOID, f[=i]'toid, _adj._ plant-like, esp. of animals and organs. [Gr.

_phyton_, a plant, _eidos_, form.]

PHYTOLITHOLOGY, f[=i]-t[=o]-li-thol'[=o]-ji, _n._ the science of fossils plants.--_n._ PHYTOLITHOL'OGIST.

PHYTOLOGY, f[=i]-tol'[=o]-ji, _n._ the science of plants, botany.--_adj._ PHYTOLOG'ICAL.--_n._ PHYTOL'OGIST. [Gr. _phyton_, a plant, _logia_, discourse.]

PHYTONOMY, f[=i]-ton'[=o]-mi, _n._ the science of the origin and growth of plants: botany. [Gr. _phyton_, a plant, _nomos_, a law.]

PHYTOPATHOLOGY, f[=i]-t[=o]-p[=a]-thol'[=o]-ji, _n._ the science of the diseases of plants.--_adj._ PHYTOPATHOLOG'ICAL.--_n._ PHYTOPATHOL'OGIST.

PHYTOPHAGOUS, f[=i]-tof'a-gus, _adj._ feeding on plants--also PHYTOPHAG'IC.--_ns._ PHYTOPH'AGAN; PHYTOPH'AGY. [Gr. _phyton_, a plant, _phagein_, to eat.]

PHYTOSIS, f[=i]-t[=o]'sis, _n._ the presence of vegetable parasites, or the diseases caused by them.

PHYTOTOMY, f[=i]-tot'[=o]-mi, _n._ the dissection of plants.--_n._ PHYTOT'OMIST.--_adj._ PHYTOT'OMOUS. [Gr. _phyton_, a plant, _tomos_, a cutting--_temnein_, to cut.]

PHYTOZOA, f[=i]-t[=o]-z[=o]'a, plant-like animals: animals which more or less resemble plants in appearance and habits, such as sponges, sea-anemones, &c.:--_sing._ PHYTOZ[=O]'ON.--_adj._ and _n._ PHYTOZ[=O]'AN.

[Gr. _phyton_, a plant, _z[=o]on_, an animal.]

PI, PIE, p[=i], _n._ a mass of types confusedly mixed.--_v.t._ to reduce to a mixed mass, or to a state of pi, as types. [Cf. _Pie_, a magpie, &c.]

PIA, p[=e]'a, _n._ a perennial Polynesian herb, whose fleshy tubers yield arrowroot.

PIACERE, pia-ch[=a]'re, _n._ (_mus._) _a piacere_, at pleasure.--_adj._ PIACEVOLE (pia-ch[=a]'v[=o]-le), pleasant, playful. [It.]

PIACULAR, p[=i]-ak'[=u]-lar, _adj._ serving to appease, expiatory: requiring expiation: atrociously bad.--_n._ PIACULAR'ITY. [L. _piaculum_, sacrifice--_pi[=a]re_, expiate--_pius_, pious.]

PIAFFE, pi-af', _v.i._ in horsemanship, to advance at a piaffer.--_n._ PIAF'FER, a gait in which the feet are lifted in the same succession as the trot, but more slowly.--Also _Spanish-walk_. [Fr. _piaffer_.]

PIA MATER, p[=i]'a m[=a]'t[.e]r, _n._ the vascular membrane investing the brain: (_Shak._) the brain. [L.]

PIANOFORTE, pi-a'no-f[=o]r't[=a], generally shortened to PIANO (pi-an'[=o]), _n._ a musical instrument furnished with wires struck by little hammers which are moved by keys, so as to produce both soft and strong sounds.--_ns._ PIANETTE', a small piano; PIANINO (p[=e]-a-n[=e]'n[=o]), an upright pianoforte; PIAN'ISM, the technique of the pianoforte: arrangement of music for the pianoforte.--_adv._ PIANIS'SIMO, very softly.--_n._ PIAN'IST, one who plays on the pianoforte, or one well skilled in it.--_adv._ PIaN'O (_mus._), softly.--_ns._ PIAN'O-SCHOOL, a school where piano music is taught; PIAN'O-STOOL, a stool on which the player sits at the piano.--BOUDOIR, or CABINET, PIANO, an upright piano. [It., _piano_, soft--L. _planus_, plane, _forte_, strong--L.

