Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume II Part 6

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume II Part 6

EMBACE, em-b[=a]s', _v.t._ (_Spens._). Same as EMBASE.

EMBALE, em-b[=a]l', _v.t._ to make up, as into a bale: to bind up: to enclose. [Fr. _emballer_--_em_--L. _in_, _balle_, a bale.]

EMBALL, em-bawl', _v.t._ to encircle: ensphere.--_n._ EMBALL'ING.

EMBALM, em-bam', _v.t._ to preserve from decay by aromatic drugs, as a dead body: to perfume: to preserve with care and affection.--_ns._ EMBALM'ER; EMBALM'ING; EMBALM'MENT. [Fr. _embaumer_, from _em_, in, and _baume_. See BALM.]

EMBANK, em-bangk', _v.t._ to enclose or defend with a bank or dike.--_n._ EMBANK'MENT, the act of embanking: a bank or mound made to keep water within certain limits: a mound constructed so as to carry a level road or railway over a low-lying place. [Coined from _em_, in, and _bank_.]

EMBAR, em-bar', _v.t._ to shut in; to hinder or stop:--_pr.p._ embar'ring; _pa.p._ embarred'.--_n._ EMBAR'RING.


EMBARGO, em-bar'g[=o], _n._ a temporary order from the Admiralty to prevent the arrival or departure of ships: a stoppage of trade for a short time by authority:--_pl._ EMBAR'GOES.--_v.t._ to lay an embargo on: to seize.--_pr.p._ embar'g[=o]ing; _pa.p._ embar'g[=o]ed. [Sp.,--_embargar_, to impede, to restrain--Sp. _em_, in, _barra_, a bar. See BARRICADE and EMBARRASS.]

EMBARK, em-bark', _v.t._ to put on board ship: to engage in any affair.--_v.i._ to go on board ship: to engage in a business: to enlist.--_n._ EMBARK[=A]'TION, a putting or going on board: that which is embarked: (_obs._) a vessel.--_p.adjs._ EMBARKED'; EMBARK'ING.--_n._ EMBARK'MENT. [Fr. _embarquer_, from _em_, in, _barque_, a bark.]

EMBARRASS, em-bar'as, _v.t._ to encumber: to involve in difficulty, esp. in money matters: to perplex.--_p.adj._ EMBARR'ASSED, perplexed: constrained.--_n._ EMBARR'ASSMENT, perplexity or confusion: difficulties in money matters.--EMBARRAS DES RICHESSES, a superabundance of materials, an abundance so great that choice is difficult. [Fr. _embarrasser_--_em_, in, _barre_, bar.]

EMBASE, em-b[=a]z', _v.t._ (_obs._) to bring down: to degrade.--_p.adj._ EMBASED'.--_n._ EMBASE'MENT. [_Em_ and _base_.]

EMBASSY, em'bas-i, _n._ the charge or function of an ambassador: the person or persons sent on an undertaking.--_ns._ EM'BASSADE, EM'BASSAGE (same as AMBASSAGE); EMBASS'ADOR (same as AMBASSADOR).

EMBATHE, em-b[=a]_th_' _v.t._ to bathe.

EMBATTLE, em-bat'l, _v.t._ to furnish with battlements.--_p.adj._ EMBATT'LED, furnished with battlements: (_her._) having the outline like a battlement.--_n._ EMBATT'LEMENT (same as BATTLEMENT). [_Em_, and O. Fr.

_bastiller_, from the same root as _battlement_, _bastille_, and _baste_, to sew. The form of this word is due to a confusion with Eng. _battle_.]

EMBATTLE, em-bat'l, _v.t._ to range in order of battle: to arm--_p.adj._ EMBATT'LED, arranged for battle. [O. Fr. _embataillier_--_en_, in, _bataille_, battle.]

EMBAY, em-b[=a]', _v.t._ to enclose in a bay: to land-lock.--_n._ EMBAY'MENT, a bay. [_Em_, in, into, and _bay_.]