_fortis_, strong.]

PIARIST, p[=i]'ar-ist, _n._ one of a religious congregation for the education of the poor, founded in Rome in 1617 by Joseph Calasanza. [L.

_pius_, pious.]

PIASSAVA, pi-as'a-va, _n._ a coarse stiff fibre used for rope-making in Brazil.--Also PIASS'ABA. [Port.]

PIASTRE, PIASTER, pi-as't[.e]r, _n._ a silver coin of varying value, used in Turkey and other countries: the Spanish dollar. [Fr.,--It. _piastra_.]

PIAZZA, pi-az'a, _n._ a place or square surrounded by buildings: a walk under a roof supported by pillars.--_adj._ PIAZZ'IAN. [It.,--L. _platea_, a place.]

PIBROCH, p[=e]'broh, _n._ a form of bagpipe music, generally of a warlike character, including marches, dirges, &c. [Gael. _piobaireachd_, pipe-music--_piobair_, a piper--piob, a _pipe_, _fear_, a man.]

PICA, p[=i]'ka, _n._ a size of type smaller than _English_ and larger than _Small pica_, equal to 12 points in the new system of sizes, about 6 lines to the inch, used by printers as a standard unit of measurement for thickness and length of leads, rules, borders, &c.--as 6-to-pica or 10-to-pica, according as 6 or 10 leads set together make a line of pica.--DOUBLE PICA, a size equal to 2 lines of small pica; DOUBLE SMALL PICA, a size of type giving about 3-1/3 lines to the inch; SMALL PICA, a size smaller than pica and larger than long-primer, about 11 points; TWO-LINE PICA, a size of about 3 lines to the inch, equal to 2 lines of pica, or to 24 points. [_Pie_ (2).]

PICA, p[=i]'ka, _n._ a magpie. [_Pie._]

PICADOR, pik-a-d[=o]r', _n._ a horseman armed with a lance, who commences a bull-fight by pricking the bull with his weapon. [Sp. _pica_, a pike.]

PICAMAR, pik'a-mar, _n._ the bitter principle of tar. [L. _pix_, pitch, _amarus_, bitter.]

PICARD, pik'ard, _n._ a high shoe for men, introduced from France about 1720.

PICAROON, pik-a-r[=oo]n', _n._ one who lives by his wits: a cheat: a pirate.--_adj._ PICARESQUE'.--PICARESQUE NOVELS, the tales of Spanish rogue and vagabond life, much in vogue in the 17th century. [Sp.

_picaron_--_picaro_, a rogue.]

PICAYUNE, pik-a-y[=oo]n', _n._ a small coin worth 6 cents, current in United States before 1857, and known in different states by different names (_fourpence_, _fippence_, _fip_, _sixpence_, &c.).--_adj._ petty. [Carib.]

PICCADILLY, pik'a-dil-i, _n._ a standing-up collar with the points turned over, first worn about 1870: a high collar worn in the time of James I.: an edging of lace on a woman's broad collar (17th century).

PICCALILLI, pik'a-lil-i, _n._ a pickle of various vegetable substances with mustard and spices.

PICCANINNY, PICKANINNY, pik'a-nin-i, _n._ a little child: an African or negro child. [Perh. from Sp. _pequeno nino_='little child.']

PICCOLO, pik'[=o]-l[=o], _n._ a flute of small size, having the same compass as an ordinary flute, while the notes all sound an octave higher than their notation.--Also _Flauto piccolo_, _Octave flute_, _Ottavino_.