EMBAY, em-b[=a]', _v.t._ (_Spens._) to bathe. [_Em_, in, and Fr. _baigner_.


EMBED, em-bed', IMBED, im-, _v.t._ to place in a mass of matter: to lay, as in a bed.--_n._ EMBED'MENT, the act of embedding: state of being embedded.

EMBELLISH, em-bel'ish, _v.t._ to make beautiful with ornaments: to decorate: to make graceful: to illustrate pictorially, as a book.--_n._ EMBELL'ISHER.--_adv._ EMBELL'ISHINGLY.--_n._ EMBELL'ISHMENT, act of embellishing or adorning: decoration: ornament. [Fr. _embellir_, _embellissant_--_em_, in, _bel_, _beau_, beautiful.]

EMBER, em'b[.e]r, _n._ a live piece of coal or wood: chiefly in _pl._ red-hot ashes: smouldering remains of a fire. [A.S. _['ae]merge_; Ice.

_eimyrja_. The _b_ is simply euphonic.]

EMBER-DAYS, em'b[.e]r-d[=a]z, the three Fast-days in each quarter (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday)--following the first Sunday in Lent, Whitsunday, Holy Cross Day (Sept. 14th), and St Lucia's Day (Dec.

13th).--_n._ EM'BER-WEEK, the week in which the ember-days occur. [A.S.

_ymbryne_, a circuit--_ymb_, round (Ger. _um_, L. _ambi-_), and _ryne_, a running, from _rinnan_, to run.]

EMBER-GOOSE, em'b[.e]r-g[=oo]s, _n._ a kind of sea-fowl, the Great Northern Diver. [Norw. _emmer_; Ger. _imber_.]

EMBEZZLE, em-bez'l, _v.t._ to appropriate fraudulently what has been entrusted.--_ns._ EMBEZZ'LEMENT, fraudulent appropriation of another's property by the person to whom it was entrusted; EMBEZZ'LER. [Perh. from root of _imbecile_, the primary sense being to weaken: (_obs._) BEZZ'LE, to squander, from O. Fr. _besiler_, to destroy, is the same word.]

EMBITTER, em-bit'[.e]r, _Imbitter_, im-, _v.t._ to make bitter: to increase (ill-feeling).--_p.adj._ EMBITT'ERED, soured.--_n._ EMBITT'ERER.--_p.adj._ EMBITT'ERING.--_n._ EMBITT'ERMENT.

EMBLAZON, em-bl[=a]'zn, _v.t._ to deck in blazing colours: (_her._) to blazon or adorn with figures: to depict heraldically.--_v.t._ EMBLAZE', to illuminate.--_ns._ EMBL[=A]'ZONER; EMBL[=A]'ZONMENT, an emblazoning; EMBL[=A]'ZONRY, the art of emblazoning or adorning: devices on shields.

[_Em_, and _blaze_, _blazon_.]

EMBLEM, em'blem, _n._ a picture representing to the mind something different from itself: a type or symbol: (_Milton_) an inlaid ornament.--_v.t._ to symbolise.--_n._ EMBL[=E]'MA, an inlaid ornament:--_pl._ EMBL[=E]'MATA.--_adjs._ EMBLEMAT'IC, -AL, pertaining to or containing emblems: symbolical: representing.--_adv._ EMBLEMAT'ICALLY.--_v.t._ EMBLEM'ATISE, EM'BLEMISE, to represent by an emblem:--_pr.p._ emblem'at[=i]sing; _pa.p._ emblem'at[=i]sed.--_n._ EMBLEM'ATIST, a writer or inventor of emblems. [L. _embl[=e]ma_--Gr. _em_ (=_en_), in, _ballein_, to cast.]

EMBLEMENTS, em'bl-ments, crops raised by the labour of the cultivator, but not fruits nor grass. [O. Fr. _emblaer_, to sow with corn--Low L. _imblad[=a]re_--_in_, in, _bladum_, wheat.]

EMBLOOM, em-bl[=oo]m', _v.t._ to cover with bloom.

EMBLOSSOM, em-blos'om, _v.t._ to cover with blossom.

EMBODY, em-bod'i, IMBODY, im-, _v.t._ to form into a body: to make corporeal: to make tangible: to express (an idea in words): to organise.--_v.i._ to unite in a body or mass.--_p.adj._ EMBOD'IED.--_n._ EMBOD'IMENT, act of embodying: state of being embodied: that in which something is embodied. [_Em_, in, and _body_.]

EMBOGUE, em-b[=o]g', _v.i._ to discharge itself.

EMBOIL, em-boil', _v.i._ (_Spens._) to burn with anger.--_v.t._ to cause to burn with anger: to irritate.

EMBOLDEN, em-b[=o]ld'n, IMBOLDEN, im-, _v.t._ to make bold or courageous.

[_Em_, to make, and _bold_.]

EMBOLISM, em'bo-lizm, _n._ the insertion of days in an account of time to produce regularity: an intercalated prayer for deliverance from evil coming after the Lord's Prayer: (_med._) the presence of obstructing clots in the blood-vessels.--_adjs._ EMBOLIS'MAL, EMBOLIS'MIC.--_n._ EM'BOLUS, the clot of fibrin obstructing a blood-vessel, causing embolism. [Fr.,--Gr.

_embolismos_--_emballein_, to cast in.]

EMBONPOINT, ang-bong-pwang', _adj._ stout, plump, full in figure, mostly of women: well-fed.--_n._ stoutness, plumpness, well-fed condition. [Fr.,--_en bon point_, in good form.]

EMBORDER, em-bord'[.e]r, _v.t._ (_Milton_) to border.

EMBOSCATA, em-bos-k[=a]'ta, _n._ an erroneous form of It. _imboscata_, an ambuscade.

EMBOSOM, em-booz'um, IMBOSOM, im-, _v.t._ to take into the bosom: to receive into the affections: to enclose or surround. [_Em_, in, into, and _bosom_.]

EMBOSS, em-bos', _v.t._ to produce (a raised pattern) by pressure upon sheet-metal, leather, cloth, &c.: to ornament with raised-work: (_Spens._) to cover with armour: to be wrapped in.--_p.adj._ EMBOSSED', formed or covered with bosses: raised, standing out in relief: (_bot._) having a protuberance in the centre.--_ns._ EMBOSS'ER; EMBOSS'MENT, a prominence like a boss: raised-work. [_Em_, in, into, and _boss_.]

EMBOSS, em-bos', _v.i._ (_Milton_) to plunge into the depths of a wood.--_v.t._ to make to foam at the mouth. [O. Fr. _embosquer_, _em_--L.

_in_, in, _bosc_, a wood. See AMBUSH.]

EMBOUCHURE, ang-boo-shur', _n._ the mouth of a river: the mouth-hole of a wind musical instrument. [Fr.,--_em-boucher_, to put to the mouth--_en_, in, _bouche_, a mouth.]

EMBOUND, em-bownd', _v.t._ (_Shak._) to bound, enclose.

EMBOW, em-b[=o]', _v.t._ and _v.i._ to bow or arch.--_p.adj._ EMBOWED', arched, vaulted: bent like a bow: the heraldic term noting anything bent like a bow--as, e.g., the arm of a man. [_Em_ and _bow_.]

EMBOWEL, em-bow'el, _v.t._ properly, to enclose in something else; but also used for disembowel, to remove the entrails from:--_pr.p._ embow'elling; _pa.p._ embow'elled.--_n._ EMBOW'ELMENT. [_Em_, in, into, and _bowel_.]

EMBOWER, em-bow'er, IMBOWER, im-, _v.t._ to place in a bower: to shelter, as with trees.--_p.adjs._ EMBOW'ERED; EMBOW'ERING.--_n._ EMBOW'ERMENT.

[_Em_, in, and _bower_.]